Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kuroshitsuji II episode 12: FINAL EPISODE!

Wow people. Wow.

Okay so there is actually a lot of marathoning going on…just it was with figurines and not anime episodes. I was doing mini photoshoots of all my new nendoroids so that took a huge chunk of time. That and I was having some anger issues with the Lucky Star Street Fighter Nendoroid stands. Huge amounts of anger going on there. So yeah it may look like I didn’t get much done today but technically I have three other posts in the wing and that counts.

Did I just say in the wing? I suck.

But here is my Kuroshitsuji episode 12 post. FINAL EPISODE FOLKS! Warnings for brain torture!


Spoiler alert: Claude dies!

Episode Summary: Hanna is singing a song to the Ciel body as Sebastian and Claude paddle down the path of death. Hanna explained to the men when they reached the top of crazy clock tower that Alois made a contract with her and until the requirements were meant no one is eating Ciel. They go to some demon island where Hanna explains that Alois wants the butlers to fight to the death with her demon sword (a sword that is capable of killing demons). Inside Ciel’s body Ciel is all like…Alois what do you think is going to happen with this? Alois seems calmer about the situation and apologizes for treating Ciel poorly. Ciel seems resolved to being eaten by Sebastian. The two butlers continue to fight for the sword. Sebastian stabs the ground which causes the entire place to fracture and break into pieces. Hanna sits with the Ciel body as it rains and the men fight. Sebastian manages to get the upper hand and stabs Claude. Claude requests his glasses and mumbles something about Ciel and being a butler before he dies. Oh and he slightly acknowledges Alois.


Sebastian is not having a good year at all.

Alois hears this all and the contract is complete. He seems to understand that this is all bittersweet but he has to be satisfied with this ending. He disappears/goes into Hanna. Ciel waits to wake up but Hanna instead smiles at Sebastian and jumps over the edge with both of them. Sebastian desperately goes after Ciel as Hanna makes it to Claude’s body. She cuddles on him and says now all four of them will be together. Alois can be heard being overjoyed at that prospect and the waves take Hanna and Claude away. Sebastian makes it to Ciel and it is all stabby and confusing. BAM we are back at the mansion where Sebastian doesn’t serve Ciel tea and Ciel has demon eyes. How interesting. Ciel dramatically leaves behind both rings as he goes to meet Elizabeth. They dance and she seems happy which means soon she will be unhappy. Meanwhile Sebastian is delivering notes to everyone else in the series (minus the Scotland Yard folks). Sebastian has a few words for Lau but he is allowed to live.


My nonexistent tea is delicious.

Sebastian arrives back at the mansion to pack Ciel up and leave forever. The former Stupid Trio are devastated but Ciel is set to go. Turns out that Alois REAL wish was that Sebastian and Claude never get Ciel’s soul because he turns into a demon. Sebastian stabbed Ciel to see if he was really a demon. The notes Sebastian handed out where Ciel’s Look I am dead now papers. And due to Ciel’s words last episode Sebastian is bound to be Ciel’s butler forever despite the fact that Ciel’s soul will never be his. Sebastian is handling the news rather well which is shocking. Ciel doesn’t know where they are going to end up but seems okay with how things have turned out. Then the yaoi fangirls get one last WOOHOO pictures and all is over. THE END!

X_X My eyes. My brain. WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE?!


Really? You are the first scene? XO

So the teaser for last episode was Claude, Sebastian, and Hanna riding in a death boat with Ciel. So I thought haha that must be the ending or something. NOT. That was the beginning people. The beginning of me losing my mind. Yes it turns out that was the first few minutes of the episode and everyone was playing nice for one last moment.


Don't mess with tortured little kids. X_X

Alois was like a super genius or something. I like that kid 100 percent more now than when this season first started. The pacing of this episode was X_X as hell but at the end of the day Alois’ wish was to make sure neither Sebastian and Claude got Ciel’s soul. I am unsure why Alois was hating on Sebastian but it was clear why Claude was being punished. Or maybe Alois wasn’t punishing Sebastian as much as he was trying to protect Ciel and make amends?


Sorry for treating you like crap. Friends?

In any event BAWWWW. Poor Alois. All he wanted was Claude’s love in the end. But he was lied to on who killed his brother the entire time. The person he was counting to get his revenge fabricated the entire thing because he is a psycho. And Alois was willing to forgive Claude for lying, killing him, and wanting Ciel more. But Claude continued to be a psycho so all Alois wanted in the end was for Claude to die so they all could live together in Hanna’s body or something.


The crazy kid only wanted love. :(

So in the end Alois needs a hug. He had a bad lot on life, made a contract with a demon, and in the end the only way he could possibly be happy was to die and have all his love ones be dead with him. I think he got the happiest ending that was possible for him. Hugs for Alois.


