Saturday, February 8, 2014

Duffy the Disney Bear Adventures: Olympic Fun!

This week something very special happened. Mom says it only happens about twice a year. It is when the whole world comes together to celebrate all different kinds of sports. Every 4 years it is the summer sports and every 4 years it is the winter ones. This year it is the winter ones. These events are called the Olympics.
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XO I am all dressed up and ready to support the United States.
This is a very big deal as mom never gets excited about sports. XD I want to see this amazing stuff. Hurry mom, make the Olympics happen faster!
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From what I can see there are a lot of ads for these Olympics.
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Even though the opening ceremony ( a big party mom says) starts on Friday a few sports happened on Thursday night. These ladies were going down a large mountain on boards. X___X Covered in snow. Don't get hurt!
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Here is the website for the Olympics. Mom says the mascots are super cute. They are little animals that help spread the joy of the game. No one can replace me though right?
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What is this? Work? But you said the Olympics official started today. Why do we have to work?
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This is no fun. I was promised fun. I don't want to help today. :( I want to watch the Olympics.
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How about I help by training more Pokemon for you? Won't that be helpful?
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SO BORED! Can we go home now?
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Wee! Time to lock the door and finally go home!
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After dodging a lot of crazies on the road mom finally made it home and got us dinner ready. Since dad was out doing something else fun tonight...this was dinner. Mom is a great cook.
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Woohoo! The Olympics are about to start. Also dad came home early from his other fun to watch this Opening Ceremony party.
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D14 is the official Duffy of the year 2014. So I think he should watch the Olympics 2014 with me yes? Also mom called Build a Bear seeing if they had anything Olympicy to wear. :( This year they did not. She was very sad and decided to make this work instead. Go team USA! Mom is silly...but I do like getting new clothes.
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Mom was also very sad this man won't actually be in the games this year. She was muttering about someone named Bob being the devil too....
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Little girl, the Olympics are about to start. Time to wake up!
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The Olympics are being held in a country called Russia this year. So for the Opening Ceremony party we are learning about their history in interesting ways.
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People wearing light suits and creating a waving flag.
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There were lots of pretty events going on. Very grand. Like a Disney show but with way more screens! Even on the floor.
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After some dancing and party balloons and other things it was time to meet all the people who are going to be in the Olympics. The soon to be famous athletics. This is called the parade of nations. The people are going to emerge from the stage from their country on the TV screens that are on the floor. Pretty cool yes?
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Some countries, like where some of mom's family is from,...only have a few or ONE person in the Olympics. I am sure they will try their best.
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Here is the United States! Go team USA and their amazing sweaters made by their grandmothers.
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And here is Japan. They are going to have the summer Olympics in 2020. Sounds like fun!
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Here is Russia, the people putting on the Olympics. They have the most people in the events. Does that mean they will win the most?
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Time for more show. We are all stars!
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Even outside things are going on.
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Stay with me D14! I am sure it is almost over. The dance of the jellyfish fairies is on.
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As D14 falls asleep the Olympic flag is brought into the huge stadium.
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The lightening of the Olympic torch. The moment we are all waiting for.
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When the torch was lit the entire sky was filled with fireworks. Ka-boom ka-boom! Time for celebrations!
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How wonderful is this? Every nation in the world has problems, often with other countries. I don't know much about their problems but it seems like a good thing that everyone can put them aside so this wonderful event can happen. That people can have fun and try to win at sports that other people love. Yay Olympics! I can't wait to watch more!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Anime Series: Mahou Sensou episode 1: Episode Fail

I think I lost track of what post I was on tonight. XD Despite it being the Super Bowl there are tons of movies on TV. Good for trying to blog and clean my house. It's weird how tiny little chores can add up and how quickly you could have gotten them done quite a while ago but you didn't. Procrastination in the name of game at my house. XD
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This actually...ends the way you expect it to with a little twist.
Which is that the title of this post. Procrastination by Tenchi. I watched Mahou Sensou episode 1 the week it came out. This post was supposed to be a warning to everyone not to watch this show. XD Now I fear I am much too late to warn anyone. So...I guess I will just post this since it is sitting in my folder. Mahou Sensou episode 1 here folks. Spoilers for it sucking.
