Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 4

So many Olympics events, so little time! Did you know there is an event where you walk really fast and one foot must be on the ground at all time? Yeah me neither. Sounds special. Is there an event on watching the most TV in one person’s life? I would take home the gold, silver, and bronze! GO ME!!! My poor eyeballs….
Big massive duh right?
But yes anime is still being updated and I must make a semi attempt to not become beyond behind. So here is another episode for my lovely readers. Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 4 time! Spoilers for manga being insane…still.
That pretty much sets the tone for the entire episode.
Episode Summary: Ms. Y and Ms. Fairy are slightly shocked to see that they are trapped in the pages of a manga. Once they figure out the thing above Ms. Y’s head is a sound effect a door opens to another panel where Assistant is sleeping. They just sit there and wait for something to happen, with the light getting darker and darker. They figure out rather quickly that they need something dramatic to happen for a door to appear to move on to the next panel. Ms. Y has to do a lot of the work and explanations as she is familiar with mangas. Assistant starts drawing things so it won’t be so boring but then the object turn real. Oh so they are supposed to draw everything for themselves. Ms. Y leads the way with the dramatic behavior. She tries to end each panel with something amazing and shocking. So many cliffhangers.
Ms. Y has created a beautiful mess has she not?
Ms. Fairy realizes that after they enter the next panel the door disappears. So she decides to go back and see what is there. They find in the darkness the fairies cleaning up the panel in manga terms. Ms. Fairy questions why they are doing this to them. Apparently the fairies are going to publish many mangas and their characters will be allowed to leave when there is an ending. If the manga gets cancelled IE not popular anymore their lives will end. Once the gang becomes aware of the ranking system Ms. Y kicks it up about 43945776 notches. Every other panel has a different ending which gets them super popular. Ms. Fairy warns Ms. Y that the audience will get use to these gimmicks and they need to have a backup plan. Ms. Fairy tries to clean up their act but it is way too late. Soon they lose popularity, light, and finally color/shape. They are finally cancelled and drift through space. The fairies appear and explain their life is over…as they have to take over the family business. They reappear in the real world and Ms. Fairy muses she is already taking up the family business. THE END!
Psht who needs names?! XD
One of the good things about this show is I don’t have to learn names. I mean its like I go out of my way NOT to learn names and just assign spellings and titles to people even thought their names be something completely different. This show…no one has names HAHAHAHA! Nothing to learn. Well except Y. I can remember the letter Y yes? Today has been brought to you by the letter Y.
By just being alive?
So the last we saw of our heroes Ms. Fairy and Ms. Y they were trapped in the pages of a manga. A very blank manga. They quickly find Assistant which is very important. I mean I am not sure how interesting a manga can be with three people but surely it has to be better than a manga with only two characters. XD More characters to like and hate yes?
How the heck did you figure that out?!
Ms. Fairy and Ms. Y seem to be very intelligent. Ms. Y focuses that intelligent on crazy things at times but both of them were pretty good at guessing correctly what was going on. It is unclear how long they were trapped in the pages but I think Ms. Fairy would have complained about being trapped in there for days/weeks/years if that was the case. So I am to assume they figured all of this out rather quickly. Maybe Ms. Fairy is just good at guessing at the insanity that is about to happen in her life.
She has so much to share with this broken world. Enjoy the wonder that is manga!
Ms. Y was just a well of information this episode wasn’t she? Almost like she was giving out the Manga 101 lessons or something. While that might be annoying, that the viewers are being spoon fed information they probably already know, it was actually necessary as Ms. Fairy and Assistant do not know about manga. If this conversation had taken place in the here and now in Japan it might be annoying as most people know the basics. But since manga has been lost to the world it makes sense that these terms need to be explained.
Looks at all my knowledge saving the day!
If Ms. Y didn’t know about manga what would Ms. Fairy have done? I mean….Ms. Y was sorta right at some points. Bringing the reader in, leaving chapters with cliffhangers, and going with tried and true genres. Ms. Fairy had a hard time getting into topics/situations when the lines were being fed to her. XD Like we know you don’t want to be here Ms. Fairy but you got to do something before you get cancelled!
