Friday, June 29, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera episode 11

Don't mind me...just be creepy.
BLEH FOLKS! There is no time to be witty today. Or even complain. Lets just get this episode on the road shall we? Up now is Hiiro no Kakera episode 11. 11 episodes and I am still watching this show? Give me a medal folks. Spoilers for Tamaki not burning down the house.  

Episode Summary: Drei is busy trying to convince Ein and Zwei to be on his side (Logos’ side) and not Aria. That they need to take care of these monsters in Japan. Aria tells Vier how upset she is over this entire Drei situation and asks Vier to never leave her. Tamaki is having a dream where a bunch of people are saying they are sorry and someone is being led away. Tamaki wakes up with tears in her eyes trying to connect back to that dream. And suddenly she is! Floating in a bubble she sees the first Princess in the water and…Mahiro’s loud voice. All the guys have woken up and apparently Mahiro has a scary sleepy face. Tamaki yells at them for ruining her vision but then is embarrassed at her pajama state. They all walk her to school which creates a buzz in the school, one that Kiyono is happy to gossip about. At lunch Mahiro is annoying with trying to steal everyone’s food so Tamaki yells at him. This means they are closed and friendship is beautiful. They talk about how sad it is Fiona is the enemy and that Suguru is stalking that Masataka guy. So when they arrive home TADA Masataka is there. No one is happy to see him so Suguru has to remind everyone that Tamaki wants him there. Masataka also digs the knife in a little deeper saying that if he doesn’t help they will all be destroyed. Tamaki says that she will become more powerful and everything will be fine.
Photobucket know where they are...why not just attack the house?
Mahiro and Takuma join Tamaki in the store house looking for more books. Mahiro goes outside leaving the two together inside. Takuma randomly gets jealous of Tamaki being close to Mahiro. Amazing. XD Tamaki gets taken over by a magical book instead of her just reading the damn words out loud. The story is about how three gods asked the Princess to help get rid of the Oni that will destroy the world. She agrees, the gods are bound to her forever, and while two die in the process the Oni is sealed away…but not forever. The rest of the book is scribbled out in black marker but that doesn’t matter. Takuma freaks out and runs from the room. Tamaki is like what the heck is wrong? Takuma explains that the Oni is inside of him, that he must be the cause of the seals weakening as his blood is strong. He says he can feel the evil inside of him and blah blah. Instead of cutting his head off and saving the world Tamaki promises to become a stronger Princess and banish the Oni that magically appeared in Takuma. Takuma is grateful for her kind words and Mahiro pretends to wake up as to not spoil the moment between the two. Everyone gathers together and they walk home. THE END!

