Thursday, September 27, 2012
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 11
Hello there my lovely readers! Soon the husband and I will be on the road to Anime Weekend Atlanta. Like last year the husband has decided we will take the "back roads" as they got us there 30 minutes early last year. When I say roads I mean the parts of scary movies that the stupid teenagers take to get away from the baddies and they end up dead in the woods. WISH US LUCK!
So I shall post this and become completely caught up on episodes before my trip! GO ME! Up now is Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 11. Spoilers for Tenchi being happy she didn't attend this crazy school.
Episode Summary: Yuuki sits there in shock at the fact that Michuri is a spy. Yakumo keeps on talking that the people who run the school also answer to other people, people who have long graduated. To make things a little more complicated this Katahira Faction that Yuina keeps going on about is actually a group within the Security Commission. The Katahira Faction agreed to give Kana treatment after she went too far in investigating things. However they will pull back their treatment if Yakumo keeps backing Yuuki up. Also Yakumo promises to make Yuuki’s life miserable if he tells a soul about this. Yuuki starts talking about how Michuri deserves to know but Yakumo won’t allow that. Yakumo is sad as he had high hopes for Yuuki. He thought that Yuuki could help protect his secret, that funds are being spent to help out Kana. But now that is all over. Yakumo and his men go to leave when Yuuki grabs his cellphone and makes a 6 second phone call to tell Michuri where Kana. All chaos breaks loose and Yakumo’s men go to the hospital to guard Kana. Only Michuri is already there and takes Kana outside. Michuri wheels the girl around and talks about how she became an agent to find her. She takes out the harmonica and plays the song that Kana taught her. Suddenly Kana wakes up as Yuuki and Yakumo hear the music. Yakumo and Michuri reunite with Kana and all is right in the world.
While all this nonsense is going on Mifuyu goes to visit Chisato who is still in bed. She tries to get Chisato dressed to visit Chisato but she refuses to get out of bed. Mifuyu repeats some of the things Yuuki said only kinder. That she needs to stop using Yuuki as a substitute for her dead brother. Chisato claims she isn’t, then gets all upset talking about how Mifuyu loves Yuuki and she should try to get with him. Mifuyu gets hurt and tries to calm down Chisato. Then she changes into Chisato’s clothes that show off the scar she got during surgery. She runs to the elevator to show her friends what she has been “hiding” but Chisato stops her. She hugs Mifuyu and says she is sorry for all that has happened between them. They hug it out and wait for Yuuki to come home from his adventures. When he arrives Chisato offers him some chocolate but not before eating some herself.
Sometime after all this (or maybe the next day) there is a debate with all three of the candidate. Yuuki does well as everyone watches. Well everyone but Michuri and Yakumo as they are at the hospital spending time with a conscious Kana. Yuuki does well which pisses Yuina off. She thinks that Yakumo is still giving Yuuki his support but she is told that Yakumo isn’t. The Snack Club rejoices after the debate where they think Yuuki might have a chance. The topic of Chisato comes up and Mifuyu suggests how Yuuki can make Chisato better. She is like go on a date with Chisato! Yuuki is like X___X while Chisato pretends that she is a normal girl now. Before the date can start a man approaches them. Apparently the models for their bridal expose never came and they need a couple right now. So…down the aisle Chisato and Yuuki go. It is beautiful wedding but the couple hesitates to kiss. Little kids congratulate them for their cute wedding which makes Chisato and Yuuki think back to when they did that to a happy bride. Yuuki realizes that he has loved Chisato all along but just didn’t know that is what he was feeling. The two walk home and all seems right. Chisato is like…we can kiss now because no one is looking. They go to kiss and both are hit by stun guns. Chisato is kidnapped and Yuuki is left on the ground. THE END!
OH BOY FOLKS! I watched episode 10 and was like I need to watch episode 11 so I can know all about episode 11. But then….yeah. Michuri once again was a second thought and Chisato takes center stage again. I guess I was wrong about her not getting the happy ending.
Yakumo kept on talking this episode and things started to make sense to me. Or maybe I am slow and it made sense all along. XD But the whole faction baloney I was confused about. Like why would she be supporting another commission. But now I see it is really a division within the Safety Commission. I guess it is not all cupcakes and rainbows even if you are in the same group. Yakumo really needed Yuuki to become the President so he could hide the hidden expense of the hospital bill. Not sure if they needed to hide the “spy” budget I understand how personally for Yakumo he needed Yuuki and it wasn’t all about the power remaining in the Safety Commissions hands.
That all being said Yakumo got a little…crazy. I understand he feels bad for Kana and is trying to help her, even making deals with people he doesn’t particularly like. But all the talk about keeping it a secret and implying he might harm Yuuki. A bit creepy. People listening in on them, telling Yuuki he was basically a glorified puppet, and giving him the consolation prize of keeping his club. While Yakumo is the lesser of two evils I might be on team Satsuki since her primary goal is…saving money. And not being creepy.
After Yuuki made his 6 second phone call Michuri was like OH CRAP! I am going to get no screen time at this rate if I don’t do something amazing. So Michuri morphed into a Mighty Morphing Magica Secret Agent and got Kana out of the hospital. With all the crazy people watching the floor. Just a thought guys. If you are trying to keep someone away from a certain door….keep most of your focus on that door. Not the entire hospital.
I would feel more about the revival of Kana…if there was any build up. Nope she and Michuri are apparently friends and Kana was picked to be an agent and Michuri became an agent after the fact. This is all told to us instead of shown to us and I feel that takes away from the relationship and feeling. It just…is. They are friends because they are. And Michuri can play the magical harmonica and bring Kana back because she was in an emotional coma and not a injury coma? What the hell is going on? And why can Michuri see colors? See folks, this is why this series should have been 24 episodes. All of this is getting crammed into one episode when really it needed more time to have feeling. Michuri hiding out with Kana and Yuuki being threatened by Yakumo. Instead everything is resolved in 5 minutes woohoo!
On the other side of town Mifuyu was trying to be a good friend but Chisato was still having a moment. Yes homegirl has been through a lot but she was rather cutting towards Mifuyu wasn’t she? Almost like she was pissed that Mifuyu loved Yuuki and was trying to keep it a secret. Mifuyu had her feelings and kept them inside to protect her friend. Chisato announcing them out loud just seemed over the top and cruel. Chisato was just trying to fix things for her friends even if that meant she was the odd man out.
I thought Mifuyu was being a little dramatic about the scar on her stomach but then again this show is dramatic so she fit right in. I think these two need to work on their relationship more. Chisato is the kind of person who depends fully on someone, almost obsessed. Mifuyu was so grateful to be accepted by anyone she squished her own feelings down inside of her and let Chisato take the lead. While Chisato has known Yuuki longer she really needs to work on this friendship. Maybe if she spread out her needy behavior Yuuki wouldn’t feel so trapped and upset.
But she got better folks. All is better with Chisato. She took a bite from that candy bar and instant betterness. Maybe she was getting closer to better all this time but to me it felt sudden, especially after her melt down in episode 10. Baby steps? Psht out the window. Time to date Yuuki and pretend they are a couple. I mean….really folks. What happened to blushing faces and accidentally touches. Yuuki was harsh with Chisato and Chisato was using him as a brother substitute all this time. Surely they have some things to work on and shouldn’t dive right into a relationship. Chisato was acting INSANE. Lets not pretend that away because you are wearing wedding clothes and you remember you love her. These things take time. Time you say? Like Michuri got? Well by all means let us declare Chisato better with that bite of chocolate.
