Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Yuru Yuri Season Two episode 9
Hello there my lovely readers. It is I….the one who thought the rain would stop long enough for a quick trip to the grocery store. As it stands it is Rain 1, Tenchi 0. Yay me! I would drown my tears in ice cream if I wasn’t so cold. XD It was kinda funny seeing all the menz run out to their cars to bring them around to their wives/significant others. I was like look me, I am woman, I am independent. Of course if my husband was there I am sure he would have done it for me. Because sometimes us independent women are allergic to raindrops too.
While I sit around and think about how half of my country is under water and the other half is dying to have water…I will blog. XO I know, two days in a row. Look at me I am amazing. Up now is Yuru Yuri Season Two episode 9. Spoilers for Chinatsu being a bigger freak that Kyoko woohoo!!!
Episode Summary: Chinatsu draws the opening scene…and everyone is scared. Akari might have died. After all that drama the younger girls are all studying for upcoming exams. Sakurako is clearly bored as the other girls talk about their strengths and weaknesses in regards to other subjects. Sakurako occupies her time by putting different kinds of objects in Akari’s hair and eating snacks. For some reason the girls think that Kyoko would be a good person to call in regards to study tips. Kyoko plays a joke on them but the girls are silly enough to follow the advice. Yui (at her house) tries to reprimand Kyoko and tells her (Kyoko) to bring the younger girls some of the fresh bread she just made. On the way though Yui eats all the bread and Chinatsu tries to kill her. Sakurako is in awe of Kyoko and everyone worries on what would happen if those two became friends. Another day….some time in the future…Chinatsu arrives to the club room with pound cake in hand. But since they are having green tea today and everyone knows they can’t drink green tea AND eat pound cake at the same time. So Chinatsu goes to hide the cake in the closet when everyone else arrives at the club room. Chinatsu panicked and hid in the closet….but now is too embarrassed to leave. She tries to think of tons of scenarios that would allow her to leave the closet without looking like a freak. But since she only thinks of freaking things…she stays in the closet all day while listening to everyone talk about where she is. Chinatsu ends up eating all the cake out of desperation. Akari and Chinatsu have a sleepover but since Akari only stays up until 9 pm it is not much fun. Akari gets the great idea to watch a scary DVD so they both can stay awake. It works wonders because both girls end up being scared. Chinatsu suffers the most, thinking that Kyoko is a ghost all around the room. Chinatsu being scared ends up scaring Akari and no one gets any sleep. The rest of the episode has different pairings of girls doing random things but it is not the usual pairings. Akari shares ice cream with Chitose….and some ants. Ayano tries to go shopping with Chinatsu and to get some information about Kyoko out of her but Chinatsu only talks about Kyoko. Kyoko plays a trick on Himawari but ends up being a responsible older classmate. And Yui seems to suffer the most trying to teach Sakurako how to cook. THE END!
Where to begin where to begin! This show is all over the place it is hard to believe it was all in the same episode. But since this is episode 9 of season two of Yuru Yuri…I should be used to it by now. Silly me perhaps?
Sometimes I tend to forgot that the cast of Sailor Moon (the main ones anyone) are the same age as the older girls in Yuru Yuri. Maybe it is because Sailor Moon had the girls drawn way older and the Yuru Yuri girls actually look like 13/14 year old girls? Even counting Himawari counts. At least one girl in the group develops faster than all the rest. So sometimes I think I am too harsh on this show when really one of my favorite shows had girls around the same age. Silly me. Also I am not sure why I am typing this..
OH YES! I remember. The study group. It reminded me of all the study sessions the girls in Sailor Moon had. Like Serena (silly English dubs..) was the Sakurako of the group. Everyone else was nice and lovely and studying and Sakurako was the one being bored and not helping at all. I mean I guess not everyone can be strong in school and…perhaps she wasn’t stronger in any subjects than the other girls. But if everyone else was going to talk and be helpful I would pay attention. I mean free tutoring sign me up. XD But sticking pens and what not in Akari’s hair looked just as fun.
Kyoko eating all the bread…I can see how that might happen. Sometimes bread can be like popcorn or chips. You don’t realized how much you have eaten until it is all gone! Especially roll bread like that. So…Kyoko and Sakurako will be grand friends and everyone else will just worry for their own safety. They are harmless anyway.
Oh Chinatsu. I have had some fun moments in closets too. I think that came out wrong…but yes sometimes in the heat of the moment people do weird things. Had Chinatsu been caught closing the door Kyoko would have noticed and Chinatsu wouldn’t have been able to hide the cake. Of course in the end….there was other pound cake. So Chinatsu suffered for nothing. Fun times.
