Saturday, March 27, 2010

To catch them is my real test

Pokemon has official taken over my life again.


Goodbye spare time and hello new DS game!

The fact that Pokemon has been in my life for over 12 years now is either really amazing, really pathetic, or really...X_X. But in any event I feel a bit old now. And my brothers, who cried when Butterfree and Pikachu left, are no longer little kids. :( Sad Tenchi is sad.

Thank you Soul Silver for taking away much of my free time. I would say something like "Aw memories!!!!!" but since it was only 1 year ago since Platinum took over my life...yeah. Pokemon has staying power in my life.

I think my favorite new thing about Soul Silver is the pokewalker. I remember the days of high school with my Pikachu pedometer on my hip. I loved that thing to death. Too bad the washing machine didn't. But now the pokewalker has a useful purpose. Or it just makes me look like a crazy person when I check it continuously at work.

Something I do not like about the new game is the lack of places to plant berries. I suppose it makes sense as berries don't play as an important role (what with no Contests and all) but it makes the scenery a little lonely now.

I can't remember the last time we got the Amulet Coin so late in the game. I feel so poor.

I think the battles with random people have gotten a little easier too. My husband was level 37 when he went to the Elite 4 for the first time. X_X That has never happened more!!

Some people think the Pokemon have changed too much in appearance as the years have gone by. I personally like the newer, slicker versions of the Pokemon. Charizard was one scary looking dude back in the day!

Soul Silver is completely different from the 1999 Silver version. So while it takes me back I like how there is more to do. In the older games you would just rebattle the Elite Four over and over again. Now there are Pokethlon events and a radio to list to. So while it is the same basic plot there is much more for a player to do.

I hope that Pokemon continues to produce great games like this one. And I also hope that the core fan base for this series doesn't consist only of us who have been there from the start. XD I hope that the younger generation finds Pokemon as fun and interesting as us old folks.

I would continue but I am determined to win the jump portion of the Pokethlon no matter how many stars my Pokemon have in Speed. Wish me luck!


I want to be a winner!!!

Gotta catch them all!

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