Friday, May 4, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera episode 4

BLEH FOLKS! I am not feeling too hot today. I am not quite sure how I made it home from work. X__X Probably not the best thing to confess to but I was tired and felt…not so great. Or maybe I teleported myself home. Yeah folks. Maybe when I feel under the weather I develop magical powers. You didn’t know that about me did you?!
Can I go visit some right now? Well after I eat and keep down some foods?
….As I wake up from another nap I guess I can get around to blogging the amazing show that is Hiiro no Kakera episode 4. Spoilers for a whole lotta dumb. SO MUCH DUMB!
The most interesting line of the show and it was barely touched upon.
Episode Summary: Tamaki and her 4 bishies who are school age are having lunch on the roof top. They talk about how they THINK all the people yesterday….were working together. Oh yes they have similar names and what not. Everyone cheers about how amazingly smart they are. Tamaki even concludes that her headaches are caused by people messing with the seals. MOG! The random foreign teacher who looks nothing like the female baddie shows up but does nothing but make Takumu raise his eyebrows. For some reason they decide to go talk to Suguru because Grandmother trusts him…not because he is one of the 5. Then there is a scene with Tamaki pretending to have female friends. After school everyone has to wait for Shinji because the women love him. They walk to Suguru’s house and run into Mitsuru. She doesn’t want Shinji go to the knowledge meeting as he has not realized his powers yet. Bitch. So Tamaki pretends this is all good and Mitsuru just cares about Shinji. Tamaki has a great time realizing that everyone has known each other for a long time and questions about their fun hobbies. Crossword puzzles. I see. Tamaki’s hobby is visiting shrines which means we should mock her.
WEEE! We are awesome!!!!
They make it to Suguru’s and he impresses them with his tea making skills. There he gives everyone a crash course into Princessness, including that the 5 talismans are 5 items that the first princess had. Mind blowing stuff there. Aria (the tiny blond hair girl) talks about HIM returning to the group and how a seal is weaken. Clearly it is time to prepare the horses. Tamaki thanks Suguru for his time and there is some crossword puzzles bonding. Tamaki has to ruin the moment getting a headache and the group realizes a seal is in danger. They run to a big tree and TADA the baddies are there. The little girl takes the time to introduce herself and her peoples. Takumu and them are like PSHT we are awesome. They take turns beating up two of the 4 baddies and when they barely win they cheer. Aria is like…don’t you know they were just testing you? She then tells her people to kick it up a notch. All the “good guys” get their butts kicked and Aria takes the talisman out of the tree. Aria and her people leave and it is all sad. There is some random man talking on a payphone talking about Aria and her group’s success. Tamaki and her people have to go tell Grandmother that a talisman got stolen. Grandmother automatically blames Tamaki and all is well in the world. THE END!
Are you prepared for some grade-A problem solving?
I….I don’t even know where to begin with this hot mess. Also might be suffering Cabin in the Wood withdrawals. Or nightmares. Haven’t decided yet.
First of all….did it really take 5 of our heroes to come to the conclusion that the “baddies” were working together? I mean…I am almost embarrassed for them. Even if the baddies hadn’t taken the time to introduce themselves (oh nice of them…and pointless)…wouldn’t it have been obvious? No it wasn’t? Just four random and strangely dressed people showed up at the same time to kick your asses and they MIGHT be working together? Why was this even a conversation? And yes I laughed when they wanted to tell XXXX their exciting news. Yay for cookies!
A table full of geniuses.
Tamaki figuring out the seals being messed with made her have headaches…another cookie moment. Like do the brain cells work much slower here in TinyVillage? Apparently folks. Apparently. My head hurts and the seals are being messed with?! Genius! Tamaki is a genius. I can see why Tamaki is the princess. I guess what amuses me the most is the guys genuinely impressed with Tamaki’s power o deduction.
This was the showdown....
