Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Anime Series! Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 1!

Hello there my lovely readers! Apparently some stuff went down at work today and FOR ONCE I was not involved, not there, and cannot be blamed. This is an amazing feeling. I mean I am upset it went down but things tend to get blamed on me even when I am in Japan for goodness sakes. Yes folks last year when I was in Japan I was almost fired over something that occurred after I left. So I am sitting back and going…HAHAHAHA! Well until I go to work next and find out how they decided to blame it on me. But for now…HAHAHAHAHA!
Behold....the future. X___X
Also for now it is time for new anime and snoring kitties. Well I don’t think Kira is snoring as much as her mouth is in a weird position and it looks like it is flappin back and forth. But for the anime yes indeed. Up now is Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 1 time. Spoilers for a suicide in the first episode!
Err....I am sure that is what her job is. Exactly. The gap between humans and fairies is meat...
Episode Summary: A young girl (we will call her Ms. Sweets) is walking through what looks like a rundown town. She walks up to a group of girls and says she is from the UNCC. Some of the girls recognize her and spend the next minute repeating the word teacher teacher over and over again. Ms. Sweets is confused as to where all the men are. Well it turns out they are hunting and the young girls in the village are in charge of turning the eggless hens into meat. The other girls act like typical teenage girls and go NOOOO not the chickens. Ms. Sweets knows that humans have to kill to stay alive even during their decline and goes to hack the chickens up. But since everyone is stupid and let the chickens all outside…they fly away. Since the men return home with no meat everyone is declared useless and no one is in trouble. That doesn’t stop her Grandfather for complaining about having no meat. Ms. Sweets is more worried about the tiny fairies, the current people of the world, as they have no sweets to eat. The fairies decide that starvation is in this year and rejoice. Until Ms. Sweets try to give them nasty gum. Then they are like FEED US! The next morning a bunch of food appears in the village but it bears a symbol from the fairies. A few people are skeptical of this food and when Ms. Sweet taste said food she notes it is just okay…like something is missing.
No sugar coating it! Good, fair, and bad for me!
There is then a meeting discussing what to do about the missing chickens. After 6 hours it is decided to….spread out and look for them. Ms. Sweets takes out a group of girls where they find a headless/featherless chicken running around. They don’t catch it and Ms. Sweets makes the girls promise not to tell anyone. Well too bad everyone else saw and Grandfather notes the symbol on the food is on the naked chicken. Grandfather, Ms. Sweets, and her Assistant take a fairy and walk way out of town to FairyCo, the symbol on the food. It looks like a huge series of blocks but Ms. Sweets notes the fairies have advance technology so anything is possible. They arrive and find a random human running the joint. Only he was hired there 3 days ago and has not seen any other human. He insists this factory is not run by fairies and takes them around to see the mediocre food. A loaf of bread comes out to explain that this factory makes synthetic food using whatever ingredients they have to make things TASTE like things. When the group shows disdain for his explanation he rips his head open and invites everyone to eat him. Ms. Sweet wants to leave the factory right away but decides maybe she needs to investigate.
Well his brain is broken.
I think my brain is broken. Or at least my head hurts a bit. Not used to this kind of animation. But at least it was a better episode content wise than the last two anime episodes I watched. Still….with that being said will I be able to watch anymore?
The girl with no name is super funny. XD
First off how does one write a post without using any names? I am confusing enough to understand without saying that girl or the person with the long hair. Now I got to use words like Assistant? I guess Grandfather isn’t so bad but what about the main character? :( I guess I will just have to go with Ms. Sweets like the fairies call her. This is all very weird to me.
I thought that was a baby elephant. I was wrong.
I sorta knew this from the previews and random pictures are the internet…but the fairies are a bit scary looking. Maybe I thought they would be a bit different animated but the fact that they are running around with their mouths opened all the time will be a bit hard to look at them. Just…X___X little pac man monsters running around.
That would be the head removal process.
Our story starts off with Ms. Sweets having to do some crazy things. Ms. Sweets looks like a teenage girl and so did all the people that were left over from the hunt. So this is the crew that the MENZ left in charge of killing the chickens? I’m sorry, turning them into meat? While I understand these are the times they live in and no one should be squeamish about gathering food….really?! Where were the adult women? Clearly the other girls were not down for killing anything and Ms. Sweets didn’t look like she knew what to do after the head removal phase. There should have been an adult woman (since all the MENZ were gone) there to teach the future generation how to do all this stuff. Of course…if these kids grew up during the decline they should already know but we will put that aside for now.