Oh and where was Michuri after all of this? Gone. And no one said a word! Maybe she was gone just for the day and not forever (still don’t know if she is a real student hired as a spy or adult playing a student) but still a little acknowledgment that she is gone for the day would have been nice. After all everyone was worried about Chisato right? Oh wait these are the people who didn’t care about Yuuki being in a car accident. XD Michuri didn’t get much screen time did she?
After the impromptu wedding ceremony that stirred up forgotten memories in Chisato and Yuuki the two walk home. I might have been traumatized by the whole pretend wedding but they both seem okay and maybe want to kiss? Only since is the most dramatic show since FOREVER Chisato is kidnapped, probably by Yuina since Yuuki was doing well in the polls.
Poor Michuri indeed. She barely got any screen time this series and it is all over. Her harmonica playing self is done with and now the attention will be focused on Chisato being kidnapped. At this point I think Hazuki should be the president of this school and send everyone to therapy. They are going to need it!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 10
Post number THREE day folks! Go me! Plus I have already started to pack. Yessie I have turned over a new leaf. I will get things done and on time. Why I will even get to work when I am scheduled to be there and not 5 minutes late AKA Tenchi Time. Yessie. A new leaf indeed.
Before everyone passes out from laughter lets get this episode up and posted. XD Up now is Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 10. Spoilers for this show STILL being over the top.
Episode Summary: Through a series of flashbacks the viewer learns how Chisato and Yuuki became friends. He was having a tantrum on his first day of school and Chisato appeared to give him chocolate and calm him down. This works for a while but Chisato continues to only offer Yuuki the chocolate no matter the situation. One day Yuuki gets upset and refuses the treat. This sends Chisato back to a place where she didn’t want to share chocolate with her brother that ended with him getting hit by a car. Baby Chisato loses her mind and Yuuki accepts the chocolates to calm her down. He promises he is not disappearing and will remain by her side. Back to the present and Chisato is crying her eyes out that Yuuki got hit by a car. He appears a second later totally fine but she clings to him anyway. Yuuki sees Yakumo in the hospital as well but is unable to reach him as Chisato is a part of his arm now. Satsuki runs to the Snack Club to find out what happened to Yuuki. No one seems worried and claim he is okay. He proves this a second later when he appears in the club room with Chisato on his arm. Eventually it is time to go home and Chisato will not let go of his arm to do anything. Not to change, not to eat, not to go to the bathroom. Yuuki gets frustrated and tries to take a shower. He yells at Chisato that he is sorry it happened but he didn’t mean to hurt her. She starts chanting that he is going to disappear and he lied to her. Yuuki hits Chisato because obviously that is the only way to calm a person down. She runs out of the room and returns with a chocolate bar. Yuuki refuses to eat it and says that Chisato doesn’t love him. She is only using him as a replacement for her dead brother. Yuuki says that Chisato needs to eat the chocolate and be with him for him. Chisato attempts to eat the chocolate but throws up. Both spend the night getting no sleep and being miserable.
Yuuki goes to school the next day and campaigns with everyone else while Chisato spends the day in bed. Yuuki makes his way to the club room where he finds Michuri and her underwear less self doing something under a table. Yuuki gives back the harmonica that they were playing with before his car accident. He asks who Kana is as it is etched into the instrument. She says that Kana is her friend and she came to the school to find her but can’t. She plays a sad little song on the harmonica and Yakumo runs in looking upset talking about Kana. He covers it up and says he needs to talk to Chisato. When Yakumo learns that Chisato isn’t there he talks to Yuuki about his wanting to help the financial aid students. Yakumo says to drop the subject until after the election. Perhaps then Yuuki can take up his personal..interests if he wins. Yuuki looks pissed. Yuina is seen in the security office talking about how stupid Yakumo is and that she will make sure the election goes the way they (she and the person on the phone) want it to. After all that jazz Yuuki goes to the hospital to get a check up. He runs into a girl who loses her contact lens. I have no idea who she is but if I’m suppose to know her I’m sorry. Yuuki decides to not look for the contact lens as he sees Yakumo going out the back door. Yuuki follows him and hears Yakumo very upset on the phone. Something about abandoning Kana and that wasn’t part of the plan. Yuuki continues his spying and follows Yakumo up to Kana’s room. Yuuki sees the girl…and is immediately clocked in the head. He wakes up handcuffed a chair and looking at Yakumo and his lackeys. Yuuki is forced to confess what he knows (which isn’t much) so Yakumo decides to explain things to the confused boy. See the Safety Commission can’t possibly keep a school that big safe. So they bring in spies to be the eyes and ears of the Safety Commission and find things out before they get too big. Kana was one of Yakumo’s personal spies…as well as Michuri. THE END! I swear. I swear folks. Could this show get any weirder? I mean I am sure it could. I worry for Yume now. WORRY DEEPLY! Like maybe he is gay because he was raped by a bunch of women in some sort of gang war and he is afraid of girls or something. I DON’T KNOW! Run Yume! So spoiler alert from last episode….Yuuki was not hit by the truck. Or he was but it was no big deal. One would think he would have gotten a little hurt. Or maybe he got knocked unconscious by jumping out of the way. But the point is Yuuki is fine, he is made of rubber, and we all knew he was going to be fine by the previews the week before. Good job creating suspense!
While Chisato was a crazy cracker made of wheat and insanity I think maybe she made up for the fact that no one else gave a damn? Well Satsuki did too but she tried to play it cool when she found out the truth. Everyone else was just in the club room chillin. Like wow thanks guys. Can’t you feel the love (tonight) indeed. But yes folks.
Chisato…had a moment this episode. This moment lasted hours it seems and it bordered on a hospital visit for her. I would have been freaking out had I been Yuuki. Like yes Chisato went through something traumatic at a young age and apparently had not gotten therapy or proper care from her parents. But it is Yuuki that was almost hit by a car. It is hard to take care of someone else when it is you who went through the horrible, nearly fatal accident.
But at least we got some answers on why Yuuki seemed to brush Chisato’s affections off. He could have been nicer yes but it is clear why he wasn’t accepting this love. Because to him Chisato really never loved him. He was a replacement for her long lost brother. Perhaps that is why younger Yuuki tried to say no to the chocolate and never said no again because of the melt down. It must have been hard for Yuuki all those years, being the stable force in this girls unstable life. Where are the parents?! That being said don’t slap the girl! She is already fragile as it is. Yes your feelings were hurt and she lost her damn mind but no slapping! Everything else Yuuki said and did was the best he could do but that was uncomfortable. All these things needed to be said. I am not sure if Yuuki saying them sooner would have done much but Chisato has relied on Yuuki in unhealthy ways all these years and adding the new girls into the mix must have pushed her to her breaking point. Yuuki going to school the next day like nothing happened was weird. I know he has a campaign to run but maybe he could have taken a mental health day with Chisato. And the club could have spun it that Yuuki was hurt protecting someone at school thus getting him more brownie points. It was just weird watching another day of campaigning going on while Chisato was home alone. Michuri was…odd this episode. Well we know now why she was crawling on the floor but is there a reason why she doesn’t wear underwear? But yeah she has barely been wallpaper on wall this series let alone a main character. Now we are supposed to care about her? Also I have not heard her talk so much before and her voice annoyed me. Like the annoying little girl over in Sword Art Online. Probably the same voice actress. But yes Michuri can see colors on people and is here to find her friend. I see. I SEE! Maybe if there had been more effort in making Michuri seem important before episode 10 I would care. But I know very little about her and it is almost like she is just in the club…well we know why she is in the club but did anyone else question why she was there? Just odd. A bit too late for an explanation.
