Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan episode 9

I got to go back to work today. YAY?!

No not yay. My feet hurt, I practically passed out because it was so hot, and customers were so rude. Why did I want to return again? Oh yeah I like money……..


Saito is so excited about this episode let me tell ya.

So in the theme of disappointment I shall blog about Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. WOOHOO right? No. Not this episode. Sadness and anger are present in this post. Feel the anger with me.


It's a secret!!!

Episode Summary: Osen is all moaning and crap that Chikage is back in town and she hates him. Elsewhere Itou is planning something not so great but that should be expected. After the flower song some of our crew complains that Itou has been running around asking people to leave Shinsengumi and join up with him. Stupid right? Except when asked what he said Saito DOES NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! While on patrol Okita jokes that he will join Itou. But Chizuru forgives him for his lame joke when he starts hacking and dying. We see Kaoru for five seconds. She sees Okita coughing and apparently that is important. One night Chizuru is attacked by a test subject Shinsengumi aka an oni. The main cast quickly arrives (fully dressed because no one has pajamas!) and kills him because he is not important enough to try to save. Sannan comes and says he is sorry for not controlling his man better. But Chizuru is bleeding which makes Sannan go insane. There is some drama but Sannan manages to pull himself together so he gets to live YAY. Only Itou sees Sannan which is bad since you know..Sannan is supposed to be dead. And Chizuru gets all weird because she doesn’t want anyone to see her wound since she is a self healing oni.


Well no one likes you anyway.

Itou uses the Sannan drama to defect from the group on the grounds that they are all liars. But SURPRISE Heisuke and Saito decide to go with him because THEY ARE HATERS. Needless to say everyone is hurt and full of anger. Saito is looking at the flowers and mumbling about changing with the times or some bull shit. BULL SHIT THAT YOU ARE LEAVING! Chizuru then goes to make Heisuke feel bad but that doesn’t go so well. He doesn’t know which side is right and he is the one who put Itou in the group to begin with. He had a lot of bull crap excuses and he doesn’t tell Chizuru he loves her so he sucks. So Heisuke and Saito leave with Itou and everyone has angry face on. But oh no Osen and her Kimigiku friend come to pay Chizuru a visit. Kimigiku is the geisha from last episode. Anyway yeah Osen is like give me Chizuru. The boys are like…no. Then Osen is like well I am an oni and so is Chizuru let me explain some crap you normal people. Chizuru is like NOOO don’t tell my secret!!!! So after the boys are told that Chikage wants to kidnap Chizuru so he can rape her and force her to push out some super powered oni babies and that Chikage will eventually crush them the boys tell the women to take a hike and they are keeping Chizuru. Chizuru decides she is staying because she likes boys too.


Because staying in the safe shadows is SILLY. Silly.

So some time later (probably later that night) Chikage and his two friends come to kidnap Chizuru. Sannan appears and goes BEHOLD my Oni Army. Only they get killed in like 5 seconds. Except Sannan because that would make me happy. So Shinpachi, Sanosuke, and Toshizo have to do all the fighting while Chizuru runs around being useless. The boys trade insults and crap but no one dies because heaven forbid the oni try to kill their real enemies. Chikage decides to end the battle when Chizuru gets all stupid and protects Toshizo from being squished. The boys decide not to yell at Chizuru for being a dumb ass and she is happy she wasn’t kidnapped and raped. The end.

What was that?! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! -_- Rarw. Just Rarw!!!!



Why is my Saito gone?! Is this what I get for naming my favorite character?! Well damn you writers! Damn you!


Don't leave me Saito!!!!

At first I was like OH so Saito and Heisuke are going with crazy face Itou to spy on him. That makes sense. And maybe Saito is still planning on doing that. Yes. That is how I will spin the situation to make myself feel better. I probably should watch episode 10 but then I might be wrong and I will be sad again. So for right now Saito went with Itou to spy on him. Right? Because in those episodes where people were gossiping about Itou sucking he was there right? He kept this on the down low because he…never talks to anyone and because he is trying to protect everyone. I believe in you Saito.


You are DEAD to me.

But Heisuke?! I am disappointed in you!!! Maybe you are a spy too. At this point I don’t know. But I do believe that he believes in Itou after that speech he gave Chizuru. Makes me sick. I get that Heisuke is the one who is responsible for bringing Itou into the fold and vouched for him. But Heisuke has been with the Shinsengumi for a long time now and to suddenly decide that he has to go find himself somewhere else is crap. And insulting that he thinks he can only find himself away from the Shinsengumi and with Itou. Everyone has the right to feel hurt at his (and Saito’s) decision. When and if it is revealed that they are being spies Heisuke deserves to get punched in the head by Shinpachi.



