Monday, July 12, 2010

High School of the Dead Episode 2

Kuroshitsuji?! Where are you? Have the subbers passed out from being punked and can’t get up to sub this series? If so I understand. But someone needs to bite the bullet and sub the show for us. Loyal fans who have recovered from shock are waiting!


Episode 2: Time to really panic!

This week had really crappy movies on Sci-Fi. I got home early on Saturday so I was like YES I get to watch the awesomeness that is the creepy/crappy movies. But then they played three hours of “The Land that Time Forgot” and “Jurassic Park”. Jurassic Park people. That movie came out 17 years ago and it came on premier night? DO YOU SEE MY DISAPPOINTED FACE?!

So with that said I am happy that High School of the Dead is around. That way I get my weekly dose of zombies. All I got to do is ignore the panties and huge bouncing boobies. WOOHOO! On with the BRAAAAAAINS!


I think the zombies are everywhere....

Episode Summary- The entire school is in chaos as the number of survivors dwindles and the number of zombies increases. Saya has chosen (or has been forced) to team up with Kohta as they zig zag through the zombies. She talks him out of going to fetch the teachers which proves to be smart as the students who do get eaten. On the roof Rei is quiet and Takashi is thinking back to how he had to bash his friend’s head in. Rei decides to call her father on a super secret phone line and gets a hold of him. He doesn’t recognize Rei’s voice but advises Takashi to get out of the city as soon as possible. It sounds like things are going badly at the police station and Rei freaks out. Inside the school Saya yells at Kohta for thinking they can rely on the police at a time like this. Inside the clinic school doctor Shizuka is acting like she has an IQ of a goldfish while she talks about the zombies. A student becomes infected trying to protect Shizuka and she just looks on like her name was Chizuru or something. Saeko busts into the clinic and uses her kendo abilities to take out the zombies. She also takes the newly infected student out of his misery with his permission. Saeko and Shizuka are forced to leave the clinic when the doors are broken down.

Saya and Kohta make it to the shop classroom where Kohta turns into someone useful and makes a weapon out of a nail gun. He has an excellent shot and Saya pretends to not be impressed. Her favorite word is still stupid. On the roof Rei and Takashi have decided to make a break for it using a fire hose. There is an awkward moment when some touching and Hisashi’s name comes up. Takashi decides that they should look for other survivors and go to his house. He pretends to be okay but he is worried about his parents, especially his mother who is a school teacher. Saya tries to do some experiment on the zombies and she believes they only can hear and don’t react to things that affect their bodies. Saeko guards Shizuka as they try to make it to the faculty room to get some car keys. On the way Shizuka cries because her skirt has to be ripped so she can run properly. Woe is her.


MMMMM squishy.
All the pairs come together when Kohta’s nail gun runs out of bullets and Saya is attacked. She is forced to kill her first zombie (with a handsaw I believe) and the other fighters take out the other zombies. After the fight is over everyone takes the time to introduce themselves as if they didn’t go to school together and if there weren’t zombies trying to eat their brains. Saya thinks like me and freaks out on everyone for being calm…but then she has a meltdown because today has really sucked. After Saya gets done crying they make it to the faculty lounge. Saya wears glasses which makes Kohta super excited. Takashi and the group talk about which vehicle they should take and whose house they should go to where they should go next. They turn the TV and it is chaos everywhere. They watch as a reporter gets eaten and hear that no one has any idea what is going on. The future is not looking good for our survivors. THE END!

XO It’s like watching a really long horror movie which makes me happy. Although the plot is going a little slowly (or is it) I think this might be a pretty decent series.


No. Do not want.

The panty shots were down this episode which is great. YAY PEOPLE. But the bouncing boobs were up. Boo people, boo. Most of the shots were from Shizuka who is just one walking pair of boobies. At least the others girls are doing something while having their boobies move in weird ways. Shizuka is just like DURP thinking is hard and look at my huge boobies in my small shirt. I wish her scenes would be kept to a minimum but I doubt that is the case. Le sigh.


It's the end of the world. It's okay to cry.