Yuina….I don’t know what the crazy person is up to either. She is not really helping out the Safety Commission in trying to regain power next year. She seems to be off doing whatever it is she wants to do. I don’t know about her folks. Me thinks this show should have been 24 episodes long and not 13 if they wanted to have such a huge cast with people with complicated backgrounds. Maybe she isn’t corrupt, she is just a robot clone girl with no feelings ya’ll.
Yakumo was all over the place this episode. I didn’t like how he worded Yuuki’s desire to help the financial aid students as a personal agenda. Like oh yes that is the same thing as politicians making museums named after them. While I understand the logic in trying to get elected by appealing to the most people and putting your not so accepted (but needed) ideas aside….it just seems wrong to me. I am not sure why. But then Yakumo was so upset over something happening to Kana and I felt bad again for him. Not sure what deal he was talking about and maybe I should feel bad for Kana instead but he just seemed upset and not in control. Very unlike Yakumo. And then Yakumo has his henchmen knock out and tie up Yuuki. Like you came and found Kana thus you must know all our secrets. This show is such serious business! My eyes were all @__@ the entire time Yakumo was talking. With this show who knows what he was about to say. I was actually afraid that he was going to say something about the financial aid students, that things could get worse for them if Yakumo got involved. Like sex slaves kinda bad. Yakumo explained that watching over 6,000 students is hard. So they hire people to be spies for them. Now it is unclear if he (they) were hiring adults to play the role of students or if he was just bringing in outside students to enroll in this school. Either way it is a bit X___X. Well maybe not as shady as I thought was going to come out of his mouth. XD Sex slaves indeed. While it must seem pretty…shocking to Yuuki it does make sense. Think of them as uncovered police officers instead of spies. But the episode closed with the most alarming note. That sweet, innocent, and clueless Michuri is a spy. Since she was in the Snack Club before the election we can assume she wasn’t a plant to see if Yakumo would make a good candidate. But yeah. Not sure why she isn’t wearing underwear. But planting mics and being a spy. How much more can Yuuki’s little heart take? Are the two useless girls in the club the real sex slaves? Robots? This is all so weird. Brb hiding Yume before I watch the next episode. I am worried now.
Before everyone passes out from laughter lets get this episode up and posted. XD Up now is Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 10. Spoilers for this show STILL being over the top.
Episode Summary: Through a series of flashbacks the viewer learns how Chisato and Yuuki became friends. He was having a tantrum on his first day of school and Chisato appeared to give him chocolate and calm him down. This works for a while but Chisato continues to only offer Yuuki the chocolate no matter the situation. One day Yuuki gets upset and refuses the treat. This sends Chisato back to a place where she didn’t want to share chocolate with her brother that ended with him getting hit by a car. Baby Chisato loses her mind and Yuuki accepts the chocolates to calm her down. He promises he is not disappearing and will remain by her side. Back to the present and Chisato is crying her eyes out that Yuuki got hit by a car. He appears a second later totally fine but she clings to him anyway. Yuuki sees Yakumo in the hospital as well but is unable to reach him as Chisato is a part of his arm now. Satsuki runs to the Snack Club to find out what happened to Yuuki. No one seems worried and claim he is okay. He proves this a second later when he appears in the club room with Chisato on his arm. Eventually it is time to go home and Chisato will not let go of his arm to do anything. Not to change, not to eat, not to go to the bathroom. Yuuki gets frustrated and tries to take a shower. He yells at Chisato that he is sorry it happened but he didn’t mean to hurt her. She starts chanting that he is going to disappear and he lied to her. Yuuki hits Chisato because obviously that is the only way to calm a person down. She runs out of the room and returns with a chocolate bar. Yuuki refuses to eat it and says that Chisato doesn’t love him. She is only using him as a replacement for her dead brother. Yuuki says that Chisato needs to eat the chocolate and be with him for him. Chisato attempts to eat the chocolate but throws up. Both spend the night getting no sleep and being miserable.
Yuuki goes to school the next day and campaigns with everyone else while Chisato spends the day in bed. Yuuki makes his way to the club room where he finds Michuri and her underwear less self doing something under a table. Yuuki gives back the harmonica that they were playing with before his car accident. He asks who Kana is as it is etched into the instrument. She says that Kana is her friend and she came to the school to find her but can’t. She plays a sad little song on the harmonica and Yakumo runs in looking upset talking about Kana. He covers it up and says he needs to talk to Chisato. When Yakumo learns that Chisato isn’t there he talks to Yuuki about his wanting to help the financial aid students. Yakumo says to drop the subject until after the election. Perhaps then Yuuki can take up his personal..interests if he wins. Yuuki looks pissed. Yuina is seen in the security office talking about how stupid Yakumo is and that she will make sure the election goes the way they (she and the person on the phone) want it to. After all that jazz Yuuki goes to the hospital to get a check up. He runs into a girl who loses her contact lens. I have no idea who she is but if I’m suppose to know her I’m sorry. Yuuki decides to not look for the contact lens as he sees Yakumo going out the back door. Yuuki follows him and hears Yakumo very upset on the phone. Something about abandoning Kana and that wasn’t part of the plan. Yuuki continues his spying and follows Yakumo up to Kana’s room. Yuuki sees the girl…and is immediately clocked in the head. He wakes up handcuffed a chair and looking at Yakumo and his lackeys. Yuuki is forced to confess what he knows (which isn’t much) so Yakumo decides to explain things to the confused boy. See the Safety Commission can’t possibly keep a school that big safe. So they bring in spies to be the eyes and ears of the Safety Commission and find things out before they get too big. Kana was one of Yakumo’s personal spies…as well as Michuri. THE END! I swear. I swear folks. Could this show get any weirder? I mean I am sure it could. I worry for Yume now. WORRY DEEPLY! Like maybe he is gay because he was raped by a bunch of women in some sort of gang war and he is afraid of girls or something. I DON’T KNOW! Run Yume! So spoiler alert from last episode….Yuuki was not hit by the truck. Or he was but it was no big deal. One would think he would have gotten a little hurt. Or maybe he got knocked unconscious by jumping out of the way. But the point is Yuuki is fine, he is made of rubber, and we all knew he was going to be fine by the previews the week before. Good job creating suspense!
While Chisato was a crazy cracker made of wheat and insanity I think maybe she made up for the fact that no one else gave a damn? Well Satsuki did too but she tried to play it cool when she found out the truth. Everyone else was just in the club room chillin. Like wow thanks guys. Can’t you feel the love (tonight) indeed. But yes folks.
Chisato…had a moment this episode. This moment lasted hours it seems and it bordered on a hospital visit for her. I would have been freaking out had I been Yuuki. Like yes Chisato went through something traumatic at a young age and apparently had not gotten therapy or proper care from her parents. But it is Yuuki that was almost hit by a car. It is hard to take care of someone else when it is you who went through the horrible, nearly fatal accident.