With their magical Santa sleds!
Oh yes cancelled. I guess it is not really the point of the show to make sense right? But how was this manga being published and ranked? Maybe I was wrong about it not being weeks trapped in the manga but….I don’t remember where I was going with that. Maybe I should not question magical creatures who are using magic to do magical things? Just saying. So if they want to trap people in mangas maybe it isn’t my place to question how they are able to distribute the mangas and obtain rankings so fast.
No be boys instead!!!!
If Ms. Y had any brains she would have dressed Ms. Fairy and herself up as boys. Because all the “new” mangas being released in the world now were boy on boy ones. Maybe that would have captured the already established fan base and drew more readers in? I mean she tried every other genre right? Why not go with the most obvious and the genre Ms. Y is the most familiar with.
Ms. Fairy is a very passionate person......
Which storyline was my favorite? Well since most of them didn’t last too long it might be hard to pick. I am actually a boy? I am actually a twin? I am the murderer? I don’t know what to pick. I did see a dinosaur before Ms. Fairy got down and trimmed the plot. That would have been nice to see. I did like how Ms. Fairy and Ms. Y were fighting with Assistant tied up in the background. It really showed how knowledgeable Ms. Y was without her looking like a crazy person. Well she was crazy but you know what I mean. Her instructions made more sense and what not.
We also get sick of seeing the same thing all the time!!!
I love how Ms. Fairy was like all of this flip floppin storylines will not work in the long run. Then her face when Ms. Y was WOE AS ME!!!!! I mean exciting can be fun but not for every single page. I mean if someone died in every panel of The Walking Dead Rick would never stop crying. Could you imagine if Rick cried MORE than he does now? I can’t. So yes there needs to be some downtime between the SHOCKING or people will get bored. Like oh a giant alien banana yay…..
Interesting definition of death....
While everything about this episode was wft the grand finale was the nail in the coffin. That all of this was for nothing. The fairies in their…clean up stage of the manga…imply that something bad will happen if they are cancelled. To them that means running the family business and not being a manga artist anymore. Ms. Fairy thought “Death” would mean death, not lost career. So while they didn’t lie those fairies are mean aren’t they? Poor Ms. Fairy for suffering every episode.
As they say with a smile on their face. XD
In conclusion the fairies are insane, Ms. Fairy will go insane from all this crazy, and Ms. Y might like manga more than the average manga otaku right now. Pretty amazing yes? I wish Assistant would talk though. I just can’t read his eyes. XD Until next crazy time…

Accel World episode 16

Hello there my lovely readers. My eyes balls might pop out of my head. Or the TV might explode. I am clicking back and forth trying to catch glimpses of whatever the Olympics are showing at any given moment. I think the time difference is helping the viewing process as some events have to be previously recorded but now there are too many things to pick from. Isn’t that just so sad for me? XD
It's always about you Haruyuki!!!!
But if the Olympics aren’t your thing or you need a break from all the action I am here to entertain you! Well at least try. My attention has been distracted so I hope there aren’t many grammar mistakes. Well…no more than usual. XD Right now it is time for Accel World episode 16. Spoilers for Haruyuki crying and dying!
So many nice things she said about Ghost Rider.
Episode Summary: Ghost Rider (who I know is really named Ash Roller but come on folks!) has just taken Haruyuki to meet with his guardian Sky Raker. She looks a lot like a southern bell and a doll, riding around in a wheelchair. Ghost Rider quickly wishes Haruyuki good luck and says that Sky Raker will help him fly again. Haruyuki questions why Ghost Rider, a member from the Green Legion, would help him so. Ghost Rider tries to say he is really trying to get Haruyuki to join the Green Legion but really it is to give hope to all who saw Haruyuki fly….and because he likes Haruyuki. Haruyuki is eager to hear how Sky Raker, the avatar who came the closest to flying, will help him get his wings back. Sky Raker is like um no your wings are probably gone forever. Before Haruyuki can cry a million tears Sky Raker said that she may be able to help him FLY though. Sky Raker explains that her wheelchair is moving through her own will power, no outside source. She explains this comes from the incarnate system. She explains a bit how determined one must be to use this system, a system that most of the high level players can master through hard work. She shows Haruyuki that she is missing her legs and that is how serious she is. Haruyuki says he to learn to fly again to help someone out and almost has his daily breakdown.
