Monday, June 30, 2014

Duffy the Disney Bear Adventures: Super Duffy is a Super Cleaner

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I think that this is a chore of Mom to do though. That looks a little big...
Hello there everyone! It is me, Duffy the Disney Bear. Although I am sometimes an everything bear. I am sure if we lived closer to Disney World we would go all the time which would be tons of fun. But we don't and I don't think we can. Sometimes you have to stay home and do boring things like chores!!! Like they can be really boring and not fun. Since Dad goes to his job all day (I have never been...) it is up to Mom and I to do the chores. I think I am a good helper. And with this new shirt I can be a SUPER helper. XD
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Tons of laundry to do even though there are only two humans in this house.
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We have this machine that cleans all the dishes for you but then you have to put them all away when they are clean.
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The dishes are never done. Once the first set is done being clean it is time to start loading up the next batch.
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XO Now the laundry is done being dried so we have to fold it. I have seen the inside of this dryer a few times...
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Mom had to run to the bank before it closed and the mailbox to get things sent out. This large envelope is from when we went to Disney World last time. We got to fill out a survey to help Disney!
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More laundry is done. Now we have to make the bed so the Hellos have a place to sleep. Oh and mom too.
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While Mom is busy doing the cat liter....I will shred paper! Yes that sounds like a task I can do. I got to be careful though, I don't want to be shredded.
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Since Dad is working late Mom has to make dinner. People like Mom have a hard time making dinner so stores do most of the work for them. Put this in the microwave and POOF it is ready to eat. I worked up an appetite from all that work so I can't wait to eat. Chores take up a lot of time but now the house looks nice so I guess it is worth it. XD

Gokukoku no Brynhildr episode 12: Everyone needs a brain condom

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How about more doing and less talking?
Seriously folks. What the hell is this episode?! I don't even know. I don't even know. Maybe you shouldn't click this and read what I have to say. Just forget that this series exist, like I should have. But then you won't know how it ends and I know how bothersome not knowing is. What to do what to do. Well if you do read this blog post about Gokukoku no Brynhildr episode 12 be prepared for....a lot. A lot of insanity. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Because he's the bad guy?
Episode Summary Crack Tenchi Style: Oh snap Valkyria is in our secret hideout and she looks an awful lot like Neko. Neko doesn't remember Valkyria but Valkyria is all boo hooing instead of explaining why this matters. Mr. Creepy walks in and is like whats up my former bitches, time to die. Valkyria points out that #1107 (47?) Kotori is right there so she should get sex and kisses and maybe crepes. Wait Kotori is the chosen one? Mr. Creepy looks bored and tells Valkyria to get to killing. She is not happy that this order includes Neko but appears it is not chicks before dicks with her. Hatsuna pokes her head around the corner as if to say what's up....and sees what is really up. Ryouta forms a plan and knows that his extensive time spent with Hatsuna will allow her to get it without words. Ryouta throws himself on the ground and tells Mr. Creepy he wants to live and doesn't care what happens to these hoes. As the rest of the girls look on Hatsuna is like score, I can hang up Valkyria from behind and we will all live happily ever after for the next week. Hatsuna and her ninja skills almost accomplish this but she finds out Valkyria has some custom made harnest, not the tired old rags the rest have. Valkyria cuts Hatsuna in half again, like bitch didn't I already kill you once. Mr. Creepy reminds Valkyria it is the killing hour and to get to it. Kotori tries to sacrifice herself and Ryouta begs Mr. Creepy to allow the girls to live, that they just want to be normal and go to school and be naked all the time around him. Valkyria responds by attempting to kill everyone but only hitting Ryouta on his side. Probably a lot of his side but we can't be seeing the actual carnage folks. All the girls start to cry and Mr. Creepy sorta watches this take place instead of immediately taking action. All the girls take their time to sob over Ryouta while Valkyria sorta looks confused. Before she can kill everyone but the all important Kotori her magic is disabled and some badly dressed nuns/people in black pop in. Mr. Creepy and Valkyria seem to understand who they are and that they have an Anti Magic person with them, a young boy. Before the young boy can look all smug Mr. Creepy done shots the boy and Valkyria disappears herself, Mr. Creepy, and Kotori away. Ryouta is pretty much dying on the ground at this point and all the remaining girls are heartbroken. The random German people that arrived are busy yelling at the boy for being shot and not probably stopping Valkyria because THEY wanted to kill all the witches. Kazumi looks like she wants to off herself because there is no hope while Neko begs Ryouta to hang on.
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Well...if that's the case...
As Ryouta starts to die Nanami appears to him as she lives in his brain. She tells him she knows how to stop Valkyria, that there are only two witches the lab really fears. Kotori is one and Neko is the other because she has super awesome powers. Ryouta dies before he can tell Neko what he knows or before Nanami finishes talking. Hatsuna and her nondead self appears on the staircase because you know how she was upstairs during all of this and not cut in half on the floor directly behind Ryouta. She is all like oh Ryouta's heart stopped. That's fine. I can totally save him and things will be great. Well maybe. Because my magic can heal others too but since he is so hurt I will die in the process. Without any tears or regrets or really any emotions at all Hatsuna puts her hands INTO Ryouta and heals him Jason X style while she melts in a puddle on the ground. Ryouta is still dead so Kana the forgotten tells the girls to do CPR on his ass. Soon Neko and Kazumi get him back to not being dead so he can feel awful about himself for allowing Hatsuna to die. Now that Ryouta is okay the German or whoever they are people awkwardly remind the group they are here to kill them all and to please pay attention. What is the point of this all?! Turns out these people used to work at the lab but once they found out how insane everyone is they deflected. They explain to mainly Ryouta that the lab is breeding witches so they can be hosts for some sort of aliens. See the aliens made us once ago, look it up in a book. The lab was waiting for a certain kind of gooey alien to be born, the queen. And once the queen hatched all life on Earth would break down worse than Orange Tang and it would be wonderful. And this queen alien thing is inside of Kotori. So to save the world all the witches have to die. Neko, Kazumi, and Kana start on fresh tears while Ryouta is still convinced everything will be okay and he can save the day. No really he can folks. These random saviors of the world argue over when Kotori's alien will hatch and if they have time. Kazumi decides NOW she has the ability to hack into files and find Mr. Creepy despite the lab tracking their every move. She hooks herself up and fights off another computer witch and gets the location of Mr. Creepy. How dare his parents have a summer house. Ryouta tells the saviors of the universe that since they got the information they should be allowed to try to save Kotori. Yeah because that makes no sense. Everyone but Kana hop into the helicopter to their doom. Elsewhere the league of very important chair people are explaining the plot of the series to Mr. Creepy in case he didn't know. They think that making this alien will help reset the world back to how it should be. Maybe they have special suits that will save them. Mr. Creepy seems to have other plans as he waits for Kotori to wake up. See it turns out that someone he used to knnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnow died but he kept her brain alive by cutting her head off and feeding it healthy food. Then...he did something and put the dead girl's consciousness in Kotori's brain so the queen alien can be the dead girl? After pinching myself to see if this was real life I lost track of where I was and what was happening but the dead girl MIGHT not be in Kotori now? Maybe it is Valkyria who is creepin behind the doors? I don't know but Kotori wakes up and Mr. Creepy explains to her how she will give birth to something awful and no one else's life matters but the dead girl. Kotori very slowly misses the point and asks if Valkyria matters. Mr. Creepy is like um no bitch only giant alien queens who will destroy the world and make life worth living matter. Valkyria is upset but TADA Kotori starts to glow blue, indicating that she is about ready to give birth to this creature. And by give birth I mean this thing is suppose to eat her. THE END!