ATTACK! Don't run away!
How did all these random chickens get outside? Another good question. I would think we would do the head removal process inside or take one at a time outside to chop up….But Ms. Sweets and her butter knife took all the chickens outside and declared them a stay of execution because they were smart enough to get away. I am not sure how smart that was but I am disappointed slightly. I thought the chickens were going to attack them Legend of Zelda style. Ah the good old days.
Look at that evil smile! XD
I do think Ms. Sweets is a breath of fresh air in regards to other heroines we have had recently. If heroine is the right word to use anyway. The things she says in her inner monologue are pretty hilarious. Reminds me of me. Like is this real life? I love that evil smile she had when she thought she was manipulating people into keeping the chicken story on the down low. And the delicacy points? Downright amusing. I might love this girl if I wasn’t holding my head at the weird background. NOT MEETINGS!
Human this?
Given that this is only episode one not much was said about what caused the decline of humans or why fairies are the current dominate species. It is weird to see a lush wasteland instead of a broken down mess. Like no effort to clean up, nature just came in and took things back. I am wondering more about how the fairies came to be than what lead to humans decline. That could have been for a variety of reasons which could all make sense. Since I can imagine such an event happening if it doesn’t get explained I won’t cry any tears. But fairies? It would make more sense if the birthrate fell and we were dying out. But a new subtype of human randomly popped up? I needs to know more about that.
And we need that organization because....?
If we find out more why the fairies came about we will know why Ms. Sweets needs to be a liaison between the two groups. If fairies are just the next generation of humans why wouldn’t the old humans be afraid of them? Why would there need to be an organization that keeps things neat and tidy between the groups? It seems to me that the two groups should be working together. Like I rather eat boring bread than nothing. The humans of today can focus on making sugar and the fairies can focus on making everything else. Sounds like a win win to me yes?
Everything is extra creepy with that face yes?
The fairies do have a funny sense of humor too. The way they went on and on about starving being the new fad was good times. They got into that box like they were being packaged as sweets too. XD And who doesn’t want to be paid in gum…I mean chocolate coins? XD Oh and did I mention they tried to help Ms. Sweets out by making the chickens appear in the meadow. Already in the “meat stage” too. Oh a sense of humor indeed.
Thanks tour guide. We will get right on that.
Was the human in the factory supposed to represent how useless some job positions are nowadays? Or is that just me being bitter about how special my job is and I am envious of that easy going job? Okay so that man was there just to be a front to throw off other humans. I mean…obviously this matrix like factory didn’t just plop out of nowhere and people have been seeing it for years and years….maybe people in the village never made it that far.
X___X Are all the tiny kids in Japan traumatized now?
The entire scene with the bread…just…I have no words. I think that was the best part of the episode. The fact that it was acknowledging the food in the factory wasn’t that good, being happy then said about the Assistants rating, and then the sucide…Amazing. Him tearing his head open and spewing out “blood” and asking people to eat him. I don’t even think I can put into words what this scene meant to me. The episode is worth watching just for this scene folks!
Because you live in insane land now? Just saying.
In the end Ms. Sweets has to keep on investigating the factory. This food might not be safe for humans if it can talk and kill itself. I love how reluctant Ms. Sweets is about most of the things in her life. She isn’t like WEEE I am the heroine and I will do everything with a smile and question nothing. She is more like….do I really have to do this?! And it is refreshing. I am seeing that many people feel the same way after this episode. So maybe I can put aside the slight headache and appreciate a different art media? Maybe folks. Suicidal bread!


  1. I started watching this show not knowing what to expect…
    I finished watching this show not knowing what I just watched…

    Best Qoute:

    Never hold meetings.
    “The outcome is determined before the meeting begins.”

    From what I understand of Japanese business culture, this is much more often true there than in the US. In Japan, everyone needs to be consulted on a decision – even if they can’t possibly argue against it. In the US, meetings (and I can speak first-hand here) very often turn into slugfests

    Also, “If you pity me, please eat me.”--bread-kun
    This really give food a new meaning. XDD

  2. Anonymous- This show was pretty trippy from beginning to end.

    I think that part of Japanese culture can be very frustrating. Even though you know the answer you still need to ask everyone or the chain of command might collapse into the sea never to be seen again. In the US I think everyone often gets caught in the fact that they think they are right and nothing can change their mind. In Japan they do what they are told thus don't really voice their opinions. There must be a happy median somewhere.

    :( Poor Bread-kun. Still haunts my dreams.