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But I rescued you!!!!!
Episode Summary: Somewhere underground a young girl is crying for her brother to come back to her. The brother in question Tsuganashi says he is not her brother and things are about to get bad. Cut away to a normal looking house. A young man named Takeshi is getting ready for school when another boy (his brother Gekkou) walks by all snotty like. His mother is also standing in the hallway Takeshi thinks to himself how living in this house is worse than hell and he wishes he could go anywhere else. Anywhere will due. Takeshi starts walking to school because summer break means club practices and remedial classes. He meets up with his girlfriend Kurumi who seems nice enough. She wants Gekkou and Takeshi to talk again since it was only an accident. Takeshi doesn't think that is possible and Kurumi runs off to...get the club room ready? Takeshi takes his time walking and eventually finds a girl on the ground unconscious. We eventually learn her name is Mui and Takeshi takes her to the clinic that is void of nurses or adults. He thinks what he should do but doesn't really seem to notice the gun in her hand. Mui wakes up in a start and starts firing at Takeshi. He manages not to take a hit but some...sparkles get on him. Takeshi tells Mui that he just rescued her from outside and that he means no harm. Mui realizes that Takeshi knows no magic and apologizes for acting crazy. Takeshi is immediately taken in with her and needs to know her story. Mui says she is looking for her brother who has been taken by some bad people and they are the ones who chased her here and attacked her. Takeshi still isn't asking the obvious questions but that doesn't matter as the brother Tsuganashi walks in with three people, one with a giant weapon. Takeshi still doesn't really act the correct amount of scared and Mui is like come back to me brother!!!!!! One of the thugs, the one with the weapon starts attacking and Takeshi is like okay time to run. The weapon dude Takao starts swinging away so Takeshi picks up his kendo sword thing to fight the REAL METAL weapon and doesn't die. Everyone realizes that Takeshi is magical.
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Can't be losing your magic or anything.
Before things get too crazy Takeshi manages to see how Takao is going to strike before he does and he gets Mui and himself outside and to temporary safety. Mui explains she is from another world, one of magic. That only kids are capable of learning magic and one can lose it if you use magic against another magical person. And that she accidentally exposed Takeshi to magic when she fired her gun. Takeshi is really not down for any of this. The lackeys are running around looking for Mui and Takeshi and they manage to run into Takeshi's friend. The girl lackey goes to attack the friend and it cuts back to Mui and Takeshi getting cornered by the two boy lackeys, including Takao. Kurumi arrives on the scene and is like why are you with another girl?! The lackeys attack and Kurumi is exposed to magic. The male friend shows up having....sorta beat the female lackey and he was exposed to magic. So when the unnamed (or I don't care) lackey attacks the group he “attacks” people with magic....and I guess dies. Or loses his power. Something super bad happens to him, like he wasn't even human. Oh and Kurumu's power is to either heal herself or make her boobies grow. Takeshi and his bamboo sword then take out Takao in a nonmagical way. The three now magical humans demand some answers from Mui. Basically the magical people live in hiding (...yeah right) but some people want to bring their powers to the public and they brainwashed her brother into believing this. Now to keep these guys safe Mui has to take them to HER school. Given up on making sense of this the three friends follow Mui to a mirror like world...only Japan is super torn up. Welcome to magical land bitches. THE END!
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Ain't nobody care!
So...that was a giant fat no. I mean this is not the worse anime show I have ever seen. I don't think I have seen that many super awful shows as most of them are obvious and I don't bother wasting my time. I do remember a show about a girl who came out of a bottle of soda. She might have been a ramune fairy. Yeah that was drawn worse and was worse than this show. Still I do not think there will be a second episode for me in regards to this show. Definitely not a second episode blog post. Can't keep up with the good shows I have now you know?
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Is that an invitation to move in with you?