Takumu looked like he was going to have a show down with Ms. Boobied/uncover baddie. A little hair dye is able to fool everyone though. Guess the baddies are able to block their baddie power from our heroes. Or our heroes…just suck. You decide.
LALALA you are all friends that have known each other for years? AMAZING!
Is Tamaki just generally slow? She keeps being amazed that all the guys knew each other. NEWS FLASH! This is going to be true each and every week! Didn’t I just commend her for being amazing and smart? Oh yeah I was being sarcastic. But what part of this is hard for her to understand? Small village, kids have to take on the roll passed on from their fathers….yeah not getting why Tamaki is like OH WOW you knew each other when you were younger?! Maybe if she acted jealous and not shocked I would be more….forgiving.
WTF is her problem? I mean I know her problem but be quiet!
Mitsuru was a bit harsh on Shinji wasn’t she? Like BAM you ain’t got no powers go on home scrub. Granted I don’t think he should have been allowed to leave. Train him in the village in case Ms. Princess came back. And maybe he won’t come back accidentally brainwashed…Oh I mean he could have been with his people. Around people who have powers too and what not? The entire fact that these kids have to be guardians and have no say in the matter is unfair. Mitsuru not having his powers yet….makes it all his fault? I have no idea.
Well...I guess it was semi important.
Suguru was a well of semi important information today wasn’t he? Like hi I am the old person here! Let me enlighten you with all my knowledge. Seems to me all the boys didn’t know this stuff either. Which is kinda…weird. If you are going to protect a princess or be a princess maybe you should know as much as you can about the subject….as soon as possible? But yes. Princesses, talismans, protect the village. Haven’t seen many of the monsters they are protecting the village from have we yet?
Look at us! We simply rock!
I love how all the good guys were cheering themselves on when they “beat” two of the baddies. Yes 5 on 2 is something to be cheering about. Actually I am kinda embarrassed for them as I type this. Like yeah look at us, we totally beat the two that were attacking us. Sure we are huffing and puffing and are a bit scrapped up but we are awesome!
So much smarter than Tamaki....but she is the baddie?
That little girl is creepy-chan. I will use her short name Aria because I am lazy and tired. But what kind of name is that?! Craziness indeed. We didn’t learn much about this girl except she is short with words and talks pretty proper. And she seems to think that the talismans are her. I am not sure what her organization is all about but they seem to be more organized than the people with tons of years of tradition and what not. But the girl is creepy.
What? Surely you speak crazy things.
Oh yes the “real battle”. You know all the cheering from before? Laughable. Still embarrassed for them. Like a little kid who thought they beat up their older sibling when really the sibling wasn’t trying at all. Then BAM bringing out the real guns. XD Hilarious. It seems to me that Shinji (and his possibly traitor self) did the best. HMMM FOLKS! But they all still lost so who cares right? XD
Oh snap that disapproving face!
Grandmother was a bit on the Tamaki hate train wasn’t she? You can’t get the seal back to working order because you haven’t realized yourself as princess yet. Well DUH grams. Just found out that I am the princess. Haven’t even unpacked yet. Yet this all her fault. Clearly she should have taken to this nonexist relationship faster. Loser.
Why do I have to be so stupid?!
So…there you have it. Ms. Potato head and her apparent useless band of soldiers. Or we can look at it this way…they still have 4 seals/talismans up? No need to be that sad yet? XD


  1. Just a little some extra information, that little fox is a male.....
    You will see him transform later and I mean after a wile......

  2. Anonymous- Are you saying Ms. Potato head is going to get ANOTHER hottie? Maybe I will vote for that one, as the current ones mainly seem like jerks. XD

  3. The fox-chan is a child, physically at least. So, no, I do not think he is/will be one of the hottie in the group....

  4. Anonymous- And then my hopes and dreams were smashed in mere hours. :( least I am not looking forward to something that will never come. XD Thanks for the info. I am sure the kid will be smarter than half this crew anyway.