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Is that REALLY the point Kotori?
What the hell did I just watch? No really. Really folks. What the hell did I just watch? I feel as if I lost about 10 IQ points by watching that hot mess. It was like Sharknedo on crack with aliens. Ghost of Mars looks like a masterpiece compared to...THIS. I mean...where to start, where to start?! X__X
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:( Maybe if I kill you you will remember me?
I guess I should start at the beginning. Or find some acid to trip on so things can make a bit more sense than they do right now in my brain. Valkyria and her 389248 kinds of magics has popped into the conservatory. It turns out that she was NOT on the helicopter and she has the ability to move others and herself. Makes Kotori's power looks even more lame yes? HAHA poor Kotori. But yes hello there Neko. This would be Valkyria talking to Neko who obviously doesn't remember the girl. Because Neko can't even remember to own more than one pair of clothing. Is this Valkyria/Mako person a sister or a friend? HMMMM I guess it doesn't matter because Ryouta is obliged to save all the womenz.
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Knock me over with a feather....
Before Ryouta can even begin to reason with Valkyria Mr. Creepy walks in. I guess I could start using his name since there are so many episodes left. Mr. Chisato and his boring entrance is like....get #1107 or whatever number he said and kill the others. This includes Neko which makes Valkyria sad. You didn't say anything about killing Neko!!! Yeah folks, it turns out that Neko is not what Chisato wants. It was....KOTORI. Mog eating my words is nasty. They taste like...well I don't know. Not something yummy. Valkyria is upset that she is being ordered to kill Neko but was willing to go through it for Chisato. I am thinking she doesn't have a split personality, just in love with Chisato and insane.
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AW where did my begging screenie go? :( I has the sadness.
Ryouta and his teenage self things he has all the plans. All the amazing plans of world. He throws himself on the ground and begs Chisato to not kill him, he doesn't even know these bitches. The old distract everyone with crazy while someone sneaks up behind the witch and hangs them up. It has worked before so you can't really blame Ryouta. And since Hatsuna, the girl late to all the commotion, can glue herself back together Ryouta can fling himself on the ground with his tears and Hatsuna can save the day. What could go wrong with this amazing plan of ingenuity?
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How come hers is better than ours?!
Turns out that Valkyria has the best harnest out of all the witches. It is blinged out like crazy and Hatsuna has no idea how to hang her up. She really shouldn't have gotten that close with all of Valkyria's amazing powers and Chisato's ability to plan ahead but meh. Hatsuna still ended up sliced and diced on the ground. Chisato was not really impressed with these antics and wants Valkyria to hurry up and kill everyone. They got things to do. Neko and her little blasty powers aren't that impressive and Kotori pretending to sacrifice herself was funny too. Valkyria turns a normal mountain in a volcano, I don't think a 5 second heard start is going to help. Instead Chisato will tell Valkyria to start the killing and with slight regret in her eyes she does. Only Ryouta pushes Neko out of the way and gets a chunk of his side blasted away for his effort. OH SNAP!
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Chisato does not use his time wisely and immediately attack again. He probably should have since helicopters are rather loud and can't he hear the cavalry arriving? He didn't pause too long, like some villains do when they think they have the upper hand. Still hesitation is hesitation and POOF Valkyria is unable to blow the rest of the witches away. Too bad Chisato doesn't have a gun or anything. BAM! We got some new characters up in this episode. I don't know if they are the people in the black coats from Akihibara or if they just work for them. Surely it doesn't matter because this series is ending next episode. Anyway they are here to kill the witches, all of them. Hand Kotori over now. Because this show is magical they brought along a magical boy who stops magic powers from working. That is very handy because witches has proven to be useless without their magic, very confused and child like. And Chisato does not have a gun so this is a real victory. Color me surprised and purple when this anti magical boy gets shot by Chisato. I mean....why didn't Chisato just SHOOT Neko when she was all crying over Ryouta? Because folks. Because. Being shot means the magical boy can't stop Valkyria from using one of her 934 magics to teleport Kotori, Chisato, and herself away. It's a shame that Kotori doesn't have the ability or intelligence to switch places with Mr. Non Magic Boy. Haha especially if Valkyria was flying. Then Valkyia, Chisato, and Mr. Non Magic Boy could have all died weee! This did not happen but don't worry, more craziness did.
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But she'll probably die so....
