Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan episode 5

WOOHOO folks! Tenchi’s Anniversary trip o fun has been planned! We managed to spend within our budget AND avoiding waking up at the butt crack of dawn. When going to theme parks starting off the day like a sleepy zombie is never fun! Just cross your fingers that the rain stays away and that these amazing hotel prices don’t turn out to be totally scary. We are planning on going to Legoland, Busch Gardens, and Downtown Disney. Not exactly Japan but we can’t do that every year. XD
Meet Sorbet! Star of this episode and all my screenies!
So before I leave for days of fun and picture taking adventures it should be time to blog anime right? Since I hate myself and want others to suffer with me I will blog Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan episode 5. Spoilers for ice cream AND bread.
XO One of those bad last customers of the day type people!
Episode Summary: Amil is busy closing down the store and not thinking about Rick’s sword when….a thing comes in. Like a flying penguin ghost. She greets it (him?) kindly and he wants sweet bread. Since they make the best bread in the world they don’t have much inventory left but she manages to find him a piece. He takes the bag home with his little arms. He does this for several nights and since Happy Go Lucky Kingdom is SO interesting….Amil has to tell her two sisters about this amazing customer. They then start making sure they at least one piece of sweet bread for this little guy to take home. One night all three sisters get the amazing idea to follow home this little critter like stalkers. They end up a huge mansion that is creepy. Like it was for a vampire. The little critter answers the door and it turns out his name is Sorbet. He is the familiar of a witch named Melty. The three girls are let in and taken to Melty’s kitchen. It is a huge mess but has a working…everything so the girls are impressed. Melty and her cute self is trying to make the world’s best ice cream. Sorbet was buying the bread to give Melty inspiration for her ice cream but so far nothing has worked. The girls hand over their newest bread creations. After eating said bread Melty clearly likes it but gets angry and kicks the girls out. Sorbet apologizes and the girls leave.
You saved one just for me?! THANK YOU!!!!
They decide to tell Rick about this interesting girl named Melty and he can’t wait to meet her. He tries to get the plot back on the topic of Kaguya but the girls talk about how Melty doesn’t leave the house and Rick won’t ever meet her. Well Sorbet convinces the witch Melty to go outside the house and see how the bakery runs. No one recognizes Melty and she watches how HAPPY the bakery is run. She returns home which is good because the girls are going to her house to stalker her some more. Sorbet lets them in and the girls explain to Melty they made bread just for her. Melty decides to have a party…which consists of her eating all the weird looking bread the girls made. Each girl explains her dish and why they think it suits Melty. Melty decides she loves all the bread….and stomps away. Sorbet keeps the girls entertained while Melty makes more ice cream. She finishes and serves it to the girls who declare it amazing. Melty then gives Sorbet some ice cream and he nearly dies of happiness. Melty explains that she now knows why her ice cream sucked. She was making it for herself and not thinking of others. By thinking of others the ice cream got better. Everyone is happy over the amazingness of this situation and eat themselves silly. THE END!
So many decisions......
SNOOZE! Delicious but SNOOZE! Very hungry and will gain 345934 pounds watching this show SNOOZE! But we did get ANOTHER cute creature than Tenchi can dream about owning in plushie form. Seems that lately shows that are….boring me only redeem themselves with cute mascots. That might be a bad thing.
The bag is bigger than him!
But apparently that is my fault though. I say that sarcastically and seriously. I thought this show was going to be like Final Fantasy or Tales of the Fon in terms of action. Yes I saw the word pan in the title and yes I saw them wearing cute little outfits. But I guess in my mind I thought things would change rather quickly. Like oh Rick will leave these crazy girls once danger comes to town. He will have a new gang to travel around with as he tries to regain his memories and what not. It would be one giant adventure, cast, and possible hot mess trying to translate a video game to an anime.
RARW! I am a scary monster.
Perhaps I should have researched better what KIND of game this show is based on. Or really focused on how important word BREAD is in the title. Because to me it seems as if our heroes are not leaving the Island of Happy anytime soon. Rick having a peaceful job at a bakery and then leaving to be an adventure again…might not happen. People might just keep coming to the island and the sisters and Rick will serve them the bread of happiness and everything will be okay. Like PSHT who wants to level up on monsters when you can make bread!