But since I did watch this episode might as well warn people what I saw right? First things first the main character seems to have an awful homelife. Mom seems...very off and the younger (?) brother isn't much of a talker and is avoiding our main character Takeshi. Takeshi says that life in hell would be better than this. So....what has happened? Takeshi later states to his girlfriend that things are still bad. Something about an accident? I am going to assume it has to do with kendo. Perhaps one brother seriously wounded the other in practice and now that brother can't do kendo? Gekkou the injured one and Takeshi the attacker? I doubt it has to do with girlfriend stealing but you never know.
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The point it we have to get to know our main character. Feel his pain. Well all I saw was a few mean looks from family members. Why exactly is life int this house hell? I mean obviously my mind went somewhere else when the brother walked by and the mom was standing in the doorway like that....I really doubt THAT was happening. So it could be anywhere from THAT to letting a little brother win a race and hurting his self esteem and everything is awful. Sometimes in animes the AWFUL event that makes life unbearable isn't that big of a deal so I guess we will wait and see. Oh I guess I won't.
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Forget the awesome girlfriend....what an awesome sword!
So Takeshi has an estranged brother and awful homelife with mom. He seems to have a nice enough girlfriend in Kurumi. I wonder how long she will remain the girlfriend with the new girl on the scene. But Kurumi seems to be helping Takeshi with his club activities, wants to help with his family situation, and doesn't take crap from others. When another girl appeared on the scene she didn't shy away and cry about life wasn't unfair. She was like you better get away from my man or else. Now that might have been a worth attribute in someone but the complete lack awareness brings that crashing back to Earth.
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Passed out girl? Gotta rescue you.
About 5 seconds into the show Takeshi runs into someone magical. The person who is going to change the course of Takeshi's life. Weee a magical encounter, passed out girl here we come. To the clinic we go and look no school nurse. I guess I can let that slide since this is break time and all. Maybe she hasn't arrived at school yet. Just Takeshi alone in this school with some passed out girl. Only passed out girl wakes up and oh hello she has a gun. This must be the anime season of inappropriate responses to serious situations. I get that he found a passed out girl but when said passed out girl starts sprouting crazy shit it is time to run. Or be alarmed. Not continue on talking to the crazy girl.
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You shot his nose off!
So who is this girl? In the first minute of the episode we see her ( Mui) in some subway system begging for her brother to come back to her. Only her brother Tsuganashi wasn't in a coming back mood. This somehow leads Mui to hiding in this school and being jumpy over every little thing. Thus firing some magical bullets at Takeshi who doesn't have the wherewithal to move his head or run. Just to go lala confused but who cares this is interesting. One would think a magic user would be careful to fire her weapon, especially since one can lose their powers so easily. Like oppies I am a newbie magician smile smile type deal. The entire thing was stupid.
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I am still going to try to save you later in the episode no matter how mean you are!
Due to Mui firing her weapon the people she was hiding from find her. Including her brother. With him are his lackeys or maybe Tsuganashi is the lackey. But there is a brainy looking guy (whom I don't believe is important), a hot headed girl Hotaru, and a sword wielding crazy person Takao. Say hello to the gang Takeshi. Now it looks like Mui wants her brother back and he has a new gang to hang with. Time for an epic battle of magic, Mui fighting for her brother's freedom because clearly he has been brainwashed! Are you ready for some magic?!
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So what is the point to having magical powers then? What if you are simply defending yourself?!
Or...or not. Because in this show, about magical is against the rules to attack, aim to kill other magic people. Because that makes sense and will make for an interesting show right? SO MUCH INTERESTING! Only not. seems this show has to have magical users sorta using their powers to make their normal attributes better? Like I can see your attack so I can dodge it? Yeah that sounds MAGICAL! What is the point of magic then? And what about people who only have offensive magic? Sounds like a whole lot of uselessness there.
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Shouldn't there be tons of magicians then? Since you are all running around in the daylight firing weapons?