But at least we got some answers on why Yuuki seemed to brush Chisato’s affections off. He could have been nicer yes but it is clear why he wasn’t accepting this love. Because to him Chisato really never loved him. He was a replacement for her long lost brother. Perhaps that is why younger Yuuki tried to say no to the chocolate and never said no again because of the melt down. It must have been hard for Yuuki all those years, being the stable force in this girls unstable life. Where are the parents?! That being said don’t slap the girl! She is already fragile as it is. Yes your feelings were hurt and she lost her damn mind but no slapping! Everything else Yuuki said and did was the best he could do but that was uncomfortable. All these things needed to be said. I am not sure if Yuuki saying them sooner would have done much but Chisato has relied on Yuuki in unhealthy ways all these years and adding the new girls into the mix must have pushed her to her breaking point. Yuuki going to school the next day like nothing happened was weird. I know he has a campaign to run but maybe he could have taken a mental health day with Chisato. And the club could have spun it that Yuuki was hurt protecting someone at school thus getting him more brownie points. It was just weird watching another day of campaigning going on while Chisato was home alone. Michuri was…odd this episode. Well we know now why she was crawling on the floor but is there a reason why she doesn’t wear underwear? But yeah she has barely been wallpaper on wall this series let alone a main character. Now we are supposed to care about her? Also I have not heard her talk so much before and her voice annoyed me. Like the annoying little girl over in Sword Art Online. Probably the same voice actress. But yes Michuri can see colors on people and is here to find her friend. I see. I SEE! Maybe if there had been more effort in making Michuri seem important before episode 10 I would care. But I know very little about her and it is almost like she is just in the club…well we know why she is in the club but did anyone else question why she was there? Just odd. A bit too late for an explanation.
Yuina….I don’t know what the crazy person is up to either. She is not really helping out the Safety Commission in trying to regain power next year. She seems to be off doing whatever it is she wants to do. I don’t know about her folks. Me thinks this show should have been 24 episodes long and not 13 if they wanted to have such a huge cast with people with complicated backgrounds. Maybe she isn’t corrupt, she is just a robot clone girl with no feelings ya’ll.
Yakumo was all over the place this episode. I didn’t like how he worded Yuuki’s desire to help the financial aid students as a personal agenda. Like oh yes that is the same thing as politicians making museums named after them. While I understand the logic in trying to get elected by appealing to the most people and putting your not so accepted (but needed) ideas aside….it just seems wrong to me. I am not sure why. But then Yakumo was so upset over something happening to Kana and I felt bad again for him. Not sure what deal he was talking about and maybe I should feel bad for Kana instead but he just seemed upset and not in control. Very unlike Yakumo. And then Yakumo has his henchmen knock out and tie up Yuuki. Like you came and found Kana thus you must know all our secrets. This show is such serious business! My eyes were all @__@ the entire time Yakumo was talking. With this show who knows what he was about to say. I was actually afraid that he was going to say something about the financial aid students, that things could get worse for them if Yakumo got involved. Like sex slaves kinda bad. Yakumo explained that watching over 6,000 students is hard. So they hire people to be spies for them. Now it is unclear if he (they) were hiring adults to play the role of students or if he was just bringing in outside students to enroll in this school. Either way it is a bit X___X. Well maybe not as shady as I thought was going to come out of his mouth. XD Sex slaves indeed. While it must seem pretty…shocking to Yuuki it does make sense. Think of them as uncovered police officers instead of spies. But the episode closed with the most alarming note. That sweet, innocent, and clueless Michuri is a spy. Since she was in the Snack Club before the election we can assume she wasn’t a plant to see if Yakumo would make a good candidate. But yeah. Not sure why she isn’t wearing underwear. But planting mics and being a spy. How much more can Yuuki’s little heart take? Are the two useless girls in the club the real sex slaves? Robots? This is all so weird. Brb hiding Yume before I watch the next episode. I am worried now.
Accel World episode 24 FINAL EPISODE!
Hello there my lovely readers! Two posts in one day? GO ME! I also went to the bank, did all the laundry, did the grocery shopping, vacuumed, and ordered a 80 dollar online. Do you know how heavy a bag containing $252 worth of change is?! I thought everyone at the bank thought I was insane. XD I saved up all my change this entire year to put towards Anime Weekend Atlanta. Yay for more nendoroids (hopefully).
But in between buying Disney dolls and doing 3 loads of laundry....more anime! Up now is the final episode of Accel World...for now anyway! Spoilers for Nomi being healed in the name of the moon!
Episode Summary: Kuroyuki is like you fight Nomi and I got this Black Vice dude. Haruyuki is like um have you seen my lack of wings…and energy…and ability to win? Nomi starts gagging because this friendship and love is getting to him. Time to battle. Nomi takes off flying and Haruyuki calls upon Sky Raker’s enhancements. They fly and bash each other for a while but Haruyuki has to keep stopping and recharging his wings while Nomi can fly free. Nomi says some snarky things and Haruyuki almost falls out of the sky. He thinks of Kuroyuki and Sky Raker (naked) and they give him the power to land the striking blow on Nomi. But before Haruyuki can win Chiyuri uses her power on Nomi. Nomi starts cackling like a crazy person and Haruyuki is like nooooooooo! But then Nomi’s wings disappear and reappear on Haruyuki’s back. Haruyuki is then able to blast Nomi into tons of pieces on the ground. Nomi’s head and part of his arm try to crawl away all the while asking how Chiyuri did this. Everyone else is X___X too so Chiyuri explains. Her ability is not to heal as weapons can’t be healed. It is to turn back time. Chiyuri joined up with Nomi so she could level up fast and move back the hands of time to before Haruyuki got his wings stolen. Everyone is all tears and happiness. Except Nomi who threatens to expose all their asses in real life. He tells Black Vice to come help him but Black Vice is like um no. Nomi threatens to expose him and the Club but Black Vice is like um no some more. Because once Nomi loses the game and it is uninstalled the chip will…melt in his brain and he will have no evidence. Black Vice tells everyone he has no grudges against their Legion and hopes to never fight them again. Kuroyuki tries to land one more blow but Black Vice gets away.
Nomi then starts losing his mind and begs to join their Legion, offers to give them points, anything to save himself. For a moment is APPEARS that Haruyuki is going to forgive him but going back to the conversation a few minutes ago Haruyuki decides they will never understand each and finishes off Nomi. As they look at his sparkles in the sky Kuroyuki joins the others and reveals she only made it on time because Chiyuri called her. This leads to shocked faces and what not. Still Haruyuki is touched Kuroyuki did this all for him and says they will talk when she returns home. The other three return from the game and Chiyuri explains this was her plan all along and had to keep it a secret in case Nomi had bugged her. She starts crying and says she loves them both which doesn’t seem to startle the boys. Kuroyuki makes it back to Tokyo unharmed and bids her friend Megumi goodbye. Haruyuki meets her at the station and tells her all about what happened while she was gone. She is surprised that Sky Raker taught Haruyuki but is proud of what he accomplished. She hugs him and starts crying a bit, thinking that she almost lost him. She says she will reward him since he protected the legion. He asks her to stay with him forever which is romantic and scary to Kuroyuki. But they agree to stay together forever.