Who could that friend be?!?!
Sky Raker says that is all for today and takes him inside for some yummy food. That night Haruyuki asks if Sky Raker belongs to the Green Legion as well. Sky Raker decides it is time for a bed time story. The next morning Sky Raker takes Haruyuki outside to the ledge of her castle on a cliff. She explains that there is one word to activate the incarnate system and that she will tell it to Haruyuki when she sees him next. She then pushes Haruyuki off the cliff. After Haruyuki respawns he decides that she wants him to climb the tower. He meets with little difficulty as he doesn’t fear the wind and that he will be okay. But just as he reaches the top the scenery changes and he is thrown to the ground again. This time there is a metal tower, one that Haruyuki can’t begin to breach. He sits and waits for another scenery change and Sky Raker sends him notes and such. Haruyuki figures out she wants him to use his will power to punch through the metal. Haruyuki practices tons until he puts together Sky Raker’s information with Kuroyuki’s information earlier that he will be the fastest avatar ever. He then imagines he is FASTLY putting his hand into the metal tower and not dying. With this will power he is able to finally to scale the tower.
So that makes you...super insane.
While climbing Sky Raker’s midnight story is heard. She was a member of Kuroyuki’s legion and is the friend she often mentions. Sky Raker became obsessed with flying but all she had was her amazing jumping ability. She decided that she needed to focus so…she asked Kuroyuki to cut off her legs. Kuroyuki was like um no you crazy. So Sky Raker said horrible things to Kuroyuki until she chopped off her legs. And in the end she was able to reach the top of this cliff by “jumping” but was never able to fly. As Haruyuki nears the top the scenery threatens to change again but Haruyuki does not allow himself to be pushed down again. He reaches the top and Sky Raker says he reached it a lot faster than she thought he would. Sky Raker informs Haruyuki the word is Override because they are truly changing reality and rewriting the rules of this game. While Haruyuki doesn’t have his wings soon he might be able to fly. Sky Raker meets with Haruyuki in real life and gives him a piece of her equipment that might help him in his endeavors. Haruyuki realizes that Sky Raker actually has artificial legs and that her generosity is way too much for him. Haruyuki starts to cry but Sky Raker is like no no its because you are sad that this is a good gift because we really understand Accel World. Haruyuki says that Kuroyuki is waiting for her return and the two part. THE END!
Haruyuki is climbing a mountain but at least he is away from Nomi!
XO It was like the writers of this episode were listening to me. They were like oh snap that Tenchi girl is pissed off at Nomi. Quick lets cut him from this episode and introduce a more likable character. Then as a twist we will have her be the evilest character ever who is going to push Haruyuki in front of a car AND hack into his network when they direct link. BRILLANT!
All you have to do is believe and all your wishes will come true!
Okay so that part didn’t happen. With how things have been going I expected Sky Raker to smile like an insane person and turn out to be like…well everyone else. But I was serious about the no Nomi thing. Amazing. I feel better now. Do you?
All part of his master plan!
I am glad that Haruyuki questioned Ghost Rider and why he is helping Haruyuki learn to fly again. Like you belong to a different region (just slide that into the conversation I sees) and you are helping me, an avatar with a special power that can take out other people if I harness it right. Sure what Ghost Rider said made sense, everyone looks up to Haruyuki and he represents something bigger than himself. But this is clearly a case of bromance and you are the most unique person ever thus I need to help you. Haruyuki has been teased all his life yet in this game he has the magical anime ability to bond everyone together and make his “enemies” help him.