Once those three GTFO Ryouta dying on the floor is very sad again. Please accept our tears and live on in our hearts Ryouta. Neko tells Ryouta to hang on, that it's only a flesh wound. I am pretty sure once your insides are on the outside it is game over but Neko hasn't had much schooling so maybe she doesn't know that. Ryouta is still super popular in his time of death though as Nanami the.....witch that lives on in his brain pops up to tell him what is up. All the information she gives him is information she could have given him the first time she talked to him. Instead she programs herself to talk to Ryouta when all is lost. Or half his organs anyway. Her important information on how they can live involves Neko and how she is strong enough to defeat Valkyria. She just has all the magic stored up in her and locked away because she is so powerful. Does that mean Neko has a super queen in her too because otherwise I would kill Neko outright, before she left the lab on a suspicious bus. I wonder if Neko uses all of this new magic will she completely lose every memory she has. I bet Valkyria receives them instead and that will explain the split personality.
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What a world what a world!!!!
Do you know what Ryouta does with this information? Nothing. He dies. I would hope so since he lost part of his side there. The random people in black must be baddies as they allowed the girls to have their moment of NOOOO instead of taking out their targets. But all is not lost because Hatsuna has returned from upstairs. Yeah upstairs folks. She takes the news of dead Ryouta well even though he is her boyfriend of 5 minutes. His heart just stopped beating ya'll, no big deal. It's not like they can jump it as he still has a giant hole in his body. Don't worry though guys...Hatsuna's healing magic can work on other people. Once though. Or maybe just once in this instance because Ryouta is that injured. Ryouta can be healed if Hatsuna uses all her magic and melts. I am not sure why this is. I mean I know this has to happen because the opening song now is a lie and it's more dramatic but since Hatsuna was unkillable except in two know, this just seemed special and slapped together. Not to mention creepy as Hatsuna was okay with dying. She had enough pills to maybe last Kogoro making new pills. But I guess those 5 minutes she spent with Ryouta really mattered as she casually laid her life down for the boy. I'm melting, i'm melting what a world what a world.
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Okay this makes sense but just wait. They keep talking.
After Ryouta is healed, given the breath of life, and news (well not really news) that Hatsuna has died for is time for the rest of the witches to die. Since Ryouta is armed with machine guns and mass weapons for war the people in black are super scared of his ability to stop them. Enough so that they will take the time to tell everyone what is up and why they want to kill witches. Or make this show insane. The only way this story could have gotten any more convoluted is if Neko's real name was Katniss and she was on the run because she turned her kingdom to ice after watching a creepy video that would lead to her death in 7 days unless she finds Neo and saves Princess Peach. That was my reaction while watching this episode. Like this entire series might have had a good premise, slightly...special with teenagers making questionable decisions. But then BAM the series is coming to an end and we barely have touched any of the major plot points because boobies and Ryouta is amazing.
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Sounds like the best plan ever folks...if you are on drugs.
So folks....aliens. Alien remains that were found 100 years ago weren't from recent alien visits. Or if it was it doesn't matter. Because aliens MADE humans. It is like the plot of Prometheus but with breasts and no adults. According to the League of Chairpeople later they think they are carrying out the alien's plan, making some sort of human race or maybe just making it how the aliens would have wanted it. But these people in black robes with bad attitudes used to work for the lab and found out what would happen if the lab succeeded. Alien embryos were planted in the girls' necks to breed mature aliens. Like Aliens. Obviously since everyone was running around and killing witches making a superior human race was not in the cards. Nope they were trying to make a Queen Alien that would be born and turn everyone back into ooze, like what happens to the witches when they melt. Because folks. Because.
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Is Ryouta really in the position for making rules and demands?
The girls did not take the news well. I don't think I would have either. An alien is in my body and I will turn into a giant monster when it eventually happens. So if they have the pills or not it doesn't matter. They are going to die. Kill us now. However Ryouta and his logical brain still thinks they will be okay. They will just put them in stasis on the ship and on route to Earth they can do an operate since this is Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. Oh and Ryouta has to rescue Kotori who SURPRISE has the Queen inside of her. The one they should kill the most Ryouta wants to save. Kazumi manages to pull herself together to locate Chisato because at this point does it matter anymore? Their hiding spot has been discovered. What I thought was the most special was the people in black robes didn't gun everyone down after receiving this information. That is what I would have done to save the world. Instead they are working with Ryouta because. Just because. Just like Hatsuna didn't know Kotori was worth mentioning and Kana can move. Details that will come to nothing.
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I am pretty sure that is now how science works...
Back in space the Chair people sorta yell at Chisato and talk about their creepy plan more so the audience can really be messed up and not care. Like okay you are all insane, no one cares. Instead I will focus more on Chisato and how he is individually insane. Remember that Kogoro used to work with him and the man was brilliant. Cared about nothing in life but finding out the secrets of the world. Even if it cost the world it's life. Well it turns out that Chisato does care about something. Some dead girl. Like super dead girl. And after watching an episode of the Walking Dead Chisato decided he could keep the girl alive by making sure her brain was okay, in tact. Until he could put it in a witch's brain or an alien brain. Do these aliens even have brains? I am sure it is in the alien as the Queen will be the only thing left alive after the great Tanging. Why Chisato why. How does this make any sense?! And lets pretend this does work. Will this girl (probably your sister) want to be alive in any way after all the horror you have done? Like MOG my brother killed the world and I am giant alien gross thing doomed to be alone. Why is this happening to my soul?!
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Of course it is alien Queen time. XD
Kotori might have lost her memories or her own mind because she tried to reason to Kogoro. Like this story of craziness was somewhat sad to her. Like bitch you should be sad there is an alien Queen growing inside your neck. Stop worrying about how Valkyria is feeling about all of this. Like really folks....really. The only thing that could happen now that would cause me to roll my eyes into the back of my head is if this Queen hatched RIGHT NOW. It could be years or next week but definitely not today so Ryouta has time to save her. some sick joke..Kotori glows blue. It is alien time people. Of course it is!!! My brain brain...I just can't.

Black Bullet episode 11: What does the word strategy mean?

So......I found out today you shouldn't give your pet cat Doritos. It might have been obvious to everyone else out there but yeah. Kira the picky cat only likes dry cat food. She will only lick wet food and tuna. So when she showed interested in my chips I was like sure have one. I think she liked them because they were crunchy but then POOF the eyes were watering and she ran away at the sight of the next chip. I think it is a good thing I don't have kids people.
