Friday, July 27, 2012

Yuru Yuri Season 2 episode 4

UGH! Ate too much foooooood. My tummy needs to be bigger. I want to eat my entire meal like a normal person, not part of it now and some of it later. Like some crazy bird. Arg my poor tummy. If I had ice cream there would surely be room for it but nothing else. Ugh. Falling asleep and rolling off the bed as we speak.
Let us entertain you now!!
Now that I have entertained you with gross stories…its anime time! Thankfully nothing gross happened in episode 4 of Yuru Yuri. Then again nothing major happened either. Oh never mind I lied. Spoilers for tissues and nosebleeds!
Only cure against allergies?
Episode Summary: Ayano is sneezing all over the place. She claims she has allergies yet has no tissues with her. For some reason Kyoko believes that yogurt can help stop allergies. Despite the fact that Ayano’s nose is pretty gross no one runs in fear from her cooties. She runs out of tissues someone gave to her early in the day and reusing tissues is apparently the worse thing in the world. Kyoko quickly passes her some tissues but apparently Ayano is creeped out or something. She becomes more creeped out later when Kyoko forces her to wear a gas mask. Ayano recovers and decides that she and other council members must clean the room. Sakurako turns into the biggest brat and starts cosplaying a maid who doesn’t clean. Himawari keeps her mouth shut for the most part, asking Sakurako to help out. Ayano takes a more active approach and somehow this leads to her precious expensive pudding being on the line. Sakurako seems to think if she does the bare minimum she gets Ayano’s pudding. Chitose and her nose bleeds tries to save the pudding but she actually promises it to Kyoko instead. Because that is romantic in her head. Kyoko had just returned to her club room with ice cream so she gives it to Ayano as a thank you trade. Ayano then worships the ice cream in the fridge which leads Sakurako wanting that instead.
Take that dirt!!!
Ms. Nana and her super late self arrives to school and the student council asks her to fix their broken clock. Instead of fixing it in conventional ways she turns it into a helicopter and a barking dog. Ayano is especially annoyed with all these antics. Ms. Nana starts talking about how this is a promise she made to herself when she was younger. She grew up alone with only a robot dog for companionship and when he stopped working she promised herself she find a way to fix him. Or really she exploded something when she was younger and that is why she is the way she is. The girls demand their tears back and a normal working clock. The Amusement Club is shocked to see water falling from the sky and not an umbrella between them. Kyoko busts out a game she made during class that has super questionable squares that people keep landing on. As the game is a bust Chinatsu runs off to turn in a forgotten assignment. Yui asks the other girls what she should get Chinatsu as a White Day gift. Akari knows that Chinatsu loves Yui so she answers anything will be fine. Kyoko suggests that if you give someone something you like things will be fine. Yui has had experience with a Kyoko gift and is like um no way. Chinatsu manages to find two umbrellas and is so happy with the rain gods that she can share an umbrella with Yui. The girls walk home and Akari manages to avoid getting splashed in the rain because she is such a minor character. THE END!
Back to randomness indeed.
Oh there we go folks. Last week was just a silly fluke. Here is the Yuru Yuri that everyone knows and apparently loves. All over the place and random. Psht just sticking to one subject/event would be silly. Silly I tell you!
Lets make everyday interesting weeeeee!
Of course…perhaps this is a better representation of what life is like..for everyone? Not every day can be amazing and full of fun. Sometimes work is boring, school is….well educational, and nothing of interest takes place. But snippets of the day and week can be interesting so…I guess that is what this crazy show is doing. Even if it seems random and copy/pasted together.
Um...that was a bit random but okay. I am glad to know that.
I know two people with allergies. Not just the sniffles but not quite eat this and DIE type allergies. So I can feel Ayano’s plain even if I don’t suffer from it. Of course maybe she should have own tissues. You know the ones they hand out for free during the weekends? Silly Ayano! Be prepared oh sneezing people. Also Ayano…I was unaware that tissues are one time use items. Like…unless your nose is flooded with gross things just fold up and reuse it again. Am I really getting into tissue usages?! X__X Maybe I should just move on….
