In light (OH SNAP) of this breaking news story I thought it would be fun to make my own Death Note list. Only I won't be dumb enough to actually name names and bring it to school. Do kids not know the art of sneaking stuff into school nowadays? Lazy kids!
This is all meant in good fun. I truly don't mean for anyone to die or suffer a heart attack or be stalked by an invisible apple eating freak. Just simple messing around and letting out frustrations okay? Don't be calling the police on me or thinking I am a psychopath. Just a girl who has moments of RARW and needs to let off steam.
Should we be giving props to teachers for actually understanding what the Death Note was? Or did the students who turned it in told them MOG this is so dangerous? I has questions!
My cat. As I am writing this he puked 8 times. In 8 different spots of course.
A certain singer whose songs are all over the radio and for the life of me I can't figure out why she is popular. Maybe I will glue muppets to myself and I will become popular too.
Old people who drive 25 miles an hour down a 45 mile an hour road.
People who slow down about a mile from where they want to turn until we are barely moving.
People who order 3 dollar lunch specials and try to pay with a 100 dollar bill.
Yanma. My husband got this Pokemon in Heart Gold by simply walking Route 35 ONCE. I have killed, sorry fainted over 130 Pokemon. Statistically I should have accidentally seen one. Wait for the swarm he says....
A certain co-worker. Let's just say I can write a book about the ways he pisses me off. The latest being that he cussed at ME yet my hours got cut to keep the tension low. Makes sense right?
James from Survivor. Oppies I named a name. XD How dare he get my favorite Survivor of all time voted out this season. Love you Stephenie!
The person who lives below me. She is convinced that people LIVE IN THE WALL thus makes tons of noise at night to scare them away. Maybe the noise she hears are the neighbors banging on the wall telling her to shut up?
The character Janet from As the World Turns.
The lady whose pizza I cut into 8 pieces instead of 10 and she wanted me to be fired.
Edward. And Jacob. And Bella. Yay Team Spike!
People who believe that the customer is always right.
The person who started the "wear you pants at your knees" fashion trend.