Welcome to this vampire house. Obviously my master is a witch.
So now that I have a better understanding of this show…..I will still mock it. BECAUSE! Bread?! A show about bread and girls wearing tiny clothes while all the other villagers are wearing more period appropriate attire?! A show where the cash register is just a silly paper weight on the side of the counter?! Mog while looking up how to spell names I just realizes this show is only 12 episodes long! MOG FOLKS!!! Nothing really has happened yet. Kaguya washed up on shore and they have made bread. Oh and Hank has a robot in his house. X___X But that is it. This show either needs to go full throttle and get some plot going on…or it will suck. Well be “slow paced fun”. Is that better?
Look how big and cute my mouth is!
But Sorbet is cute! That saves the entire episode right? His tiny little arms, struggling to carry the bag, and all the cute facial expressions he gave us…cute! It is pretty interesting how many facial expressions he gave us given how flat his face is. XD And the fact that it looked like I drew him. At least he wasn’t getting abused though. No plates getting thrown at him or being whipped. Maybe a little bit of yelling but clearly this show is for kids so can’t have the normal craziness. XD I would have protested anyway if that little guy was hurt! Just so cute! Amazing how these girls have lived on this island of Happy Go Lucky people all their lives and meet new people every day. Almost like they were on a side quest or something….XD
My sparkly.
But really folks. Really what the hell does bread have to do with ice cream? Nothing. I can say that because I am a fan of ice cream and bread. Clearly not eating 30 cups of ice cream and making love to bread each night type of fan but I enjoy them. I am not sure how eating sweet bread was going to make Melty a better ice cream maker. Those are two different processes. Completely different. Like let me drive around in my car for a while and I can fly a plane? Just no. So while Sorbet was sweet….just no. This makes no sense at all. It would have made more sense if the girls were running a candy shop or something.
Am I glowing?
But then it goes even further into Stupidville. Melty is able to make awesome ice cream by watching the girls at work. If you think about your individual customers and their tastes the product will come out better. I SEE FOLKS! I am not even going to focus on the fact that Melty and the girls DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER because they don’t. I can understand Melty being able to make ice cream for Sorbet because she knows him.
Um there is a door there.....
No no what I am focused on is the fact that Melty was not thinking of others while she was making her ice cream. That the reason why she failed so many times because she wasn’t smiling and kissing the asses of customers all over the world. Because last time I checked Melty was making the ice cream for herself!!!! She did have someone in mind! There is nothing wrong with making something for yourself. I dislike how Melty was painted as an uncaring “cook” because she wasn’t like the mindless sisters. All falling over customers which they are not because I never see ANY money exchange hands. So I am not buying all this bread of happiness crap now. Melty was making the ice cream for herself. She should have been able to know her own tastes and make something tasty. Instead she was able to make something for others, people she doesn’t even know, and everything worked out!
I don't know how to host a party!
Oh and can we talk about how all of the sisters are STALKERS!!! Like seriously stalkers. Oh and complainers!!! I guess when all they do is make bread and dream about Rick’s sword they have time to kill. But following a customer home and offering them bread? Sorbet is lucky he and Malty weren’t murdered in their sleep. And since this show has focused so much on how amazing the girls are at selling bread…why were they complaining about their customers? Sorbet was being picky? Because the first time you only had one choice and now when you more choices he can’t decide? Well with that attitude you won’t be able to afford a new oven losers.
Am I cuter than Kira?
Do you know what else happened in this episode? Nothing. What is plot anyway folks? Rick and his throw away line about giving Kaguya some bread…hasn’t that girl been unconscious enough? Especially in a show with so few episodes?! Nope. We need to have a side quest folks and forget all about Rick and his sword use and Hank’s robot girl. Psht plot. People need to see more bread and ice cream!
That little hand!!!!
So in conclusion everyone at Ben and Jerry need to think of their customers every single time to make good ice cream. All of us. As individuals. Recipes are for losers. Oh and yeah YAY BREAD!!!
Was this post adorable enough?!

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Awesome blog you have here