Friday, June 5, 2009

Pandora Hearts Episode 9 and Eden of the East Episode 8 really late slacker post!

Welcome to another edition of Tenchi keeps her promise! Of course...I shall boast about keeping my promise about posting this today...and ignore the fact that this post is beyond late anyway. And that Pandora Hearts episode 10 is already subbed as we speak. Such a slacker.

But we all know I am a slacker! It is time to move on and focus on these great anime series instead. XD As always there are spoilers and special screenies ahead. Thanks for reading!

Eden of the East Episode 8


Awkward silence is never right. :(

Akira is reliving the last few moments of the previous episode. But instead of a creepy rapist being kidnapped it is one of those alien Johnny things. Akira wakes up to Saki taking care of him. He shows concern for Ohsugi and Saki informs him that Ohsugi is okay, that he wasn’t even at the hotel. His phone is beeping above the couch but it is ignored. Elsewhere Ohsugi is being a jerk to the rest of the club members. He can’t believe that everyone thought he was kidnapped by the Johnny hunter person and that he would seek comfort in the arms of a prostitute. The rest of the club members go through the reasons why it was logical to assume that man was Ohsugi but he really doesn’t care. He is more concerned about Akira being apart of their lives/club. He has an emo attack and says if Akira is in charge then he is out. When he leaves the rest of the members decide that something IS fishy with Akira and they need to be careful how they handle the situation. While Ohsugi is busy stomping away he spots Akira and Saki making their way to the club room. He has a jealous attack and acts more insane. He tries to use the Eden software to dig up dirt on Akira but he is not in the database at all. He asks on a forum for help identify Akira.


As Star Trek takes over the world XD

Akira checks his phone and sees that Prostitute Selecao has ordered Juiz to take care of the crime scene and cover up what has happened. Akira isn’t aware of how the other club members are feeling about him as he goes on about being fair with money and dividends. When it is brought to his attention that this arrangement is not fair he asks them to fix the other Selecao phone he has (WTF whose is it?!) Micchon has the most knowledge about products like these but she says this is above her. They conclude that the only person who can help is a reclusive person known as Panties. He was on top of his game two years ago…and then he lost his pants. Since then he has not left his room and is an insane person. Most of the club members think going to see Panties will be massive amounts of fail but Akira wants to try. Micchon and Saki tag along too. The other club members think this is made of fail as Saki and Micchon don’t have really great spying skills. Those three make their way to Panties house.

Suddenly Ohsugi’s phone explodes with answers to who Akira is, but they are all different names. Ohsugi goes further into crazy town with this information. The conversations flip from Micchon talking about how Panties might have figured out the meaning to society (or something), Ohsugi vowing to get to the bottom of all this, and how the rest of the club members view their NEETness. The trio reach Panties place and he is lovely. But only not. He really doesn’t want to talk to anyone and sends the girls out to get him some magazines. Now apparently Panties knows about Selecaos and all of the actions of Selecao IX. It might be the reason he has holed himself in his room all this time. Akira pauses…then says that he is a Selecao and he wants him to a fix a phone that belongs to a Selecao. Saki is busy wanting to buy Panties a sweat suit and Ohsugi is screaming that Akira is dangerous and he has found evidence to prove so. Panties has opened the door and reveals…that he is the stereotypical otaku nerd and all shall fear him. The end?


MMM creepy stare.

X_X. And more X_X. And in between the X_X I was going really trying to figure out what was going on in this series and where the hell it is going. Then I realized that I never know where any anime is going and I should probably just give up. Yay for giving up!



Ohsugi is getting on my last nerves. I get why he is upset that his friends thought he was with a psycho prostitute. I mean, if my life got really horrible, I would not want my friends to automatically assume that I had to pay a hooker for sex. I could be drunk in the streets or dead in a ditch but give me a little bit of credit and don’t assume the hooker part. I get that all. However there was information that leads to this so called silly conclusion. His bag was there, the man was posting on Ohsugi’s forum of choice, and Ohsugi was last seen in that area. So while it might not be an awesome thing to be assumed/accused of it wasn’t out of left field and Ohsugi needs to realize that at least he has friends that care about him.


How dare you care about me!!!

Then Ohsugi is getting all obsessed about what Akira is up to. I get that someone has to be the most suspicious and somehow lead the group to the truth about Akira. And of course it makes the most sense that Ohsugi is that person. Because Akira is evil and stole his girl. Only not. I see Ohsugi not wanting to be best friends forever for Akira but come on! Saki was never your girl. You waited and she was whooshed away on a bike. Life sucks for you.

But I am sure it will suck for Akira soon as Ohsugi is on to his little game. Or whatever this mess Akira has found himself in. It was a little bit special when Ohsugi used Eden on Akira and found out he either doesn’t exist or he is 2784 thousand people. It makes me wonder why the other members didn’t think to do the very same thing but meh. The point is that Ohsugi will probably get his happy butt killed with his meddling and I can’t really feel sorry for him.


