Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 10

Hello there my lovely readers! Time is slowly ticking by. Soon it will be Thursday and I will be required to spend about 9 hours in hell. Woe is me. :( It could be worse……I think. XD I guess I should say WOOHOO it is September. Soon it won’t matter than my boss hasn’t fixed the AC since May. Soon it will be cold (aka 70 degrees). Besides I like to have fun and fun requires money. So onward I will go to work, kicking the entire way.
Surely this is how one makes friends with new people. SURELY!
Kira is trying to distract me from my mission to blog all these episodes tonight. She shall not win!!! Up now is Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 10. Spoilers for this..…actually being episode 1.
I wonder if Ms. Fairy remembers these words....
Episode Summary: OH LOOK IT IS EPISODE 1! Ms. Fairy received her education elsewhere in the country and upon graduation Ms. Fairy chooses to be a mediator. She is sent to the town where her grandfather is mediator and seems overwhelmed by it all. She tries saying she picked this job because it seemed easy enough but later changes it to it didn’t seem physically demanding. Her Grandfather might be happy to see her but it is hard to tell as he caresses guns all the time. He doesn’t give her much advice on how to be a mediator and tells her where to find the fairies. She goes to the locations but finds them void of fairies and basically dump sites. She is then given a book about her Grandfather’s mediator. Basically….he was given food day after day and never wrote anything about the fairies. Ms. Fairy realizes this job might be a bit of a joke but decides she will not be lazy and will attempt to do something. She brings treats with her and a tiny flag to fun up the area. Sometime later the fairies go for the treats but she scares off most of them with her clumsy behavior. Three fairies get trapped in the container she put the sweets in…so she kidnaps them. She feels bad about her behavior as the fairies pee themselves as they are so scared. Back at home she attempts to make friends and learn about their culture. Soon she learns these future humans…are weird and don’t even have names. Ms. Fairy can’t operate like that and decides to name the fairies even if the results are special.
All hail the maybe god!
After the naming the fairies decide that Ms. Fairy is special and a god and want to know more about the humans. They go on their way and Ms. Fairy thinks all will be well. She goes to the dump soon after…only to see a futuristic city. She is shocked at the change and is worried. The fairies had asked Ms. Fairy to name them all but clearly she didn’t bring enough. With the robot guarding the city and everyone calling her a god Ms. Fairy slowly realizes she did something bad. Grandfather is of little help and smirks at her attempts to calm things down. The city keeps growing and growing with fairies multiplying all over the place. Ms. Fairy finds the job of god overwhelming so she tags her head fairy and says she gave him the god power. He panics and tries to tag someone else. Everyone leaves in a panic and the city is in ruins, just like how it was a dump earlier in the episode. Grandfather shows up to see the statues of Ms. Fairy and smirks some more. He explains this is how the fairies operate and actually Ms. Fairy found this out much faster than most people do. Ms. Fairy realizes this job will not be easy as her statues tumbles to the ground. THE END!
Hello episode 1!
Ah! Episode one of an anime. So full of promise. Confusing concepts full of mystery and wonder. So fresh and new in your mind, with the idea that all will be fun and explained later on.
How many times has Ms. Fairy ruled over them all?
OH since this show is insane….it is really shown as episode 10 and at this point I am barely conscious after all this insanity. Is that the point of this show though, it terms of why it has been aired the way it has been? Because after all the crazy I have experienced episode 10 actually made sense. Or as much sense that a show about fairies taking over the world with their super natural powers and Ms. Fairy being unable to stop them. I am still not sure with this….approach as people expect to be confused with episode 1’s, it is the nature of the beast. Would the rest of the show been easier to understand had it been viewed in correct order? My brain melted way back when so I have no idea at this point.
Not returning home apparently.....
I really thought that Ms. Fairy grew up in this town and after seeking education elsewhere came back to her hometown. I don’t know why I thought that. Maybe there were clues all the time, how people treated her as special and new. I just chalked that up to Ms. Fairy not having very good social skills. But here she is…to rescue everyone and talk to fairies.
I would have been out the door after reading this.
She wasn’t as snarky or cynical in this episode. Perhaps she was still full of hope and brightness that comes with any new job. Like woohoo everyone loves me and this is the best day ever! I AM NEVER GOING BACK! Good to know with humanity declining and everything looking like crap with NO ONE picking it up that she was in a good mood. But underlining snark was there folks. I sensed it. Or maybe that is who she really was and was trying to fool herself. I would have liked more information on what really caused this downfall of humanity. Maybe nuclear weapons changed humans and lowered our ability to reproduced?
Pay attention to me!
It is good to know that Grandfather has always been a pain in the butt. He was really not very helpful to his new…shall we say replacement. Factor in that she IS his granddaughter and he is a pretty rotten person. Maybe he was just being hard on her because she is his relative and he was giving her a lesson in hard knocks? I really don’t think she meant that much harm when she said this job was easy. Like no offense towards him anyway as he was the one insisting it was easy. So thanks gramps for being o so helpful.
Wait I am supposed to know about you people?!
I do think it is odd that Ms. Fairy had no idea how to deal with the Fairies. I guess she just graduated from high school? I assumed there was more to being a mediator than saying HEY I want to be a mediator. Guess not folks. Any person with an education can join up. Like the Peace Corp I guess. But….one would think that people who have to deal with the new race of humans on the planet should be educated on them. She really had no idea on what they were all about and it really, really showed. Just….just very special. Like the rest of the show.
Take this as a sign Ms. Fairy!!!!
I wonder if the last mediator tried to make nice with the fairies and the dump that was in the episode was his sad little attempt. Poor little fairies. They represent how silly us humans really can be….at break neck speed. The rise and fall of their civilizations happen so fast. X___X Good thing us humans are a little slower at destroying ourselves.
Stupid flag!!!
So how did Ms. Fairy mess up 48 hours into her job? Well she gave them treats, things that they want to eat, and…a tiny little flag. Clearly that means it is time for a whole new civilization complete with robot guard. All hail the new god Ms. Fairy!
Good thing they all dress differently or how else would they tell each other apart?!
Oh and maybe the new civilization popped up because she did something silly like gave them names. After kidnapping and threatening to eat a few of them. Causing them to pee their pants. Details details. Why don’t they have names?! Things/people need names Ms. Fairy?! Must be SO FUNNY writers talking on and on why Ms. Fairy had to name the faeries when we don’t even know her name! But….I guess it makes sense that Ms. Fairy wanted to name them and why the fairies didn’t need names. Because they are insane.
Tag you're god!
So in the matter of days Ms. Fairy moved, made contact with the fairies, and gave them the idea of civilization by giving them their own identity. She is made into their god and apparently this is frightening to Ms. Fairy. Not later when she is their Queen since this is her third day on the job she is worried how this will look. So she instruments the destruction of their new civilization. All the faeries leave and her Grandfather smirks at her. Now at this point I would pick up a plow and head to the fields. Makes a little sense now why Ms. Fairy is the way she is.
Thanks for letting me find out that being optimistic is for crazies.
Did you like episode 1….I mean 10? This show is insane. Why is it being shown out of order? Why aren’t people taught the job they are going to take? Why does Grandfather love his guns but hate his own granddaughter? And if we humans ruined the world….why did we evolve into the fairies? These questions will never be answered so rejoice!