All of the scenarios Chinatsu thought of were insane. So I might be hard to just pick one. I do like that she thought them all out and that almost all of the reactions would have matched what she though. I think Yui would have been a bit more…X__X each time. I think I liked her dashing through the room the best. But I think I would have plotted to make a loud noise somewhere else in the room and sneak out that way. XD
Chinatsu spending the night at Akari’s house…was special. Of course I am one who goes to bed late all the time….but then again I one who gets up really late too. But when there is company or we are on vacation with specific plans I try changing my sleeping habits for a few days. One can operate on little sleep right when there is fun involved yes? Akari….is so silly. I mean maybe it is hard to stay up late but 9 pm? My grandmother stays up later than that! XD
I love scary movies….and I understand being scared by them. Like I scary myself silly and I am unable to sleep at night. On Saturday I was sitting here chillin and not blogging anime when I SWEAR I heard someone whistling a classic horror movie score. I was like WFT and then my cat acted all frightened too and I was unable to sleep. So while Chinatsu is annoying…her being scared was amusing and I felt bad for her at the same time. If that makes sense yes?
The rest of the episode was devoted to the girls doing random things around town. I can appreciate the fact that it was different girls doing things. How boring would it be to do something with the same exact people all the time. Especially when half the people can’t stand each other (well sorta anyway). But if people are going to get together in a big group and act friendly I need to see them interacting in other situations. Clearly Sakurako thinks the same way I do so Yui needs to back up. Akari was suffering again so how is that anything new? So…yay Kyoko and Himawari for bonding. WEEE!
So that is about it in anime land for Yuru Yuri. I am dry now and maybe I can eat some ice cream? Maybe actually check my email and see how many comments I have? Remember my email account password? HAHA…time for ice cream. XD Such a lazy Tenchi…I’m sorry. Enjoy the pictures of Chinatsu suffering though. XD
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Hyouka episode 19
I think I blame my cat for me being super lazy. I mean…it is really hard to be productive when she is laying all over me with her cute little kitty face. Like no momma why go to the grocery store when you can sit here in bed with me and pet me. And then she makes sad little noises when I do get up to go get a drink of water or something. My cat being dependent on me makes me lazy. There I have someone to blame woohoo!!
So now that I am blaming my cat for all my problems…more anime blogging time! Up now is Hyouka episode 19. Spoilers for….Houtarou and Eru having a date that is either boring or interesting!
Episode Summary: Houtarou is walking around school and eventually makes it to class where he takes a quiz. He passes a news bulletin board that has articles on some sort of fire situation and counterfeit money. Houtarou talks about himself about things aren’t always the way he says they are while taking mad guesses on his quiz. After school Houtarou and Eru go up to the club room and are never joined by Satoshi or Mayaka. They are being a bit boring until Houtarou remembers about Uncle’s funeral. Eru seems okay to talk about it though and even wants Houtarou to light incense for her Uncle later. Eru smiles when she thinks about how amazing Houtarou is about solving mysteries. Houtarou tries denying he is not good at solving mysteries so Eru changes it to his theories are always right. Houtarou and Eru decide to have a contest to see who can go the longest without blushing and if Eru can make up a scenario in which Houtarou cannot create a correct scenario for. As Eru is thinking of a scenario a very brief announcement is made that a student who shopped at a certain store yesterday needs to report to someone’s office. Only it is much for formal and the wording sparks interest in both Houtarou and Eru. Eru picks that as her mystery and Houtarou sets to work. Houtarou decides he will really use some energy on this to prove Eru wrong and dissects every word in the announcement. One of the important elements are the announcement was only stated once implying there was something to hurry about and the shop mentioned was a place mostly elementary school kids shop at. Oh and the obvious someone is going to get yelled at but we must word it carefully so others won’t know what they are talking about. But why would someone willingly turn themselves in?
