Monday, September 28, 2009

Pandora Hearts Episode 25 FINAL EPISODE

…*sniffle* Pandora Hearts is over. It seems that when you are watching a weekly series it is sadder when you come to the last episode than if you had marathoned the entire series. Perhaps that is because you looked forward to the weekly series and had more time invested in the characters and storyline.


We're over? Say what?

Whatever the case is I am a sad little Tenchi. No more 07-Ghost and no more Pandora Hearts. But there is a small silver lining as both shows have to have a season two so maybe my tears will only last for 6 months. XD I can dream of course.

But for now I shall be sad that the series is currently over and many things are left unresolved. Onward to the final write up and how I think things should play out for the next season.


Home is not where his heart is...

Uncle Oscar has decided that Oz should go back to his home. I guess since Pandora knows that Oz is alive that it is safe for him to return back to his household. I think he should return home as well but it was said in a way that made it seem like a passing thought and not something that hadn't being discussed before. Random thought I guess. But since I have random thoughts a lot it’s fine.


Uncalled for comment is completely uncalled for.

Alice….I wanted to slap you hard. I am sure everyone in that room knows why Oz doesn’t want to return home. It is hard to only blame Alice for her rude comments given that Alice says rude stuff all the time. Why was she told of Oz’s relationship with his father? Oz would have told her eventually and it is his business to tell. And telling Alice something is like broadcasting it on the internet BAD IDEA. So Alice…please be learning some tact in the future. Or maybe people can just stop telling you anything.


Thanks for telling us that now Oscar. Heaven forbid you save Oz from any pain.

So after Uncle Oscar announces they are returning home and Alice made her rude comment it is revealed that Oz has nothing to worry about anyway. Daddy Bezarius isn’t there. In fact Daddy Bezarius hasn’t been seen since before the coming of age ceremony. So essential Oz is coming home to a family less house as his sister is at school, mom is apparently dead, and Daddy Bezarius is off hating Oz is some faraway place. Perhaps telling Oz this information first and then telling him they should go home would have gone better. But we need over dramatic moments ya’ll.


Someone looks guilty.........

So now it is time to travel home. And for Oz to ask Gilbert why he hid the fact that Daddy Bezarius was where to be found. We all know the reason why Daddy Bezarius isn’t around and so does Gilbert. So now would be a perfect chance to break down and tell Oz the truth right?! Right?! The season is almost over and we can’t have this secret spill over into season two! But no Uncle Oscar saves Gilbert from answering the question and avoiding the crises. BOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Of course Oz is a little bit smarter than most people give him credit for and he isn’t buying all this. Good job Oz.


Thanks again Captain Obvious.

Back at her home Sharon and Break talk about the obvious things that have been happening in the series. Like how Oz could be the reincarnation of Jack and that since the Will of the Abyss has a strong feeling towards Jack that could explain why she didn’t kill Oz when she had the chance. Or that Oz is the key to all of this but we still don’t know why. And also how the Basketcase people don’t want Oz to help them as they tried to throw him in the Abyss before and that typically isn’t a place you keep your secret superduper important weapon. Or maybe it is knowing this crew. Yay for Break and Sharon for keeping all the crazy theories alive.


I can't hate Alice for long when she is this cute!

Oz finally returns home to a huge welcome home party. Or maybe just that old teacher of his who seems to lost some of her edge. Alice deems this house awesome since they serve meat. Alice is good at feeling out situations. Oz has a moment where he relives his father calling him filthy. It feels out of place and overdramatic but meh. It is time to have a nice meat dinner and for Oz to get back to his normal life at his own home.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Or or Uncle Oscar can tell Oz he has to become head of the house now that Daddy Bezarius is gone. Even though that might not be possible since Daddy Bezarius has the house Chain. When Oz asks what exactly the house chain is Gilbert makes a big show of trying to cover up the wall. The wall that has a 20 foot painting of the Chain in question. The Chain that dragged Oz into the Abyss in episode 1. Gilbert I love you…..but there was no way Oz was going to miss that “tiny” picture on the wall. Bonus points for Uncle Oscar for going the Alice route and not having any tact.


Gilbert could have hid that painting if he really tried.

But I guess I should be happy. I did say I wanted Oz to find out his father was a Basketcase person before the end of this season and I got my wish. YAY FOR WISHES! Too bad that Oz is deeply hurt and knows that Gilbert has been hiding this from the start and that his own father hates him so much that he threw him in the Abyss and that everyone should know how evil his father is based on his Chain and no one seems to care. But errr….at least I am happy?


