Saturday, February 23, 2013
Zetsuen no Tempest episode 18
X___X I think the storm might knock out power here soon. It came out of nowhere. Let me post and run. Zetsuen no Tempest episode 18 time. Spoilers for Mahiro and Yoshino breaking into tiny little pieces.
Episode Summary: Megumu continues to look at a room full of stupid people who don't understand that Aika was Yoshino's boyfriend. Mahiro is in the biggest denile, listing excuse after excuse why this couldn't be, the biggest one being that Yoshino said that his girlfriend was still alive DUH. Plus why would Yoshino hide that from me?! Everyone is like...yeah you are in love with Aika and this clearly is awful news. Samon has flashbacks of his many faces on the mountain and how the fate hung in the balance of who Aika's boyfriend is. So clearly this means Yoshino is the mage of Exodus. Mahiro denies this all but goes to his room in shock, only to return with a toothbrush and Clorex in his hand. Mahiro is clearly out of commission so Megumu being the mage of Exodus plan goes on without him. Elsewhere Hakaze has gotten this truth as well and stands there with the assumption the tree of Genesis killed Aika for her. Only Hakaze really has no time to blame herself as Yoshino has lost his DAMN MIND. It is like The Many Faces of Samon: Part Two but Yoshino is the star. He talks about how he isn't upset about anything because that won't bring Aika back. Then he gets a blank stare in his eyes like all hope is lost and let the trees eat the world anyway. Hakaze tries to remind Yoshino how very sad this all is and Yoshino finally breaks down in tears. Hakaze hugs him, happy that she made Yoshino human.
There is a scene with Evangeline telling her boys that she think the stuff they found back at the their home temple explains what the trees are. She talks a bit about how snakes and dragons are worshiped as both evil and good gods. So in conclusion aliens sent the trees to destroy the world. Samon sends Junichirou out to buy Mahiro some more paper towels and wood polish. Oh and to make sure Hakaze doesn't find out that Yoshino was going out with Aika. Only Junichirou arrives and Hakaze is more in love than ever. She tells Junichirou that she is going to test the tree of Genesis. If it allows her to destroy it clearly she is in power and it is a lovely tree that wants the best of the world. If it is like um no and stops her clearly the tree is evil and killed Aika and invented Kesha. Junichirou doesn't seem on board with this plan so she locks him up giving her time to go shopping with Yoshino for some super hero costumes. She tells Yoshino she will probably never see him again/soon and off she goes, leaving Yoshino to put more ice packs on his stretched out face. Samon and company get ready for Megumu's next Tree of Genesis squishing party and things seem to be going according to plan. Suddenly Hakaze appears to stop him and the crowd goes wild! Samon quickly assumes that Hakaze is there to make Megumu stronger for some odd reason. Everyone acknowledges that Hakaze is probably pissed at the Genesis tree for maybe killing Aika but Megumu. He has used up all his thinking for the show. Hakaze fights Megumu for a while then poofs away allowing Megumu to destroy that particular root. Everyone is like what the hell and Mahiro leaves the house all pissed off as his mop bucket has a hole in it and Yoshino failed to pick up the phone when he called. Only Yoshino was probably on his way to see Mahiro and wanted to deal with things in person. THE END!
Oh lord folks. Oh lord. I was worried folks. Worried that I might not be human as I spent most of the episode laughing at Yoshino. And the fact that the world might end over some bitchy girl that has been dead for a year and things are really serious business.
I mean...can you blame me? Yoshino has been cool, calm and collected this entire series and bam. It is like he was trying to pull his eyelids apart so the balls would fall out. Like he was a zombie Yoshino and he needed some BRAAAAAINS! Like he was some insane serial killer and he was more scary with his faces than if he was holding a knife in his hands. The faces of Samon Part Two indeed.
But.....I also acknowledge that I am a douchebag and should have felt bad for the boy. I mean Yoshino has been holding in all this hurt and pain for over a year. Yeah the entire world has gone to shit in the meantime but when you lose the most important person in the world to you everything else pales. Sorta like how most of America is covered in zombies but if Daryl died it would be game over for me. Yoshino losing his mind and having a nervous breakdown was long overdue.
As...special as it was that Hakaze made Yoshino go to that point I can see why it was necessary. Like um you are frightening me with how calm you are. Let me break you into tiny pieces and glue you back together. Because that is what Yoshino is. A cracked piece of glass that will eventually break. Better to break under controlled circumstances yes? But Yoshino's thinking was a bit off. I give him cookies for not getting as upset as Mahiro got but getting upset is a necessary part of the grieving process. Yoshino reminded me a bit of my human. What good would it do if you got mad? It would change absolutely nothing but would let me know you are equally upset about this. So yeah crying and cursing and losing your mind won't bring Aika back. It is more for the person left behind. An outward expression of the pain in your heart. Sorta like you have to complain about work situations so you can move on with life. Having things bottled up does no one any good.
On the other end of the spectrum Mahiro has lost his mind. No faces from him yet. Well his usual face is stuck in a state of anger. Pissed off all the time. But now he has broken into tiny pieces on the ground and I am not sure if anyone can put him back together again. Let us have a moment of silence for Mahiro who has changed his name to Consuela and it's housekeeping time.
Mahiro lost his mind on the inside because Megumu put the obvious 2 and 2 together while everyone else was like derp what is math? Or they thought the truth was way more awful than their messed up lies. Samon and his new sexy ponytail instantly believed this scenario and thought of his moment on the mountain and how he is having the worse life ever. I think he should have focused more on how this might be HELPFUL. You know, since he wants the Tree of Exodus to be alive and well. If Hakaze hates Genesis that is helpful no? Probably not so much if Mahiro cuts off Yoshino's head though.
Evangeline was talking sense in the car but then it veered off into alien territory. The car almost veered off too. Into some cement. I think the boys thought she was going somewhere with her gods and dragons talk. Like the trees are only taking on some other form and can be both good and evil. But then she brought in aliens and lost me. I mean there this is a show about killer TREES! Aliens isn't that farfetched. Just with that train of thought it caught me off guard.
Junichirou was a day late and a yen short for stopping Hakaze. Lets send the non magic user to talk to Hakaze about something that may make her mad. But had it been me I would have seen Hakaze being insane and walked out. Like um Samon and your sexy braid Hakaze is off in I love Yoshino land and maybe we should leave her alone. This is an episode of As the World Turns and that is really bad since it was canceled two years ago.
I am really not sure what Hakaze was thinking. She wants to test the tree. I get that. She needs to do so with a special costume because secretly she is jealous Megumu looks FABULOUS. I get that too. But...I really thought she was going to put herself in danger and force the tree to protect her. But she is just....making Megumu stronger? Is it going to be more evident what she is doing later in the series and by later I mean next time? Because right now her dancing for Yoshino's love makes little sense.
In conclusion Yoshino lost his mind and decided to not listen to Hakaze's confession, Mahiro is cleaning the truth from his mind, and Megumu is wearing a cape fighting trees that might be from space. And the word boyfriend still might be the tide that determines the fate of the world. Craziness I swear. X___X
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