Eru points out that if the police are involved and there was a crime committed how did they know to go to this school? Why Houtarou says…because the person felt bad about what they did so they wrote a note stating they were sorry and felt bad DURING the crime so they looked suspicious. But if they were being watched how could they have gotten away with shop lifting? Well Houtarou states…they used a fake bill to pay for their goods and it wouldn’t be noticed until later. Eru, who blushes at the closeness she and Houtarou are experiencing……then rolls her eyes and starts glaring, stating that if this person had been given a bad bill they could turn it into the police. Because apparently in Japan, the land of cash, it is hard to pass fake bills. Houtarou is worried that he won’t be right so he starts thinking about it. OH! Someone older must have loaned him the money and when he was repaid he couldn’t point out the bill was fake. But still desiring his (or her, I don’t know) money he spends it at the small mom and pop store hoping the old people won’t notice. But then he felt bad and wrote a sorry note. Eru starts making faces, that this all can’t possibly make sense. After she has her freak out she realizes that Houtarou is probably right. But then neither can remember why they started talking about this to begin with. The next day Houtarou and his crazy hair reads a newspaper talking about someone being caught making fake money. Houtarou is like oh this sounds familiar…..THE END!
So…if I were an anime character and not married to a real person..I think I would want to be married to Houtarou. Well…I think I would like that anyway. Doesn’t everyone dream of having super powers and being amazing? But if I had to just be me I would want to marry Houtarou. Because that is what people near their 30’s think about, marrying an anime character. I am insane.
While I acknowledge that this show blows everything out of proportion and is silly most of the time…I think Houtarou might be the closest thing to a girl…ever. Before anyone gets bent out of shape let me explain. Girls in general, not all of them, tend to….read between the lines better than guys. Over analyze things if you will. We have to see what each word means and add in meanings beyond the words. I try to explain that to my husband but he tells me his words just mean their basic definition and he doesn’t mean to imply anything other than that. A LIKELY STORY! While what Houtarou does is not exactly the same thing I think….he understands the art of dissecting sentences and what not. Thus I will marry him in my crazy delusions.
This episode only featured two characters yet it didn’t seem boring at all. Most anime shows are filled with colorful, over the top characters. While the reluctant hero and the ditzy main girl isn’t anything new I can’t remember the last time I just saw…them. Without a cast around them to make things interesting. Does that make sense? Just two people the entire episode yet it never dragged on or felt boring. Is that tough to do nowadays when people expect a huge cast and tons of back and forth dialogue with many individuals?
Eru and Houtarou….were basically on a date in this episode. And at times I felt as if I was watching foreplay. XD Like oh look at all the blushy faces, almost touches, and shy glances. Like aw look how cute they are not saying what they want to say and getting all frustrated with each other. Good thing that Satoshi and Mayaka weren’t there to ruin things. I think Mayaka is still crying over the school festival though…
I think the very best part of the episode was Eru and her silly faces. I mean Eru makes silly faces all the time with her eyes. Usually when she is curious and wants to get her way with Houtarou. But today….she was frustrated and it was hilarious. She kept thinking that Houtarou was half assing this…contest and was getting slightly pissed. Some minor glaring and eye rolling going on. Houtarou was like wft go back to being cute. I found it funny anyway….XD
Oh yes the bet. The bet that by the end of the episode they forgot even happened. I think Houtarou was trying way too hard though. Even if that gave me funny Eru faces. See he was actually trying to come up with a good theory and by the end of it he forgot he was trying to come up with something that wasn’t right. He should have….well I am not sure what he should have tried to do because Eru was thinking he wasn’t trying hard enough when he was. XD Poor Houtarou. He forgot about the real goal and proved Eru right. But since Eru forgot about the bet it really, really doesn’t matter. XD
So what the mystery about this week? An announcement during school. SHOCKING! Yes….this show does take the most basic and boring things possible and turns it into something interesting. Well sorta interesting anyway. Interesting to watch. To give Houtarou and Eru credit that message DID sound a bit cryptic. Someone who shopped at this store yesterday come see me NOW!
But that message was more than that right? Because Houtarou went through every single line of that message and dissected. Like a girl. XD The message was not repeated twice like usual, the word yesterday was not used when it was more appropriate to use, and no description of the person was given. Very few words were given in this message yet Houtarou cut them all opened and gave out theory after theories.
Part of me was hoping that Houtarou was going to be wrong just so he could be right. If that makes sense. But since we all know that Houtarou is amazing it would make more sense to root for Eru so Houtarou can acknowledge he is a genius and we all can move on. Insisting that you aren’t good at something when clearly you…wait didn’t we already have that conversation with Irisu?
But Houtarou could have been wrong. I did think it had something to do with petty theft and it could have been that. Maybe a rookie police officer did things a bit off the cuff and didn’t make absolute sense. Houtarou thinks in a way that makes sense but sometimes people cannot be predicted. But when that theory was chipped away I thought maybe something of value was lost. Or maybe the student in question witnessed a crime, something to do with the smaller kids yet people wanted to keep it under wraps.
