Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Scrapbooking Akihabara!

Hello all! I hope you are having a good day and a happy week.

But if you aren't...I hear you. Today I had to take a personal well being day. I think that is fancy talk for the past three days have been X___X and I am slightly stressed out and the idea of working with someone who makes my blood boil was not good for my stomach. So I went back to bed and got some well needed rest.

But even so I feel slightly guilty. Bleh. Despite the fact my job drives me crazy I don't want to leave anyone in the lurch. Or be out any money. But after a nap and getting some food in my stomach I decided to do something fun and that would make me feel more positive. Woohoo! It is time to scrapebook my Japan trip.


During my travels to Japan (well anywhere actually) I accumulated a lot of papers. I am a bit of a packrat and love free things in general. But now I am using my packrat skills for something positive. If you are going to hand me a free piece of paper I am going to say thank you...and look for more.


Akihabara was by far the easiest to make paper for. I have so much paper left over I have no idea what I am going to do with it all. Obviously keep in my closet for the rest of my life. I am really surprised most of it came back to America looking brand new and not bent all up.


So the hardest thing was to pick my favorite random papers to use! And place them in a way that doesn't cover up the paper. I guess that doesn't make much sense right? XD The pictures we took should be the most important thing but I am worried about the free pieces of paper that were all over Japan.


Many of these papers were advertisements for upcoming merchandise. So obviously whatever was popular at the time that was all over the place. If I had come to Japan one month later I could have walked away with so much Madoka merchandise. XD


Another big event was of course the new light novels of Haruhi. I wonder how much Japan spends on all these little pieces of paper. Some of the stuff I used was given to me based on what I bought. They try to judge your interest and give you ads for things you might also like. Bags and papers, you try to buy one thing in Japan and you walk away with 5. XD


I have absolutely no idea where I got this pamphlet. I didn't realize what it was until I got home. But it was a map of the Akihabara area. Of course I don't read Japanese but it is still pretty cool yes? That way smaller shops that are off the main road got a little attention. Although that picture might be a little off. How can you walk away with only a few tiny bags? XD

So that is what I have been doing today. Just relaxing and remembering how much fun I had in Japan. I know everyday can't be an amazing vacation day but sometimes the real world can be brutal and stressful. Hopefully the next 7 days will be just normal days. Or just some drama. I can handle some drama. But I don't want to be so fried that I can't enjoy AWA next week. XD Yay for long weekend getaways yes?


  1. Whoa! Those all look so kawaii! Do you by chance know the name of the very first picture you posted, the one with all the boys?

  2. *Envies you to the max*
    I wish I can go to Japan too~ ;.;

  3. Jess- In the first picture there are two series with almost all boys. The one on top is Starry*Sky which....was probably a better game. The anime was supposed to be all these boys in love with one girl but really they were in love with each other. But it was super popular in Japan so I found stuff for it everywhere.

    The picture under that Hakuouki. Again very popular in Japan. It is "romance"/historical piece. A lot of historical information actually....but tons of hot guys. XD

  4. TheGirlwithChocolateShoes- XD I hope you can go one day. With a case full of money. Because just walking down the streets in Tokyo makes you poor. XD So much to spend your money on. Then after you spend all your money you can fill that suitcase with the tons of free papers you will receive shopping about. Oh and your purchases. XD