The next day at school Kuroyuki gets her newspaper people to print a story about Haruyuki being innocent which leads to various people apologizing to him. He runs away from the attention and sees Nomi. Nomi walks by him and Haruyuki calls out to him. Nomi is like oh didn’t we play a game together and starts to smile. X____X After school Yuniko and Kuroyuki bring some of their legion members to talk about how when the game is uninstalled all memories of what happened because of the game are erased thus the not so evil Nomi. That makes people question why the game is capable of doing that. Kuroyuki smiles, saying she will ask when she reaches level 10. People part and go their separate ways with Haruyuki saying he needs to do one thing. Kuroyuki joins him and they talk about even if they lose Brain Burst they will not forget each other. Haruyuki’s one thing turns out to be returning Sky Raker’s enhancements. She sees that Kuroyuki is tense and talks to Haruyuki only. She walks away but Kuroyuki calls out to her friend and they end up crying and collapsing in each other’s arms. It appears that means Sky Raker will join Kuroyuki’s legion. Haruyuki starts talking about how life is always changing and they must go with it, growing and what not. Everyone from the show is seen doing their everyday things with special attention paid to Nomi and Megumi. Haruyuki smiles up at the sky and thinks about flying and how the game has changed his life. THE END! XO What the hell was that?! I did not see people thrown off building because of their bad behavior. All I saw was hugs and kisses and forgiveness. In the name of the Moon…it was expected! Sweet but expected. XD Kuroyuki apparently did all that she was going to do in terms of this battle last episode. By making sure that Takumu didn’t get decapitated. That is important and not something small but this episode she was either watching the battle or actually having a hard time getting out of Black Vice’s grip. Which is slightly worrisome either way. Maybe the battle between Nomi and Haruyuki was so fast it just looked like Kuroyuki was standing around doing nothing. Yeah that sounds better. Nomi saying all the friendship and love was killing me….at least he was consistent? His brother bullying him and losing his only friend really must have cut off his ability to connect to people. When he was taunting Haruyuki that if things had started off different would they have tried to save….I sorta wanted to punch him in the head and nod that he was right on their assessment of their behavior. Kuroyuki cuts off the head of her good friend in the game with no questions asked but everyone else is forgiven with Haruyuki logic. XD That all being said Nomi is insane and sucks. I liked that Haruyuki has having problems with the enhancements but it wasn’t the end of the world. He was able to recharge them and keep on fighting. Because if all he got was that tiny bit of battery life it wouldn’t be worth it at all. Since he only used them once before and only used it in one battle we didn’t get a real feel on how they worked. It seems that Sky Raker wasn’t able to fly despite wanting it so (too) much but Haruyuki who has already flown..and probably being more amazing because he is the main character was able to make it work. Of course…thinking of the girls naked was probably a bit special. We can only power up if we think of people without their clothes on. Maybe it isn’t as bad as I make it sound like because they are naked when “battling” in this game. It was just like OH time to be naked and support Haruyuki. With our love surely he will win. When Chiyuri “healed” Nomi I was laughing. Laughing so hard. Like haha you all got screwed by the hoe bag and Nomi had the best plan on the face of the planet. He would be like EFF YOUR FRIENDSHIP, stomp on Haruyuki, decapitate Takumu, and force Kuroyuki to run (or kill her) cackling as his evil plot came true. I mean I hate Nomi but so far he has played what seems to be a perfect game. Except the part where he decided to explain himself. Had he not done that Kuroyuki wouldn’t have made it to the battle in time. Curse you villains. Talk LATER! But then Chiyuri and her stripper ways were explained. Oh okay not the stripping. But Chiyuri is not a healer. Which makes sense as your avatar is made based on your past hurts. Chiyuri is constantly going on and on how she wants things to be how they used to be. That would require turning back the hands of time. Go Chiyuri. Go Chiyuri indeed. I like how in his defeat Nomi was ranting and raving making his ugly faces. And by like I mean MOG you are like half a person on the ground (well more like 1/4 a person) and you are still talking smack. Aren’t you like 12? How big are your balls kid? Like oh snap I will tell everyone who you really are! And Black Vice, you better do what I say or I will expose you too! Nomi faltered a bit when he said he would give them all his points (like…you already are) and will join their legion. I think I would have liked it better had he just cackled and lost his mind at that point, stating he was the best or something. Black Vice was like PEACE OUT! He really didn’t do much of anything and when things got ugly just left instead of helping out Nomi. So why did he help out Nomi? He wasn’t getting any of the free points if they won so that can’t be the reason. If Haruyuki and his team won he would be exposed as part of the Cheater’s Club. I just don’t see why Black Vice came. I wasn’t expecting Nomi to have friends but if there was something for the Club to gain it would make sense. Peace out Black Vice. For half a second I thought that Haruyuki was going to forgive Nomi. Like he was going strike AT Nomi but it would be revealed it was inches from his face and that they were going to forgive him. Like was Haruyuki going to lose his mind like Nomi because the rules state the battle has to end. But Haruyuki took out Nomi and really didn’t shed any tears which was surprising. As I stated earlier Chiyuri is the whole reason why everything ended on the up and up. She is going to join the guild and she and Kuroyuki seem to be friends now. All is right in the world. I just would like to know how stripping in front of Haruyuki was part of the plan. Yes she had to lie to level up her skill. A bit of anime magic and Chiyuri was able to think of this complicated plan despite just joining the game. That is okay. But stripping? What the hell folks. WHAT THE HELL! All is forgiven because Chiyuri training hard and thought of this plan to get Haruyuki his wings back and defeat Nomi. Was Megumi glaring at Haruyuki on the bus? Did anyone else see the crazy eyes?! I sure did! There was a bit more of Megumi in this episode. If she doesn’t have the game anymore how was she able to pick out that perfect present for Kuroyuki? Sure it could have been a representation of Kuroyuki’s online avatar but it looks like Kuroyuki thinks that Megumi is aware of the Brain Burst program. Kuroyuki and Haruyuki had a sweet reunion. She didn’t yell, she didn’t get jealous over Sky Raker, and over all had a good balance of controlled and sobbing behavior. Haruyuki had some tears, told Kuroyuki he wanted to make her proud, and used his one wish on making sure they could be together forever. They aren’t an official couple yet which is weird after the hospital drama and what not. Get it together people. XD Life at school seems to be better for Haruyuki. Glad this entire mess got cleared up. Again it is hard to blame the boyfriend of one of the locker room victims. He had a right to be mad but of course violence is never the answer. This comes from a girl whose answer to everything growing up was throwing things at people’s heads and running for the hills. So go Haruyuki! Your life is better. Nomi….is scary no matter what. But at least now he looks like a 7th grader and not the boy version of the Orphan girl. But the smiles and looking at the sky, pretending to fly. It was a bit weird to watch. Like oh we played a game together. Let me poke my cheeks and thinks of what it was. It was creepy. Also HOW FAIR IS THIS CRAP! Nomi did tons of horrible things and now he gets a blank slate and a second chance without suffering the consequences. He doesn’t get to walk around school feeling bad for himself because he lost the program. Because he never knew he had it! Did this happen to his brother? He got a blank slate of beating on his younger brother while Nomi had to look at his face all the time and know the truth? UNFAIR! Also what is the point of the game? How can you grow as a person if you forgot all that you have been through. Yes they shouldn’t be able to accelerate anymore but remembering what happened. BLEH! BLEH! So after the meeting with Yuniko and Kuroyuki throwing the audience a teaser for season two (why yes I am still trying to get to level 10 ya’ll) Haruyuki had to wrap the episode up by making sure the power of friendship shined on. He gave Sky Raker back her item but did so in front of Kuroyuki. I thought for a moment that Kuroyuki was going to let her walk away and Haruyuki was going to say something like well maybe next time and it would happen next season. But I guess almost losing Kuroyuki was enough for her to put aside her pride and get her friend back. WOOHOO! Kuroyuki has doubled her legion guys! But kidding aside it was a nice moment. Glad the girls could forgive each other and move on, even if we only got part of Kuroyuki’s real name. As Haruyuki thinks back fondly about how his life has changed from Brain Burst the episode draws to a close. This show was pretty decent even if the terminology got a bit hard to handle at points. Like oh by the way this is this and colors mean this and blah. But I thought this show had a unique protagonist. It is hard to see why a single guy has a hard time getting girls when he is hot and smart (same goes with single girls). But Haruyuki looks different and was bullied. This show really focused on the power friendship which made me laugh at times but for this protagonist it was so important given how rough his life has been. I really enjoyed watching this season even if Nomi’s smile haunted my dreams. I look forward to next season when Kuroyuki ACTUALLY defeats a king? XD
But in between buying Disney dolls and doing 3 loads of laundry....more anime! Up now is the final episode of Accel World...for now anyway! Spoilers for Nomi being healed in the name of the moon!
