Wednesday, April 29, 2009

07-Ghost Episode 4 Summary and Review

Three on time posts in a row? Clearly pigs must be flying outside (but no hell freezing over as I nearly melted all day at work). XD Yay for me being happy over something so silly.

But yes it is now time for another exciting episode of 07-Hot Guys. Or 07-Ghost. We look past a few things that don't make sense and focus on how the plot is interesting and if you look really hard...or just give a passing glance, there might be a few yaoi moments here and there.



If you are ready for sparkly moments and the playful torture of a young uke, click on the read more link and have it. XD How can you resist Teito's cute baby eyes anyway?


This show makes me think naughty things. :(

Teito meets up with the old man and his glowing eyes of doom. The old dude touches a picture of Chibi Teito and his father and Teito is shown…the handful of memories he already has. Teito thinks back to how he was always alone until Mikage came into his life. Old dude says that he will grant Teito his wish if Teito gives him his soul. Old dude touches Teito is a dramatic way and a seal forms on Teito. Teito then sees an image of Mikage and runs towards him. Before Teito can reach Mikage Labrador’s rose of power protects Teito and he ends up back into reality. All three priests are standing there yelling at the old man…who sprouts wings and turns into a Kor monster thing. Kor says that Teito is too valuable to let go as Frau has a SYTHE coming out of his arm. Teito is slightly X.X Frau is shocked that Teito can see his scythe as the Kor tries to get away. Labrador smells a flower and he goes Tuxedo Mask on Kor. Frau whips his scythe around causing Teito to once again have a front row seat for the battle. There is a bunch of Frau showing off and Castor growing some strings out of his hands. They manage to get the old man’s soul back and send the Kor away. Teito goes X.X when the scythe goes back into Frau’s arm and acts all concerned.


And then I melt from cuteness!

Frau carries Teito to his room and pokes at the mark on Teito’s chest. Frau dramatically takes off the mark and lets Teito lay there all defenseless and vulnerable….and leaves. :( Teito wakes up the next day and doesn’t know what to do what with all the sunshine and smiles and hot nuns molesting his panties. Frau decides that he is going to pick on the shortie too. It ends with Teito being thrown in the fountain and being rescued by a mermaid. But she is harmless according to Castor. Awesome. Teito sees that the old man actually has family and he will be taken care of. Teito decides that he forgot what a Kor is and Castor has to explain it all over again. God is really the King in Heaven who just wants us all to find our true dreams. We each have three of them but we are reborn on Earth without any knowledge of these dreams and must find them ourselves. Verloren uses dreams to steal their souls and that makes the King sad. Castor ends his little story by asking Teito what his dream is.


This pleases the King.

Throughout the episode Mikage is tied to a chair and Ayanami is being an asshat. His underling with the shades tells Mikage the choice is easy and of course Mikage picks to save his family. Right? Ayanami is not pleased and stomps out of the room. People are talking trash about Ayanami in the hallway and shades dude sets them straight by cutting their belts off. They meet up with the Headmaster and a random guy with bandages over his eyes. They want to know where Teito is and Ayanami promises to hunt him down. Mikage is thinking of the past and how Teito took a while to warm up to him. But now he misses his best friend forever and will do anything to protect him. Ayanami comes back in the room and reveals that he has Mikage’s sister. Surely the choice must be obvious now right? Mikage says that his family will understand that he has to protect his friend even if that means his family suffers. He is allowed to get free for a moment and he and Teito smash their fists together (in a special way) to remake their vow. Ayanami is not impressed and the room is filled with a word attack!


MMMM word attacks.

WOOT! Another week crammed back with hot bishies and possible yaoi moments. Sure I am making most of it up in my head but that’s half the fun. And the plot is interesting too.


Frau is very careful with his uke!

I am glad that Teito is going to die in a different way than what I expected. Err, of course I mean I am glad that Teito is not going to be killed at all right? Anyway thank you Frau for making sure that Teito didn’t die because of the Verloren Curse. Thank you and the magical scythe that you are able to pull out of your arm.


Kor fails at revealing memories.