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By death you mean the Gastrea chasing me and trying to eat my soul?
When I am not feeding inappropriate food to animals I am finishing up almost long forgotten anime episodes. Up now is Black Bullet episode 11. Spoilers for everyone having a bad ideas all the time.
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Wasn't that the baby in Rainbow Brite?
Episode Summary: Rentarou and his team watch as the battle between the official military and Gastrea take off. The rest of the pairs also watch from the sidelines, not allowed to leave the camp so to speak. It looks like the military has won and everyone starts to break out the party hats....until instantly the tide turns and pieces of tanks fly towards our mains. Yeah things look bad as hundreds of Gastrea run/whatever bugs do start crossing over the border. There are some GIANT flying bugs that are acting like Cloverfield with eggs on their stomachs. They go OVER the entire pair army and only Rentarou and friends see this. Not wanting to get attacked on BOTH sides Rentarou orders his troops back to head off this attack even though this will be viewed as treason. The second in command sees this and is ticked obviously. Rentarou and company use their amazing powers/abilities/good luck take out all these Gastrea. There might have been a chorus of Everything is Awesome sang. Then they walk on back to the actual battle area and the song stops out of respect. Mr. Second in Command is holding the arm of his lost Initiator girl. Apparently there is a Gastrea blasting off something called the Spear of Light and clearly everyone is boned. The earth opens and Mr. Second is eaten by a Gastrea. Before all is lost the Level 5 Gastrea appears. But instead of the battle continuing all the lower level Gastrea fall back and join Mr. Level 5. After the battle is over (paused) everyone has to work to clear bodies and mend the injured. Tamaki seems to think both sides lost the same amount when Rentarou points out that Gastrea increase their numbers by infection so in reality land they are screwed. Back at the make shift hospital Enju has been given a nurse hat since she is such a help. Kisara tells Rentarou that Enju really does brighten people's spirits so Rentarou is happy Enju seems happy. Sumire shows up despite having a golden ticket to the underground safe spots. She wants to be with the real people, those who are willing to fight than hide with the cowards. She seems to agree that Enju is doing okay despite having no more classmates but Rentarou shouldn't push the subject. Sumire tells Rentarou to not give up because clearly things will get better.
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I see creepy people.
Rentarou, Kisara, and Enju then travel to some broke down looking mansion that Tina, Shoma, and the others found because that is where they are staying down know the battle commences again. After everyone talks about how creepy it looks they sit down to have a nice meal together. Since the last woohoo meal of togetherness wasn't a troll for death. Kisara decides to ruin the moment by talking about the victims back at a place that has power and running water. She and Tina both think there is a Gastrea out there (a large out) shooting the spear of light which is actually mercury. Before Rentarou can do anything about it some officials connected to Commander Gado appear and want to talk to Rentarou. Gado takes a moment to talk about his legless self and how the Second in Command was really his son. Gado seems to show some emotion that the kid is dead but moves right along. Gado wants Rentarou's opinion on why they are losing the battle and the Gastrea still fell back. Rentarou starts talking about pheromones and that the big Gastrea was controlling the others. He wants to go after this giant Gastrea. Gado is like you would be right if....Mr. Level 5 Gastrea wasn't immortal. Rentarou is shocked and Gado goes on to explain Ms. Level 5 Gastrea, the one with the spear of light, is just as big of a threat and they are going to go after her instead of Mr. Level 5 who controls the pack. Their plan to destroy Ms. Level 5 beat Rentarou and threaten to punish his friends because he ordered a “retreat” at the start of the battle. They will then blackmail Rentarou into going ALL ALONE into Gastrea territory to find Ms. Level 5. Rentarou is absolutely thrilled at this suicide mission. Rentarou returns back to their base to collect supplies but Kisara finds him and guesses what is up. She suggests running away but Rentarou has to do this because basically there is no where to run. 5 seconds into the Gastrea territory and Rentarou is hurt and chased by some wolf looking Gastrea. He falls into a river and finds himself with more trouble. Right as Rentarou gives up Kohina and Hiruko appear and take out all the Gastrea. Rentarou bandages himself up, Kohina sings the I want to cut up Enju song, and Hiruko wants to know what is going on. Rentarou explains his mission to destroy the Ms. Level 5 and Hiruko claims to have seen her during the battle. Rentarou forgets who he is talking to and asks why Hiruko didn't participate. This lead to a conversation about Hiruko wearing his mask, how Hiruko is using his power to do the things Rentarou wants to do (revenge for the Chosen Children) and that Rentarou will come to the dark side by the time it is over. The next morning Hiruko tells Rentarou where the Ms. Level 5 is and follows along with Kohina as Rentarou marches on. THE END!
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Um why?
Oh lord. Just... I don't even know. I want to like this show. I really do. I mean I think I do like this show. Just that so many people in power, adults really, are doing so many stupid things I almost want the Gastrea to come and end it all so we can move on. At least in Resident Evil there are actual humans that are trying to survive while Umbrella is just...being stupid I guess. And in the Walking Dead there is hatred and distrust among EVERYONE not just tiny little girls who did nothing wrong. Just...this show. Humans clearly want to die.
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Why do I have two screenies that look exactly the same? One I guess is the battle and the other is the military super losing?
Rentarou and Enju travel at the speed of super fast to get to camp grounds. Headquarters if you would. The pillar is broken into many pieces on the ground but no one at the Pair Camp seems dead. Maybe I was super paranoid in thinking the pillar fell on purpose to take out the Chosen Children Initiators? Maybe but who can put it past these morons? Lets just kill everyone. Anyway Rentarou and his group are watching the battle take place with the regular military. Perhaps they will have more luck with taking out the tiny Gastrea and not the huge one since the last Gastrea that was massive was taken out by Rentarou's amazing arms. But I guess that was because they were using normal bullets/missiles. Maybe if they weren't wasting all their ammo on bombing little tiny girls they would be more successful and less dead. Because yes folks...the main military lost. And lost spectacularly in a blaze of glory. Is anyone shocked? I didn't think so. Rentarou and company might have LOOKED shocked but they were more like wow that is a lot of dead people..