Episode Summary: Kuroyuki is like you fight Nomi and I got this Black Vice dude. Haruyuki is like um have you seen my lack of wings…and energy…and ability to win? Nomi starts gagging because this friendship and love is getting to him. Time to battle. Nomi takes off flying and Haruyuki calls upon Sky Raker’s enhancements. They fly and bash each other for a while but Haruyuki has to keep stopping and recharging his wings while Nomi can fly free. Nomi says some snarky things and Haruyuki almost falls out of the sky. He thinks of Kuroyuki and Sky Raker (naked) and they give him the power to land the striking blow on Nomi. But before Haruyuki can win Chiyuri uses her power on Nomi. Nomi starts cackling like a crazy person and Haruyuki is like nooooooooo! But then Nomi’s wings disappear and reappear on Haruyuki’s back. Haruyuki is then able to blast Nomi into tons of pieces on the ground. Nomi’s head and part of his arm try to crawl away all the while asking how Chiyuri did this. Everyone else is X___X too so Chiyuri explains. Her ability is not to heal as weapons can’t be healed. It is to turn back time. Chiyuri joined up with Nomi so she could level up fast and move back the hands of time to before Haruyuki got his wings stolen. Everyone is all tears and happiness. Except Nomi who threatens to expose all their asses in real life. He tells Black Vice to come help him but Black Vice is like um no. Nomi threatens to expose him and the Club but Black Vice is like um no some more. Because once Nomi loses the game and it is uninstalled the chip will…melt in his brain and he will have no evidence. Black Vice tells everyone he has no grudges against their Legion and hopes to never fight them again. Kuroyuki tries to land one more blow but Black Vice gets away.
Nomi then starts losing his mind and begs to join their Legion, offers to give them points, anything to save himself. For a moment is APPEARS that Haruyuki is going to forgive him but going back to the conversation a few minutes ago Haruyuki decides they will never understand each and finishes off Nomi. As they look at his sparkles in the sky Kuroyuki joins the others and reveals she only made it on time because Chiyuri called her. This leads to shocked faces and what not. Still Haruyuki is touched Kuroyuki did this all for him and says they will talk when she returns home. The other three return from the game and Chiyuri explains this was her plan all along and had to keep it a secret in case Nomi had bugged her. She starts crying and says she loves them both which doesn’t seem to startle the boys. Kuroyuki makes it back to Tokyo unharmed and bids her friend Megumi goodbye. Haruyuki meets her at the station and tells her all about what happened while she was gone. She is surprised that Sky Raker taught Haruyuki but is proud of what he accomplished. She hugs him and starts crying a bit, thinking that she almost lost him. She says she will reward him since he protected the legion. He asks her to stay with him forever which is romantic and scary to Kuroyuki. But they agree to stay together forever.
The next day at school Kuroyuki gets her newspaper people to print a story about Haruyuki being innocent which leads to various people apologizing to him. He runs away from the attention and sees Nomi. Nomi walks by him and Haruyuki calls out to him. Nomi is like oh didn’t we play a game together and starts to smile. X____X After school Yuniko and Kuroyuki bring some of their legion members to talk about how when the game is uninstalled all memories of what happened because of the game are erased thus the not so evil Nomi. That makes people question why the game is capable of doing that. Kuroyuki smiles, saying she will ask when she reaches level 10. People part and go their separate ways with Haruyuki saying he needs to do one thing. Kuroyuki joins him and they talk about even if they lose Brain Burst they will not forget each other. Haruyuki’s one thing turns out to be returning Sky Raker’s enhancements. She sees that Kuroyuki is tense and talks to Haruyuki only. She walks away but Kuroyuki calls out to her friend and they end up crying and collapsing in each other’s arms. It appears that means Sky Raker will join Kuroyuki’s legion. Haruyuki starts talking about how life is always changing and they must go with it, growing and what not. Everyone from the show is seen doing their everyday things with special attention paid to Nomi and Megumi. Haruyuki smiles up at the sky and thinks about flying and how the game has changed his life. THE END! XO What the hell was that?! I did not see people thrown off building because of their bad behavior. All I saw was hugs and kisses and forgiveness. In the name of the Moon…it was expected! Sweet but expected. XD Kuroyuki apparently did all that she was going to do in terms of this battle last episode. By making sure that Takumu didn’t get decapitated. That is important and not something small but this episode she was either watching the battle or actually having a hard time getting out of Black Vice’s grip. Which is slightly worrisome either way. Maybe the battle between Nomi and Haruyuki was so fast it just looked like Kuroyuki was standing around doing nothing. Yeah that sounds better. Nomi saying all the friendship and love was killing me….at least he was consistent? His brother bullying him and losing his only friend really must have cut off his ability to connect to people. When he was taunting Haruyuki that if things had started off different would they have tried to save….I sorta wanted to punch him in the head and nod that he was right on their assessment of their behavior. Kuroyuki cuts off the head of her good friend in the game with no questions asked but everyone else is forgiven with Haruyuki logic. XD That all being said Nomi is insane and sucks. I liked that Haruyuki has having problems with the enhancements but it wasn’t the end of the world. He was able to recharge them and keep on fighting. Because if all he got was that tiny bit of battery life it wouldn’t be worth it at all. Since he only used them once before and only used it in one battle we didn’t get a real feel on how they worked. It seems that Sky Raker wasn’t able to fly despite wanting it so (too) much but Haruyuki who has already flown..and probably being more amazing because he is the main character was able to make it work. Of course…thinking of the girls naked was probably a bit special. We can only power up if we think of people without their clothes on. Maybe it isn’t as bad as I make it sound like because they are naked when “battling” in this game. It was just like OH time to be naked and support Haruyuki. With our love surely he will win. When Chiyuri “healed” Nomi I was laughing. Laughing so hard. Like haha you all got screwed by the hoe bag and Nomi had the best plan on the face of the planet. He would be like EFF YOUR FRIENDSHIP, stomp on Haruyuki, decapitate Takumu, and force Kuroyuki to run (or kill her) cackling as his evil plot came true. I mean I hate Nomi but so far he has played what seems to be a perfect game. Except the part where he decided to explain himself. Had he not done that Kuroyuki wouldn’t have made it to the battle in time. Curse you villains. Talk LATER! But then Chiyuri and her stripper ways were explained. Oh okay not the stripping. But Chiyuri is not a healer. Which makes sense as your avatar is made based on your past hurts. Chiyuri is constantly going on and on how she wants things to be how they used to be. That would require turning back the hands of time. Go Chiyuri. Go Chiyuri indeed. I like how in his defeat Nomi was ranting and raving making his ugly faces. And by like I mean MOG you are like half a person on the ground (well more like 1/4 a person) and you are still talking smack. Aren’t you like 12? How big are your balls kid? Like oh snap I will tell everyone who you really are! And Black Vice, you better do what I say or I will expose you too! Nomi faltered a bit when he said he would give them all his points (like…you already are) and will join their legion. I think I would have liked it better had he just cackled and lost his mind at that point, stating he was the best or something. Black Vice was like PEACE OUT! He really didn’t do much of anything and when things got ugly just left instead of helping out Nomi. So why did he help out Nomi? He wasn’t getting any of the free points if they won so that can’t be the reason. If Haruyuki and his team won he would be exposed as part of the Cheater’s Club. I just don’t see why Black Vice came. I