Quick, get mad over losing a girl that was never yours!

SAKI! What is wrong with you girl? Don’t you know that you are supposed to be the supportive girl who denies all this crazy stuff in Akira’s life and tell everyone else that they need to trust Akira?! No? Really, you want to be a normal human and question crazy stuff that happens in your life? Well fine! I guess you weren’t aware that this is an anime show and you are supposed to be a LALALA happy girl.


Of course I didn't see a naked woman fly out of the room with a rapist. Never..

At first I was a little sad that Saki didn’t trust Akira. But why should she? She met him while he was naked and on the run from the cops. Things just magically fall into place when he is around. Oh and last episode a naked prostitute FLEW out of a window with a rapist while Akira laid naked on the bed. Yeah. Saki should not be so trusting and if she doubts Akira I say good for her.


Do not trust you! But you are still cute. XD

Akira himself is either really smart and knows all these people suspect him of being…something odd or he is the LALALALA happy girl in this all. He might be so focused on finding out his own past he really doesn’t realize how bizarre he is coming across. Or maybe he really thinks that people are genuinely good and his lies are believable. Or has he not lied to anyone yet? Whatever the case may be Akira is leaving a trail of craziness wherever he goes. :( He erased his ability to be sneaky. Jason Borne he is not.


Pay no attention to the people looking suspiciously at you!

The Johnny stuff is getting old. It makes no sense and even if I got the movie reference/alien faces I would still not like it. I would ignore it if it were possible but I don’t think it is. RARW is me.


Surprising yaoi moment?

Putting aside that his name is Panties….okay, we can’t. Nor can we put aside the fact that Panties looks like every stereotypical otaku fan out there. Otaku being used at the negative word, the way most people view otakus. You know, the reclusive nerd who is obsessed with his hobby. :( We couldn’t throw me a bone and give me an attractive nerd? Curse you!


Brb having nightmares.

But I am interested in how Panties found out about Selecaos and all the things that Akira has done. As long as there is a logical explanation I will accept it. Or even a halfway decent one, I’m not that picky. I just don’t want him to be classified as some super genius and OF COURSE he knows. No, give me some reasoning behind his insight and I will be buying it.


Err...scratch that idea...

Akira loses 5 more Borne points for telling Panties that he is a Selecao. It is a fail on a massive level.


I would think that is random, out of left field, and time to call the cops?

So the episode ends with Panties having an orgasm that he has found a Selecao and Ohsugi declaring that he knows Akira is a thief. All the while Saki is out buying a sweat suit for Panties. Clearly all is making sense and is right in the world. Next week I look forward to Ohsugi explaining why he thinks Akira is a crook and what color the sweat suit will be. WOOT FOR ME!


The red one or the blue one...make your choice.

Pandora Hearts Episode 9


Meet Oz, the gentle and kind master.

This episode starts off with the last few minutes of the previous episode because apparently the viewers are stupid and can’t remember anything. It leads to Oz having an emo attack over his dad. Random kid shows Oz a picture of his father after Oz is all sad about his (random kid has great timing). Then it is time for flashbacks! Cute baby Oz talks to his main nanny/nurse/teacher about how he misses his dad. She tells Oz that if he is a good boy his dad will surely come around and praise Oz for his efforts. The flashback overlaps Gilbert telling Alice about his and Oz’s past. Gilbert was worried about Oz studying too hard and that he should take a break. Oz smiles and says that he will keep on working for his dad. But when the day comes along where Oz can talk to his father he is too scared. Gilbert will do anything for his master and decides to confront the father for himself. Oz chases after Gilbert in time to hear his father telling Gilbert that Oz should have never been born. Gilbert stands up for Oz and gets manhandled a little bit. Oz tries to touch his father, to ask what he has done wrong. His father (never shown) brushes Oz off and says he is filthy. Gilbert was locked up for three days and when he was released something was broken inside Oz. He gave up on his father’s love and that made Gilbert sad for his little master.


Baby Gilbert needs a hug!!! :(

It is unclear if Alice cares about this story as she senses a Chain and decides there is danger. The cosplaying random girl appears in the alleyway and wants Philip (the random little boy). Oz tries to put his moves on said hottie but she pulls some knives on him and the little boy runs away. The cosplaying girl is named Echo and she works for Gilbert’s master. Oz decides to lie and say he is Gilbert’s real master and Echo believes this story. She agrees to let him follow her as she tracks down the Chain and illegal Contractor. Oz is upset that she is going after Philip and wants to save the kid. Sharon and Break get information about another illegal Contractor getting lose in the city )or maybe this one…In any event they are not worried as the city is where Gilbert, Oz, and Alice are in is the city dangerous dude is at.