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Are you telling me all those people are BLIND?!
In the long run it didn't matter that all the Initiator and Promoter pairs were so far away from the battle. Because the Gastrea decided to travel to them...and at a very fast speed I might add. I don't know if it would have mattered if everyone was there at the start of the battle or not. Maybe they would have had their asses beat faster. In any it comes! The special and stupidity I mean. It was VERY clear that some giant Gastrea were flying over head. Maybe it wasn't as obvious that they were carrying little Gastrea eggs but Tamaki saw them. It wasn't a special Chosen Child or Rentarou's super eye moment. Tamaki, a normal human with normal eyes, saw this OBVIOUS attack. Like hello there tons of enemies going behind us to take us out from both sides. This was a moment that had to happen to advance the plot later with Rentarou being a deserter. Maybe next time they could make it less obvious so I won't be rolling my eyes into the back of my head. Make it believable.
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Look at my awesome team woohoo!
Since that didn't happen Rentarou had to make the decision whether to follow the rules and let EVERYONE die or to order his team to take out the enemy while not staying in the place they were ordered to. HMMM I wonder what Rentarou did. I wish the battle was a bit more..intense on Rentarou's side. There were quite a few flying Gastrea with their little packages. I know all our mains are pretty strong but it came off way too easy. Like BAM look how awesome we are, lets get this done quickly. Everyone getting a chance to shine. I like that Shoma is physically touching the Gastrea. That doesn't sound dangerous at all.
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The military lost.....I AM SHOCKED!!!
After Rentarou and company quickly handled the sneaky Gastrea they headed back to the main battle. Or should I say the main slaughter. The man who was leading this battle, Mr. Second in Command (because 1st in Command was somewhere safe?) saw Rentarou leave earlier. Perhaps he used his cellphone in battle like Rentarou likes to since this was reported to higher ups later. Because when Rentarou came back from the woods Mr. Second in Command was not in a talking mood. Or moving mood. When Rentarou and company took for the woods some Gastrea were shooting off some sort of light. Like in War of the Worlds. Instead of everyone turning instantly into ashes though they sorta got blown up. We need body parts everywhere you know. So Mr. Second is currently holding just the arm of his partner, the fight all out of him. They were never going to win were they? Before Rentarou can help Mr. Second regroup and help get everyone out of there Mr. Second is eaten by an underground Gastrea. That probably would have been a better way to do a sneak attack from the start but you know. Craziness.
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The best way to win a war is to not kill your own troops. Just saying.
Just as the giant Gastrea appears and all seems lost....POOF. The battle is over. All the little Gastrea ( I say little and they are massive..) start to gather around Mr. Spit Gastrea and they retreat. Why the heck are they doing this?! They were winning. According to Rentarou and Tamaki's conversation mid body pic up the Gastrea had to win! Because the Gastrea are humans. Well used to be humans. As long as a bit of them is infected they will be turned into a Gastrea. So that Spear of Light might be sorta sucky unless there is some Gastrea DNA in it, in terms of making new Gastrea. But even then they were winning. Just take out the small remaining troops while increasing your numbers and make your way to the city. Unless...that wasn't the plan. HMMMM controlling Gastrea I see.
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Rentarou has the you are a liar face on.
Because things can't be awful all the time in this show (even though they are) we have to see how Enju and Kisara are helping after the massive blow in battle. To show that there is something worth fighting for. That Enju has been through a lot and treated horribly by so many people but still has a gentle heart. She used to be wild and upset (understandably so) but with a bit of love look how she turned around. Her playing nurse and helping everyone in their time of need is what Rentarou is fighting for. Maybe the only thing he is fighting for at this point. Sumire shows up and confirms that Enju is doing okay. I thought for a moment that Rentarou was asking how Enju was doing physically but that would be silly. No no, when Enju turns into a Gastrea it will take Rentarou and everyone else by surprise. Yay for sadness!
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Spreading out all your troops sounds like a good idea to me.
There is one more brief moment of happiness in this episode. Probably the last time everyone will be together before the big battle and everyone dies. I know I said that last time but this time I am sure it is the truth. I love how everyone has to fend for themselves in this anime. Like you are tasked with saving the entire area but we will give you the briefest of supplies and after tent city goes under....well you are on your own. Keep on fighting though. XD Yeah I will have fun finding my own shelter after the pillar got knocked down, with the Gastrea taking their time getting here and all. So yeah everyone else went looking for a place to stay. Since this area used to be lived in before the Gastrea event there are actual houses they can stay in but really...just really. Where is the organization? Oh they are all under ground hiding from the inevitable? I see.
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Thank you Kisara, possessor of all knowledge.
5 seconds into this last meal Kisara and Tina need to bring up bad news. Mostly about this Spear of Light business. I like how things in anime get named so fast, don't you? XD I would have been like um this lazer beam came out of nowhere and was attacking people. But no, it's the Spear of Light with this show. Anyway since Kisara is 37 and not 17 and is a doctor she saw some people's wounds and automatically knew it was mercury. Duh. I would have guessed that too. That there is a giant Gastrea out there shaped like a thermometer attacking people. Tina backs up the fact that there is another huge Gastrea out there but she cannot confirm the thermometer shape. I might focus on the Gastrea that takes out pillars if I were them though.
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What was the question again...?
Rentarou had about 3 seconds to think about this before he is called to a meeting with Gado. I am surprised they found him given that they looked like they were in the middle of nowhere but whatever. Rentarou is ranked 300 now. It is time for some respect. And since a lot of people are dead and gone maybe it is time for new plans. Of course I don't believe that nonsense. The meeting did go differently than I thought it was going to go. I thought the beating was going to happen first. Instead Rentarou got to talk. Exciting times I know. Rentarou was all well since I am a scientist I know that pheromones are controlling the other Gastrea so we should go after Mr. Level 5. I mean..I guess that is a nice guess but probably a little bit obvious that they were being controlled by something. Still Rentarou has ideas.
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Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?!