And you are getting bullied again. X__X Rudes.
After Ghost Rider left Sky Raker started talking about mental scars and Haruyuki was quick to correct her that he was just bullied in school. Perhaps that is his low self esteem showing…again or maybe he believes that to be true. For some reason that made me proud of Haruyuki. Of course most bullies don’t try to RUN YOU OVER WITH A CAR! But part of what Haruyuki said was true. Maybe he is not that special. A lot of people get bullied at some time or another in school (because kids are cruel and usually learn their lesson after getting a taste of their own medicine) thus he is not all that unique.
The most specialest avatar ever!
But on the other hand car insurance commercial….maybe Sky Raker sees him as being a stronger person. That most people would have given up..which he almost did. But Kuroyuki saw potential in him. That Haruyuki wanted to reach for the sky and didn’t focus his energy on revenge or anything. Turning the negative into a positive. Now I am not sure how Sky Raker knew all of this since she is not in contact with Kuroyuki….but I guess maybe Ghost Rider told her…things he didn’t know either. MAGICAL!
Don't mess with my little heart!
Haruyuki is a pretty lucky person. He just lost his wings and someone is already talking about how they are able to save him. Or can they? Sky Raker is like oh no your wings are probably gone forever..or at for now for a good reason. I thought Haruyuki was going to throw himself off the cliff. Like why do you give me hope and snatch it away five seconds later. I am sure Haruyuki thinks everyone in the world hates him.
Clearly in a world that has computer parts inserted into babies THIS is amazing.
Sky Raker tells him about a secret technique that only the higher levels know. Our moment of OH didn’t you know this? XD Kuroyuki must have been amazing to see all this potential in Haruyuki when he was playing OTHER games online. But maybe Kuroyuki isn’t at fault for keeping this piece of information from him. If Haruyuki knew about this incarnate system he might have only focused on that and gone crazy trying to reach that level. Kuroyuki has already had to deal with one crazy person right? I can see why this piece of information was left out. Perhaps if Kuroyuki was in town for the wing losing event she would have suggested this herself.
Now imagine yourself...swimming in a pool of ice cream.
So this incarnate system. There were A LOT of words used to describe something that sounds really simple. If you imagine it REALLY HARD it will come true. I think I have a problem with this though. Like really writers you should have consulted me on this. XD But while I understand later that this is a program override….it seems like a bit too much to me. Of course this is no normal video game but there still should be rules and perimeters. You can’t just imagine you can do something and it can happen. There has to be a reason behind it, especially in a virtual reality game where things have to be created thus concrete rules are set it place.
Because they don't have enough powers already?
One could argue they are changing the “code” per say. Or maybe hacking. And of course we do not know WHY this game was created. Maybe this was the point of the game, for people to become stronger people in real life. Obviously having a stronger will power in real life might not result in anything in real life but it might give you the strength to find better solutions and courage to face what you can’t change. So while all this believe in yourself is almost going into magical girt territory maybe the true purpose of this game will reveal this to be the point. OR it’s just a magical way Haruyuki can beat Nomi without his wings. Either way.
Yay training!!!!
Sky Raker has a very interesting way of training people. Like I am going to push you off a cliff and cause you to die so you figure things out for yourself. She got a lot of credit for Haruyuki figuring most of it out on his own. Haruyuki is a nice person though and took the time to contemplate this very simple teaching technique. I probably would have been pissed but of course I can’t use my free will to fly and such.
Perhaps if Kuroyuki wasn't she wouldn't have to worry about losing Haruyuki to other girls. On another note I am glad Sky Raker gets to walk around in real life.
Sky Raker is not Kuroyuki’s guardian as she is Ghost Riders. So that means when Kuroyuki has been having her woe is me moments she was talking about two people. Sky Raker is the person Kuroyuki did not want Haruyuki to meet because she is just so awesome and pretty and nice. Maybe Kuroyuki has a point but she should have more faith in Haruyuki despite the fact that he blushes at every girl he meets.