This show is really looking like a two seasoner isn’t it? Reminds me of another show with a boring girl and a bunch of hot guys. Only this time I am feeling the girl a lot more and want to blast most of the boys off to the moon. Nope not feeling the dramatic one on one scenes at the end. They do not affect me. XD
Thanks for leaving me with all this help Granny.
It really, really is pissing me off/confusing me on why Granny is not helping at all. Like she doesn’t even talk to her own Granddaughter and they live in the same house. Maybe Granny is worried that Tamaki will have to be one of the sacrificed princesses but maybe with a little training she could live? Not lose all the Artifacts? Or how about you have dinner with her once and a while? You summon her to the most boring looking town in the world and you have strangers paying attention to her instead of family. Yay Granny.
Care to explain what is going on here Granny?
Of course Granny could be dying herself. Or maybe feels really, really bad about losing her granddaughter and is actually training the next Princess in secret. Still maybe give Tamaki some sort of hint on which direction to go in life. Find yourself as the Princess really isn’t working.
Oh hi there past life self!
Despite all of that Tamaki seems to be finding her way. Or lucking into favorable situations. Like having this random dream over and over again. If Tamaki is the reincarnation of the first Princess this would make more sense. The dream appeared to be about a lot of people feeling upset on what they had to do to the Princess. Like we are so sorry…but we want to live. Death for you! But then Tamaki was able to go back into that dream like state to take a magic carpet ride via a bubble. Not too bad for a girl with no training at all.
Could you guys be any louder!?!
How rude were all those boys talking so loud outside Tamaki’s door? Who cares what time she wakes up as long as she gets to school on time. If she wants to sleep in she can! It is her house. They are guest and they keep talking about how they are to serve her. Well interrupting her sleep/dreams is very rude! Show some respect! Rudes!
Thanks for stopping those rumors...
Speaking of rude….so nice Kiyono. I wish I had a friend like that when I moved to a new town…although do they really know each other that well anyway? I guess it does seem odd that 5 men just moved into her house but Kiyono should have been telling everyone to back off and later ask Tamaki all the juicy details. Like a real nosy friend would do.
What the hell is he always eating?!
Masataka is just boring. I have no idea what his purpose is with this whole mess. One would think being in the middle would be a good spot to be…if the “baddies” weren’t planning on unleashing a monster that could destroy the world. If Logos and the Guardians were just trying to take each other out I could see straddling the line and hoping that they take each other out. But maybe since you live on Earth you should be on the side that is for the Earth you knows?
I know who the biggest liar is!!!!
Shinji… everyone else blind? Maybe Suguru knows. And Granny since she paired him up with the most observant Guardian. But he isn’t even trying to be sneaky anymore. OH NOS someone is leaking our information to Logos (what info is that again?)! Maybe the person leaking that information should back off for a little while in an effort to not get caught? Oh no you go right ahead with this amazing plan of yours. I predict that the season finale will be Tamaki finding out about this betrayal and making the NOOOO face.
So like...the world might be ending soon...but do you like Mahiro?
The rest of the episode was devoted to Takuma realizing that he is surrounded by guys and Tamaki can have her pick of any of them. Although I don’t know if I would pick Mahiro as the front runner. Seems to me that he has been the biggest asshole. I would pick Yuuichi simply because he isn’t a lying douchebag who pushes her against walls. So way to be smooth there Takuma.
Can Tamaki not read?
I was down for the spirits taking over Tamaki last time…but this time it just read the book Tamaki had in her hands out loud. Clearly anyone could have read that book. Maybe if it was more helpful and read the parts that were scribbled out I be more impressed. Or you know give her visions on how to actually become the Princess.
I am only counting three gods here. Where be the raven?
This part of the episode got a little confusing for me. I assumed that these five families (branching off one main family) were infused with special powers to guard the Princess. But now it seems as if all these men are branched off actual gods. Which gets confusing, what makes a god and what makes an oni. But THEN it appears there were only three main gods and the oni to start with. I count 4 men. HMMM FOLKS!
Could Takuma look any more pathetic?
But yeah Takuma is apparently the cause of everything wrong. Maybe if the first Princess had done things that made sense and sealed the Oni away…in an OBJECT things would be better. I mean I am still not understanding this. Takuma is not 8239372 years old. So he was not the person it was sealed in before. If the oni was sealed in a person to begin with wouldn’t it get released once that person died? Because Tamaki and her uninformed self said she will take out the oni from Takuma, meaning their life forms are not connected.
Interesting that Takuma didn't suggest killing himself...
Overall everything flowed like a hot mess. Takuma almost started crying over how this was all his fault, Tamaki declaring this all stupid nonsense…even though it appears to be the truth, and neither one really believing Tamaki when she said it was going to be okay. How can it be okay? But really I have a problem with one of the Guardians being the container of the thing he is meant to protect. Seems way too special for words. It would make more sense if Ryou was the container and that is why he has been pushed out of main character status.

So is that about it? Takuma is the going to destroy the world, Aria is not getting her way, and Mahiro is still an asshole. Yep just a normal day in boring village land!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera episode 10: Slumber Party!