Don't worry though guys. Takeshi is going to be okay. Because in a world where magic users can't attack each other or use their magic against each other it is incredibly easy to give other people magical abilities. Being born into a magical family or studying magic for years is so lame. It is better to get these powers instantly by being exposed to magic. Just exposed, not hit. So Takeshi, the friend Kazumi, and the girlfriend Kurumi are all magicians now. It was like they were on Oprah. And you get magical powers and you get magical powers and you get magical powers!! I mean it was getting so ridiculous and easy to become magical I started to get bored. Like okay why isn't the entire world magical then? If something like bullet fragments can create a mage there should be tons of magicians. Tons. Lots of kids exposed to magic yet magicians are supposed to be rare and mysterious. Yeah okay.
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Um....did I just see that?
Especially when these mages are running around in daylight at a public place brandishing weapons. Like hello that is a HUGE sword thing. Mui has a gun. The other two weapons were small and compact but still. How are these mages living in the shadows like that? Oh you mean the people that Tsuganashi is with are part of an organization who wants mages to be more well known, not to live in the shadows? Well I guess this is a good first step. You know, to being put to death like with the examples shown later during Mui's speech. Maybe if magicians start off slow, introducing themselves to society in a manner that is friendly this could work. But running around with weapons out in the open doing magical things...I think not.
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Have I talked about how bamboo is the most magical material on the planet? That was a giant sword. Of course maybe Takeshi was using his magic at that point to reenforce this weapon but still. It did eventually break in a way that it appeared to still be wood. So this is my face going...hmmm I see. Takeshi might be a great kendo or whatever person but come on. This is my disbelief face.
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This was totally normal too....magical growing boobies.
That was pretty much my face for the entire episode. Like oh okay...oh okay...hmm okay. That and I was trying to watch Helix while typing this so it is hard to focus. Just...way too much special. I understand anime isn't suppose to be realistic. Magic and stuff. Girls who are way too cute. Boys who are way too brave. But I would like some resemblance of normalness. Like...when people have weapons be scared. Don't yell at a girl for talking to your boyfriend when there is a dude with a giant sword. And why is everyone stopping to talk when a new person arrives on the scene? Like no let me stand still so we can get this person up to speed too.
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I can see why.....
The brainy dude with the glasses seems to have lost his magical powers and his life due to using magic against....the girlfriend who was not magical yet. Mr. Sword guy was temporarily beaten because Takeshi can see 5 seconds into the future TAKE THAT NICHOLAS CAGE! And now we got three friends who are now magical because they were near magic. So clearly that means it is time to take them to the magical world that looks like crap. It looks like there is a school there for magic kids but basically this mirror world has been put through the ringer. I thought magical people were like normal people too? Now they are from a different dimension? What the hell is going on? By looking at the art online for this show it looks like the brother is Gekkou is going to be in the magical world too. I don't even know folks. I don't even know. Mui was crying all over the place because she made this all happen, no one reacted normally to these magical situations that shouldn't be happening, people can't even use magic against other magic people but becoming magical is beyond easy, and the art was crap. I mean that was obvious from the PV but maybe people were fooled by the other art for this show. Yeah folks...can't really think of much in terms of redeeming qualities for this show. Doesn't seem to be that deep or make much sense. Yes it is a magical show but it still has to happen in a way that makes logical sense in that world. People who are not magical should be shocked by magic. Just...there was way too much special for my mind to comprehend. I can handle some things that are a bit off but when it is scene after scene of wtfness it is time to move on. Next.

New Anime Series: Mikakunin de Shinkoukei episode 1: And...that's a no

Is this post number 4 today? I think it is. And I think it might be the oldest one in my little folder. XD Got so behind on things that the stuff I knew wasn't going to make the cut got left behind in order for the stuff I was going to watch to get attention. That makes sense yes? I tend to leave the yucky stuff for last....and then regret it later. Not that this anime is yucky per say....just not my cup of tea.
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Saddest thing ever!
So what anime am I talking about? Mikakunin de Shinkoukei. You know, the classic tale of people having arranged marriages in the year 2014? Yeah it was special. Spoilers for a birthday ruined by a boy with no personality.
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Forgotten memories......