Maybe it was a test, to see if Rentarou was the real deal. Because Gado could have told the boy that Mr. Level 5 is impossible to kill. That his sword and nonexistent leg are proof of that. No no, we got to give Rentarou hope. The plan is to take out the mercury spewing Gastrea. It has a name too but I am too lazy to remember so many things. So it is called Ms. Level 5. It might have been a level 4. Since no one has seen it I guess it could be either way. Anyway Gado thinks since Mr. Level 5 can't be killed they need to take out the second biggest threat. Because.....why? I have no idea. What does it matter if they can't take out the one who can destroy pillars? Control the rest of the Gastrea? It is just....a matter of time. Lazers won't be the biggest damage. I don't know, Gado seems to think this is a great idea. It makes no sense but neither does his method of taking out this Gastrea. If Rentarou is so powerful (and liked by Seitenshi) why is everyone out to kill this boy? Oh you mean the society that is okay with letting actual little weapons (Chosen Children) be abused or killed instead of fighting against the Gastrea. Carry on then. Send Rentarou into Gastrea land to take out a high level one that everyone else got killed by. Makes perfect sense. Make sure to threaten the rest of his friends since he ran away AKA saved lives. Often when I think I have a great plan that will benefit mankind I set myself up for failure to ensure it doesn't occur.
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I think he hasn't forgotten the wonderful present of someone's head you gave him?
After Kisara tried to stop Rentarou from his suicide mission Rentarou set out alone. I thought that maybe Kisara would have gone back and told everyone, to make them join up and help Rentarou later. That they would be the ones to discover the secret hidden from humans and be the last surviving pairs. But nope. That is not what happened at all folks. What did happen was Rentarou got attacked about 19 seconds into his journey and he was saved by Hiruko and Kohina. Oh you mean he isn't dead? He just sank to the bottom of the water where he was out of radar. I am shocked. So super shocked. How could this be happening? Also Kohina is amazing. Why is Rentarou getting all the praise when she is pretty amazing too?
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Because we have cookies.
So Hiruko spends a little time with Rentarou. Rentarou obviously doesn't want to be near the man but doesn't have much of a choice given how dangerous it is. Hiruko isn't big on saving the human race and suspects that Rentarou will reach his breaking point soon. Personally I don't know why that point hasn't been taken yet but you know. If people like Rentarou aren't alive the girls would have it worse you know. Plus Hiruko and his mask are insane so trying to figure him out might not be the best use of Rentarou's time. But since Hiruko is...well out there in lala land he knows exactly where this mercury Gastrea is and is going to take Rentarou to it. X___X Err is this a good idea? Hiruko must be up to something. Maybe it has something to do with the files that Rentarou can't have access to? Maybe it is not a Gastrea at all but man made? Hiruko would want Rentarou to know that. So lead on crazy man. Surely it can't get any worse for Rentarou right?

Isshuukan Friends episode 12 FINAL EPISODE!

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I pray all of our emotions don't explode our tiny little bodies.
WOOHOO! I am finally able to get things posted. It's been a while hasn't it? All the time in the world and nothing gets done. X___X Things are finishing up in terms of Spring Anime so if I don't want to be left in the dust I better be finishing up too. So...yeah. Here are some anime posts for you. Up now is Isshuukan Friends episode 12. The final episode of tears, misunderstandings, and everyone being friends.
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I don't think Shougo has much of a choice about that...
Episode Summary: Kaori asks to talk to Shougo alone after school. She wants to know why Yuuki has been avoiding her lately. Shougo thinks this is a subject that she needs to talk to with Yuuki but she knows the boy won't give her a straight answer. Shougo explains Yuuki's concerns about becoming the new Kujou and being the cause of her losing more memories. Kaori is upset because she is Yuuki's friend and she didn't know how he felt. She cries a bit and walks away as Shougo wonders what is going to happen to these two. The next day in class Kaori and Yuuki talk to each other but things are still a bit off. It is cleaning day at the school and Saki's friends accidentally pick the straw that makes their group clean up the roof. They all freeze a bit while Kujou wonders why he is included in their group now. Shougo tries to talk to Saki but she runs away with her bag of trash. He goes after her and tries talking about how fake Kaori and Yuuki are being. He then asks why Saki is avoiding him and if he should stop talking to her. Saki then has a cry, saying she doesn't want that. She thinks she made him mad with the husband talk so she stopped talking to him to avoid saying anything else that would make him mad and leave HER. Shougo apologizes which shocks Saki. She asks if she can keep relying on him to which Shougo acts like he like he doesn't care one way or another. Smile smile. Everyone minus Kujou walks home together, Yuuki noting that Saki is happier. Shougo wants to know when Yuuki and Kaori are going to talk and go back to how things were. Yuuki says it is good that Kaori is with her other friends and maybe she will make more in the future. He insists that he is not sad. It is finally time for winter break and the crew gathers around Kaori's desk to discuss their plans. Kaori says she can't plan anything because her family is going on a trip. Kujou looks at Kaori like she is lying and Yuuki says his family is also going on a trip to which Shougo gives a little side eye too. What to do without Yuuki and Kaori on break? Kaori arrives home and her mother is starting to make New Year's Eve/Day dinner since they are obviously not going out of town. Kaori thinks this situation is fine for now.
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But...I thought I was the chosen one?!