Bleh! This entire week has felt like blah. Very unaccomplished and tiresome. Plus a headache that lasts for days?! I am ready for this week to end already. Well unless tomorrow my head doesn’t feel like exploding and people are throwing $ 5 bills at me all day long tomorrow. Then I give Friday permission to happen.
This would be Takuma hitting on Yuuichi.
In keeping with the spirit of bleh I decided it was time to blog another exciting episode of Hiiro no Kakera. Which apparently finished a few days ago. Guess I better get a move on to a series that is probably going to have a second season. Spoilers for…not much happening in this episode.
Takuma comforts Tamaki by hitting her in the head. What a good Guardian.
Episode Summary: Aria is pretty pissed that her three men have disobeyed her and is keen on keeping Vier in line as well. She summons the men and tells them they are very bad doggies and are not to disobey her again! Aria tells Vier to call headquarters and tell them to take Drei away. At school the next day Kiyono informs everyone that Ms. Fiona is absent again and where can she be?! Tamaki pretends to laugh and smile but inside she is all sad. All these people stealing the Artifacts and Ms. Fiona being the enemy and what not. Takuma comes up and hits her on the head so she won’t worry anymore. Oh and to meet on the roof for lunch. She does so to find Suguru there who brings news from Granny. There is going to be a new game plan. Shinji and Yuuichi will “guard” the remaining Artifacts, Suguru will investigate Masataka, and Takuma and Mahiro will guard Tamaki 24/7. All three of them are totally against this idea, especially Mahiro who is still sad about Ms. Fiona is the baddie.
Granny can't tell people anything directly because that would be silly.
So while those three (Takuma, Mahiro, and Tamaki) head on home Yuuichi and Shinji go to guard the remaining seals. Only Shinji is like OH maybe I will go look for Logos again. Yuuichi says oh okay not so suspicious Shinji. Ryou watches the scene and for some reason Masataka finds this all funny. Mahiro seems to move in rather quickly and tells the others not to make fun of Mitsuru for being in love with Shinji. Mahiro then goes on about how he is going to America and ride a motorcycle across the entire country. Everyone knows this won’t happen but say nothing. Tamaki reads more about being the Potato Princess but needs air. Well that and she almost had a real vision and we can’t be having that. Takuma joins her and they apologize for things they said to each other and Takuma acknowledges that Tamaki was just thrown into this destiny too. Things were getting too serious so Mahiro joins them and they meet the others walking up to the house. All the men take a bath together and talk about the perfect water temperature. Tamaki walks in on them wearing TOWELS and it is the end of the world. THE END!
Someone acknowledging that Tamaki has it hard too?! I am shocked!!!!!
See? I didn’t lie about not much happening in this episode. I predict this is going to be a quick post. Which is good for my exploding brain. Has it been 6 hours yet? Is it time for some more meds? XD
Oh I thought you were going to suspect me as well. HAHAHA play it off.....
Aria is not having a very good time in Tiny Village is she? Three of four people have “turned” on her and I saw the face Vier made. It was like she thought Aria was going to say something else and Vier was like OH YES I will serve you forever once I unlock an artifact. But Vier will probably remain loyal as we can’t have an entire turncoat army right?
We totally didn't do anything wrong.....
But as I have said previous the guys are probably not turning on Aria as much as they were never loyal to her to begin with. Their loyalties to Logos and what they want to accomplish go beyond whatever figurehead Aria is representing. Actually we don’t know much about Aria do we? Like why she insists on calling Tamaki out of her name or why she doesn’t want to get these Artifacts and hit the road. So we need to learn more about this mop of head.
Oh hi I am totally Tamaki's best friend!!!
The Kiyono scene of the day was useless. Poor Tamaki. She was just o so close to Ms. Fiona and her turn coat ways have touched her tiny little heart. Or not. XD Poor Kiyono. Maybe in season two she will step up and do something….amazing.
Um...why are you here Suguru?
Suguru just had to show at school to have this meeting. They couldn’t meet after school and talk to Granny face to face. No no it would be SILLY for them to actually get information from Granny, the one who has seen everything and knows how to be the Potato Princess. Nope it is just completely natural for him to go to school to share the news on the roof top. No one is dramatic in this bunch.
Yuuichi is just amazing in this scene. XD
Granny is either stupid or has a sense of humor. It might be a bit of both. Of course she doesn’t KNOW how sneaky Shinji is being but maybe that is why Yuuichi is paired up with him. Logos is very kind though, to not go for the Artifacts after they have been checked on for the night. Yeah because guarding something all night would be silly. And then Takuma and Mahiro are the ones assigned to watch Tamaki? The ones giving her the most problem in life? Oh I see Granny. I SEE!
What do you mean my dream to go to America won't happen??!?!?!
The moving into the house was super boring. I would have been pissed if I were all of them. Oh yes after that dramatic WE are staying with Tamaki it turns out everyone will be staying at the house. Just Takuma and Mahiro will be watching her 24/7. But anyway I would be pissed if I was told this was where I was staying from now on and here is some of your stuff. Like thanks for planning my life without me. Make me meat for dinner.
Err...I have to leave...for legit reasons SWEARS!!!
Shinji is one of the crappiest double agents ever. Like could he pretend to be sneaky?! Yuuichi is like OH okay you can go look for Logos’ headquarters…again…alone. And no one will question why you make no progress at all. Oh Shinji…I hope you have a good reason for all this weird behavior. There better be anyway, with all this dramatic build up.
How dare you forget about me!!!!
What is Ryou’s deal? Is he from the 6th branch of the family, the one that has been exiled and forgotten about? He seems very upset at Shinji and that he doesn’t deserve to be a Guardian and what not. In any event Ryou doesn’t seem to be on board with the Masataka train but has to be to get what he wants. Which is to sniff Tamaki more. Or something. Be apart of the main group and not on the side of the tree.
Tamaki is scarred for life. Let me cry for her.....
So in the end….um nothing really happened? Tamaki wants to be a better Potato Princess, everyone moves in, and Tamaki walks in on 4 naked men. Who were wearing towels. But are still naked in her mind. Sound about right? Yeah BORING episode. Can someone PLEASE catch Shinji sneaking around please?!

