Things are going super!
Going back to work after a fun vacation time is never fun. But for once Wednesday was actually moderately okay despite the paint and the asphalt. Oh God the asphalt! But if I had to go back to work and not have fun at an anime convention it was a perfect way to get back into real life.
But I still have my anime. XD I actually saw a few High School of the Dead cosplayers but I never got a chance to take their pictures. And the reason why conventions are so fun is because I love recognizing characters from my favorite shows/mangas.
So here it is, the final episode of High School of the Dead. Prepare yourself for random dress ripping, cars doing stupid things, and bombs. KA-BOOM!!!!
Phones are HARD people!
Episode Summary: The astronauts from space watch in horror as missiles go towards a destination. I am assuming Japan. And I am also assuming that it was Japanese subs trying to stop the bombs. It is hard to tell since EVERYONE SPEAKS JAPANESE! In any event most of the bombs are destroyed but one makes it target or something since the sub that was supposed to destroy it was overrun by zombie soldiers. This bomb disturbs the atmosphere or something and cuts all electronic equipment on Earth up. Which is sad since Shizuka was talking to her friend Rika. Saya is amazingly smart and figures this all out and explains to everyone what happened. It all goes over my head. But it affects every single car too which is bad news for Shido since he was driving at the time. He crashes into the barricade outside the house that was basically toast anyway since the electronic stuff was not working. Saya’s dad comes outside to thank her for being so smart and orders his men to protect the gate. Saya’s mom breaks out the weapons and gives one to her daughter. This might make Kohta all turned on or something. The fence lasts about 5 seconds and down it goes. There is chaos in the streets.
Wait ya'll had TNT?!
A lot of the people, including peace and love Chinese lady, get nommed. Our high school heroes kick some ass until Saya’s dad goes up weren’t you going somewhere? Saya’s family is going to go next door (I guess to their second mansion). Saya’s parents wish her luck and insist Kohta protect her. They make it to the garage where the mechanic is fixing the computer part of it. Saeko, Rei, Kohta, and Takashi manage to keep the zombies at bay while the dude fixes the car. There is some random boob squish scenes involving Rei. They eventually leave but the mechanic guy stays behind because he loves someone or something. They pass Saya’s parents who are kicking ass trying to protect the survivors. There is a moment where Saya says goodbye to her parents as the high school crew takes off in the Hummer. Saya is sad and the group lets her have that moment of my life sucks. Once they reach the barriers Shizuka turns the Hummer on its side for a mile to get through the disaster area. Awesome. They then reach a highway and everyone starts smiling as there are tons of zombies to kill. Like seriously smiling here. Eventually the car becomes useless and the group starts going by foot to find their relatives. Takashi says a few words to close out the season and it’s over. THE END!!!
Why....why are we smiling? Can you not see the chaos and death all around you?!
Is it national make everything shitty month or something? I AM NOT IMPRESSED!
I didn’t know the fallout from a bomb would be that horrible. I probably should have though. I mean I know it causes big KA-BOOMS and such but I guess I didn’t take into consideration that all the electronics would be blocked out forever and ever. I haven’t been taught this okay!
Wait what?
Mog people I just got an educational lesson on how cars work and such. Because I was ready to type how magical all Japanese cars are with their computer chips and how NOTHING would work now. But then my husband explained that all (most) modern cars have computer chips and if an airburst happened most cars would be rendered useless. He says that older cars would probably still work and that we have to change our personal zombie plan to making it to a old car lot.
Look people, High School of the Dead is educational. I need a rainbow people!
Sorry Saya, you hurt my brain.
Saya you really sucked at explaining all this jazz. TOO MANY WORDS. Seriously I think she was trying to explode my brain. I am sure if I went back and reread what she said again it would make sense. But the husband was like blah blah and his blahs made more sense. Just note that maybe people should wait until all hope is lost before deploying the killing weapons of doom. I mean at least launch them in your own country where you know there is no hope. Don’t be launching them halfway across the globe.
