Sunday, September 2, 2012

Accel World episode 20

X____X Have I fallen off the face of the planet? Has Kira kidnapped me and affected my blogging? Or has work been just that special? Well…I am not sure. I was feeling under the weather for a few days and work didn’t help with its lack of AC. But I have TONS of episodes waiting to published. Just a few things on each post and I will be good to go. XD So it looks like I am super motivated today but really most of the work has already been done days ago.
Saddest Dinner Ever.
So….what to publish first. I guess I can go with Accel World episode 20 since I just finished blogging about episode 21. Yes indeed I am on top of things. Spoilers for Haruyuki being an evil little piggy and…well Nomi.
Look at me being difficult!
Episode Summary: Like a month ago we last saw our heroes Haruyuki and Takumu beating the crap out of Nomi. Only Chiyuri comes out of nowhere and heals Nomi. Haruyuki immediately decides that Chiyuri is being brainwashed and demands Nomi leave her alone. Nomi starts going on and on that he has won so they should give up now and not be so embarrassing. So Takumu charges Nomi out of rage. Takumu is KOed in one hit and falls into a million pieces on the ground. Haruyuki is shocked and suddenly a force takes him over. I wonder what it could be?!? Haruyuki’s avatar starts glowing and he hears a creepy voice that is talking about blood and eating Nomi. Haruyuki becomes stronger and attacks Nomi but the time runs out for the battle. Haruyuki falls in gym class at the sudden ending and he takes off to find Nomi. Takumu stops him and Haruyuki tries to accuse Takumu of not caring. But obviously Takumu cares the most and just doesn’t want any of them to get in trouble. They need to talk about this in private later. 