But since Houtarou IS right aways…his theory was right. While I did see the newspaper article on the counterfeit bills I also saw the one about fires. So I didn’t think that detail matters. Because I am not Houtarou and I can’t pick out exactly which details are the most important. Things like borrowing money and a junior accepting repayment from a senior…those are things that Houtarou can say to make his theory make sense. Write a letter to apologize, being unable to turn in the fake bill because he would get a friend in trouble, and why things were kept hush hush…almost way too much for my brain to understand.
The point is Houtarou figured it out because he is amazing and is a good guesser. I think he might have proven his point and Eru point now that I think about it. Houtarou pulls in all these facts to back up his theory. If he did that with a wrong theory it would still sound pretty solid. So….now I am confused about this whole post. X___X What was I trying to say folks? Is Houtarou a genius or is he lucky? Like he doesn’t have to be right all the time but the way he could be wrong would be just as intelligent? Get what I’m saying? Or have I completely lost my mind?
Well…since Houtarou hasn’t been wrong yet I will just assume he is always right. This episode was a cute little mystery date between Houtarou and Eru. I really thought this series was going to be about finding Eru’s Uncle but since he had his funeral already and it was barely mentioned…I am doubting it. Still fun to watch though yes?
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 8: Groundhogs Day....Part Two
Hello there my lovely readers! It is I your lazy blogger! XD The husband has been gone for a week and the house still feels weird and quiet. Also I would like to eat something besides TV dinners. XD See? I am lazy in all aspects in my life. Does that make you all feel better?...Probably not because I have been slacking on replying to comments too. :( Sorry.
While I think of a way to blame Kira….time to finally finish something I started like 48 hours ago? SLACKER TENCHI! Up now is Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 8! Spoilers for…well the same thing as episode 7…
Episode Summary: Well…..episode 8 is almost the exact same as episode 7 except scenes are…in order and expanded a bit. Each trip back in time is labeled as well as the time. Everything goes very similarly compared to the time traveling events in episode 7. Doctor seems to have more time to tell Ms. Fairy everything though. In each timeline Doctor seems to understand that time traveling is going on as well so she doesn’t take as much as long to explain Assistant in each situation. Basically Assistant was a part of a group that lived separated from society for about 100 years. When Assistant was found he was the only one left. Since he grew up alone he didn’t develop speech skills. But as Grandfather and Doctor point out Assistant has bigger problems than that. He doesn’t really leave much of an impression and once he leaves the room people have a hard time remembering him. Grandfather and Doctor both have a hard time describing him to Ms. Fairy. Ms. Fairy resolves to find Assistant but keeps finding herself in the forest with the oven and past versions of herself.
In one particular timeline things are not labeled and things go weird. Ms. Fairy ends up finding the Assistant in the town square. He is not the boy viewers have seen in prior episodes. He looks different, his clothes aren’t the same, and he can talk. His personality seems to be focused on hitting on women and making Ms. Fairy uncomfortable. He touches her boobies and there is almost a court case. The walk along and Assistant takes the watch Ms. Fairy is wearing. She decided he can borrow it but really he skips along to flirt with another girl. Then the timelines start going back to the correct order, with Assistant not being found and Ms. Fairy ending up in the forest of sweets. The fairies talk about how the last banana sent her back way too far but this time will be better. All the Ms. Fairys start talking about how they think Assistant will be. They list many qualities with the current Ms. Fairy picking a few things but mainly hoping he is somewhere in the middle. After waking up from this timeline Grandfather picks up Ms. Fairy in his chariot and they go to town together. They find Assistant petting a dog in the square. He doesn’t talk and he looks like the Assistant viewers already know. They make it back to Grandfathers with Assistant taking one of the dogs with him. They try to figure out what kind of dog it is and Assistant says it is a Time Paradog. Ms. Fairy makes a face while Grandfather is like OH I see. He tries to explain that when someone time travels to fix things a dog is left in its place. Ms. Fairy doesn’t seem to care but is happy Assistant is there. THE END!
I don’t think I have ever watched a show that was on so much crack. I mean I am sure there are shows out there that are more insane than this show and maybe some shows I have watched had special moments. I just don’t think this show is in league with most…and I am not sure whether that is a positive thing or not yet. This show leaves me very confused and conflicted.