Raven starts mumbling about some case but it is too late for details. The grossest monster in the history of monsters appears (mog I hate caterpillars) and Alice decides she is going to kill the Chain. But…then she realizes that yeah, she can’t have her powers unlocked unless Oz is around which he isn’t. Plan B is to run. Oz catches up to Echo and Philip. But he finds out that Philip is not the Contractor, it’s his father and she was going to use Philip as bait. Echo starts going to town on the monster and Gilbert warns her to be careful. She gets flung around a little bit and ends up in another alley. A man holds her back and tells her to just watch the fight. Oz shows up to the battle and after some brief drama Gilbert is able to unlock Alice’s power. She starts killing the grossest monster ever and Oz panics. He realizes when the Chain is hurt the Contractor is also hurt. He tells Alice to stop but she doesn’t listen to him. A voice tells Oz to use his power to command Alice to stop. He screams once more before Alice makes the death blow…and the end!


Dramatic scene is dramatic!

I would just like to start this off by saying I am trying to suppress my yaoi girl tendencies really, really, REALLY hard. I know that most of these yaoi couples are in my head and I turn into a crazy person when I scream over couples that do not exist. So yeah, I am trying to tone it down despite the fact that Oz and Gilbert are risking their lives for each other and the hugs.


Err...maybe a little bit too young for yaoi...

In the beginning I decided that Oz and Alice actually made a cute couple and that instead of going down the Gilbert and Oz route I would go down the more obvious pairing and be “normal”. That was my intent I swear it. But now I think Alice and Oz are related. Of course this theory is based on some blood hair guy that is present in both their lives and we all know how anime characters can look alike sometimes.


Just because he has blond hair doesn't mean he is that man...OR IS HE?!

Another crazy theory is that Oz is really that man and somehow time is all crazy and Oz could be Alice’s father. Okay that is a little too far but still…I do think that Oz is the one in that grave and that Alice and Oz share a creepy past. So it is hard pairing them together when I think they could be related. This of course frightens me as that is the only reason I think they shouldn’t be together. The issue of her not being human apparently does not bother me.


Or maybe it turns out to be the Uncle all along?! OH SNAP!

Back to the episode! Err…not much happens. :( Which makes me sad. The entire episode took about 5 minutes in real time. Sometimes that happens in episodes but this time it was just bleh.

Oz was boo hooing about his father. And then it turned out that it is because Oz’s father hates him. Nothing dramatic as Oz’s dad killed his wife or that Oz really is Uncle Oscar’s son. But no, it is the distant father storyline which we were all expecting. I guess the over dramatic part was when Oz’s dad declared Oz filthy and smiled evilly when he said he thought he son shouldn’t have been born. Of course when episode 24 rolls around we are going to find out that Oz’s father really loves Oz and was just trying to protect him from his horrible fate. It will be too late as one of them dies and rose petals surround the screen.


Help! I have daddy issues!

I felt robbed when Gilbert failed to mention that the robed person in episode one was Oz’s dad. I wasn’t expecting him to confess that part to Alice but I would have liked the distant look in his eyes when he remembers the past. A little hint that Gilbert might know more about the situation than he is letting on. Give the viewers a bone please!


I know things but I must not tell the audience!!!

I am not sure why Gilbert needed to share that much with Alice. I think we had enough of an excuse to see Oz’s past with Gilbert’s talk with his new little friend. I am not sure what Alice gained from this awesome information but at least the viewers know what makes Oz all emo like.


Oh wait I was supposed to care?

And even though I am being mean to Oz’s situation, I do think what his father said/did was extremely hurtful. I think when one watches anime they get caught up in the magical world of that can’t happen. Yet when Oz was trying hard to please his father and was still treated like dirt I think that some viewers could relate to that. I mean I hope no one can relate to that extreme of a situation but the part where a kid tries to please a parent and feels so left out and alone. In this crazy world that Oz lives there is a bit of reality mixed in. I think this vulnerable side of Oz makes him more relate able to viewers which is a positive trait (even though people are sad about said connection).


Okay, I am not THAT cold hearted that I don't feel bad for that cute little face.

Can someone explain why Oz’s mark moved again? I thought it only moved after Alice used his power. Now it seems that is time activated and nothing Oz does will stop it from moving. I would like some answers PLEASE!


Clearly I am missing something...

Not really impressed with Echo. She is cute and stupid so that is always lovely. But I felt her presence was really not needed. Maybe next episode she will be more important and less eye candy/random encounter but for now…useless side character is useless.


Why does this remind me of Lucky Star?

The funniest part of this episode was cute little Oz thinking meeting up with Echo was fate and his lovely romantic scene was smashed to pieces. I am sorry Oz, I laugh at your pain. Runner up for funniest scene would be Alice and Gilbert realizing that ….they need Oz to unlock Alice’s powers and they are slightly screwed. XD Silly faces for all.


My denied?!


Air high five is full of fail. :(

So not the greatest episode ever but not that bad. Maybe after this random kid of the week we could have a Contractor who is a bad guy so we can actually hate them and not have the woe as me tears. Stop making me feel bad for you random flower girl and poor man with cute son. Oh and Sharon was useless again. XD See ya next week.


Why do we care about you again?

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