Accel World episode 11

Hello there my lovely readers! I no longer need a boat to navigate around my town. I do however need some sort of magical aspirin that makes 4 day long headaches go away. X___X It has been super hard to concentrate lately thus the lack o posts. Usually Wednesday and Tuesdays are my catch up days. Well the past two days have been MOG I am not getting out of bed until I have to days. Bleh.
Have I mentioned that his name sucks?
But the show much go on, with eye twitches and all! It feels like forever since I watched Accel World. X__X How does that always happen to me?! Episode 11 time though. Spoilers for me watching Transformers…or something.
Look how sparkly we are...because we are the main characters.
Episode Summary: Yuniko accuses the Yellow King of causing this all, for giving her man that craziness and turning him into the Chrome Disaster. Yellow King pretends to not understand what she is talking about and instead talks about the treaty and how since her man attacked and took away points from one of his people he is in his rights to take out Yuniko. Yuniko knows that Yellow King picked this particular legion member as his special attacks makes her special attack useless thus she was unable to take him out herself. Haruyuki suggest they log out but everyone is kind enough to inform him that they have to log out in specific areas of this field and to do so they need to pass that huge horde that is the Yellow Legion. Yellow King asks Kuroyuki to stay out of this battle and she is like um hell no? Yellow King then plays an video of the previous Red King calling for the truce among the Kings, that no one would try to reach level 10. He calls Kuroyuki a friend in particular and she hugs him as she has no hands. Then…she hugs his head off. Seeing this video makes Kuroyuki….pass out or something lame. Takumu suggest they run which goes as well as suspected. Yellow King does some illusion thing on Haruyuki that lasts a certain number of seconds. In that time frame Takumu protects the rest of the group and “dies” using his body as a shield. Haruyuki is hysterical.
I would NEVER be sneaky. Ever!
Yuniko suggests that Haruyuki takes the no will to fight Kuroyuki and run. Haruyuki says he will stay and fight. Yuniko then turns into her fort self, asking Haruyuki for back-up. Everyone opens fire on them and Yuniko takes great joy in blasting them to bits…until one jams her radar. She tells Haruyuki to find that avatar but due to the fact he hasn’t memorized every single rule in the game he is quickly pinned down. Yuniko is quickly overwhelmed and taken apart by Yellow Legion members. Haruyuki uses the power of love to tell Kuroyuki to wake up and rediscover her dream. This magically wakes Kuroyuki up who is pissed that Haruyuki thinks she was in love with the first Red King. Kuroyuki quickly takes out some legion members and Haruyuki unjams the radar things. Yuniko and Haruyuki watch as the first real battle between two level 9’s take place. It is a tough battle but Yuniko thinks Kuroyuki will win. Before she can land the killing blow…Chrome Disaster walks up and stabs Yellow King. THE END!
We are going to pull together and find a way out of here...NOM!!!!
X___X Why are some people calling this Guilty Crown 2.0? That’s a little harsh don’t you think? So mean indeed!!!! 