wasn’t expecting Nomi to have friends but if there was something for the Club to gain it would make sense. Peace out Black Vice. For half a second I thought that Haruyuki was going to forgive Nomi. Like he was going strike AT Nomi but it would be revealed it was inches from his face and that they were going to forgive him. Like was Haruyuki going to lose his mind like Nomi because the rules state the battle has to end. But Haruyuki took out Nomi and really didn’t shed any tears which was surprising. As I stated earlier Chiyuri is the whole reason why everything ended on the up and up. She is going to join the guild and she and Kuroyuki seem to be friends now. All is right in the world. I just would like to know how stripping in front of Haruyuki was part of the plan. Yes she had to lie to level up her skill. A bit of anime magic and Chiyuri was able to think of this complicated plan despite just joining the game. That is okay. But stripping? What the hell folks. WHAT THE HELL! All is forgiven because Chiyuri training hard and thought of this plan to get Haruyuki his wings back and defeat Nomi. Was Megumi glaring at Haruyuki on the bus? Did anyone else see the crazy eyes?! I sure did! There was a bit more of Megumi in this episode. If she doesn’t have the game anymore how was she able to pick out that perfect present for Kuroyuki? Sure it could have been a representation of Kuroyuki’s online avatar but it looks like Kuroyuki thinks that Megumi is aware of the Brain Burst program. Kuroyuki and Haruyuki had a sweet reunion. She didn’t yell, she didn’t get jealous over Sky Raker, and over all had a good balance of controlled and sobbing behavior. Haruyuki had some tears, told Kuroyuki he wanted to make her proud, and used his one wish on making sure they could be together forever. They aren’t an official couple yet which is weird after the hospital drama and what not. Get it together people. XD Life at school seems to be better for Haruyuki. Glad this entire mess got cleared up. Again it is hard to blame the boyfriend of one of the locker room victims. He had a right to be mad but of course violence is never the answer. This comes from a girl whose answer to everything growing up was throwing things at people’s heads and running for the hills. So go Haruyuki! Your life is better. Nomi….is scary no matter what. But at least now he looks like a 7th grader and not the boy version of the Orphan girl. But the smiles and looking at the sky, pretending to fly. It was a bit weird to watch. Like oh we played a game together. Let me poke my cheeks and thinks of what it was. It was creepy. Also HOW FAIR IS THIS CRAP! Nomi did tons of horrible things and now he gets a blank slate and a second chance without suffering the consequences. He doesn’t get to walk around school feeling bad for himself because he lost the program. Because he never knew he had it! Did this happen to his brother? He got a blank slate of beating on his younger brother while Nomi had to look at his face all the time and know the truth? UNFAIR! Also what is the point of the game? How can you grow as a person if you forgot all that you have been through. Yes they shouldn’t be able to accelerate anymore but remembering what happened. BLEH! BLEH! So after the meeting with Yuniko and Kuroyuki throwing the audience a teaser for season two (why yes I am still trying to get to level 10 ya’ll) Haruyuki had to wrap the episode up by making sure the power of friendship shined on. He gave Sky Raker back her item but did so in front of Kuroyuki. I thought for a moment that Kuroyuki was going to let her walk away and Haruyuki was going to say something like well maybe next time and it would happen next season. But I guess almost losing Kuroyuki was enough for her to put aside her pride and get her friend back. WOOHOO! Kuroyuki has doubled her legion guys! But kidding aside it was a nice moment. Glad the girls could forgive each other and move on, even if we only got part of Kuroyuki’s real name. As Haruyuki thinks back fondly about how his life has changed from Brain Burst the episode draws to a close. This show was pretty decent even if the terminology got a bit hard to handle at points. Like oh by the way this is this and colors mean this and blah. But I thought this show had a unique protagonist. It is hard to see why a single guy has a hard time getting girls when he is hot and smart (same goes with single girls). But Haruyuki looks different and was bullied. This show really focused on the power friendship which made me laugh at times but for this protagonist it was so important given how rough his life has been. I really enjoyed watching this season even if Nomi’s smile haunted my dreams. I look forward to next season when Kuroyuki ACTUALLY defeats a king? XD
Sword Art Online episode 12
Behold my readers! I am alive. And in a super productive mood! Much must be done before we go on our 4 day trip to Anime Weekend Atlanta!! XD Hopefully I will accomplish all on my list. If not...well I will just waste time watching TV?
Up first in Tenchi's Blogging Night is Sword Art Online episode 12. Spoilers for Asuna still being a mommy?
Episode Summary: After Yui’s random outburst the nun/church lady named Sasha takes them to her church. The next morning she explains that when the game first started all the kids were traumatized so she gathered them up and took them here. Yui seems to be doing better and smiles around. A member from the Army shows up named Yulier. Everyone looks rather suspicious of her until she explains the reason she is there. She talks about how The Army started off trying to help everyone out but the group got too big and a player named Kibaou tried to undermine the leader Thinker. Kirito remembers Kibaou Beater incident. Yulier explains that Kibaou was responsible for sending The Army dudes to die at a high dungeon level. People grew upset at Kibaou so Kibaou decided to regain control by tricking Thinker into a high level dungeon. Yulier asks Asuna and Kirito for help to save Thinker and regain control of the guild. Asuna and Kirito agree and Yui asks to come along as well. They say yes because they want to be the worst parents ever. So they travel down into the dungeon which is actually under the Town of Beginnings and slowly opens up more as the levels are cleared. Kirito does most of the work. Everyone smiles and has a great time. They finally make it to Thinker who warns them there is a huge monster. Yulier is nearly killed but Kirito saves her in time. Kirito tries to get everyone out of the room but himself. Asuna sticks around and they try to fight the huge monster. Kirito and Asuna are quickly overwhelmed by the monster with no stats. Yui walks away from Thinker and Yulier who were in the middle of transporting out of the area. Yui walks up to the monster and Kirito sees that she is registered as an immortal object. She pulls out a huge sword and makes the monster disappear.
Kirito and Asuna are like X___X as Yui takes them to a room to explain. She explains that the game is run by a system called Cardinal. It is in charge of drop rates and monster spawns and player’s health. She is the program within Cardinal that was supposed to make sure players were okay mentally. But when the game was launched she was disabled and was only able to watch people suffer. This weighed on her heavily and she fell into despair. One day she saw Asuna and Kirito finding joy and comfort in the game and wanted to meet them so badly. Thus she went to the woods to get as close to them as possible. Asuna starts crying and declares Yui real. Kirito says that Yui can be whatever she wants to be. Yui says she wants to be their child and they all hug it out. Only Yui explains she is sitting on a GM control board and she used the program to destroy the monster. Now Cardinal is going to delete her as she appears to be a foreign object. Asuna starts crying again and Yui tells them both to take care of the players for her. She disappears in Asuna’s arms and Asuna starts sobbing. Kirito starts typing away at the control board, saying he won’t let the program win. He manages to separate Yui’s heart from the system (more like her data) before she is deleted. He gives the stone to Asuna which seems to make Asuna happy. They depart from the Town of Beginnings with a farewell from Thinker, Yulier, and Sasha. They return to their home on the lake and Kirito explains once they get out of the game they can remake Yui with that data. Asuna is happy that their first child will be saved and all will be well. THE END!