Poor zombies have no one to eat. :(
I do like that the subs got attacked too. I mean it is possible that a semi sick person entered the sub and died/zombied during the trip. Highly unlikely but I guess it could happen. One would hope that the military would be careful with letting people who have control over the missiles but watch 28 Weeks Later and watch how stupid those people. But we needed some drama and I guess this kind of incident COULD happen.
I guess it sucks to be you?
Looks like Shido is toast. He isn’t to blame for the zombies getting in the mansion as eventually the zombies would have gotten past the broken electrical fence eventually. That and they were told to leave by the boss so you know. Not really his fault. So he gets nommed and maybe one day Rei will get to kill his zombie self. I just hope the other school students make it to safety. If they were brainwashed that quickly surely they can go out into the world and be the clueless teenagers they once were.
Dude I love this scene so much. FLYING SCHOOL GIRL!
But dude shit got really bad really fast. We got some runner zombies or something. Because it looks like the house is pretty high on that hill. And that fence kinda sucked too. But good job and quick thinking. Some brave men died trying to protect the others. Or maybe they are just scared of Saya’s dad. In any event there might be some stupid people in this zombie show but we got some brave people.
I like that Saya got some praise from her parents. It is unclear if there will be a season two of this hot mess but at least Saya got to say some final words to her parents. Since they will probably die and all. Because they are amazing people who are taking on a horde of zombies while the other 20 people hide behind them. Not sure WHY Saya got slapped though. Probably because Takashi didn’t grab any boobies this episode.
We can talk it out I swear!
HAHA! The Chinese lady got nommed. She deserved it. I loved how she was all peace and love and the second things got real she was hacking away. Although it was amusing to watch her try to reason with the zombie. MEDICATION FOLKS! Why didn’t everyone else think of that?! But yeah she is dead.
You probably gonna die dude...
Also isn’t it a miracle that there is some magical car fixer dude to fix the computer chip thingy? And that our crew was able to hold the zombies off long enough for him to fix the car? MIRACLES PEOPLE! I kinda wish he went with them, seeing as their only adult is…..not someone I want on my zombie team. But he is going to die for some chick he loves. Amazing.
I couldn't get a pic of the car totally on its side so this will have to do.
Why did the car do that? I mean I know it is an anime show, one that had boobies dodging bullets but seriously people. There wasn’t even enough space IF the car managed to go sidewise. But this is all magical people, you just got to believe!!!
My parents are not this awesome. Surely they shall die.
So where are we now people? The world is covered in zombies and our crew is walking around searching for survivors sans car. They had no food, few bullets, and an extra person who happens to be a child. Yeah maybe leaving the school wasn’t a good idea.
Can we find another car please?
I was excited about this show. I love zombies. I love anime. But I got some boob filled show that ended with absolutely no resolve. I mean either everyone dies or a few people live. THERE ARE RULES! A SIMPLE FORMULA!!!! But yeah….there was slight character development and some zombies. A typical zombie type flick but without an ending which makes me sad.
Everyone is happy WOOHOO!
If there is a season two I will be moderately happy. If this is the end I will be disappointed. But if there is a season two there better not be any boob grabbing or so help me!!! RARW! Zombie Tenchi!
At first I thought that this anime would be about NORMAL students trying to survive but ¿can normal teens do that trick with the car?
Not to mention when Takashi did those tricks on the bike.
But I guess its ok since its an anime -_-
(I'm 60% sure they will do another season)
Anonymous- We can't have normal. Because that would be reasonable and then we would have viewers putting themselves in that situation, you know relating to the characters and such. But no, we have gun crazy person, a nurse who is besties with someone who owns a Hummer/5787686 guns, and two chicks who can wield weapons. I am not sure about you but my high school best friends would be toast within minutes. Unless individual we were separated into different groups. Then we could be the helpless survivor chick.
Although I think the Hummer was more amazing than the driving. XD It survived a lot.
If they do another season they need to stop with the harassment on women. I get it's all about boobies and butts but I could really do without the harassment.
The manga doesn't stop there. They do go to the mall and then some. read it for youself
Anonymous- Going to a mall actually sounds like a smart thing to do (in theory of course...). Well I guess in Dawn of the Dead the mall was closed when the disaster hit so maybe not so smart. XD
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