That being said some concepts could be better explained. Or maybe I could develop better comprehension skills? I doubt it is my fault though as I saw many people asking the same questions I had in my head. So that makes me feel better, that people are just as confused as I am. XD But yes I had to do a little research before I could start blogging about this show. Don’t want to come across completely uninformed right?
Never let go Haruyuki. Never let go!!!!
What I am mainly talking about is the dramatic “death” of Takumu. Everyone was like NOOOO especially Haruyuki. It was like Takumu was taken out of the game entirely. Which is what I thought he was doing with his talk of sacrifice, take care of Kuroyuki nonsense. But if that were really the case then the rest of the yellow region wouldn’t be so eager to jump on the Red King right? So after some learnings I have discovered when you die on the neutral field you get a little timer and you revive after that time.
Haruyuki cries a lot...
So Takumu is not dead. Or not out of the game forever. Which is what I thought was going on since there was so much boo hooing. Maybe Haruyuki is just a dramatic person. Now if Yellow King had taken out Kuroyuki then it would have game over for her. But Haruyuki and Takumu can splat all they want and will be okay as long as they don’t lose all their points. Stop confusing me with your dramatic NOOOOOS Haruyuki.
But not the Kings right?
This peace treaty business is interesting. But now that we know how hard it is to get the Brain Burst program in the first place someone losing it forever would be a shame right? It confuses me a bit though. Haruyuki was almost taken out by Ghost Rider as he was a newbie with barely any points. Was that allowed because Haruyuki didn’t belong to any legion? Or does the non aggression pact on apply to this neutral zone and if people battle elsewhere it is fair game?
....Except Kings yes?
Either way one would think that the Kings would be exempt from this treaty unless they were the ones running around attack people. Like if a red took out a yellow and the originally red couldn’t be found…pick another red. Not the King. It would be too easy to do what the Yellow King did. Well not easy but easier you knows?
Light our darkest HOUR!!!!
Most of the battle looked like the 80’s version of Transformers. Well the movie anyway with the huge robot Earth eating planets and what not. Everything just looked generic and cheap, like only the main characters matter and the designs of everyone else was left undone until the day the episode was due. Like OH hurry make drill dude and magnet man. Transformers indeed.
Behold this mighty fight!!!
The battle between Yellow King and Kuroyuki was done well though. Or maybe it was flashing by so fast it could only look good. Clearly that is where the money was spent in the episode. I was kinda looking forward to seeing their ultimate attacks though.
Manipulating yes? Illusions...I don't know.
However…..Yellow King has a weird set of attacks for this kind of game. I would expect high defense, maybe a focus on different element attacks, or maybe something like high speed. But illusion? That is in the realm of magic which is okay…but that doesn’t seem to be what this game is about. It seems more focused on real properties and real solutions via science. Not something that would affect the entire field or someone’s mind. I don’t know if I am making sense but an illusion attack seems like something one would use in the real world. Not in a computer game that has metal colors and what not. But maybe it is hard to gauge what is acceptable in a game that has your soul walking around in an avatar. Just wasn’t expecting it.
Don't worry! I am just getting a hug from a girl with blades for hands. This will end well.
I also wasn’t expecting Kuroyuki to have killed the Red King via hug. I don’t know, I just took her version of the truth as…well the truth. That they were all standing around and BAM she cut off his head. No no apparently the Red King was trying to talk up the rest of the Kings into a pact of friendship. That the Red King chose Kuroyuki as an example of friendship. And bam OFF WITH YO HEAD via a hug. I guess that really does make Kuroyuki pretty awful if you think about it. Yellow King has a point, that it would have been better had Kuroyuki and the Red King fought it a fair battle instead of what went down. Of course….whose to know if Red King wasn’t planning something with that hug too?
Again if you liked him the most why did you take him out? Because it would be easiest now or harder later? WHY ARE YOU STILL CRYING?!
But hot damn Kuroyuki. I thought you were over this woe is me crap. You had over 2 years to feel sorry for your actions. And I am pretty sure you were tell Haruyuki that you wanted to see the end to this game no matter what. So maybe I am not understanding how this vision/illusion worked but I thought Kuroyuki was beyond that now. Almost like they needed Kuroyuki to be unconscious so the battle wouldn’t be obviously lopsided and this was the best reason they could come up with.
Psht how dare you get that idea from the tiny facts I have given you thus far!
If Kuroyuki was unable to connect her soul to her avatar how was she able to hear Haruyuki? I mean I am still having a hard time understanding how Kuroyuki seeing the past made her unable to fight. It would have been Yellow King’s words later that ate at her soul. But is Haruyuki’s secret power the ability to communicate to Kuroyuki when she isn’t in her avatar? Oh and I also thought she had a crush on Red King too. The first one. So pay no attention to that crazy girl okay Haruyuki!
What will this show become when Yuniko leaves? What about the faces?!?!?!
Yuniko was so fun to watch this episode yes? So crazy and yet so amazing to watch. It is like her face is stuck in a permanent state of WTFness. Who would want to be in her legion? XD
Um....remember me guys? I was standing here the whole time.....
The episode ends with Kuroyuki getting a huge EFF YOU to the face. Funny how everyone was focused on Chrome Disaster and then forgot about him. Like lala weren’t you tracking his movements? Weren’t you extremely close to his location? OH SNAP THERE HE IS!! So Chrome Disaster coming and killing Yellow King is great for Mr. Yellow King. Now he lives to fight another day. Had Kuroyuki taken him out it would have been game over. Poor Kuroyuki. XD Maybe next time?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Brave Movie Review