Now normally I would be rolling my eyes at Teito. I mean, he did just learn about how people make wishes and the Kor gods take advantage of them and steal their souls. Right Teito, you were listening to all that right? But…it’s not like Teito was trying to make a selfish wish or anything. They were just feeding on Teito’s cute and innocent nature. SHAME ON THEM!


All Teito wants is love!

But DANG X_X. I did already speculate that the priests or whatever they claim to be are the Lights right? Well, the Kor in this episode implied that Frau just has the Lights scythe right? Or the scythe belonged to another Kor or Verloren himself right? I am probably very confused so I will just go back to thinking that Frau, Labrador, and Castor are the lights. Even if the Kor said they were mere humans.


How delicious.

BUT DANG! In his arm? I mean, it wasn’t all veiny like certain X/1999 people who have swords coming out of their hands…but still. X_X Special. I love Teito’s WTF reaction to it all. Castor and his wire coming from his hands are special. Poor Labrador. His power seems rather lame. Pretty little flowers but….eh. Teito’s protectors are full of mysteries.


I will refrain from naughty comments. Cookie for me.

Since apparently Teito wasn’t listening to the explanation about Kors and Verloren we got more of a history lesson today. See, Teito’s specialness is beneficial to all. Also we got to learn that God is just chillin like a villain in heaven. He is not an old guy or a blob but a cool young man who is just waiting for our return! Also Kors are like vampires and most of them aren’t true Kors but humans who got turned. And Verloren tells sends us to hell by telling us our dreams. XD



So after all this drama and Teito nearly getting his soul taken away things are nice and calm in the garden. You know, with the mermaid and all. A mermaid that bounces on land apparently and is afraid of Frau. No explanation of what she is or where she comes from but she is cute and likes Teito. That is all that matters.


Why hello random mermaid.

Back at the school where things don’t make sense things continue to not make sense. Just what exactly is Mikage supposed to tell Ayanami? “Yes, I helped Teito escape. Even though he already took out the guards and was well on his way to escaping. I stole a little flying machine and off he went. I have no idea where he went.” Yeah, that is about it. Mikage is a WELL of information about where Teito is now. So go on and keep torturing Mikage. He is clearly going to lead you to Teito.


Just think of the fun times!

It was such a sparkly moment when Teito and Mikage smashed fists….sorta. No Wonder Twin references or anything because truly it was specialness all in its own. Teito is just randomly going to start talking about Mikage and throw his hands up in the air. And Mikage, who got his hands free decides that instead of punching Ayanami he is going to replay his promise to his bestest best friend and how his soon to be dead family will understand. The moment, it sparkles.


He was blinded by the sparkles.

But it sparkles in a cute way. Mikage really needs to step up his game as Frau is saving Teito left and right. Frau was molesting his under AND carrying him. Poor Mikage is falling further and further behind.


Yeah, don't pick him up. He is property of Mikage duh!

So next week we will learn what the big ball of light is and how Teito is adjusting to life at the peaceful church. Oh and we will also see how Teito is STILL IN CHAINS. XD But we ignore that fact due to the fact Teito is a cutie pie!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekly Anime Post: Shugo Chara Doki 80 and Chrome Shelled Regios 15 and 16

WOOT! I am on time with two a row?! And I plan on blogging 07-Ghosts on time tomorrow too! Plus my house is a happy clean little house?! Truly my life must be simple if these little things can make me happy.

On a note that makes more sense...yeah, I think that I am going to give up on Asura Cryin'. I haven't watched episode 2 yet so that lets me know that apparently the show wasn't that important to me. Which is fine. Quality is better than quantity in my book. I will just stick with my little fighting show that makes no sense and my feel good girl show for my weekly posts.


Boobies in one show and handshakes in the other. XD

So onto the bugs and magical girl powers!

Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 15


This episode needs more boobies!