You could say all that and much more!!!
But oh snap folks. This lovely flower of perfection is slightly crazy yes? She admitted she was crazy which either means she is super crazy or on the road to recovery. Sky Raker’s ability is jumping. Jumping is not flying. Even if she could imagine being in the sky she probably could never fly unless she imagined wings…which would be too special to be believable. But this obsession with an unreasonable goal lead her to do very unreasonable things. I would think that one’s legs would be pretty important to the jumping process and maybe if you wanted to go the crazy route cut off your arms? Just saying.
Kuroyuki gets around a lot doesn't she? XD
Kuroyuki seems like a pretty smart person. But we have seen her act jealous and have moments of silly teenage girl. So I am wondering why she isn’t talking to Sky Raker. Does she feel guilty over cutting her legs off in a moment of anger. That she should have been the reasonable one and say um this is a bad idea. But I am thinking that Sky Raker said some trash talking things about the Red King (you know before Kuroyuki cut off his head) and that is why Kuroyuki got pissed about. Perhaps oh you will never be good enough for him and he will never leave his girlfriend for you. Sound about right? Surely this can’t be the whole story?
Brain Burst is the best game ever yes?!?!
But since Haruyuki is a boy and has other things to worry about he didn’t pry about their past relationship. Maybe he will slide that in with his next conversation with Kuroyuki. After the Nomi crisis has passed. For now he is woohooing he made it to the top of that tower by just imagining he could. And then since this is Haruyuki he had to cry when Sky Raker gave him her special item despite the fact it was her dream to fly and that maybe life hasn’t been fair to her in the game and in real life. That was pretty sad though right? Thank goodness Sky Raker was like oh I know you aren’t crying because you feel bad for me. You are actually crying because we are good people in the game I see!
Now go kick some ass!!!
I feel as if this post has gone on forever but I didn’t really touch on the override system much. Silly Tenchi. But you get the basic idea yes? You imagine something, it happens, and once again Haruyuki is the best person ever. So Haruyuki is going to go and kick Nomi’s sad little butt now yes? Please say yes!

Accel World episode 15

Hello there my lovely readers! Work was actually….okay yesterday! How many times have I said that recently? Not many at all. I am sure some customers were like what is up with these crazy kids?! Where are the adults? How dare people be smiling and laughing at work! Such craziness indeed.
So here is a post that I was working on LAST WEEK! What a slacker I am. I need to stop clicking random links all the time. Priorities and what not. Or really limit the randomness down because time does get away from me when I am on the computer. XD Up now (finally) is Accel World episode 15. Spoilers for Tenchi not liking Nomi at all.
Look at me trying to be the biggest douche in the world.
Episode Summary: Haruyuki is suddenly thrust into a battle making the viewer think they have missed an episode or two. Nope it turns out that Nomi has forced Haruyuki into a battle already to collect his points. Haruyuki notes Nomi’s high level is due to him using these tactics on other people and that he has not earned those points. Nomi is like…so? Haruyuki decides he won’t stand for being bullied in the real world and in the game so he will fight Nomi. Haruyuki seems to have the upper hand and beats at Nomi for a while. Nomi hooks one of his arms on Haruyuki while he was flying so Haruyuki thinks he can simply drag Nomi into losing all his health. Suddenly Nomi cuts off his arm and Haruyuki crashes to the ground. Since the area is a graveyard some boney arms hold Haruyuki down as he watches Nomi grow back his arm. Nomi doesn’t really know what kind of power it is which confuses Haruyuki. Nomi walks over to Haruyuki and gives him some eyeball lasering. Haruyuki has no idea what he did but will beat Nomi. So he activates his wings…only nothing comes out. Nomi smiles and activates his own wings. Haruyuki remembers Kuroyuki saying he was the only avatar that could fly. Nomi explains his main attack allows him to steal the main ability/attack of others. Nomi can hold on to this ability as long as he wants. He says he will return it to Haruyuki as long as the boy gives him points every single week til graduation. Nomi wins the battle and basically tells Haruyuki he is nothing. He threatens Chiyuri as well and tells them to say nothing about this encounter as he needs more time to get Takumu and Kuroyuki running scared. Chiyuri starts crying, saying that all her hard work to come together like the good old days are for nothing. Haruyuki starts crying too.