Episode Summary: There is a dream/memory being shown. A time in the not so distance past, some grass and a shadow. Kobeni our main character wakes up and wonders what that dream was all about. She has no time to think about that as she opens the window on this the day of her birth. She thinks to herself nothing interesting has happened yet ( just woke up) but surely something will even if nothing really special happens to her. It is her 16th birthday and since that is the age girls can get married surely she is an adult now. She goes downstairs where her creepy sister Benio hands her a cake to eat for breakfast. Benio fawns all over Kobeni for a while, lovely sister this and that. Their mother walks by and Kobeni is weirdly formal. As if an afterthought the mom goes oh by the way your grandfather arranged a marriage for you Kobeni and he will be staying here starting today. Oh and he is standing right behind you. After freaking out that this kid is basically a ghost Kobeni voices her opinion that his is the worse idea in the history of ideas. The mother explains the grandfather had this planned since Kobeni was young and they first met the family. Kobeni is like but I don't want to get married, who does arrange marriages anymore. Benio also freaks out that her beloved sister is going to leave her despite all the plans of them being together forever. Hakuya and his nonpersonality self seems fine with the arrangement. Suddenly there is a little girl at the door and she is not delivering girl scout cookies. She is Mashiro, Hakuya's little sister and she is here to help out with his needs. The mother does not seem bothered by another strange kid is in the house and goes to make beds. Mashiro explains they are from the mountains while being from a well to do family and since brides are hard to come by....yeah Kobeni is not impressed and neither is Benio as Hakuya has the personality of a rock. Mashiro tries to act all prim and proper, saying she is going to make Kobeni into a bride. But then she starts acting her age as she is a little kid.
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A sisterly transformation?
Kobeni sets to work making dinner so she can think to herself how insane this all is. How can she be getting married?! Mashiro adds her two cents on what should be for dinner but curry proves to be too spicy for her. Kobeni asks Mashiro and Hakuya for their likes and dislikes for food since she has to go to the store now and feed more people. Mashiro is weird about it and Hakuya seems to be okay with anything as long as Kobeni makes it. Kobeni attempts to walk to the store to think about this insanity when she nearly dies on some snow slush and Hakuya comes from behind to save her. After making some sense Kobeni allows Hakuya to come with her to the store so he can be the pack mule. She asks why he is okay with this arranged marriage and he explains they played together as kids and he had been told of this marriage at a very young age. Kobeni apologizes she was in an accident when she was young and lost a lot of memories. She is still not find with this and find Hakuya odd. The next morning Mashiro wishes them well at school as she must run off and fill out her own paperwork. While walking Kobeni's friend Mayura walks up and Hakuya announces they are engaged. Kobeni tells him to tell no one else at school. Obviously Hakuya is put in the same class as Kobeni but to her shock so is Mahiro. Isn't she a little kid? Mahiro smiles mischievous about it and Kobeni wonders what kind of weird family she is marrying into. During one of the breaks Benio comes by along with her fan club of admirers. Mahiro does not react well to Benio as Benio has become...shall we say slightly obsessed with Mahiro. Kobeni explains that at school Benio is a model student, beautiful, and great at anything she tries so at home she likes to wind down. Mahiro decides her life is in danger and runs. Kobeni takes a minute to think how special her sister is and then goes looking for the lost girl Mahiro. Up and down the stairs until she needs a break. She sighs a bit, thinking she is nothing like Benio when Hakuya appears behind her and says she is fine the way she is. He shows her that he has found Mahiro who still lives in fear of Benio. Kobeni is touched by the kind words and thinks to herself that life is going to be interesting from now on. THE END!
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Or I could call him goodbye stranger?
Hmmm I am not sure about this show. And given that I am already behind on 2014 anime I am not sure how many other shows I need to be watching. Especially if I am not sure about them. I guess I could try to do MINI posts. You know, because I possess the ability to be brief and all. But since I did take the time to watch episode one of this show I guess I can go about blogging this episode. Who knows what the future will hold for this series though. Well in regards to me.
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Um....cake first thing in the morning would be the best thing ever!