This episode is almost exactly the same as episode 7 except with new material at the very end of this episode. Everything else was just added in, like bonus material. Think of it as the director’s cut. X__X Everything played out exactly the same but scenes were expanded and made more sense. So everyone was supposed to be confused in episode 7 and be like OH everything makes sense in episode 8. The writers really love their viewers don’t they?
Some of the newly found footage included both Doctor and Grandfather talking about how Assistant really didn’t have much of a personality and didn’t stand out. Grandfather was a bit mean about it. Or really a bit…this doesn’t matter and let me talk about how gorgeous young men should be. Actually now that I think about it I am a bit freak out about Grandfather.
But Doctor was a bit more helpful. Maybe because she sensed something was wrong or maybe because she felt bad for Assistant. It makes me feel sad too though. At first I thought they were being mean, like they were describing him as boring or something. But it makes sense. If you are not around people or things it is hard to form who you are. Surely there are parts of you that will always be you. But we are also formed by our surroundings and how people react to us and how we learn from experiences. If Assistant received none of that then he was/is a blank slate.
That all being said I didn’t like the random timeline where Assistant looked and acted differently. I suppose that every timeline could have been like that, with Assistant trying out different personalities and seeing what worked and the time traveling banana messed up and allowed Ms. Fairy to see what was going on. But still…I am glad he didn’t go with that one. Way too…friendly for a 13 year old. Talking to Ms. Fairy like that. Parts of him seemed sweet but then he went back to being perverted so I wasn’t sure what was real and what was an act. As much as I would like Assistant to talk he can remain silent if this is the result.
So in the end….I really don’t know how many Ms. Fairys ended up at the picnic or tea party if there weren’t that many timelines to go by. But the point was for Assistant to figure out who he was and apparently he needed other people to do that. I can see that to a point but…I don’t know. I guess he doesn’t have anything else to base…himself on so this was the best that could have happened. He was a blank slate and needed positive ideas on what to base his personality about. X__X Am I getting sad about a show with crazy fairies and magical bananas?
Oh speaking of that….what did the fairies have to do with this? I just assumed they were in this for the sweets but apparently they were also helping out Assistant? That is the only way Assistant could have repeated the events over and over again. So why were they helping him out? Did they think it looked interesting? Or maybe the fairies were only thinking of themselves and by helping Assistant they would get extra sweets from the tea party.
In the end Assistant appeared and even said a sentence. Sorta anyway. That part was a bit weird. Assistant tried to explain why there were so many dogs in town and SURPRISE it had to do with the time traveling….wonderfulness. A little play on words there Grandfather? I like how the insanity was about to be explained…and Ms. Fairy was like nope don’t care. Too much crazy for me.
So I think that is about it? Sums up how special and insane this show really is. Oh wait there are more episodes that will be out of order and make no sense? Amazing. Why are humans declining again? And why did human evolution take a turn to the creepy and small size?
Friday, August 24, 2012
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 7: Groundhogs Day, only scarier!
I am a very sleepy Tenchi. Again I have been side tracked by a lot of things. XD Seems that the husband left town and I am lying in bed just doing silly things, like rereading my “fanfic” that I wrote a long time ago. Seems like that wouldn’t eat up a lot of time but….lets just say fanfic is probably the wrong term to use. More like….an epic story that I never thought would end. XD I still have ideas for it from time to time but this blog takes up a lot my free time. With the husband gone I am taking the time to reread all the wonderful stories and characters I created over the years. X__X Almost like I am reconnecting with old friends.
But since my attention is currently on reviewing anime and not creating my own stories now…time to blog stuff! Up now is an anime I put on the back burner for a bit because quite frankly it scares me. Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 7. Spoilers for nothing making any sense.
Episode Summary: Ms. Fairy is feeding a bunch of fairies who complain there need to be more humans to make sweets. Since humanity started to decline there have been less humans to make sweets and their efforts have to focused on other areas. The fairies mention something about cloning but Ms. Fairy says that is immoral. She briefly sees a dog….morph into a human and then back to a dog but she passes that off as…nothing. Ms. Fairy goes to see her Grandfather who informs her that she needs to pick up his Assistant. She notices her watch is broken so Grandfather gives her the most ancient watch in the history of telling time. She asks him about it and Grandfather gives tiny clues about a woman who gave it to him a long time ago. She seems curious but goes on her way. As Ms. Fairy goes to the meeting point to find the Assistant a fairy stops and give her a tasteless banana. She keeps on going but runs into her Grandfather…who is now riding a chariot. He is upset that she is late picking up the Assistant but tells her about his chariot. She finally makes it to town where the Doctor explains that Assistant has run away. Ms. Fairy goes in the woods to look for him but runs across…herself. She doesn’t recognize herself and they look for Assistant. They find an oven in the woods and Ms. Fairy slips on a banana peel. She finds herself repeating these events over and over and over again. There are slight variations with the watch disappearing sometimes and the banana tasting good. The amount of Ms. Fairies in the woods increase and over time an army of them begin to make sweets. Each Ms. Fairy tries to figure out what is going on each time but is soon trapped in…happy land. In one time loop Ms. Fairy learns that Assistant was found alone in the world and no one was able to teach him how to talk. Yet the boy wanted to learn about himself. Touched Ms. Fairy tries to find him and even hunts down the fairies to find out what they want. After another reset Ms. Fairy walks back to town with Grandfather. Well more like rides home in the chariot. When they reach the village they find it overrun by dogs. Petting one of the dogs is…Assistant?! THE END!