New Year's Eve rolls around and liar face Yuuki is hungry and his mom won't make him anything. He ventures out into the cold and finds himself on a bridge, probably thinking about their plans to find that seal back in the day. He thinks it is stupid to think Kaori would be there and turns to go home. Kaori calls out to him and they both have to make liar face excuses to why they are not on a trip. Kaori went on this walk with the purpose of finding Yuuki. Yuuki probably was going to go home right away but is taken back with Kaori's happiness and wants to go on a walk. Kaori ends up talking about the first day Yuuki talked to her and how nervous Yuuki must have been. Yuuki tries to downplay what he did for her. He then tries to steer her away from the crepe store of memories but Kaori insists on eating there. They sit down with their noms while Kaori goes on and on about she is happy they finally got to do this as she talks about it a lot in her diary. Yuuki gets all feelings and runs to get another crepe. They continue to walk along and Kaori thanks him for these fun moments. They stop by a shrine that Yuuki didn't know about on the way to Kaori's home. They decide to make their first visit of the year early and go in to make wishes. Kaori starts to cry, wishing that she could remember all of this day, the small moments and all. But what makes her most sad is that distance between her and Yuuki right now. She wants to go back to being close friends again and doesn't know how to make that happen or what went wrong. She sobs on the ground and Yuuki lets out some...war cry. He says that this is all his fault, that he forgot the most important thing. That he wants them to be closer friends and talk more. It is a magical moment that is interrupted by Kaori's mother running by and saying that Dad has called the cops because he is worried about Kaori's cellphoneless self. Yuuki takes off before he is killed by Dad happily. When winter break is worried everyone gathers in the classroom before the final bell rings, talking and waiting for Kaori and Yuuki. Yuuki arrives to the classroom and both he and Kaori smile and bow, doing their little thing of asking to be friends. Later that night Yuuki is seen writing in his own diary, wondering what Kaori writes about. THE END.
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Shows over, peace out now.
Mog so many words!!! Why oh why am I so wordy?! Even when I was watching this episode I was like so when I blog the summary it is going to be three sentences long right? Because it felt like there was 3 sentences worth of material. I can make anything unnecessary and or seem interesting at the same time.
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Normally I would drag this out and ask later....but this is the last episode so I have to ask now.
When I first started watching this series I knew it was going to....well be a very slow paced and full of feeling show. It wasn't about the action or the gorgeous art or something life altering experience. It was going to be a slice of life and sometimes with those shows it is about the little things and how they stir so many emotions inside of you. That since there isn't anything else going on these feelings are...well over the top and exaggerated. Sometimes not so much and you can relate to how that person really is acting/feeling. Sometimes I feel as if since I am not Japanese part of the show is being lost on me. Like it's not something you can understand unless you are part of that culture. I can read about it and try to understand it but I will still be sitting here going TALK ABOUT IT! Stop having misunderstandings!!! me this show ended on a very......unsatisfying note.
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But....Yuuki is way less popular than Kujou! He will be fine.
Kaori was a bit proactive though asking Shougo what was going on in terms of Yuuki avoiding her. Well maybe not too fast as I am not the best at paying attention to the dates when animes give them to me. XD Maybe she waited a few weeks and allowed things to get uncomfortable before going to Shougo. But given how Kaori was before this should look like progress right? Given the nature of this show the idea of Kaori talking to Yuuki about their problems is too much. Like um no this show is about feelings and feeling bad when you accidentally didn't do anything wrong but it might make the other person upset so I need to apologize anyway. So Kaori went for the next best thing, the best friend who really doesn't like drama and sticking his nose in other people's business. Shougo tries to skate around the issue at first, like a good bro since he knows what Yuuki is doing. But Kaori is a girl and we have our ways of getting the truth out of boys (you know, breathing and such) so Shougo had to confess that Yuuki was scared he was going to cause pain to Kaori like Kujou did. Kaori took this in a way that she was dismissive of how sad this would make Yuuki instead of being touched that Yuuki wanted to protect her or angry that Yuuki was deciding what was best for her. Because Kaori is pure and amazing.
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I apologize we will all freeze to death.
Due to Japanese schools instilling values and work ethics in their students...or being funded by a combination of parents and taxes thus there are no funds it was clean up before winter break time. WOOHOO!! I do question why in the winter months girls in Japan aren't allowed to wear pants. Given that I wrap a blanket around myself when it is 72 degrees in my house I can't imagine wearing a skirt in winter months in a place that actually has a traditional winter. So the scene on the roof made me very chilly. :( Of course they were chosen to clean the roof since most of the Kaori and Yuuki bonding happened there and if the series ended during Winter break there wouldn't be a way to get to the roof. So it was a basically a gentle goodbye to the lunch time conversations.
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Um...that was you crazy face?
For some reason all the mains were chosen on this committee. Including Kujou. He is part of the group now. I think Yuuki has forgiven him for the earlier issues because he understands the boy better now. But this roof moment is not about Kujou and Yuuki coming together. It is about Saki and Shougo overcoming..whatever it is wrong with them. Hurry Kaori, create that moment!!! Or or...Saki would ignore Shougo one too many times and Shougo will handle things on his own. Thanks for worrying girls, he gots this. Saki's mistake was trying to escape while carrying something as big as her. Just not possible folks. Not wanting to waste time Shougo asks what is wrong with this crazy girl. Saki was just worried about messing things up again with Shougo she decided to stop communicating with him at all. Because that makes sense in girl land. Don't question it. Shougo decided not to because he is a smart man. Instead he took the blame on himself for Saki talking about husbands and depending on him the rest of her life. How dare he make things weird. So as it stands I think Shougo and Saki are going out but won't mention it again. They won't kiss or spend time alone together but Shougo will help Saki and Saki will tolerate Shougo's eyerolling. SO ROMANTIC!!!
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Um no. Yuuki only cares about Kaori. Didn't you get the memo?
Being in a good mood because of the fixed Sakiness Shougo decided to put his nose slightly in Yuuki's business. Look at all those girls being happy and friend like. Don't you want to be happy and your normal...gooey self Yuuki? Get back to your usual groove with Kaori? Maybe Shougo is doing this because the longer Yuuki draws this out the more he will have to get involved later? Oh I see what you are doing there Shougo. Good work. Or maybe this sudden not really relationship status change with Saki has soften Shougo a bit to Yuuki's plight. He might be over dramatic but I do see his point. Slightly since the girls aren't lined up the block for the boy and hopefully women grow up as...they grow up and Kaori won't have her feelings hurt like that again. Or the Real Housewives exist know. Yuuki is going to say he isn't sad and neither is Kaori and all is well.
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Shougo smells a lie but won't say anything.