Must not reuse!!!!
OH! Wait why don’t these fools have giant boxes of tissues? Chitose is always bleeding all over the place. They should have tissues in bulk or something. This is all so silly. But allergies are no fun. I love how Ayano can’t accept anything from Kyoko without thinking something weird is up. Usually because there is…..
Cleaning? What's that?
Next on the random list Ayano has decided that the council room needs to be cleaned. Probably a good idea, good on you o tissue queen. I think that everyone, especially Himawari, were really patient with the pain in the butt Sakurako. Like my gosh girl could you be any more annoying? Sometimes cleaning is no fun but necessary. The room isn’t that big and you spent most of the time playing. Grow up….even if you are only 12.
But what about my pudding?!
Ayano is a weird girl. Like…that is your special pudding you spent extra money on. It’s not like you brought pudding for everyone. It was pudding for yourself. So tell Sakurako that. Tell her she needs to clean the room and her reward is…nothing. The pudding is yours. Chitose trying to save face for you…could have worked. Sakurako didn’t walk with you so eat the pudding in the hallway and call it a day. XD Oh and learn to say no to that weird kid.
All hail the ice cream gods!
I have been known to horde treats sometimes to the point where they have to be thrown away cause they are so old. I may or maybe not still have lemon heads from the Mickey’s Halloween Party last year. That being said I am not sure Ayano was doing the same thing. Almost like she set up a shrine to worship all that is Kyoko. Perhaps next time she will set up this shrine in her own fridge at home. Greedy Sakurako.
Are we a lie?
It is always weird to see Ms. Nana and Rise. Mainly because they are such minor characters it is almost like I have no connection to them. Which is weird as Rise is the president despite how much Ayano seems to be in charge. Will Rise ever get her voice back? She is a bit creepy….also she got out of cleaning the room didn’t she?!
Not the fake doggie!!!
Ms. Nana and her story of the robot dog….was weird. Even if the story had been true I would have worried. Her best friend was a robot dog? At least have an invisible friend or something. I kept making the @_@ face during that whole story. Yes my eyes really do make those shapes. Do you believe my story? XD
Congrads on not dying?
The real story, about how Ms. Nana became interested in explosions was a bit more understandable. It would have been better had she passed out and that was her first thought when she woke up. Despite all that nonsense…I actually liked the cute clocks she made. Sure it was pointless but a clock flying over to you is fun! Clocks are pointless anyway if your cellphone is glued to your hand so have some fun with it.
Oh hi there random moment.
I hate walking around in the rain! I tend to wear jeans that are too big for me…or maybe jeans are just made for people who are 5’7” and I am not. So when it rains my pants are getting all wet which causes them to weigh a million pounds and sometimes the water crawls up to my knees. So I look like I fell in a puddle every time it rains. This relates to the post because it rained in Japan and I got wet. Duh.
No one wants to collect 200 Kyoko kisses. XD
Kyoko and her game was a bit scary. Of course she did make it class so it couldn’t have been that been elaborate. And she also made it for certain people to land on certain squares. So when everyone started landing on the square and things got weird…yeah it was awkward. At least everyone knew it was awkward and they moved on quickly from that moment.
Maybe get her a barking clock?
Yui wanting to thank Chinatsu for the Valentine’s Day gift from hell is nice. Even if the gift looked like crap. But….didn’t Akari give her a gift too? Akari didn’t state who she gave chocolates too but I am assuming she gave her friends chocolates. Akari where is your moment of HEY?! XD Oh wait your hair was too busy being little ghost rain charms. Carry on being forgotten.
Well then...good thing they had those umbrellas.
The episode ends with sharing umbrellas and cars splashing water all over the girls. Don’t you hate that when it happens? You really can’t blame the cars because do you want them to go all over the road avoiding puddles. That could lead to crashes and such. Still it sucks. And this episode was special. Not as special as the Blood-C movie sounds but….a salad of events and me without a fork. Or ice cream. :( Stupid budgets!!! Maybe I should have just told my own little life stories in this post instead of doing this episode. Silly Tenchi!

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