Err...then why don't you take care of her Takumu?
In class Takumu notices that Chiyuri and Haruyuki are depressed. Haruyuki walks his sad self home and is ready to take a nap when Takumu comes over. The most awkward conversation in the world takes place. Takumu decides if Haruyuki doesn’t want to talk about what is making him depressed that’s fine. But Takumu wants to know what Chiyuri means to Haruyuki. Instead of saying um I have a hottie named Kuroyuki Haruyuki loses his mind and accuses Takumu of trying to give Chiyuri to him so Takumu can have Kuroyuki instead. This leads to Takumu punching Haruyuki in the face and everything ending badly. Haruyuki goes out later and sees a new game for sale. He decides if he buys the game he can delete Brain Burst from his memory and all will be forgotten. He has memories of all the fun times and how he has changed as a person with the help of the game. Haruyuki gets upset at the thought of deleting the game and takes a bus ride home.
Haruyuki getting bullied...again.
While riding around Haruyuki decides to see if he can fight without his wings and enters a Duel. An audience gathers around and his opponent turns out to be Ghost Rider. For some reason…these two are friends and Ghost Rider takes a lot of time to talk to Haruyuki. Haruyuki tries to punch Ghost Rider and gets flung away because he did the same move he always does and Ghost Rider actually learns. Haruyuki just lays on the ground and asks Ghost Rider to take him out. Ghost Rider is not happy with this lame fight and asks why Haruyuki isn’t flying. Haruyuki says he can’t anymore and his life in the game is over. So Ghost Rider, his new apparent best friend, tells Haruyuki to log on into the safe zone so he can take him on a motorcycle ride. Up a mountain to meet his Guardian apparently. When they get there Ghost Rider immediately drops the crazy talk and explains his Guardian was the avatar that was the closest to flying but has since retired from the game. An avatar in a wheelchair approaches leaving Haruyuki going wtf? THE END!
His helmet?
This episode….was a bit weird. Probably will go down as my least favorite episode in this series. Just not feeling this arc or new character. But since so far problems have been solved with hugs and forgiveness…I am not looking forward to Nomi crying his way out of this. Because he doesn’t deserve any AWWWW poor little moments. Throw the book at him folks.
Well duh it's hate on Haruyuki day weee!
I was slightly confused that there was a battle going on first thing. But I guess Nomi didn’t walk away after winning a fist fight with Haruyuki. No no he needed to throw it in Haruyuki’s face that he was the man and Haruyuki was nothing. Pretty sad but I must say effective.
Look at me, playing with Haruyuki in sense of the word.
Also was going to talk about how Haruyuki really was risking Nomi’s wrath by not giving up the points right away. But after watching this episode what else could Nomi really do to Haruyuki? Blackmail, taking his points, took his power, threatened his friend…seriously if Haruyuki rebelled a bit and lost what is the worse that would have happened? Nomi looked like he was having fun being a jerk so I think he enjoyed the fight.
Maybe Haruyuki should stop saying things like that.
I think that Haruyuki needs to really look at his opponents and think of a game plan before rushing into battle. Anyone looking at Nomi would think…he looks a little odd. Like some random parts from other avatars. Haruyuki needs to think of plans period actually. He seems to think doing the same moves over and over again (like with Ghost Rider) will result in wins. For someone who has played a lot of games and has gotten extensive tutoring from Takumu and Kuroyuki…you think he would be better about strategy.
How...very interesting...