Soon it was time for winter break. Yuuki was worried about asking Kaori to spend time together during that holiday. Now Yuuki was worried that he was going to have to spend time with Kaori when he was trying to keep things at a friend level, not a special friend level. Vacations are tough for this kid. But thanks to Shougo's mouth flapping and Kaori being Japanese and wanting to shield Yuuki from anything not so nice she lied first about having plans for the winter. We got a trip planned for the family guys! Since Kaori lied first Yuuki didn't have to lie but maybe Yuuki wanted to take a break from anyone and everything that reminded him of Kaori so he said he had things to do too. Kujou and Shougo were not impressed with the lies but everyone else was bummed because Kaori and Yuuki are the glue for the group and if they aren't somewhere why bother?
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Ain't no one cares what Kujou did for vacation.
I am assuming that Yuuki spent most of the time on the couch for his vacation. I approve of this but wish he could have spent a little time with Shougo. I guess since he lied he can't be embarrassed and such with Shougo knowing the truth. I just wish the boys were shown being more friendly with each other. In any event Shougo did his mature adult self sufficient thing by cleaning the roof. Now he needs his mom to make him lunch. His mom cracked me up with her texting from the other room. Get it yourself basically. This means that Yuuki has to go outside and fend for himself on this cold day. All alone in the world since he lied is sorta lonely when you think about it. Breaks should be fun, not boring. His little walk to the bridge looking for the seal like he talked about with Kaori made me sadface. Missed opportunities.
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But we lied to each other!!!
Or or...Kaori is right there people. Walking along the same bridge and thinking of Yuuki and poof she sees him. Maybe Kaori missing out on prime time social years made her unable to think about the consequences because she called out to him without realizing...hey I shouldn't be here....XD Even if Kaori doesn't know it she likes Yuuki and that feeling took over any leftover sad feelings or the gut feeling of I am supposed to be on a trip. Both Yuuki and Kaori lied to each other on why they were still in town which is what I gather proper etiquette in Japan. Can't make the other feel uncomfortable. Given how things were between the two of them before school went on break Kaori was probably ready to just go home but Yuuki, despite himself, wants to spend time with the girl. A walk home indeed.
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Kaori's mind would probably explode at Disney then...
Kaori had been feeling kinda crappy about the place she and Yuuki had been in prior to today. And even though things hadn't been hashed out yet...Kaori exploded in girlness. Time to talk woohoo! First it was about how Yuuki became her first friend and what not. Now that Kaori has done better and even recovered quickly from a relapse I am sure Yuuki was feeling a bit forgotten, even if that is what he wanted to happen anyway. Kaori probably didn't do this on purpose but her talking about how she felt at the time and that she appreciates Yuuki probably made his day. And since the duo had to walk by the crepe shop on the way had to become important. Yuuki saw that place as something bad, where Kaori had her feelings hurt again. But to Kaori she saw it as a place where many things happened but none involving Yuuki like they promise. So it was finally, FINALLY time for crepes. It was a long time coming. Add in all this togetherness and...walking I guess and Kaori declares this the best day ever. She really is easily pleased ya'll. Yuuki is overcome with emotion so he has to eat another crepe to cover up his feelings.
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Yuuki be my special friend!
Before they reach Kaori's house they pass a temple Yuuki didn't know was there. Since it is rather early in the day and probably not a popular temple it was empty. I am not sure why Kaori and Yuuki didn't make plans to come back later that night but things weren't patched up yet. Maybe they were both afraid of rejection. Whatever the case may be they decided to go pray at the temple right now for New Year's Eve. 5 seconds later Kaori breaks down in tears. She prayed for her usual I don't want to forget this magical (ordinary) day. But Kaori has decided she wants more. She wants to go back to how they used to be, talking all the time and having the closeness as a couple without using that word because Kaori doesn't understand that yet. Kaori knows that Yuuki is afraid of her hurting her and wants to protect his feelings....but she can't control her feelings. She wants Yuuki around as her special friend even though she can't control her memory problems. :( Poor sad Kaori.
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Yuuki then breaks into tears. Well he screams in frustration then turns to cry because he is a boy. That is what boys do you know, gotta cry off screen because heaven forbid we see the emotion. Then.....things got better? Instantly better. Yuuki claims he wasn't really thinking of Kaori when he did his attempt to protect her. And that was it folks. Everything was just better, we are special friends again who will talk all the time. Nothing was really resolved. Yuuki was scared of becoming the next Kujou and Kaori was sad that Yuuki felt so bad. These issues were not resolved and Kaori could still lose her memories. But I guess seeing Kaori cry showed Yuuki that she was sad without him made him feel any worse. That Kaori should be in control of her own destiny. If she wants to be close friends with Yuuki while knowing the risks well that is for her to decide. Not for Yuuki to control. I am not sure if I am explaining this well, on why I feel as if the ending was a bit empty. It was...just sudden. A show all about emotions and over thinking things but this issue...just resolved in an instant. I don't know folks...I just wanted more to happen. For them to really talk about things and Kaori to reassure Yuuki he won't become Kujou.
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It's not perfect but it's us. Lets be friends again.
And...that's it folks. Kaori's mom shows up to tell Yuuki her husband is the exact opposite of her and will kill Yuuki for taking out her daughter. They promise to see each other next year which I take means back at school. So after winter break everyone in the classroom (who is in the know) waits on pins and needles to see how Yuuki and Kaori will react to each other. Well they witness the two smile at each other, bow, and ask to be the other's friend. To mirror how Yuuki approached Kaori in the first episode. Everything has come full circle. I don't know if there will be a season two of Kaori actually having her issue solved. I am guessing not. Sometimes things can't be cured. Kaori might have to keep on trying and will never reach “all better” in her life but “good enough”. It was a cute little series with tiny slice of life moments here and there. I am not saying the ending was empty because Kaori wasn't cured. I just thought...the source of her problem was played up to be a big deal and Yuuki's reaction to this news made sense to me. I just thought...there would be more conflict and what not involving how to proceed. They basically just cried and declared they wanted to be together without solving what had driven them apart. But overall I thought the series was pretty cute. Shougo I think was the most interesting character as he made me feel all sorts of things while Yuuki and Kaori were...perfect in nearly every way. An okay way to spend 12 weeks of my life I suppose. XD
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Yuuki wants all the noms!