Happy Birthday Kobeni! Ah to be 16 again. Did I have my 16th birthday party at Aladdin Castle or was that my 15th? I think it was 16th. What does Kobeni get her for her 16th birthday? A whole lot of drama. At least the girl didn't have to go to school on that day. Maybe it would have been a relaxing day full of cake for all three meals and dotting sister all over the place. Kobeni started the series off by saying it was her birthday and how she didn't know what was going to be in store for her. That is clearly a sign of things to come. Look at me, I am ordinary and such. Surely something amazing/unexpected is about to happen.
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If you hurt her I will gut you and throw your body in the river.
Kobeni and Benio? Very interesting names for sisters. Benio seems to have way more personality than her sister. She has so much in fact when she is at school she as a slightly different one. Look at me I get to be two people. Kobeni might a little boring if it were not for her sister and her over the top antics. I am not sure how I feel about siblings in animes dotting on each other like that. I never wanted my brothers to end up with hookers or anything but I wasn't like gushing about them being amazing all the time either. This seems to be a common troupe in animes though. My lovely little sister, my amazing older brother. Let me decorate my wall with posters of your awesomeness. I know it is supposed to be funny and over the top but I guess I just find it disturbing, like giant boobies that should defy the laws of logic, nature, and gravity.
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What a lousy birthday present.
Before Benio can prove how insane she is she is given a reason to be overprotective. Hello mom. It's my birthday. What do I get as a present? Oh a fiancee. How nice put it in the stack with the other gifts...wait a fiancee? And he is here? Right now? In the living room? And I am expected to be okay with this. Yeah this is silly folks. Animes can be silly though, a way to watch something and let off a little steam from the day. So we will ignore the fact that this is the year 2014 and arranged marriages are not that common in Japan anymore. Oh and we will ignore the fact that the mother has known about this for a long time and has said nothing up until the point said boy gets to the house to STAY with your underage daughter for an unknown period of time. I guess we should just focus on the fact that Kobeni's mother ruined her birthday. Losers. This grandfather sounds like a winner too. What I say goes. Okay grandpa, eat your baby food and we will totally listen to you. DOWN THE STAIRS YOU GO!
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Pay no attention to the boring boy behind the curtain.
While Kobeni was having the proper reaction to a random arranged marriage she was not told of Hakuya the boy we say boring? Like if I thought Kobeni was a little boring Hakuya was a coma. Snooze city. I am sure this will be a running theme in this show. No presence at all. I think it would have been funnier though had we seen him the entire time in the background while Kobeni was having her moment and then when the mother pointed him out she freaked. No presence is an understatement. Then he opened his mouth and it got worse. Like I am not sure how the voice actor pulled off being uninterested, uninterestING, and slow at the same time. He was as close to a robot as one human could possible sound. Now if he was a real person that would be mean of me to say and maybe he has a lovely soul and just...takes his time getting each and every word out. But for now he looks and sounds like a mouth breathing stalker that probably took a hit to the head as a child and never recovered.
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How is this my life?!
YAY MEAN TENCHI! Kobeni was not impressed with...well anyone that was her new fiance and certainly Benio was not having this either. This man cannot possibly take away my little sister. I have dreams of being with her forever that will not be shattered. We will live in the same house and I will take care of her until the end of time. What? What do you mean there is some odd looking little girl in the house too? Mom! Take care of this. MOM! Don't bring out another bed for the girl, tell her to leave!
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Apparently Kobeni needs some work too....
The tiny girl with the most unfortunate haircut ever is named Mashiro. And she is Hakuya's sister. Seriously that hair folks, I can't. So why is this pint size kid here? Well to take care of Hakuya of course. See they are from DEEP in the mountains, where all the crazies from Wrong Turn live and Hakuya has never seen a traffic light, let alone lived in a house with a bunch of girls who aren't related to him. So clearly she needs to help through this process despite being from the same tiny mountain village with not enough people to marry. Oh and she is here to get Kobeni into bridal shape. Because she is 16 now and that means you can get married in Japan. You can't drive, drink, smoke, vote, know graduate from high school but you can get married so you are an adult! Hurry Kobeni, you are way behind the curve when it comes to being a bride. What is wrong with you?