What…what did I just watch? I know I haven’t been on point when watching this show lately. And that maybe if I watched episode 8 right now it would make more sense. But really people. REALLY! It is bad enough this show makes no sense. But to factor in the episodes not being shown in order and that people have no names AND people rarely are concerned about what is going on… I really have no idea what is going on. Truly I don’t.
So how do I blog something I don’t understand? That is a good question. You will forgive me if things seem special. Because how can they not after an episode like this. Hopefully you can follow along because….well it is what it is.
Grandpa and his chariot. Special. Guess everyone isn’t going to turn in 3 years worth of vouchers to get a car. Because you know how many chariots are laying around now so they can lay around further in the far future. Just one more special dig in the insanity of the episode.
I do wonder if the watch is important though. Some Ms. Fairies were wearing the watch while others were not. Near the end almost all the Ms. Fairies were not wearing watches and they seemed scared of what was going on. So….is something up with the watches? Were they hurting the fairies in their….whatever attempts to clone people/use past people? Magical watch indeed.
I also thought the watch was important because Grandfather was acting odd about it. Like oh here is a watch and let me tell you a bit of back story about it. Ms. Fairy appeared interested about it. Maybe even curious. ;) So if Ms. Fairy was curious I was like okay why is this watch important? The fairies were talking about it (right) messing with the consistencies of happy land and Ms. Fairy wanted to know about it. Seems important to me.
Of course the banana was important. The banana appeared to be the key in trapping Ms. Fairy in the past. I don’t think she was getting cloned. It was just keeping a version of Ms. Fairy in this place while the current Ms. Fairy would go through the events again until it was banana peel slipping time. So…is this a the prototype for the chicken factory? Their first experiment in “fake” food? XO Why is the banana so magical?
I think I would have liked the multiple Ms. Fairys better if they had all acted the same. At least how she would react to situations. Some of them were way too happy, too cheerful. I don’t think I care about her not recognizing herself but it would have been better had they acted like her. Hers trapped in this place, unaware of what is going on but still acting like herself. A modest girl indeed, giving herself such compliments.
Since this show is insane this episode is before all the other episodes. Because that makes sense. Assistant really is Assistant. The Hawaiian T-Shirt one. For some reason I thought maybe Ms. Fairy was looking for someone else as I thought Assistant was her Assistant. Guess not folks. Him being randomly lost was…well weird. But at least the Doctor was able to shine some light on the situation. Good thing there is a sad reason why he doesn’t talk. I just thought everyone was oblivious or something. I am glad that people not talking about the situation is actually supposed to happen.
So what DID happen in this episode? I have no idea. The Fairies needed more people to make more sweets. Ms. Fairy talked about how few people could make sweets nowadays and I guess she was talking about herself. So…the Fairies did something to mess with the space time continuum by making Ms. Fairy repeat certain events and resetting them with banana peels, trapping a Ms. Fairy each time. For some reason the watch played a big part in…something. So I thought maybe the watch was messing with the Fairies plan and this was all just a plot to get more sweets.
But then what of the dog? Ms. Fairy kept hearing and seeing a dog and each time she made a point to say how odd it was. Then at the end the entire town is full of dogs and Assistant? Clearly this is not just a case of manufacturing sweets. Maybe instead of making bananas the Fairies should make their own sweets?
This post was silly and short. But what else can I say? I watch episodes one at a time. With this anime that is a bad idea as the first episode in each arc is the confusing part and the second episode is the one that will make sense. As much as sense this series can be. Maybe I will stay awake after work tomorrow and find out what is going on with this show. Insanity obviously but something more yes?