Synola is strangling a member of the Heavens Blades because she ticked her off. Fun times are had by all. Elsewhere Nina announces that their next battle will be with Platoon 1 and she is confident they can win against such pros. But to ensure victory she has set up a special training program in the mountains. After being reassured that Karian has nothing to do with this trip everyone agrees to go. Karian is much too busy trying to figure out why the city is falling apart and thinks it has something to do with the city fairy thing. They all arrive at the spot and are greeted by Mifi, Naruki, and Meishen greet them (much to Felli’s joy). Mifi explains that the newspaper is funding this trip under the conditions she is allowed to interview and take pictures of everyone. Meishen is being all dorky in the kitchen and restorations some cooking utensils. Layfon takes pity on her and helps peel potatoes. It is all rainbows and cupcakes in her mind. In the hall Felli is joined by Nina and they both spy and glare at Meishen. Sharnid comes around the corner and teases the girls. Before they can tear his head off he gives them a VEGETABLE PEELER and says with this they can help cook and interrupt the cozy moment. The girls fight over the item of power and Nina wins. But she is too late to help make dinner so it is fail.


NO! Only magical weapons and 500 feet monsters and city fairies exist!

Naruki is made an honorary member of the platoon so she can help with practice. To make it fair it is everyone against Layfon. Naruki thinks this is unfair but rethinks her position when Layfon kicks everyone’s butt. Mifi reveals to her two buddies that the real reason the trip was funded was because the newspaper wants to find out the real reason Layfon got kicked out of his old home and was an ex-Heaven Blader. Insert some shocked faces. Leerin is in a library studying the different paths the cities take. Synola is listening to a female Heaven Blader talking about how they should take the city fairy (the RAM of power) found in Zuellni and bring it to Grendan. Synola is busy thinking about how she shouldn’t have kicked Layfon out of Grendan. This Heaven Blade person then starts talking about how she found it odd that Grendan (that fox thing) appeared to Leerin that one time. So she did some research and found out that Leerin is AND then the Heavens Blade person is strangled. Synola is not amused but allows her to live. At dinner Nina goes on to say Meishen’s dinner is delicious and taste just like the lunch Layfon shares with her. So Meishen learns that Layfon shares her precious dinner and goes off crying. Nina decides to unleash some pain on Layfon for being a dummy and Felli is not amused. Meishen comes back to help her friends do the dishes.


Why didn't you just stay gone?!

Later that night Naruki talks about how she felt such sadness from Layfon and how his past consumes him. She wants Mifi to not run the article but Mifi thinks she still has to. Meishen is in the corner crying because she wants to know Layfon better. Felli and Nina go to the hot springs if only to show that Felli is sad that she has no boobies. Back in Engrish land nothing is making sense SHOCKER! It mostly consists of the eye patch man running around an apartment building and side characters talking about him. The scene ends suddenly and Sharnid wants Harley to give him money to watch the end of it. Layfon receives a note and goes outside to see Meishen. There he apologizes for sharing her special lunch and promises to eat it all himself next time. Meishen is beyond happy but still asks him personal questions about his past and flaunts her boobies a little bit. He tells her two sentences about his past and she breaks out into tears and shows more of her boobies. Oh and Layfon thinks he is a monster for having such power. Before Meishen’s boobs can kill Layfon the area they are standing on starts to collapse and Layfon tries to save them both. He manages to protect Meishen but he is a rod in his back and there is a tiny pool of blood. Felli says help is on the way as he passes out. THE END!


That probably hurts.

Yeah…this episode was pretty special. I like the funny moments but there are still WTF why are kids allowed so much freedom and power moments. And of course the amount of boob shots in this episode made me role my eyes. Besides the slightly bloody ending this episode was supposed to be fun and it was.


Ew! Meishen needs to die!

I can never understand when in anime a team needs special training and that automatically means that they need to LEAVE where they live and train in the mountains/country/ect. It sounds like it would save time and money to just train where you live, just in a different area. Really, we all know these training trips are just an excuse to create sexual tension and have some interaction with the opposite sex in domestic situations. I just find it amusing that this is all under the guise of WE MUST GET STRONGER!


But it makes sense to Nina!

Felli is so special. We get it writers, she is jealous. She is sad that she has no boobies. And apparently she wants to overhear private conversations but is reluctant to use her powers to do so. Thanks for being special Felli.


But I love special!

The fight over the potato peeler was the best part of this episode. Of course I found it funny that both Nina and Felli had no idea WHAT the peeler was and regarded it as some awesome treasure. Then I was amused that Nina basically said that she couldn’t train Felli even if she wanted to (making the trip even more useless). Then when both of the girls ended up not being able to ruin Meishen’s moment…it was priceless.