Not really amazed here people...

The battle between the butlers ended a little bit anticlimactic. I was expecting more injuries and fighting. But early on Sebastian had the idea to bust up the island and Claude’s footing caused him to die pretty fast. Sadness. It was weird that there was no animosity between the two but maybe both of them were just accepting how things were. Sebastian putting Claude’s glasses on him in the end was a kind gesture. No HAHA I won just okay you lost and I will give you dignity in death. Pretty awesome I guess.

But you got what you deserved Claude.


Sucks to be you.

So Sebastian goes to claim his prize and BAM Hanna and the Ciel body go over the edge. Sebastian XO What happened? Things didn’t go as planned? Watching Sebastian freak out so many times this season was weird. Very weird people. Also it wasn’t very clear on why Ciel started bleeding in the water but yeah Sebastian stabbed him people.


Um yeah people...just yeah.

And why did Sebastian stab him? Oh just to check to see if Ciel was a demon. Perfectly logic people. That is a very logic response when someone is drowning in the water. A DEMON?! Alois how far in advance did you plan this wish? I mean this is some complicated stuff going on! Ciel was ready to die. He said Sebastian could have his soul. Ciel is a pretty fair guy that way. But Alois made it so that Ciel would still be alive, Claude would die, and Sebastian would suffer for lying to Ciel. Like kick ass Alois.


I think Elizabeth knows this is the last time she will ever see Ciel. :( This season was better without her in it but I still feel bad for her.

Ciel saying goodbye to everyone was weird. Nice but weird. I really think he should have kicked Lau’s ass but I guess that would cause more trouble than what it was worth. But Ciel dancing one last time with Elizabeth was nice. Telling Mr. Prince and his servant what was what was a really nice gesture. I think he could have been nicer to the Former Stupid Trio but Ciel has to pretend at all times he is a bad ass so I can see why he didn’t break out in the tears or the niceness. So I really appreciated him giving everyone a last goodbye.


Together FOREVER!!!!

Sebastian being cursed forever is pretty awesome. I mean I guess he isn’t THAT evil. Ciel had a wish and any demon could have come around and made a contract. So I guess we can’t blame him for wanting his end of the deal. He did put up with a lot from Ciel and all the stupid people in his life. And he had to make up that lie to get him more revenge because of Claude stealing Ciel’s soul. In the end Sebastian was making the best of a crappy situation and the fact that he is a demon that eats souls. It would be like being mad at a tiger for eating the cute little animals in the neighborhood.


I thought Sebastian would be handling this...differently...

But I still think it is awesome. And no, not because I am a crazy yaoi fangirl. But Ciel being alive forever does make everything more legally and less gross and pedophile like. HOWEVER this makes me happy because Ciel didn’t die. I never wanted him to die. I did want Sebastian to have a change of heart but that was never going to happen. So this was AWESOME. Ciel is alive, Sebastian has to be a demon butler forever, and….well…I am not sure now.


Yes my Lord FOREVER!

Yeah people….what is going to happen now?! X_X Ciel is no longer the Earl of fancy toys. He isn’t a Queen’s dog or whatever. He is a boy who will probably never age hanging out with demon for the rest of his life. I guess that means he has his whole life ahead of him to do whatever he wants but he is limited because he has the body of a never aging kid?


I wish to hug the poor Prince!

I think my head hurts. And now I am wondering why he said goodbye to people who can interact with. Like Grell and the Undertaker.


Yay for happy endings?

So yeah folks. The end is here and it broke my brain. But everyone but the butlers got a happy ending and that is all that matters. Ciel lives to see all the days and Alois gets to be with his brother. Claude dies and Sebastian has to serve Ciel forever. All because two boys that were treated like shit their entire lives got revenge in the end.


That is the best you are going to get Alois so I would take it.

So how do you feel about this hot and confusing mess? I don’t know how I feel yet. Just that I am utterly confused yet I understand why everything happened.
But Ciel lived and that is all that matters people. The end!


Looks like it is seriously the end. :( Sad blogger is sad.


  1. I first thought that Hanna would be the bad guy like the angel in season one, but she wasn't so bad and I'm happy that at least SOMEONE loves Alois.Sebastian was like -_- when he discovered that he has to serve Ciel for all eternity LOL.


    2. Ang puta ikaw.ka ungo gd cmo.If season 2 is a shitty ending then why there's a lot of positive reactions from people.If you love the manga version then stick with it the anime is different don't be a shunga linti nga tawo ka.

  2. Anonymous- I am glad out of all these crazy people SOMEONE cared for one of the boys. I think she cared for Ceil too in a way but obviously she cared for Alois more. I know Alois' happiness was brief but at least he got some.