Of course I say all of that and I don’t think anyone could plan on someone cutting off their own arm to win a game. That was a bit insane to watch. Starfish indeed. Does Nomi have to be creepy about everything he does and says?
Even Nomi's ability is annoying.
Nomi having the ability to steal other people’s abilities…not liking that at all. I hope it turns out that it is a hack Nomi created in the game because otherwise way not fair. Like totally folks. XD What is the point of training hard and leveling up if some newbie can come by and steal your power. And if your power is strong enough you may never get it back thus you are pretty much done in the game. So…calling unfair on this.
All the hard work SHE did!
Chiyuri crying over everything was a bit over dramatic. I mean she did get licked and sniffed and Haruyuki did see her naked. But she acted like everything she worked so hard for was now ruined. Like back that train up, you just joined the game yesterday and haven’t really played with the boys. Maybe she should have said her chance was ruined to make things the way they were but her hard work? Besides if they can’t play the game they have tons of time to spend together now right? Yeah I am a mean person….
I bet this game isn't as...hardcore. XD
Haruyuki responded in the way I expected him too. If he trained his skills around flying and his flying ability is gone…all of his plans are gone. True he should have been training his other skills all along but I can see how he focused on flying as the main attack and everything else was based on his aerial capabilities. So his woe as me going to delete the game now attitude makes sense and I won’t fault him for the pity party.
That was probably really unnecessary.
But that conversation between Takumu and Haruyuki…hot mess indeed!!!! Takumu really needs to talk to Chiyuri about their relationship. It makes me mad he is okay with being walked on or being second best. But in the end that is his fault and Chiyuri’s fault. Not Haruyuki. Stop blaming him and directing your jealously at him. Talk to your girlfriend who is having back and forth feelings. But then Haruyuki sorta lost his damn mind too with the whole OH you want Kuroyuki. Haruyuki at least knew what he was saying was stupid but…he still said it. Because Kuroyuki and Takumu are so in love folks. So Takumu needs to tell Chiyuri to choose and Haruyuki…should probably focus more on his maybe girlfriend.
Haruyuki crying? Never.
Since when did Ghost Rider and Haruyuki become best friends? Did I miss that character development? I mean obviously Haruyuki had to do a lot of training to level up off screen but friends? When did this happen?! They just seemed very, very chummy in a game that requires you to basically join a Legion and stay loyal to those people. I don’t know…I really didn’t think I was going to see Ghost Rider again (okay his name is Ash but come on folks!!!) and the way he was so nice to Haruyuki when this game requires winning points…I don’t know. At least it wasn’t as random as Kline and Kirito in Sword Art Online.
All hope is lost, kill me now.
But yes Ghost Rider is the nicest if not ugliest character ever. Haruyuki is sitting there on the ground depressed he is unable to fight and Ghost Rider is like…I will talk to you instead of taking some easy points. I really think that Haruyuki should have tried a little harder. Or at all. He does one typical move that Ghost Rider saw coming and called it a day? I will forgive Haruyuki as he has the right to be depressed given all that has happened recently.
I am taking you to a special place...just for the two of us.
Ghost Rider puts Haruyuki on his motorcycle and takes him on a magic carpet ride. To visit his Guardian. Who conveniently is the one person in the game who has come the closest to flying. I see folks. It pays for Haruyuki to make magical friendships with people off camera. They prove to be very important later down the line. Also wasn’t it cute how Ghost Rider acted so respectful when he got to the cottage? Wonders who his guardian is in real life.
Surely his boss will be as rough as him yes?
So that is where the episode ends. Haruyuki meets with Ghost Rider’s guardian, the one who almost flew. Only now she is in a wheelchair. Me thinks she tried to fly and it didn’t quite work out. I am not sure how she can lift Haruyuki’s spirits up as she has quit the game. Maybe it has nothing to do with her injuries but maybe it will be more like a Don’t Be Like Me conversation. Who knows. Hopefully Nomi gets a good kick in the ass soon because I am not liking this kid. Good grief.