Love the SD in this series!

Apparently this episode was about boobies. Because we didn’t have enough boobies in the swimming episode. No no, we need to showcase the only reason why people would think Meishen is interesting. Seriously, I thought those puppies were going to attack Layfon at any moment. And Layfon is sitting their bleeding to death over her and the main focus in on her falling out of her pajamas? Whatever. Paint Meishen as the real modest girl and give her a nightgown that fits.


O hai boobies!

But besides her boobies Meishen is annoying as sin. I mean really, she is leaving a huge lunch for Layfon to eat, not telling him who it is from, and getting mad that he shared it? I am sick of this shy innocent girl act. The talk with Layfon on the bridge thing made me roll my eyes and gag. Layfon barely told her anything and she is sobbing up a storm. She barely knows him and she is acting like he is the most important person that ever existed. It is time to take her out Shirley style right?


Can I just punch her in the face now?

I am not even going to touch the Engrish part…

Holy heck Synola what is going on? It sounds like she knows a lot more about the city fairies than she is letting on. Then she goes and tries to strangle someone that works for her? :( It makes me sad because I wanted to know WHAT Leerin is to Synola. Damn her for interrupting this important piece of information! But Synola is shady so I shouldn’t be surprised that she isn’t above killing her own people. Just makes me wonder why she would throw someone out of her city for making a little money on the side.



Why haven’t people got it through their heads yet that Layfon is strong? I mean, they do see him in battle and how awesome he is right? I just don’t understand why each week we have to go through the whole MOG Layfon is awesome conversation. He is great! I understand that! Let’s move on.


Layfon is awesome when he isn't even doing anything!

But we are moving on to Layfon getting stabbed. :( And it is Meishen’s fault. Good thing episode 16 is already up so I can see what happens right away. Woot for more drama and specialness!

Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 16


Layfon's left over emoness amuses me.

The episode starts off with Zuellni flying all over the place and being BAD. The people have no idea how to control her and Zuellni pouts in the corner. Synola is busy thinking about Layfon’s empty Heavens Blade seat when Savaris and his sexy self comes up. He volunteers to go get the rogue city fairy and his reasons may not be all for the good of mankind but more self serving. She says that she will think about all that later as she has something important to do. Synola goes to visit Leerin and molest her boobies a little bit. Leerin is not in the mood and Synola figures out that Leerin is planning on going to see Layfon. Synola tries to talk her out of that idea since the outside world is so scary and evil. Leerin is just worried since Layfon hasn’t returned her letters yet. Layfon is busy recovering in the hospital. He is doing fine despite the fact he almost bled out but he has to have surgery on his back. He is going to miss the next battle and is sad. Felli has a special attack because she is not the first to bring Layfon flowers and stomps out. Nina is training and thinking back to when Layfon was injured. Meishen was crying on the ground and being pathetic when Layfon was located. He was loaded into an ambulance and all Nina could think about was how they were going to be without him in the next battle. She decides that she has to be a stronger person so she doesn’t think like that anymore.


We should worry over him truly.

Sharnid has tracked down Shena and asked her to join Platoon 17. She is pissed off and says she will not ever be on a team with Sharnid again. Sharnid just wants Shena to be able to shine again even if she hates his guts. Mifi and Naruki go to visit Layfon on the hospital. He questions why Meishen isn’t there and her two lying friends say she is fine (when she is really curled up in a bed crying herself to sleep). Back in Engrish land the wall grows a face and the floor EATS THE MAIN GUY! But back to where things make more Shena does decide to join platoon 17 and Nina gives her the run down on what the game plan is. Nina decides to be the bait and everyone else…has to do something else. Shena and Sharnid take care of their opponents and Nina is up against Vance. He barely hits her once and apparently that means Platoon One wins the match. Meanwhile Layfon is visited by one of Karian’s bed and ends up leaving the hospital right after his surgery. He meets with Meishen on the train and she knows that he is going to go somewhere dangerous and cries over the fact he won’t let her protect him.


Hopefully this mission does not require a shirt.