I am still on the fence about Saya. She is slightly annoying and her hair is way too crazy for my tastes. But I do like how she pretends to be a know it all and in the last scene she completely loses her mind. Which I think is totally understandable. Everyone else was being way too calm about the entire mess with the introductions and what not. I think it was fitting that Saya was the one who had the break down after pretending to be the tough cookies. Because girls have more than one side to us okay!


Poor Takashi. :(

Takashi is really stepping up to be a leader. I like how he still has fear in his heart but is putting on a brave front. I would like it later if he had a bit of a cry alone since I don’t think it is healthy to keep that all bottled up. Also Takashi looked like he was enjoying the whole spray down the dead students event. :( I mean do what you need to do to stay alive but these are people you know. Look a little sad.


Now is not the time for giggling.

Rei was like 75 percent less annoying this episode REJOICE! Although her being able to laugh and smile was a bit soon for me. 99 percent of your classmates are dead or are zombies. You watched your boyfriend get his head smashed in. Your father is probably dead. It is okay to be quiet. Unless your smile is out of insanity then I totally agree with that. Maybe I am just jealous because even though I have a plan for the Zombie Apocalypse I will still probably be the useless girl in the corner crying and needing to be rescued. But hey…there is still a role for me in that event so I should still survive.


XO What can you make with a ruler, a 3 ring binder, and a cosmetic bag?!

Kohta is a bit special. I do like his nail gun GUN but he needs to not let people walk all over him. Also I think he should be carrying the ammo himself. Not because he is the dude and should carry the chick’s stuff. No I think he should carry his own ammo because there is a chance Saya might get all zombiefied and then he is screwed. Everyone needs to carry every portion of their weapon. Also I think his ideas weren’t that bad but Saya was ultimately right.


Poor innocent kid. :(

A moment of silence for the dude who died saving Shizuka. He looked more useful than her and his death was in vain. When someone dies to protect you RUN AWAY. Do not look on in horror!


No no, we need to kill the zombies.

I almost forgot about Saeko which would be a shame because she seems the sanest out of the bunch. I really don’t agree with her not killing the zombies as they made their way out of school. Yes it looks like they are making plans to leave the school but it would have been safer to take out the zombies when she came across them to limit down the amount of things trying to kill you. Plus her excuse was that it would take too much time and draw attention if she killed them but she was super fast to me. But despite all that I think I will like her best of all.


Reporters: Dying in every single horror/disaster movie since the beginning of time.

I like how the episode ended with really no hope for the future. I always feel sorry for the dumb reporters who get munched on. Their TV station is like MOG look news GO and they are sent into danger before the scene is handled and they always die. Poor reporters. I am sure the kids wished they never turned on the TV because their morale is in the toilet.


Although if they are talking about nail gun boy...he is kinda important.

Next week looks like our survivors are going to make a break for it and make it to a bus. Also Rei looks like her shining self when she wishes they left someone behind. I will hold judgment until I see the scene in question as sometimes it is better to save many and lose a few. Until then…maybe Sci-Fi will be better this week. XD


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get into this XD

Kuro2 sub:

Fair warning that ep2 completely sucks.

Christina said...

Anonymous- I have a very high tolerance for bad horror movies so this is kinda up my alley. I will roll my eyes at animes that are all about romance between 7 girls and one guy but I will watch mind numbing slasher shows. XD

Not only does episode two suck content wise but wtf was up with that video and the weird subbing?! X_X

Anonymous said...

Oh also, good manga alert!

You can preview it there to see if it appeals, but you have to buy the rest. ^_^b

Jay said...

Aaaah, must be nice to watch a manga adaptation without having read the manga. You can speculate and do other stuff for material. As far as it being Hirano who Rei is talking about...don't count on it.

Christina said...

Jay- I think not reading the manga puts a real different perspective on how I watch and blog the show. On the downside I am not up to date on all the new mangas out there. Also I am left out of the HYPE because the manga was so awesome and yay they are making the anime. But when one doesn't read the manga they don't know about missing parts or how slow the plot is. The anime might be a disaster or not as awesome as the manga in the long run but for me it is not as devastating.

So Rei is talking about leaving a new survivor behind? A bit cut throat but a lot of deaths can be avoided in horror movies if they stopped helping unhelpable people.

Christina said...

Anonymous- I love it when people recommend things to me. Going by the cover looks like a winner. XD Thank you.