  1. Well, this is Jinrui, so a time jump is expected. I don’t think you want to assume anything w/ this show, because the chances of you guessing wrong are HIGH!

    Like RandomC said, “Nothing the Fairies do is original – it’s all a funhouse mirror-reflection of who we are. Religion, technology, politics, even mundane essentials like food – they take everything we do and go well past the point of common sense and reason into a theater of the absurd. Fairies are more than simply humans with no restraint, but that lack of any kind of judgment as regards the right place to stop is a fundamental aspect of who they are”. This ep makes me think her Grandpa knows more about the faeries than her.........

    What’s one step up from “Queen”? Why, God, of course. I think this answer your ep 9’s question on why she is ok being a Queen, because being a God suffering. Especially she got no clued on what’s like being a Queen.

    She did talk about what she get/need in the job is actually different what she learned in school. If you look at today's society, this part is actually true.


  2. Quote form Vance:
    Episode 9 is guaranteed to be after episode 6. This is clear from Watashi’s grandfather saying that the overpopulation is something created by Watashi. In fact, I’d place episode 9 after episode 2, because the factory arc appears to have taken place soon after the Pioneer/Voyager arc, so the population most likely had not peaked at that point. Episode 9 might be chronologically last, but it is hard to tell.
    So, I think it should be, ep 10-7-8-5-6-1-2-9-3-4

  3. But her hair is alive and kick-ass on episode 2! Is that just a temporary phenomenon? I am so sad.

    The chance of wrong guessing is high, but still, guessing is fine. Why is it the previous mediator died somehow? It must be because he/she ate too much! Hahaha.

  4. The word "hair" in Japanese is kami, same pronunciation the Japanese word for "God" or Kami. In other word, the "invisible had of God" is actually herself (her hair actually).

    So, basically it is trying to say the problem solver of everything is oneself, not the gov, not the Board, and definitely not the company. Because the person who get her out of those tight spot every time,is herself, well part of herself, but you get the idea.

  5. Anonymous- So basically fairies are humans that shrank down to nothing and in the process lost most of the basic reasoning skills and morale. But on the upside they can create things (anything!) at break neck speed. XD

    But you are right. Being Queen is better that being a god. At least you have a way out when you are Queen and you aren't responsible for everything.

    Trying to figure out this episode timeline thing is so confusing. So glad I heard about Haruki late so someone else did the hard work for me. XD

    Eternia- The alive hair was kind neat! But don't give up hope! This show is so insane anything is still possible at this point.

    Death by stomach explosion. Only not Alien style this time. XD

    Anonymous 2- XO See how much nonJapanese speakers miss?! XD Thanks for that insider tip. Glad my hair isn't alive or a god though.

  6. @Tenchi
    I enjoy reading your reply but why did you not reply Jinrui ep8 and SAO ep8?

  7. Because they are too old and probably won't be read anymore, lol.

  8. HAHA I has been a slacker with comments lately. But I went in order of comments that were in my email. Sometimes comments don't end up in my email so when I thought I was finished....apparently I wasn't. Since they all didn't appear. Let me eat some noms and go through each post individually to catch ones that didn't go through.

  9. I don't think I want to know how she found out their urine are just water.

  10. Anonymous- I pretended like that comment didn't exist in the show because it hurt my brain too much. She knows next to nothing about the fairies but that fact? X___X