Layfon meets up with Karian and he explains there is a filth monster in the city. Then he says that Zuellni went crazy and changed paths INTO a pack of filth monsters. Karian also says that Layfon’s accident was not an accident and probably Zuellni’s fault. Layfon is to work with Haia (or whatever his name is) and his men to handle this problem. Layfon is introduced to someone who can smell filth bugs and has survived being outside. Apparently he is important. Layfon agrees to go along with this mission under one condition. Shena is busy throwing a fit that they lost the battle when Nina receives a note from Layfon. Leerin’s father gives her an item that must be delivered to Layfon so she is beyond happy.


This is not predictable at all!

Well it is a good thing that I got to watch this episode right after 15. I mean…I would have never guessed that Layfon was going to be just fine and stubborn as hell. What a complete and utter shock.


He glares in Karian's general direction.

This entire city fairy business confuses me. What the heck are they anyway? Apparently they are the will of the city, but do the people in the city control her will? Do they want to even control this city? I am not understanding why a city fairy would purposely try to kill everyone they are trying to protect. Also I am not really understanding why a civilization with such technology would rely on the power of some crazy creature when you know…the world they live is ruined by crazy creatures. I need to know more about these city fairies and I need to know now!



It sounds to me that Synola is using the city fairy or has access to its power. It also sounds like Savaris knows that city fairies can be used too. I am just wondering why people who are already really strong need even more power but meh. Hopefully I will have answers soon.


Such a special Queen.

I must say that Nina deserves the least improved award of the year. I love how her first reaction to seeing Layfon bleeding and near death on the ground is that OH SNAP we are going to lose the battle. But she thinks that she is a better person by saying that she needs to correct that thinking and become stronger so she doesn’t rely on Layfon anymore. Because really, that is how she will become a better person in the end.


I wish she was my leader....

OR NOT! How about when you see your teammate laying on the ground with something sticking out of his back YOU THINK OF HIM?! Is that really too much to ask? I mean, maybe I am the weird one in thinking that friends or at least comrades should worry about their fallen friend rather than a battle that doesn’t mean anything. Thanks Nina, thanks for proving again why you are not a good leader. And thanks for missing the point on why your thinking was completely wrong. I foresee you become an excellent adult in the near future. Only not.


I wonder if Nina deserves this!!!!!

Shena was just BLEH! She seriously freaks me out with that hair and now I have to endure her every single week now that she is a member of Platoon 17? Lucky LUCKY me. I love how she says that Din is doing find when clearly he is not. But whatever, Platoon 17 needs another person, she needed a team, and she is just as crazy about winning as Nina is. Clearly this will end well.


Such a happy new teammate.

I really love how compassionate Karian is. It is almost like he and Nina were raised by the same crazy nonfeeling morons. Layfon was nearly killed. He had surgery on his back. But apparently no one else in the city can help deal with the filth bugs. There is not a whole school of kids who are supposed to train for this kind of event. Not one student. And even if Layfon was needed, he couldn’t rest for 24 hours? Is it really safe to further injury the only person that can save your city? Maybe Synola sent Layfon there because this city is really that pathetic.


The results of protecting your city...yum.

Does Felli do anything in battle? All I see are her flower petals and her telling everyone where the enemies are. Other than that she just stands there. She can use her power to fight so…not really understanding why she is not helping out more. Well, other than the fact that she really doesn’t want to be there anyway.


Do this in battle!

I predict that Leerin will arrive at the same time as this bug issue and Layfon will get further injured while rescuing her. And that more mysteries will arise about the whole city fairy thing. And I also predict that I will be more confused and upset about boobies. But Layfon is a sweetie so maybe I will tolerate it. XD

Shugo Chara Doki Episode 80


Ikuto cannot save the show on his own!

The first few minutes of the episode recap the events of last episode. Tadase tells Amu to take care of the X-eggs but Ikuto uses his special scythe to fling her attack away. Tadase battles with Ikuto and decides that at that moment it is time to ask Ikuto about the past and why he betrayed him. You know, while Ikuto isn’t saying anything and acting like a freak. Tadase demands to know the truth and for a brief second Ikuto wakes up. He warns everyone to stay away from him or they will get hurt. His eyes turn blank again and he attacks them both. The director walks up and Tadase and Amu soon realize that Ikuto is being controlled by the tuning fork. Amu learns that the director is Ikuto’s stepfather and she thinks back to what Utau said about that man. The director controls Ikuto and makes him attack the pair. Amu and Tadase break out the epic speeches and talk about trust and believing in people. Really it is a conversation about them trust and believing in the other person but whatever. The combine their attacks and heal all the X-eggs in a rainbow fountain of love.


