Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha episode 4

I just spent about 5 hours making a baby present folks. 5 hours. My fingers....my back....one whole hour cutting out letters. Why didn't I just go to the store and buy some stickers? WHY?! You better enjoy this baby! And not drool all over it. His first words better be Thank You Mrs. Christina.
This little kid is creepy yes?
While my back recovers it is anime time. Up now is Maoyuu Maou Yuusha episode 4. Spoilers for me blogging this a million years ago and I can't remember anything.
So is she done with the nun thing?
Episode Summary: Head Maid is telling Youth Maid and Child Maid to hurry up and make Demon King sexy. Demon King protests that this is not important. Head Maid reminds her that after locking in the convent and Knight things have been going well but now they have a meeting with members of the Merchant alliance. Thus they need to amp up the sex appeal that Demon King has been lacking since Hero left to find Mage. Off in the background Knight is teaching some nobles how to fight. The Old Man in Hero's old group is talking to his current king about how they want to stop the war but then support would stop and while the Crimson Scholar has been changing things lately it won't be enough for her kingdom. Two of the merchants arrived with many men hiding, waiting for the signal to strike if things go bad. Head Maid is standing by with her ghosts watching and sees the hidden men. Demon King introduces the men to corn, something that apparently can be more magical than potatoes. She explains where they can group this crop and how it will put many people to work and be a win/win for the Alliance in every which way. The two men question what Demon King wants and she says an end to the war with no one winning or losing. Hat man gives the signal to get ready to strike as the other man loses his mind, saying that Crimson Scholar has just thrown humanity in the dirt.
Psht. Who needs people to run a kingdom? Not them obviously.
Crimson Scholar changes her strategy and appeals to the greedy side of the man and suddenly he sees things her way. The assassins are called off and they shake hands on the deal. The man later proposes to Demon King who really loses her mind over the idea. They part on good terms but still the war presses on and the Old Man listens to his King talk about how this plan is really, really bad. The two Maids in training talk about a dance that is coming up and that they hope Hero returns to dance with Demon King. Demon King has been buried in paper work and is going woe is me. Head Maid takes them away, probably to Youth Maid and helps Demon King get ready for bed. Demon King is pretty upset as Hero has been gone for 6 months and all she has gotten are lame letters. She goes to bed snuggling her Hero pillow while Head Maid reveals Hero was hiding nearby. He eats dinner as he constructs another letter to Demon King. He hasn't been really stopping the Demon rebels much as he has been hit on by all the demon ladies. Head Maid points out with this transportation device he can come back daily to see Demon King if he so wished but obviously he is avoiding her. Hero feels as if he is not worthy of Demon King. That she is doing all the work and has been keeping him from fighting, the only talent he thinks he has. So he thinks she is trying to protect him out of love and he is unsure about how he feels about that. Head Maid tries to put a romantic spin on Demon King's possessiveness and Hero resolves to find a place of usefulness. THE END!
...They do have the wheel right? Please tell me that. XD
This is turning out to be the little show that could? Surprising yes? That or Demon King is really part Native American and she built a time machine to keep all the white people who speak Japanese out of her country. HMMMM so sneaky indeed.
Maybe the Mage is hiding from these people and their special hats.
Does Hero have the worse luck ever or is the Mage really that hard to find? 6 months? 6 months?! How many mages are running around in the demony part of the world? I mean it doesn't sound like Hero's disguise is all that menacing as he is getting marriage offers instead of smackin down demons. So I can't see Mage going out of her way to avoid the danger. It is like Hero is trying to get rid of the One Ring when he should just be calling for the Eagles.
:( Girls can't be smart and pretty DUH!
While I can appreciate Head Maid's effort in helping Demon King it just puts a bad taste in my mouth...even if it did work out for Demon King. Maybe I am just upset because she was right? Show off your boobies and it will help with negations. :( Why can't men just value women for their ideas and contributions instead of how they look? Oh you mean it is 2013 and this is still pretty much true? Carry on with that dress.
Seems like overkill to me but what do I know?
I understand they were trying to paint the merchant alliance in a negative light but I think the armed assassins was a bit much. Like they are going to steal her secrets and then what? No one is going to point the fingers at them for being behind it? That might have been well and good when she was a “nobody” but now the church is involved and people know her. They might have some sort of power but you are only as popular as public perception will give you. A bit overkill I think.
Are you Mary Poppins or something?
I wonder why people aren't questioning the Crimson Scholar on where she is getting all these crops. And making these awesome inventions. Like HMMMM you are so amazing you just happened upon something no one else has twice. Let me eat these delicious things and think about this. But since everyone is probably either thinking dollar signs or THANK GOD FOOD no one is questioning Demon King.
No one died. So I guess it was successful.
In the end was Demon King successful? I am not sure. I really think she needs to work on the art of negotiating. This might sound hilarious given the crazy time skips we have been experiencing but these things take time. Like here have some lovely corn and you need to stop a war that has been making you rich beyond your wildest dreams. Not really an even trade in these people's eyes. I mean obviously people should want to do the right thing without worrying about the bottom line. Live a pretty good life and everyone lives or be beyond rich and some people die...should be a no brainer. But that is not how life is and that is how the merchants think. Demon King really did push the limits of what they people were going to do.
XO Take me seriously!
In the end I don't know if it was the dress or her connecting on a greedy level but she was able to shake hands with the two merchants present on sealing a deal. And maybe a marriage proposal. I am not sure how much sway the merchants have in ending the war. Sure they can pull their backing if they found something more profitable but that is based on a lot of factors. Will people be willing to be farmers? Will the Kings get all pissed off at the lack of war? Still everyone walked away happy and no arrows to the knee or the head.
Head Maid knows all.
Now that everything is on the up and up with the plan to save the world Demon King took a few minutes to have a pity moment. Which I think she deserved. Yeah she sorta told this Hero that she loved him and wanted to have the adult relations with him...but is has been a year at this point. Surely he has fallen in love with her or only thinks of her as a friend. Or else he would have run away. So for him to take off and leave her hanging would make me upset too. Add in “homework” (that paperwork) and she needs to take some tea and whine a bit. Thanks for that Head Maid.
So.....you are trying to find your way? And that means not talking to her for 6 months? I see.
It sorta pissed me off that Hero has been visiting the entire time. Like thanks for using the transportation device Demon King gave YOU to not visit her at all. I am sure that was the point of it all. But then he started talking and it made a bit more sense. Well not all the demons hitting on him. But I am glad he has acknowledged his lack of....um anything in terms of saving the world and how she has done all the work. Hero feels off about things. Not sure if staying away from her will stop these feelings but sometimes people have to work things out. But 6 months is a bit much.
:( Why you asking that?
The episode ends with Youth Maid talking about going to war and Knight training her? I liked how they talked about Hero not being the best teacher but then the conversation turned to Youth Maid not feeling human yet? Kinda weird there folks. Guess I will have to see the next episode to understand where this is coming from.

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