    I am not sure how Sebastian feels about serving Ceil forever. Maybe he is slightly amused that Ceil got the best of him in the end? Maybe he wants to kill himself? Or maybe he has had time to realize his life sucks now. But I guess he will have to learn to love the situation.

    Or at least that is what the fanfiction writers will say anyway. XD

  3. I think they committed some kind of suicide. Remember, they jumped off a cliff and Ciel said something about them being in a place where humans and demons were equal. Hell, maybe? But not on Earth. That's why I think he said goodbye to the Reapers. They are essentially from Heaven, so probably no chance of running into them in Hell. Nonetheless, I feel kind of bad for Sebastian. He just wanted to eat! LOL.

  4. Kiki- Well I love Ceil so I am glad he didn't get eaten. So while Sebastian did earn his meal and actually was a good butler (unlike some butlers who kill their master's) I am happy with the outcome. Maybe Ceil will let him eat other people instead.

  5. I actually don't know what to think about the end. Ciel seems releaved but Sebastian seems really sad. I always thought he likes his master but here he doesn't look happy with being with Ciel forever @_@ and i kinda feel bad for him. Why did Alois have to go this far seriously ?
    I used to imagine another end where Sebastian would be the one who turn Ciel into a daemon 'cause he'd realize that he won't be as happy as he is after eating his soul. Oh well..
    Damn you Alois XD

  6. Reyn- I agree with you. I think it would have meant more if Sebastian WANTED to be with Ceil and not stuck with him all resentful like. However....that probably wasn't going to happen and Sebastian can learn to be happy?

    But as long as Ceil is happy I am happy. XD

  7. first of all... I'M HAPPY because CEIL is ALIVE.... that's it,,,
    but... i feel lonely and sad because it turns out like Sebastian didn't love Ceil :( at the very start (kuroshitsuji I), he just wanted his soul... my base is in the end(kuroshitsuji II)... when Ceil said that he feel great because he was out now of the curse.... while Sebastian said that HE RECEIVED AN ETERNAL CURSE with a loneliness in his face.... :(

    i know Sebastian was a demon..... but from the very start of the season 2... i hoped that... HE LEARNED TO LOVE CEIL(like hannah to Alois' brother)
    confuse with my feelings :) or :(?

  8. Au- I think this series has left me :( and :) too. I wanted Ceil to live so :). But I wanted Sebastian to NOT kill Ceil and that is why Ceil lives. Not because some crazy kid saved Ceil from death. So that fact that Sebastian doesn't have any love (romantic/brotherly/whatever) for Ceil makes me extremely :(. Maybe over time he will learn to love Ceil but yeah. He got what he deserved but I don't want him to consider Ceil a curse.

    So we can be conflicted together! XD

  9. I think the ending of the anime was perfect. I would have been content with the season one finally, had Ciel been eaten; however, season 2 finale was even more amazing.

    Sebastian got what he deserved. Don't be fooled by his "charm," he is a demon cultivating his prey for a feast. However, Ciel accepted his fate since he had sealed his damnation into hell the momment Sebastian appeared, even if he had not made a contract with him. But since, he was doomed to hell, he had nothing else to loose and decided to make the contract.

    As for Sebastian, his punishment to serve Ciel was pure justice for his luring people to hell. I thought it was great how he was bound to the life of servitude. I don't think he ever loved Ciel, he just didn't want to lose his meal to someone else.


  10. Elfy- I think it the yaoi fangirl in me that was hoping that Sebastian loved Ceil. Well loved when Ceil was slightly older of course. But yeah deep down he just wasn't as crazy or horrible as Claude so that is that.

    And I think this is the happiest ending Ceil could have gotten. And since I never liked Elizabeth anyway she can just keep on crying. The only people I feel bad for are Prince Soma and his butler as I think they genuinely liked the pair.

  11. After the end of all of this I'm like... ._.

    One thing I can't figure out:

    When Ciel mentioned that they were going 'to a place where humans and demons are treated the same' right before they hopped off the edge of a cliff, were they merely traveling to hell, or were they killing themselves to get to hell. (Sorta like how Hannah mentioned that her, Clause, Lucas and Jim would be together right before they sunk into the water.)

    Yea, I'm probably over-analyzing this... Any thoughts?

  12. Anonymous- Late comment is super super late. :( Sorry.

    At that point I am not sure what Ceil was referring to. I don't think Alois wanted Ceil to go to hell. I think Alois actually wanted Ceil to be okay and I don't think hell is even okay for demons. Hopefully Ceil was just trying to be poetic at that moment and really didn't mean WOOHOO on the train to Hell Land or something.