The boys hunt down Chiyuri and ask her what Nomi threatened her with. She gets very standoffish and says she was not threatened at all, that she wants to be with Nomi. She will be his partner and they will share points. Chiyuri walks away, saying they all need to forget about being in Kuroyuki’s guild. She leaves and both boys are devastated. Takumu follows Haruyuki come and Haruyuki makes a pizza for the both of them. But that brings up memories of them all sharing pizza after school and Takumu starts crying. At first the boys try to figure out why Chiyuri would be with Nomi for points. They can’t figure out if she is being threatened or not but determined with the amount of cheating Nomi does it wouldn’t be very profitable anyway. Houtarou breaks down and tells Takumu about the incarnate system as one possible way to beat Nomi. Takumu is amused and interested by Sky Laker and thinks this might be a good way to beat Nomi and save Chiyuri from herself. Later that night Haruyuki thinks about the strange power that took over him during the battle. That it started to take over him and it scared him. Haruyuki has a scary dream that night with his little piggy avatar being taken over by that power. Piggy Haruyuki becomes worried that Kuroyuki will leave him because he can no longer fly so he makes it so Kuroyuki can never leave him.
Did the teacher want the tape or something?!
Haruyuki wakes up from this nightmare startled. He calls Kuroyuki and is startled again when she actually picks up the phone. She makes the scenery into a beach and waits for Haruyuki to talk. But he doesn’t, instead talking about how much he misses her. Kuroyuki says she misses him too but she will be home soon. That morning Takumu informs Haruyuki he can’t find out much information about the incarnate system and that perhaps they should stick to asking the people who probably know AKA the kings. But not Kuroyuki as that will worry her. Haruyuki runs into Chiyuri on the elevator ride down to the lobby. She is very curt with Haruyuki which just strengths his resolve to help her. He enters school grounds where he is immediately called to talk to a teacher. Said teacher won’t say what Haruyuki is in trouble for but tries to help him. Haruyuki then tries to make it to class but one classmate demands to speak with Haruyuki. Takumu tries help but Haruyuki insists on doing it alone. The classmate goes to the roof and beats Haruyuki up as he thinks Haruyuki is the one who taped the girls in the locker room. Haruyuki states it was not him and the classmate leaves saying if he is lying he will get a bigger assbeating. Students continue to avoid Haruyuki, leaving him to eat all alone. Haruyuki tries to fight back tears, reminding himself this is how he is used to being treated and that at least he has friends. He spots Nomi smiling evily at him and that strengths his resolve even more to help Chiyuri. THE END!
Miss me?!
X____X It felt like forever since I saw Nomi’s evil little face. Not that I want to see his creepy little face ever again, it just felt like a while. Weird how this tiny kid can make me feel like it is shower time. Creepy kid indeed.
See what you did Chiyuri?!??!
So…..Chiyuri came and healed Nomi. I was surprised the boys didn’t scream or try to talk to her more while it was happening. It was like OH you did something to her….and we will only focus on fighting you still. Because…um…one she is your friend and you probably should talk to her first. And two if she is randomly healing him maybe you should make sure she is done doing so as any damage you do won’t matter.
And there went Takumu's head...
Takumu being in 3928732 million pieces was probably a bit of overkill. Granted Nomi wasn’t using the incarnate system in his previous battle with Takumu I just didn’t think he was that powerful. Like slice to ribbons? A bit of overkill my friend. Of course since this Nomi kid isn’t on the challenge list and he can steal other people’s powers maybe overkill is what he is. Still I was like…X___X did Takumu’s head really have to roll on over to Haruyuki?
Did Nomi not notice the red evilness coming off Haruyuki?
I guess the answer is yes folks. Because Haruyuki needed to be so upset and lose his mind he would start to turn. Turn into what? Oh I wonder what? Chrome Disaster? XD Wish that plot point was not hammered home so obviously last arc but it was so we must accept it and move on. And Takumu being smashed into 839473 million pieces and having Chiyuri be in danger was a good way to start the evil Haruyuki drama. This I understand and see. Came across natural. Glad it didn’t come all at once. Maybe that is a sign that Haruyuki will be strong enough to overcome it and not become the next Chrome Disaster. Or maybe this is how it always happens. Either way I am glad it is a gradual process because I like Haruyuki and I think this overcome with creepy evil voices thing should happen over time.
Lets all be calm!!!
After the battle ended in a draw emotions were high. I hate how those kids on the sideline were still making fun of Haruyuki. He was last in the race and he fell. :( I mean how much does this kid need to take?! But back to people who matter. I think Haruyuki and Takumu both acted normal in the locker room. Emotions were high and both boys wanted to fix the situation. Haruyuki wanted to fix it NOW and Takumu was trying to be the mature one thinking of a plan that ends with Nomi in trouble and everyone else okay. Both were correct in their own ways so it is hard to be mad at either.
If I told you the truth where would the fun be in that?!
The meeting with Chiyuri outside of the school went like I was suspecting it. I mean…was it dramatic and probably pointless and it would have gone a lot better had she just opened her mouth and TOLD the boys exactly what was going on. But since this is anime that wasn’t going to happen. So Chiyuri being “strong” and acting like she wanted this to happen…bravo. She was a great actress. The boys played their parts well too. Shocked about Chiyuri turning against them and what not. Because opening our mouths up and explaining what is going on is absolute crazy talk. CRAZY TALK!