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Bears don't need traffic lights in the woods!
While I question how great and powerful this family can be that they need to get Kobeni into proper bridal shape (the mountains?!) Mashiro seems to be here to stay. It is always weird seeing a younger sibling taking care of the older one. The way older one while you are all still children, not a 40 verses 47 year old. Mashiro seems to be completely different than her brother. He he was raised in the actual forest and wasn't taught much of anything while Mashiro is all manners and plans and properness. Lecturing people that she does not need milk, she can have coffee or tea....but then rather have milk. That she is trying to act all grown up but can't handle spicy curry. WEE a TV. So I think that Mashiro will bounce back and forth with this I am a mature adult oh a piece of candy bit.
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Oh snap. Here it is. The sparkly moment that changes everything in Kobeni's life.
I think that Kobeni could have protested more. Way more. I would have screamed and cussed. Not made them dinner and asked what their food preferences were so I could go out and do some grocery shopping. But if she didn't go out how could she have slipped on some slush and Hakuya saved her? Because girls need saving. Personally I think she would be more creeped out that Hakuya was behind her and she didn't notice nor did her sister try to stop him. But this moment folks is the one that Kobeni will look back on and blush. A boy touched me. How romantic. Now go back in the house because I don't want you around. Oh you will carry the bags for me? Go right ahead. XD
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Can I go back to celebrating my birthday please? With the cake?
Plus if Hakuya came with Kobeni she could ask why he was okay with all of this nonsense. Like hello protest this too! You got shipped to a place for a away from your mountains, one that has stop lights and running water. And you are okay with marrying someone you don't even know? Well it turns out that Hakuya and Kobeni have met before. It isn't like Kobeni's grandfather went up to the mountains on vacation once and picked the first kid he saw. They used to play together as kids. Knowing anime probably for a week. But Kobeni had an injury and has forgotten a lot of what happened when she was younger. But apparently she made an impression on Hakuya as he is A OKAY about marrying this girl. Like YES this is the girl for me. Well knowing him more like...yes this is the girl for me. I tried to type that in a monotone way and I don't think it came through. XD But yes Hakuya probably liked Kobeni then and is okay with this now and is lala I will listen to you and everything you say okay with me. Kobeni might have a problem with his direct he is but I am sure he will get his feelings hurt by her words sooner rather than later.
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How about you feel bad for me!?
This new family unit seems to have survived the night and now it is time to go to school. What a great birthday Kobeni. Obviously Hakuya is going to school with Kobeni so he follows her like a little puppy dog. They pick up Kobeni's friend Mayura on the way and since Hakuya has no filter he says I am the fiancee. Just one in an anime I would like the friend to freak out. Like super freak out. Not just point out that this is the year 2014 but to lose their minds and threaten kill random stranger and or kidnap the friend away from the insanity. But Mayura was like oh how interesting lovely dovey face. Just help keep the secret.
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I get great and powerful families...but this is a bit...stupid.
The fact that Mahiro is in the same class as Kobeni and Hakuya is dumb. Super dumb. There could have been enough antics at home without the girl being in the same room as them. Unless Mahiro really is that age and she looks super young and pretends to be young since you know looking 7 and being 16 is really uncool. In the event she is 7 and not a super genius...this is dumb. Powerful family my butt. At least Mahiro has enough brains to note the way Benio acts at school is way different than the way she acts at home. Not a little Kobeni A LOT. I stay away from her if I were you too. Weirdos.
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Because you're amazing. Just the way you are.
And that is about it I guess. Kobeni had a special birthday and noted about 39483 times in the anime that things are going to be interesting around here. Fiancee and future sister in law in the same class. Popular sister is looking popular. And Hakuya might have scored some brownie points by saying Kobeni is fine the way she is. Maybe it would have meant more had he waited 24 hours after knowing her but still. Seems like there is going to be a lot of antics with this show. Over the top sister with a loli complex, a guy who has zero personality, and an ordinary girl who seems to under react to a very upsetting situation. Hmm not sure about this show, not sure at all.