Maybe I was brainwashed?!
Okay. So I’m crazy right? Last week I was whining about not being able to go to work and being bored and blah blah right? I am officially insane for even thinking that. Being bored ROCKS. I will take being bored at home with my computer over being at work. Surely I was insane for ever thinking that. Maybe the thought of having no money for a week clouded my mind or something. PAY NO ATTENTION TO ME!
So after burning my finger off, breaking out into mysterious hives randomly on my arm, and HURTING MYSELF I come to Froot Loops and Angel Beats. Froot Loops because my husband didn’t feel like making poor injuried me dinner and Angel Beats because Angel Beats is the only good thing about Fridays. Thank you Angel Beats. Without you I would be in the corner plotting the deaths of many people. Now I can do that later!!!
This post is brought to you by my left Index Finger. Index Finger. That appendage that is not moving correctly due to be exposed to 500 degree ovens.
But I wanted to have a secret meeting with Otonashi!
Short Summary review because I am practicing on being BRIEF: Otonashi is plotting who he is going to heal next when he is confronted by both Hinata and Naoi. Both boys want to help Otonashi make the others disappear but both boys hate the other for trying to monopolize Otonashi. Before Naoi can brainwash Hinata Naoi is taken over by a SMOKE MONSTER. Somehow Hinata and Otonashi manage to kill the SMOKE MONTER with bullets. Yuri gets wind of this and orders all SSS members to move carefully in group. She also has a meeting with Tenshi to get info on all this Smoke Monster business. Tenshi claims to not to have made the monster and Naoi tries to cover for Tenshi by making her feel villainous. But the sham on Tenshi being a baddie fails when more Smoke Monsters appear and Tenshi appears to help protect the SSS members. Yuri sees one NPC kid turn into a Smoke Monster but says nothing.
See the problem with this lie is a normal, happy person would want to stab Naoi too.
Takamatsu is taken over by a Smoke Monster and is sucked into the ground. He reappear the next morning acting like an NPC student with no memories of the SSS group. Yuri concludes that the Smoke Monster sucked out his soul and turned him into a NPC. Yuri calls a meeting with the entire SSS group and explains how serious the situation is. She also calls Otonashi up front to explain what he thinks should happen AKA disappear. Shocked that she knew Otonashi explains his stance and Naoi and Hinata try to back him up. People seem conflicted and Yuri tells them to all think it over. After the meeting Yuri asks Tenshi to fight the Smoke Monster while she investigates something. Also it is revealed that Tenshi is not an angel and Yuri knew that all along. Hinata makes Yuri promise to come back to them all as she goes running off. While the other kids are thinking about what they should do Yuri goes to the library where she has correctly concluded is the source of the Smoke Monster. Well it was until someone stole a bunch of computers. Following a secret path it is apparent she is going to Guild. THE END!
Behold the awesome useless wings of beautifulness!
Wow. X_X That went…a lot differently than I thought it was going to. Which is good in a way. A show that is full of surprises and keeps you on your toes is a good show. But for once I would like to be right about…something. Just one little theory, that’s all I’m asking.
Never mind, I rather use all my “points” on getting some actual Fai and Kurogane proof scenes. I mean I KNOW they are couple and many other reasonable people realize that too but proof would be nice. So people like Vic Mignogna can shut the hell up.
Look at that smile! XD
So what was I wrong about first? I was wrong about Hinata and Otonashi’s fake yaoi relationship ending. If anything it is stronger than ever which makes Hinata some sort of adulterer. Poor Yui. She probably hasn’t even been reborn yet and she has been cheated on. The world is unfair.
Oh and also notice the touching.
Of course me being wrong about this is AWESOME. XD Hinata and Otonashi yaoi jokes keep things light and fluffy. We can’t have it all doom and gloom right? Just because I gave Hinata and Yui my blessing on their canon relationship doesn’t mean I am going to give up on my crazy it’s not possible pairing.
Aw joint freaking out. How cute.
Add Naoi into the mix and I was a super happy Tenchi. With a busted finger, hived ridden arm, and achy injury. Because I got all the pretend yaoiness. Even though Hinata is promised to someone else he is still jealous that Naoi is trying to steal his Otonashi away. And well….Naoi just doesn’t care that Hinata is super close friends with Otonashi. Suffer toilet paper suffer.