Everything is so emotional!
Since the arc would end fast if Chiyuri told the truth the boys have to wallow in their woe is me attitudes for a bit. And Takumu did something surprising. He totally took Haruyuki’s position in the show and started crying. I was confused. Water coming from someone’s face and it wasn’t Haruyuki?! Saying it isn’t so! Everyone is so emotional. But I guess they have good reason to be so upset so I will let it slide. Plus as much as I make fun of Haruyuki I think it is great when men can show emotion. Do it more often dudes!
Things are not adding up....
The crying didn’t last long as Takumu and Haruyuki are smart people. They must know deep down that Chiyuri cares for them and teaming up with someone who stole Haruyuki’s power would be a friendship killer. So clearly she is being used and hiding something from them because keeping secrets solves problems. Plus since they are so smart they came up with some logical reasons on why being partnered with Nomi wouldn’t make much sense. You know since he cheats all the time and the lack of points.
No go back to the part where you were hanging out with a hot girl again!
I thought that Takumu was going to be a little upset about the incarnate system. Like oh thanks for leaving me out of this. Haruyuki probably would have spun it as HEY they are my wings and it is my problem but still I wanted to see Takumu be all overprotective and nice to Haruyuki. Instead Takumu did a combo of teasing Haruyuki about older women and agreeing that they need the advice of a King but not Kuroyuki. Now call me silly but…..did Sky Raker REALLY teach Haruyuki anything or did he basically teach himself? I am not sure why they need a teacher to begin with but since Haruyuki just got the power maybe it makes sense to find someone else to help them.
Um no scary pig please!
Haruyuki’s dream about the POWER taking over him was scary. Like um no I do not need to see Haruyuki piggy pinning Kuroyuki to a wall and ripping out her wings. Did not need. So waking up scared from that dream makes sense to me. Plus….I am glad it happened as it shows Haruyuki was aware of something taking over him during the match and he knows this might lead to something scary. Not that Haruyuki needs something else to deal with in his life but…wait what was my point again?
Yes the longest week ever.
Haruyuki talking to Kuroyuki was nice. I really like this technology too. XD I can talk to people on Skype just the same but I would be me. XD Me in my pajamas and looking a hot mess. This way I could look all cute and what not. But no I liked this conversation because it was sweet. Haruyuki didn’t want to tell Kuroyuki about his problems. He just wanted to be with her. Kuroyuki wanted to lend her support but she knew that Haruyuki wanted to do it on his own. Instead Kuroyuki expressed she missed him too and they just enjoyed being comforted even if it was only for that moment.
....It is hard to be mad at someone defending their significant other.
The good times kept on coming for Haruyuki on the way to school. I didn’t think so many things could go wrong early in the morning. Takumu not being able to locate much information on the incarnate system, running into Chiyuri in the elevator, getting in trouble with a teacher, and getting your ass beat on top of the school. Like really why did you get up this morning dude? It is really hard to get bad at the kid for beating up Haruyuki. If someone was taping me naked my husband better kick his ass too. It is just so sad because we know Haruyuki is innocent. :( Such a rough morning.
Poor sad Haruyuki. :(
It made me sad that Haruyuki was eating lunch all alone. WHERE WAS TAKUMU?! It just made me so sad seeing Haruyuki fight back his justifiable tears. He has been through so much and he was trying to convince himself that it was okay, just another day of being teased. Which is sad itself is true AND it is worse. Just…:( I can’t imagine being Haruyuki. I liked his strong resolve when he saw Nomi on the stair case but part of me wants to strangle Chiyuri. You are probably helping Haruyuki but this approach…le sigh. It looks like it might get worse before it gets better and now we have to worry about Chrome Disaster. Yay for next episode! X___X.


Anonymous said...

Well, just known that the brightest sunshine comes after the ugliest storm.

At that last few minutes of the ep, Haru really earn my respect for standing/tough up. I still remember what happen to me when I get bullied in school, oh if only I had 1/2 as much courage/maturity (?) as Haru……
Anyway, his action/behavior really makes me all tingle inside…..tee hee. ^_^

I will refine talk about Nomi, Oh god, let’s not talk about Nomi, yes, he has his story, but I really do not want to use my mental energy on someone I do not like. I got lazy…XD

If you check-out ep 21, then you should realize Sky Raker did not teach Haru as much as we thoughts.

Anonymous said...

There is a reason why Chiyuri stay low for now.
Hint: There is only so much a Lv.1 can do.

Christina said...

Anonymous- Haruyuki just suffers so much. Like how much more does this kid have to go through?! I have decided all the teachers at this school fail too for not helping this kid out. And as much as he cries he probably deserves a cry for putting up with all of this.

I dread finding out the truth about Nomi. I don't want to feel bad for that punk. I want to think sometimes people do bad things for no reason at all and they need to be punished. Don't make him human!

Anonymous 2- Chiyuri should make some sort of code up for her friends so they know she hasn't completely lost her mind. Bleh to misunderstandings.