  13. omg dudc ei know exactlly how you feel, i mean WTF??? it took like the worst turn possible and shit it felt like the ending was rushed, i mean im happy ceils alive and stuff but im sort of pissed fpr seby-chan's sake i mean honestly looking from his point of veiw i would have blew it if i busted my ass for NOTHING >:(

  14. Anonymous- I totally agree. If we take off the yaoi colored glasses for a minute and put aside the fact that Sebastian wanted to EAT is pretty sad. He did an excellent job at being a butler while other butlers were just...being assholes. XD He did his job and in the end he wasn't paid for his work. Granted his payment was a soul but Ceil knew the rules going into this so...yeah. Doesn't look like Sebastian is ever going to eat souls ever again and is stuck with the same master forever.

    But Ceil is still alive. Amen.

  15. You spelled Ciel wrong the whole blog post. Even after the screenshot with his name spelled out for you. Disappoint. :I

  16. Anonymous- Well more disappointing is I apparently spelled his name wrong in at least half the posts on my blog. Not sure why I got it right half the time but really it is not excuse. Thank you for pointing out this pretty big mistake. Going through the posts right now and correcting his name.

  17. i loved this anime but the ending left me confused and questioning, for example how does sebastian feel about serving ceil for eternity? like i know he didnt get to eat ceil's soul he desperatly craved, but i thought he kinda liked being around ceil and had a little bond there with him, i hope he can learn to make the best of the situation cause he didnt look at all happy but strangely wasnt very mad, he kinda just sullenly accepted it.... sigh, and why did ceil leave everyone? i mean he could've at least kept greil,the undertaker, and the three servants in his life ( as they have seen some pretty messed up stuff and are involved with the underworld) cause like he needs to interact with more than one person.And another thing am i the only one bothered by ceil's change of clothes? like just cause u go deamon doesnt mean u have to wear all black all the time, i liked all the clothes before it seemed more him...anyways im happy ceil isnt dead, i never wanted him to die and im happy sebastian is still with him ( even tho hes not as happy, but he did agree to stay by ceils side)but im kinda bittersweet feelings for alois , at least hes happy, im gonna miss him tho. Anyways i hope they make a 3 season, like whats gonna happen now? are there ties with everyone gone? where are they gonna go? does sebastian hate ceil now and feel like hes dead to him like hannah said? sheesh, and the mangas different so i have no idea what will happen, i hope theres a season 3

  18. Anonymous- I don't even know if Sebastian knew what he was feeling at that point. For so long he thought about that tasty soul and if Hanna can be believed that person will stay with you forever. So maybe that is what Sebastian thought about for so long, knowing this was the best soul ever. So even if he did appreciate Ciel on some level knowing that that tasty soul will never be his was a bit hard for him to swallow at that point. Disappointed in knowing it was so close yet so far away. Of course I would like to think Sebastian being sad was just to put the hammer down and kill this couple pairing. Broke my yaoi colored glasses in half. :( But with an ending like that I doubt we get a third season. Poor left behind people.

  19. What happened to the sword ??? Did Hannah die in the end ? Will Sebastian fulfill his contract if he kills Ceil with the demon sword ?

  20. Poor Sebastian,forever enslaved by his contract to be a fangirl attracting butler forever. Still, I guess Ciel living wasn't that bad. Unless at the end, with all the farewell 'I'm dead' messages and all, they went to hell. I mean, it does make a little sense. Ciel said that he and Sebastian were going to a place where they would have wound up eventually, and what with all the 'hell' references I think we know where THAT is. I'm still pissed at the ending though. Maybe I should read the manga?

    Man I hate Hannah . . .

  21. Black butler is -THE END- and here I am still have a lot of questions to be answereddddddddddd. Like who really is Sebastian? Where did they go in SS. 2??? Does Sebastian hates his job being a butler forever in ss 2?? And in ss 3, i was really confused like wtf so I reasearched and yeah~~ AND UWAAAHHHH STILL. MANY. QUESTIONS~

  22. I noticed something while watching the last episode, when Sebastian was speaking of the curse he was put on, Ciel pressed his shoulder a little. it shows he didn't like to see Sebastian THAT sad , and I feel Ciel was the one who loved Sebastian(like when he was thinking of him in the garden and his cheeks turned red). and for some reason, I think they were not going to hell, because Sebastian didn't know anything about it 'where shall we go, bochan?'
    there are some other evidences too, for example, in one scene Clude was speaking of a place which demons used to live before. but someone made the kings angry and the place is ruined right now. (and he just smirked and pointed to Sebastian, like he was the one who made kings angry). and maybe there is another place like that in which they were going?
    and about killing Ciel, yes he tried to kill ciel and said 'he just wanted to ascertain that Ciel is a demon). ok, he confess his reason in the way and said 'I just served u as a low butler just because of your sould, that why I...' and a flashback to the sea and boat happened. but there were a black wing floating in the sea , and what ...just ...
    am I taking the details too way of serious? =)))))))))
