Monday, April 19, 2010

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitte Iru Episode 2


Someone has a really bad case of the emos. It might be fatal.

Ah Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o Shitteiru. Episode 2 has come and gone and I am still confused. But I am in good company right Yuki?

But yes. For now I am still going to blog this show that reminds me of X/1999 and Legal Drug. Hopefully the CLAMP feel to this show will overshadow the creepy Vampire Knights and Twilight vibe I am getting and I have never even seen Twilight! This show better step up the pace though as I see there are only 12 episodes scheduled and so far we are going at a syrupy slow pace.

In any event spoilers for episode 2 are under the cut. Not too much in the way of theories as I am still unsure of what is going on in this series and have nothing to speculate on.



Episode Summary: The episode starts off with some random naked vine scene with girl Yuki and Zess. Because we need to be reminded that they were lovers okay! Boy Yuki then explains to the cops what happened to him the night before but they don’t seem to give a crap. Yuki thinks of his dark hero as he is forced to make necklace for his fellow orphan kids. Off in his own apartment Kanata is holding his special book mumbling about something random. Tsukumo and Touko are spying on the orphanage when a random person shows up. He explains to Yuki that he (Takashiro) is his half brother and he wants Yuki to come live with him in Tokyo. Yuki is shocked by this news and goes outside. When Yuki is contemplating what to do girl Yuki in his starts to yell at him which activates his powers that including blowing up windows. The kids scream in TERROR!


So...what happened to the shadow monsters?

Yuki walks around town thinking about how he is a killer of windows when Kanata comes up and is all like dude I will take care of you everything will be alright. Yuki isn’t done with his emo party yet so he declines. The next day Uzuki overhears some girls telling Yuki that he is better off without Uzuki and that pisses him off. The random whispering voice also starts talking to Uzuki about how Yuki sucks. Meanwhile Tsukumo and Touko are off in the forest shooting at demon dogs from sparkle land. In class Uzuki decides to go evil on Yuki and accidentally reveals that he is the one sending the hate letters. This causes Yuki to lose control again and more windows are murdered. Yuki runs out of class (in the rain) and thinks about how he needs to see Zess. Zess then magically appears and listens to Yuki’s tale of woe. While they are walking back to…somewhere giant demon sparkle dogs appear and Zess skips out of the way to save Yuki. Tsukumo and Touko appear with their sparkle weapons and blow the demons away and Takashiro arrives telling everyone GOOD WORK. He explains nothing to Yuki but says that Yuki must come with him. The end!


But I just want to be NORMAL! *insert tears here*

Exactly. That is all indeed. But we shall endure right?

I am not sure how I feel about girl Yuki telling boy Yuki what to do. But I think this might be a good thing for me. Because I want girl Yuki and boy Yuki to be two different people and for Zess to fall in love with boy Yuki. A side note I am not sure how I feel about the name Zess but that is how he wants to be referred to as and who am I to question a fictional character? But yeah, girl Yuki is dead and shouldn’t technically exist so I am not thrilled with her still existing in boy Yuki’s mind. That and don’t the writers want us to think they are the same person? How can you hear someone that is you right? But meh that is beside the point. Girl Yuki needs to not be so bossy with confused boy Yuki. If she wants him to go down a certain path maybe she needs not to say such cryptic things and actually guide him. Girl Yuki is dead and she is going to give me reason to hate her. XD


This is a very practical outfit yes it is.

Zess is a man of very few words. But considering he is wearing all black and is playing the hero card of course he is going to be a stoic bad boy. I think I will like him anyway. He isn’t Kaname which makes me cheer but he isn’t as offsetting as some CLAMP bad boy heroes. Zess is typical in some ways but he doesn’t annoy me. Cheers for that right? Characters can be familiar and cliché and still be enjoyable. I just hope that now that random brother has revealed the “truth” to Yuki Zess will be more of a main character and not someone who pops up randomly to save the day and disappears just as randomly.


I totally believe every word you say....

Let’s talk about that random brother. He claims his name is Takashiro Giou and that he is Yuki’s half brother. But was just Takashiro’s way of getting close to Yuki? At the end of the episode Takashiro explains that people with special powers belong to the Giou clan so that doesn’t mean they are all related by blood correct? I did get the bad buy vibe from him when he randomly showed up but maybe that was just the scar talking. At least Yuki knows the truth now as Takashiro’s lies were a bit too hard to swallow even for someone who is as naive as Yuki.


Does it ever dawn on these people that maybe if they raised the chosen one from birth they would be able to handle the BIG BATTLE? I mean...why let them be normal for a few years and take away their hope?

I am not sure how Takashiro is related to Yuki or what Tsukumo and Touko are or what any of them (including Zess) are after. We have random shadows driving cars into Yuki, sparkly demon dogs that live in trees, and ominous whispers that convince stupid humans to do stupid things. Not sure where the plot is going but it needs to get there fast. Enough with Yuki say “I’m…I’m”. We need a better explanation and would prefer to have it by next week thanks.


This is not how one repays someone being concerned for them.

Uzuki needs to be stabbed in the face. I enjoy saying that phrase, makes me happy. But Uzuki seriously needs some therapy. I doubt he will as it is easier for a character to go to the dark side and die than actually change. XD I found the whole giving Yuki flowers in a flashback really, really…..over the top. But I guess that was to show the audience that Uzuki was not at fault, we must blame Yuki and his awful powers!!! Okay yeah so that is all in Yuki’s head, the self pity party and blame game. Most reasonable people are going to blame Uzuki and will cheer when he dies (hopefully). Yuki will probably cry and give Uzuki a bit of redemption before he goes but that is because Yuki is a good person.

The real question is who is whispering Uzuki ear? And isn’t it always convenient that everyone is coming to town at the same time to get Yuki on their side/dead? But yeah. Answers would be nice. I am sure that it will turn out that Zess is a former baddie but girl Yuki changed his ways and AW isn’t it romantic that Zess is a good vampire? But I want to know what is going on and why all of this has to do with Yuki.


I don't think this screenie really captures how slow Zess was moving..

The supernatural elements of this show need a bit of work. I think I would have been happy with Yuki having the power to see people’s pasts. But now he has the power to randomly break glass and I am not pleased. Okay okay that was a bit harsh. But I don’t like how he has had one power all his life and now that everyone has showed up he is exhibiting random powers to show how important he is. I also think the random magic gun and sword were a bit much but maybe there will be so explanation next episode. I guess it’s better than going BAM you are this in episode 1 right?


And this means what?

So it Kanata a good guy or a baddie? I think that is what is bothering me the most. I don’t like that he has a random book and is apparently someone important and kept this from Yuki. Why does he get to be in the know and Yuki is off making bracelets in orphan land? That and I love a good love triangle. XD

So that’s about everything. Not much is happening except Yuki blames himself, random broken windows, and everyone is here to collect their golden boy (girl). Pray for answers next week people. Pray.

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