Okita is still dying. This is still sad. So we have two members gone, one is a sometimes oni, and one is dying. Things are not looking good in Shinsengumi land. I am not sure how Okita is hiding this from everyone but shame on them for not picking up on the subtle hints. Chizuru should have been a tattle tale and told by now. But I am still sad.

Osen and her home slice Kimigiku are mighty special. I like how they bust into Shinsengumi headquarters and start demanding they have Chizuru. Just slide that right into the conversation, right after the hellos and tea. I have a feeling that if they were men the Shinsengumi would have been pulling out their swords instead of going um…what do you mean? Also I laugh that Kimigiku was the geisha from last week. Special.


Wait......Chizuru is a girl?!

I also like how everyone accepted the existence of oni. Well actually it was special. At first they were like HA the existence of oni, that is SO crazy. Not sure why they would think that is crazy given that they make onis. If you can make something is it really a shock it might exist in natural? But then I turn around and mock them that they were like oh yeah they are oni. And so is Chizuru. Well who cares we can take them on because we are men!!!!!

I think that everyone was a bit special in terms of Chizuru staying at Shinsengumi headquarters. I think that both parties should team up and work together to protect the cross dressing oni who has no real powers. And since some of the Shinsengumi are either out being TRAITORS or are busy dying from some disease they need all the help they can get. But Chizuru wants to stay because she hearts Hijikata so we can’t be ruining that.


MOG why is so much time devoted to this loser?!

I’m tired of Sannan losing his mind. I am tired of Sannan in general. First he’s emo and whiney. Now he is semi evil and blood thirsty. I think that the Shinsengumi are really desperate to keep him alive. I don’t think they should keep any of the failed experiments alive but now they are the Oni Squad or something so who knows. But since Sannan is semi important he gets to live after attacking Chizuru and the other guy dies. Sorry nameless guy. You were probably more fun than Sannan.

Let’s see what else happened in this episode….oh yes Chikage and his two besties attacked Shinsengumi headquarters. Most of Sannan’s crazy men were killed so Oni Squad was pretty…useless. But Sannan didn’t die so it was SUPER useless. And since we are down in ranks on Shinpachi, Sanosuke, and Toshizo were able to help fight the baddies. Well Kondou was off protecting Chizuru because she sucks but he doesn’t count. So it was three on three after a while with Sannan being useless and Chizuru THROWING HERSELF IN THE LINE OF DANGER. Can you stop being so stupid girl?


Thank you for the honorable battle.

Chikage kinda sucks. He is after Chizuru because he wants to rape her. Obviously he sucks. But he leaves the battle when there was a strong possibility that he was going to win the battle. Perhaps if they were actually trying to KILL the Shinsengumi instead of playing around with them stuff would get done. It’s been over a year! Doesn’t Chikage want to start his clan of oni children? Also it is just practical to kill your enemies. But baddies are often dumb with their Let’s announce of plans in front of the heroes….. Special little baddies indeed.

I am not happy. Episode 10 better have Heisuke and Saito kicking Itou’s butt and returning to everyone. OR ELSE.


Exactly! What he said.

I really don’t know what comes after OR ELSE. But beware!


Anonymous said...

Ok I tried to get into this series, I really tried! It's not happening :( What do you like about it?

Christina said...

Anonymous- For a while I thought it was pretty dang boring. It is really hard to follow the different factions/time period. So I mainly ignore that aspect of it and just call everyone baddies.

I generally like bashing Chizuru because it is usually called for. In this episode she once again puts herself in a dangerous situation when it would have been best for everyone if she hid in the shadows. So yeah I like bashing the heroine. XD

I thought this anime was going to be an interesting show about a bunch of hot guys helping this girl find her father. But since it has been over a year since Chizuru has come to live with the hotties nothing has really happened. It is amazing that in a show that only has 12 episodes the plot is going so slow.

So....I guess I liked it for the cute boys? X_X That sounds pretty bad. But there is some decent action scenes and if the plot had been focused on the oni clan from the beginning I think the series would have been stronger.

Anonymous said...

"Things are not looking good in Shinsengumi land."

You can say that again.

I actually like this show, but I enjoy the historical setting, and think samurai are cool.

Christina said...

abandonedfactory- XO They keep taking out my favorite characters! Well except for Sannan. He should be the one dying in the corner. Why do my favorites have to run off and join the enemy (even if it a spying mission...).

I think what got my attention with this show was the premise of the oni/supernatural element. So it has been a disappointment to navigate through the semi confusing historical elements although I can see how some people love that. XD I was more like OKAY where are the onis people!