Friday, December 27, 2013

Duffy the Disney Bear Adventures: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!! Well post Merry Christmas. Are people still enjoying the holidays? Mom is with maxing out credit cards and buying every single ornament ever. No seriously she is. But she got me 2 Cars ornaments and my own stocking that isn't Hello Kitty so I am happy.
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Zzz....zzz....dreaming of Santa.
Mom has been so busy actually celebrating Christmas, shopping, and working she hasn't gotten around to posting my Christmas pictures. I will just do it myself to help out. You know instead of doing dishes and laundry. Prepare for a Very Merry Christmas with lots of pics.
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Oh boy it's Christmas!!!!
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Santa was here! The milk and cookies are gone.
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Christmas is a time of good cheer and spending time doing fun things and religious activities. Also it is when a man named Santa will come and give presents if you have been good. Have I been good enough to receive a present?
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I think there is something in there....
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A little build a bear tiny bunny. Hi there!
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Wait more plushies?
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How many are in here....
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Look at all the toys Santa got me!
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Mom got me presents too.
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My first Christmas present.
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It's Holley from Cars 2!
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Are these all Cars toys?!
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I can't wait to open them all.
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Two for one!
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Open faster open faster!
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Look at all my lovely presents! Thank you momma!
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Merry Christmas to me indeed.
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Mom got some presents too...but they really were for me. XD
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Look how dashing I look in my new outfit. Also my dad eventually found pants on Christmas.
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Time to get ready for dinner.
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Thank you for this yummy treat!
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Mom got us bears a little activity to do on Christmas.
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Puff Duff is ready to color.
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These markers are really small....
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Taking a break to eat some pie.
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Almost done. I am good at coloring.
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I am also good at sharing. We can color together.
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Zoom zoom!
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Mom got a puzzle for Christmas. Lets put it together and watch Christmas specials all day. Merry Christmas everyone! I can't wait for next year!

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