My poor Oz. :(

Oz decides he is going to take a well deserved emo break in his room while Break, Gilbert, and Alice discuss what should happen now. Waiting has never been a strong point for Alice and she decides that since Gilbert is her servant she should take care of the situation. Gilbert runs after her to stop her since he wants Oz to have a cry and get it all out. In the end they both end up coming through Oz’s bedroom door to see him acting very emo. Oz talks about his one sided love towards his father and how he understands what his sin is now. But not really. All he says is that he knows he is related to the Tragedy of Sabrie. I think everyone knows that by now. I want something a little bit more people! What exactly is Oz and what is his connection/sin? Not that I am buying the whole sin thing but in his mind….


be right back stabbing Alice.

So Oz goes back and forth with his crazy thoughts. His dad hates him and he is Jack. But he doesn’t care his dad hates him and he is really Oz. He sounds a little manic with his questions and it is a little concerning. But Alice decides this is all about her and her memories. She gets really snotty and decides she is going to search for answers on her own and leave Oz behind. Oz is clearly having a rough day and Alice is going to be rude again? Alice what is going on with you? Stop being such a brat!


Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?!

The next day Oz is back to being his normal self (well maybe on the outside). But he asks Break to find the Basketcase people. Because Break is a GPS unit. Also this plan is made of fail. I don’t ever see the point of marching into enemy territory and demanding answers but then again I like to make sense. Magically Break and Gilbert agree to this fail plan and find the Basketcase’s location. But instead of sending all of Pandora to bomb the bad guys, our heroes (Alice has decided she loves Oz…err he is her manservant so she had to go) set off to their location which is….Sabrie. I am shocked and amazed people. Those people at Pandora are such detectives!


Oz needs a new poem book and dark corner.

For most of the journey Oz continues to be down on himself. Break comments that Oz has lost all of his self confidence after finding out his father’s betrayal and he is well within his rights to be all emoish. I don’t like that Oz thinks that all the decisions he has made in the series were dumb and he only seems himself as a worthless loser. But I know that this is actually had a kid would react to this situation. He will never be good enough for his father and in his mind he is a loser. I can’t really say this moment is really over dramatic as I find it really accurate and sad.


Hello. Now you die.

So our group makes it to Sabrie. Or what is left of the town. I was expecting a crater like hole in the ground but there is still a bit of the town left unharmed. The three main Basketcase people arrive to announce that their leader will be attacking them shortly. How kind and pointless of them.


Attack of the purpleness!

And attack he does. His Chain comes out of nowhere and binds all of our heroes. And it appears it is going to drag them into the Abyss. Oz manages to find it in himself to release Alice’s power on his own instead of having Gilbert draw them out for him. Then when Alice’s powers aren’t enough Oz manages to power her up just because he can. Daddy Bezarius’s Chain is squished in one blow and everyone is freed from their chains. No explanation is given on why Oz is so awesome. He just is. He has the power to control the Abyss and other things because that is how he is.


Here it comes!

So now that Oz has traveled to Sabrie and confronted the Chain that dragged him into the Abyss it is time for the faceoff with his father. This should be good!


And it's over.....

Or we never see Daddy Bezarius’ face. :( And all Oz tells him is that it doesn’t matter who he is, why he exists, or what people expect for him. He is going to continue being himself…and that is it. Oz walks away and Daddy Bezarius disappears. Anti climatic is this moment. Especially given the fact that Oz spent most of this episode saying what a loser he is and the like. I hope he just meant those words…but I don’t think those words were worth almost dying for.


No. You are a bad guy. That is it.

As Daddy Bezarius leaves he tells the viewers that Oz CANNOT be in this world. So I am sure it will turn out in season two that Oz’s dad is just trying to protect the world and it pains him to hurt his son but he has too. Rarw I hate it when the bad guy turns out to have good motives. BOOOO!


Aw too cute. THE END!! :(

Oz decides to end this season by comparing his life to a twisted fairy tale and that together with Alice he will solve all the riddles. It is a sweet moment….then it pans back to the grave with the pocket watch on it. That better just be a reflection of episode 1. Oz better still have that pocket watch in his pocket! I think if it had ended with them all standing in front of the grave it would have been better but meh. I think Oz acknowledging this was a story and so unreal it had to be a fairy tale was a pretty decent ending. Or really a lead up into season two.

And that is it. :( I am happy that Oz knows that his father is head of the Basketcase clan. That will give more fuel to season two with Oz having to discover the truth while knowing he has to fight his father eventually. I am sad that Oz didn’t grow much as a person but I would be pretty devastated that not only does my father hate me but he tried to kill me too. So maybe Oz can grow more next season and not have so many emo attacks. And Alice can stop saying such stupid things. And Gilbert can stop feeling guilty over things that aren’t his fault.

You were interesting Pandora Hearts. You have a lot to explain still and I look forward to getting all the answers one day. For now Pandora Hearts is no more and sadness fills my heart. But thanks for the good series and hopefully my posts will encourage someone to watch Pandora Hearts and fall in love with it too. See ya next season!

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