Wednesday, April 29, 2009

07-Ghost Episode 4 Summary and Review

Three on time posts in a row? Clearly pigs must be flying outside (but no hell freezing over as I nearly melted all day at work). XD Yay for me being happy over something so silly.

But yes it is now time for another exciting episode of 07-Hot Guys. Or 07-Ghost. We look past a few things that don't make sense and focus on how the plot is interesting and if you look really hard...or just give a passing glance, there might be a few yaoi moments here and there.



If you are ready for sparkly moments and the playful torture of a young uke, click on the read more link and have it. XD How can you resist Teito's cute baby eyes anyway?


This show makes me think naughty things. :(

Teito meets up with the old man and his glowing eyes of doom. The old dude touches a picture of Chibi Teito and his father and Teito is shown…the handful of memories he already has. Teito thinks back to how he was always alone until Mikage came into his life. Old dude says that he will grant Teito his wish if Teito gives him his soul. Old dude touches Teito is a dramatic way and a seal forms on Teito. Teito then sees an image of Mikage and runs towards him. Before Teito can reach Mikage Labrador’s rose of power protects Teito and he ends up back into reality. All three priests are standing there yelling at the old man…who sprouts wings and turns into a Kor monster thing. Kor says that Teito is too valuable to let go as Frau has a SYTHE coming out of his arm. Teito is slightly X.X Frau is shocked that Teito can see his scythe as the Kor tries to get away. Labrador smells a flower and he goes Tuxedo Mask on Kor. Frau whips his scythe around causing Teito to once again have a front row seat for the battle. There is a bunch of Frau showing off and Castor growing some strings out of his hands. They manage to get the old man’s soul back and send the Kor away. Teito goes X.X when the scythe goes back into Frau’s arm and acts all concerned.


And then I melt from cuteness!

Frau carries Teito to his room and pokes at the mark on Teito’s chest. Frau dramatically takes off the mark and lets Teito lay there all defenseless and vulnerable….and leaves. :( Teito wakes up the next day and doesn’t know what to do what with all the sunshine and smiles and hot nuns molesting his panties. Frau decides that he is going to pick on the shortie too. It ends with Teito being thrown in the fountain and being rescued by a mermaid. But she is harmless according to Castor. Awesome. Teito sees that the old man actually has family and he will be taken care of. Teito decides that he forgot what a Kor is and Castor has to explain it all over again. God is really the King in Heaven who just wants us all to find our true dreams. We each have three of them but we are reborn on Earth without any knowledge of these dreams and must find them ourselves. Verloren uses dreams to steal their souls and that makes the King sad. Castor ends his little story by asking Teito what his dream is.


This pleases the King.

Throughout the episode Mikage is tied to a chair and Ayanami is being an asshat. His underling with the shades tells Mikage the choice is easy and of course Mikage picks to save his family. Right? Ayanami is not pleased and stomps out of the room. People are talking trash about Ayanami in the hallway and shades dude sets them straight by cutting their belts off. They meet up with the Headmaster and a random guy with bandages over his eyes. They want to know where Teito is and Ayanami promises to hunt him down. Mikage is thinking of the past and how Teito took a while to warm up to him. But now he misses his best friend forever and will do anything to protect him. Ayanami comes back in the room and reveals that he has Mikage’s sister. Surely the choice must be obvious now right? Mikage says that his family will understand that he has to protect his friend even if that means his family suffers. He is allowed to get free for a moment and he and Teito smash their fists together (in a special way) to remake their vow. Ayanami is not impressed and the room is filled with a word attack!


MMMM word attacks.

WOOT! Another week crammed back with hot bishies and possible yaoi moments. Sure I am making most of it up in my head but that’s half the fun. And the plot is interesting too.


Frau is very careful with his uke!

I am glad that Teito is going to die in a different way than what I expected. Err, of course I mean I am glad that Teito is not going to be killed at all right? Anyway thank you Frau for making sure that Teito didn’t die because of the Verloren Curse. Thank you and the magical scythe that you are able to pull out of your arm.


Kor fails at revealing memories.

Now normally I would be rolling my eyes at Teito. I mean, he did just learn about how people make wishes and the Kor gods take advantage of them and steal their souls. Right Teito, you were listening to all that right? But…it’s not like Teito was trying to make a selfish wish or anything. They were just feeding on Teito’s cute and innocent nature. SHAME ON THEM!


All Teito wants is love!

But DANG X_X. I did already speculate that the priests or whatever they claim to be are the Lights right? Well, the Kor in this episode implied that Frau just has the Lights scythe right? Or the scythe belonged to another Kor or Verloren himself right? I am probably very confused so I will just go back to thinking that Frau, Labrador, and Castor are the lights. Even if the Kor said they were mere humans.


How delicious.

BUT DANG! In his arm? I mean, it wasn’t all veiny like certain X/1999 people who have swords coming out of their hands…but still. X_X Special. I love Teito’s WTF reaction to it all. Castor and his wire coming from his hands are special. Poor Labrador. His power seems rather lame. Pretty little flowers but….eh. Teito’s protectors are full of mysteries.


I will refrain from naughty comments. Cookie for me.

Since apparently Teito wasn’t listening to the explanation about Kors and Verloren we got more of a history lesson today. See, Teito’s specialness is beneficial to all. Also we got to learn that God is just chillin like a villain in heaven. He is not an old guy or a blob but a cool young man who is just waiting for our return! Also Kors are like vampires and most of them aren’t true Kors but humans who got turned. And Verloren tells sends us to hell by telling us our dreams. XD



So after all this drama and Teito nearly getting his soul taken away things are nice and calm in the garden. You know, with the mermaid and all. A mermaid that bounces on land apparently and is afraid of Frau. No explanation of what she is or where she comes from but she is cute and likes Teito. That is all that matters.


Why hello random mermaid.

Back at the school where things don’t make sense things continue to not make sense. Just what exactly is Mikage supposed to tell Ayanami? “Yes, I helped Teito escape. Even though he already took out the guards and was well on his way to escaping. I stole a little flying machine and off he went. I have no idea where he went.” Yeah, that is about it. Mikage is a WELL of information about where Teito is now. So go on and keep torturing Mikage. He is clearly going to lead you to Teito.


Just think of the fun times!

It was such a sparkly moment when Teito and Mikage smashed fists….sorta. No Wonder Twin references or anything because truly it was specialness all in its own. Teito is just randomly going to start talking about Mikage and throw his hands up in the air. And Mikage, who got his hands free decides that instead of punching Ayanami he is going to replay his promise to his bestest best friend and how his soon to be dead family will understand. The moment, it sparkles.


He was blinded by the sparkles.

But it sparkles in a cute way. Mikage really needs to step up his game as Frau is saving Teito left and right. Frau was molesting his under AND carrying him. Poor Mikage is falling further and further behind.


Yeah, don't pick him up. He is property of Mikage duh!

So next week we will learn what the big ball of light is and how Teito is adjusting to life at the peaceful church. Oh and we will also see how Teito is STILL IN CHAINS. XD But we ignore that fact due to the fact Teito is a cutie pie!

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