BEST PARENTS EVER! Peace out Yui. We knew you well….for less than 24 hours. XD It is a revolving door of characters up in this anime.
But I think this is for the best. Or maybe I just hate kids. I thought that Kirito and especially Asuna were acting extremely weird around Yui. I wish it turned out that Yui was making them feel this way. I understand she was given emotions so she could put players at ease but maybe she also released some sort vibes that made people want to protect her. I mean…they knew her for less than 24 hours and they were ready to adopt her and drive her to cheerleading practice and make science fair volcanoes for her. It was just a lot and had Yui stuck around it might have taken the show in a totally weird direction. Not sure which direction the show is going now but this is a life and death game that has driven people insane. Asuna and Kirito taking a moment to be by themselves after all they have been through is one thing. Playing house with a kid they just met is another.
I feel as if the role of Sasha was just glossed over rather quickly. Hurry we got to focus on Yui more! But since I don’t have kids I guess I don’t think about them much. My house is not exactly kid friendly. But it does make sense despite how shocked Asuna looked when she saw a kid in the game. Maybe she wasn’t expecting such a young child. But games appeal to all ages so it makes sense there were some younger players logged on at the time. Kirito was 14 at the time so I am not sure what qualifies as a kid at this point.
But yes folks. The kids should be taken care of and I think it is a bigger job than one person can handle. How do they afford all the “food” and supplies it takes to survive in this game? All the kids will still need weapons and armor just in case. One person gathering all the items and money necessary seems a bit much. I want to know more about Sasha, about why she felt responsible for all these kids. Is she a teacher in the real world? Did she see a kid die on the first day? Do other groups help Sasha out? X__X I want to know more about her.
But then Yulier and her problems rolled in. Which were important as well. I am glad that there is an explanation about the Army. Because even though their suicide mission was stupid (although explained) the idea of their guild made sense. Making sure everyone knew what was going on and that everyone had supplies. Asuna and her guild seem more focus on clearing the guild which is super important. But they can’t help everyone if they are focused on that. So another guild needed to step up and take care of the remaining players in the meantime.
Am I surprised that Kibaou has turned up again? Slightly. Apparently he was a bigger asshole in the light novel but in the game he just seemed upset at the “beaters” for being selfish. So it would make sense for him to join The Army, a guild that wants things to get fair. But then Kibaou wanted power and started abusing his authority. Good job Kibaou. You hated Beaters for being unfair when really they were scared at the start of the game. What is your excuse now?
That being said Thinker sounded pretty stupid. Like really stupid. I am sure at the start of the game he was just trying to get players together and make it through the game safely. And it is hard for to blame him for making the guild bigger. Small guilds are good for…you know nonlethal games but not in a serious game like this. So allowing everyone to join the guild for protection made sense. But then people with different values joined and things got out of control. Thinker couldn’t be everywhere at once. But hello! The main problem starter in your guild wants to talk to you sans weapons and transportation stones in a dungeon and you agree to that?! Why?! WHY?! Why would you do that!? I am just not understanding this insanity folks.
Yulier might have been an interesting character but we really didn’t see much of her. She just happened to find the two “strong” players and ask for help. Maybe things are awkward in this game but I remember that guilds would work together at certain points in Maple Story. Perhaps they wanted to handle this all in the family but when some of your guild members are causing problems for a lot of people and earning you a bad reputation maybe you should swallow your pride and ask for help. Like yo Heathcliff we need some help here. But other than that Yulier might have been interesting. I thought she was staring at Yui because she figured out who she was or something. I don’t know…maybe Yulier will show up later in the series. I just thought she could have had more to do with the episode. We didn’t even see her fight!
Have I mentioned that Asuna and Kirito are insane around Yui? Because they are. They were reasonable and intelligent people before they met the girl. Now they are like okay Yui you can come with us to a dangerous dungeon that has trapped a guild leader. Now they couldn’t have known the enemy was going to be that strong nor could they have known Yui was going to save the day but still folks. Leave your 24 hour daughter back at the place with the other kids. Did Asuna get sex and lose her mind in the process? All this mother/daddy/daughter crap was way too much too soon.
Asuna and Kirito got their asses kicked hard in this episode. Was that enemy meant for people further along in the game? I am actually interested in what it was meant to do/drop. Yui and her magical sword self disposed of it rather quickly. It must have been super strong as it just totally pushed Asuna and Kirito around like rag dolls. :( A bit more battle would have been nice but since Kirito was almost killed a few days ago I guess he deserves a break.
Yui isn’t a real girl. Amazing folks. I am shocked that someone who didn’t have a designation above her head wasn’t a real player. I figured she had something to do with the game but I don’t think I was expecting her to the be the….comfort program. I think I worded that wrong. XD But I have been of the mindset that this game was created all along to trap players inside of it. Probably to harvest something from them. Not sure what yet but that is what I think. So I would never have assumed that the game would have a feature like Yui. So maybe this game WAS designed to be a real game and someone done lost their mind.
So yes folks! Things make sense to me for once. XD Write this down. I understand that this game needs to the Cardinal system to function. Once all the people who removed the game gear started dropping like flies the police were going to shut things down. The game had to operate on its own without people pulling strings and what not. Plus that is how most games are, with set drop rates and story lines without human intervention. And since this game seems real to the player I can see why a program needed to take the role of an NPC to make sure players were okay. And if this program Yui was designed to have emotions I can see how she might have lost her little damn mind when she was unable to help but watched everyone suffer.
But Asuna and Kirito are still insane. So many tears after knowing this kid for 24 hours, calling them momma and daddy. I am not sure why Yui felt connected to Asuna and Kirito on such a level. Weren’t there other happy people in the game? Kirito and Asuna just became happy a few days ago! Before Asuna was gunho on fighting and nothing else and Kirito tried to be a helpful loner. There were tons of people in that field near the pet revival place that were on dates and what not. Maybe she needed strong people who were happy? But then why the momma and daddy crap? Maybe Asuna could have just smiled and nodded and not go all out. I am really bothered by this aren’t I?
Also I might be a bad person. Because when Kirito had his moment and told Yui she was “real” and could do whatever she wanted of course she said she wanted to be with them. Kirito and Asuna were all smiles for like 10 seconds when she was like…but I am going to be deleted so peace out mommy and daddy. I was like MOG TROLL! A good troll because I didn’t want that kid around any longer (THAT VOICE) but mog hilarious. Like did you really just give them a glimmer of hope and you snatch it away. How horrible.
All is not lost…yet. I guess. Kirito had to do something quick or Asuna was going to melt into the ground. Not a good way to start off a marriage. He is somehow able to use anime magic to gather Yui’s data into his game gear and into an object in the game. Don’t ask me how although he tried to say he used GM power to do something. But yes he was able to save Yui so in the future he and Asuna can raise their first child together. While logically I am sure they realize that she is just data…being stuck in this game for two years has probably blurred that line for them.
I think I have gone on long enough about how Yui was a weird little arc. Asuna and Kirito are allowed to have different sides of their personality. I just thought it was….random. And weird. Maybe when your life is on the line everyday you learn to live in the moment and adopt random kids on the ground. Now…onward to more teenagers to hacking each other to pieces!