I was wrong about what the Smoke Monster was. I didn’t voice it but I thought that the Smoke Monster was a manifestation of something dark inside Yuri. That she couldn’t accept Otonashi healing all of her friends and comrades so she had to create something to cause drama and heat things up. I didn’t think that she did it on purpose but subconsciously. Also I am only going to say I am semi wrong on this theory as we don’t know who is the one behind the computer program changes. So…Smoke Monster enemies. At least it wasn’t Jacob’s fault!
A secret boss?! XO It wasn't in the guide!!!
I like how Yuri compared the Smoke Monster to bosses in a video game used to make people MOVE and not stick around in an area that is completed. It was a funny joke. Although I am having a hard time understanding why this world is being treated like a computer program. X_X Confuses me how Tenshi can type a few sentences into a computer she made with her mind and BAM in happens. I hope the last few episodes can really explain this to me as I am slightly confused.
Why...are you wearing a shirt?!
XO I was wrong about Otonashi spending the last few episodes healing people and Yuri being mad. For one…Takamatsu is no longer with us. Everyone….it is time to mourn the loss of the shirtless one. He went before his time. We will never get to know his sad little back story and now he is an NPC. Without his glasses. :( But seriously I do hope that there is a way to bring him back. He deserves to go on with his life too.
TK is right. Spread love, not hate.
I was also wrong about the Yuri being angry at Otonashi part. She was like okay peeps, you got two choices and Otonashi will explain his ideas on protecting you. He was like….was I seriously trying to hide something Yuri, the Queen of this world? But I do like that Naoi was trying to protect Otonashi from Yuri’s wrath. Not that Tenshi and her awesome nonlying skills helped hide anything but it was nice that Yuri didn’t go crazy on Otonashi.
XO A leader...giving choices...
Does that make her a good leader or a bad leader though? Yuri’s whole purpose up until now is making sure the kids don’t “disappear”. Of course her real goal might have been to get back to God but I am trying to make her sound good. But now she is letting the newest member of their ranks dictate plans and sway minds. Truly a very risky move had it not been Otonashi and his kind little heart. But maybe Yuri realized that it was a good thing to move on and wants to give her people a way out before they become NPCs. So I am going to side with a good leader who got really lucky with the person who opposed her.
What do you mean this obvious fact is obvious?!
Otonashi and Hinata finding out that Tenshi was not an angel was awesome. I guess Naoi pretending he was in the know was amusing too. But it was almost the exact same situation when Otonashi learned that Tenshi was actually trying to HELP everyone by disappearing. One would think that Otonashi would have asked then what was going on. Also one would think that Otonashi, Hinata, and Naoi would question why Yuri MADE UP THE ENTIRE STORY…but I guess I will chalk that up to the boys being scared of the Smoke Monster. Otherwise I am a bit confused on why my boys dropped the ball.
I think this was my favorite serious moment.
I do like that we got a few moments to see how the other SSS members are taking the news. It felt nice with the closing song being played in the background and all. I just wish TK could have ONE serious moment. I get he is the guy who says random English phrases but this is serious business times!!!
But WHO is YOU?
I am not sure what was up with Yuri investigating all on her own. I guess she feels responsible and wants the others to be free to choose their own future. But after that little talking to that Hinata gave her about them being a team…I just wanted her to work with some people. But she is all off going to find stolen computers on her own. She will need rescuing and….err I don’t know. XD
So while I was wrong about this entire episode I am still happy. With only two episodes left I am in denial about my Fridays sucking in the near future. But all good things must come to an end, even Hinata and Otonashi yaoi jokes.
This Anime Looks like so much fun!
Amber-It is a lot of fun! It kinda all over the place in terms of baddies and I think it would have been better as a 24 episode series so we could get a better understanding of all the characters. But it is pretty original and does a good job balancing the drama/tears with the comedy.
Angel Beats! has an extremely sad ending :( closely matching that of Clannad's ending :o
Julian- There is a second ending floating around, it is very short. But it is even SADDER than the true ending.
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