Friday, January 6, 2012

Update on Bandwidth/Computer Issues

So folks. It turns out I can't read. My bandwidth was not restored on the 5th. Obviously. It turns out it will be restored on the 14th. I am not sure how I used so much bandwidth in half a month but I did. Le sigh.

So while all the pictures that are currently on this blog have been held hostage my husband has made a photobucket account for me to use while I wait this out. Silly me and my end of the year post messing this all up. Hopefully this doesn't happen again because seeing all those angry boxes makes me sad.

As for my laptop....:(. The husband is going to take it to get looked at tomorrow (today actually). If the issue is relatively inexpensive we will have it fixed right then and there. The husband is less optimistic about the matter and thinks we might need a new laptop. At the very earliest we could MAYBE order it in February. Who knows though when we could actually get it.

So for now I am on the SPECIAL computer with no pictures on my blog. X__X Very interesting indeed.


  1. I am to hear what happened over there. But, photobucket issue can be solved easily, I told you.
    Let's start with the cause. Your bandwidth is used up because there are too many people read your blog and saw those pictures. Which is actually good. I would be really happy if I were you. Hehe.
    Now, how to solve this? It's simple. You should sign up on lots of image hosting websites. Imageshack is one of the really good ones. With many accounts, you can spread their usage on your blog posts, thus spreading the bandwidth usage as well. :-)

    Un, you took too long to reply. It's important because people might be turned off for not seeing any response from you. Hehe.

  2. Eternia- BLEH! I need to be more on the ball to responding to comments. Maybe that should have been my New Year's Resolution.

    My husband was kinda like DUH why weren't you do this all along. Ah my husband loves me so much. Funny how you are able to tell me something and it is like a light bulb. X__X Really what was wrong with me?!

    So maybe each season I will alternate where I post the pictures so this doesn't happen again. Hopefully that doesn't break any Photobucket rules....I swear my husband is real folks. XD

    So on the 14th the pictures will return folks. In the meantime every other post will have pictures from my "spare" account. I will take precautions so this doesn't happen again. Thank you Eternia. XD I am so special. I feel as if I need a holiday from all these holidays, my brain is mush.

  3. Yup, yup. It should works. It's not like photobucket has ip address restriction when someone's registering new account anyway. Being evil a little should be fine.

  4. Eternia- Well that is good to know. I was thinking about making another account just for real life pictures. That way I would be SUPER covered. XD