Most unique battle name EVER!

The Embryo then appears and Amu goes after it. Ikuto tries to follow her but Tadase stops him. Amu reaches the Embryo and it is all sparkly and she feels weird. Then she is forced to untransformed and falls to her doom. Tadase saves her but Ikuto escapes. Yoru is very sad and lonely. The kids who had their eggs Xed all start waking up and Amu convinces them they are at a free promotion for this theme park. Then the rest of the episode is spent with Amu recapping how Ikuto came to live at her house and how bad she felt and blah blah THIS ALL JUST HAPPENED! Tadase thanks Amu for telling him the truth and he now trusts her again. He can’t forgive Ikuto but he wants to save Ikuto to find out the truth. The director goes to visit the President and promises that next time will be a success and blah blah. Amu and Tadase arrive at school together the next day and the rest of the Guardians take that as a good sign. The first King is watching from the window and says crap about how times are going to tough for Amu but soon a key will be revealed. Amu is smiling and Yoru is still a sad little kitty. THE END!


Why do we care what you say again?

This post will be a little short due to the fact that a lot of the episode was mostly recaps. That and the fact that Tadase did most of the talking. XD But at least there was Ikuto to lessen the suck.


But we must!

I know some bloggers have said they liked the flashbacks/recaps but I was just rolling my eyes. I am not a fan of entire episodes devoted to flashbacks. It seems like the lazy way out and it disappoints fans. But with these recaps the events JUST HAPPENED. We are not even on a whole new season and maybe people have forgotten what happened. Some of these things happened earlier that day! Insert me rolling my eyes.


It sparkles!

I do understand that Amu needed to come out and tell the truth to Tadase if only so she could stop whining about being a liar. Amu needed to get it off her chest and confess. But I rather it be a cut scene that starts with her well, it started when I found Ikuto in my bed….and suddenly Amu said and that is the whole story. That would have been less fillery. :( It just feels like we had a super short episode and that makes me an angry blogger.

AMU! You are the main character. Why are you just standing there while the boys fight? Get out there and do your thing too! Show that you don’t need a man to protect you. Or at the very least heal all those X-eggs.



But I guess what is more special is the fact that the director and his men are just standing there. Hello, don’t you want to win? Don’t you think that capturing Amu would help out with your plans of world domination? No, you rather just stand there and look menacing? Okay, you go and do that.


He doesn't deserve to have his own screenies!

Tadase needs to work on his timing. I am happy that he has decided that he is not going to be an angry little boy anymore and is going to question why his friend turned on him. But…it was really not the best time to have a heart to heart. Battles are never a good place to have heart to hearts but really not a good time when the other person is under the control of the baddie.


Well, maybe it wasn't a fight as much it was Tadase making sure he didn't get his head chopped off.

Speaking of heart to hearts…yeah, more epic conversations during battle. Well, it was more Amu and Tadase telling each other let’s be friends again but still, listen up baddies! We are 12 years old and we know best! Trust is the only thing that matters. Without it you are NOTHING! And we are going to tell someone this and they are going to change their ways. Yes it was cheesy as hell and it had no chance of working…but I guess Amu is cute.


She always says his name in awe...

What is wrong with Embryo? Or does the Embryo’s magical power too much for Amu to handle and that is why she almost became a splat pancake. It was still a WTF moment though. I know it was too early for the Embryo mystery to be solved but I didn’t think Amu was going to nearly die because of it. Just special.


And WHOOSH she goes!

But everything is fine now. Amu and Tadase had a heart to heart now and can walk to school together. Amu is smiling with her friends. The first King is saying the same Bs he is always saying. Oh…I guess life sucks if your name is Ikuto and Yoru. :( Don’t forget about them Amu! Life isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows yet!...But I am glad that she does realize that Ikuto was just trying to protect her. That I will accept and not complain about. But I shall complain about next week’s episode BLEH!


Everything ends with kisses and jellybeans!