X___X This rain folks! It is no joke. Glad I am safe in my own home and not delivery pizzas last night. A word to ANYONE who thinks it is a good idea to order delivery in the rain. If you are going to ask someone to deliver you food when half the streets in town are flooded 1 whole dollar is not going to cut it. It wouldn’t cut it on a normal day but especially not on a day when people end up looking like drowned cats just running out to their car.
X__X Is this a short that didn't make it into the movie?!
So while I think how many people are having slightly damped vacations in Orlando I thought OH they can still do something Disney like this week and stay dry. Well as dry as one can get dodging rain drops to get to the theater. Brave the movie came out last Friday and seems to be a hit. Come read my VERY spoilery review on the newest Disney Princess to hit the big screens.  

Sometimes people go to movies based on reviews they have read online. Well if one read some of the reviews for Brave they might choose to see something else. I read the reviews after seeing the movie and a lot of them seem….well unfair. See this is technically a Pixar film and not a traditional Disney film. Pixar and Disney work together but diehard fans like to make the distinction. Disney makes happy go lucky musicals with Disney princesses while Pixar has been known for making movies that look like they are for kids but can be for adults too. Movies like Up and Toy Story 3. Movies for all, way less singing, and deep meanings wrapped up into a cartoon. 

So now that Pixar has made their first Princess movie some are calling foul. Like somehow all those classic Disney films can never compare to what Pixar has done. I don’t know, it just seems insulting, for people to say Pixar is above THOSE movies. THOSE movies which I love and have magical memories about. I don’t know what people are expecting. Not sure I am making a lot of sense either. Like some people saw Princess and decided it wasn’t up to par with Pixar standards. 

The way I saw it Pixar might have made the Princess genre…better? Here come the spoilers: The Princess Merida does not end up with anyone! In fact she doesn’t rely on a man at all in the entire movie. The men take a back seat, almost a comical second thought with Merida and her mother being main characters. The only love mentioned in the movie is that of family love. So while some movies like Tangled and Mulan have the Princess (like) character saving their man in the end this takes the Princess story to another level. So isn’t that a positive thing that Pixar has done? Shown young girls they don’t need to settle in the end, that they can make their own decisions and don’t have to be paired up with some man?
Don't worry I got this!
Oh yes folks. The advertisement for this movie has been…slightly off. I thought it was going to be the standard girl makes a bad wish and has to set off on a journey to fix her mistake. This magical potion that Merida gets DOES change her fate….by turning her mother (and her brothers later) into a bear. So all this change your fate stuff was really Merida spending most of the film trying to change her mother back, not going on an epic quest alone. I mean obviously had the previews shown that it would have been very spoilery. I just wasn’t expecting a mother/daughter film about bonding and what not. Which is another point for Pixar as many mothers (or mother like figures) are either absent, dead, or evil in Disney films thus the Princess has to go it alone or find that Prince.
So that would be a no on the romance?
Of course since I am a brainwashed Disney girl I thought that the other bear in the movie was going to turn out to be the Prince that Merida was going to end up with. Because…her three other choices were obviously not….good. XD But then we find out that Prince is pretty old, crazy, and unsavable so Merida ends up alone YAY! Some people are criticizing the movie, saying that Merida will still have to end up with one of those losers and she only delayed her “fate”. Well I am not sure what movie they were watching but it appeared that Merida and her mother told the crowd that people were free to follow their hearts. Sure the 3 men were flirting with Merida near the end but I took that as she IS a catch but she can pick whoever she wants be it those men or some other people who…make more sense. XD
Dad pretending to be Merida was hilarious.
As I mentioned earlier the men in the movie really are there for comic relief. Which makes me a little sad as the three baby bears are being pushed left and right with merchandise. But given that the spell was supposed to change her mother Elinor it makes sense the boys took a back seat. But they did get a little annoying with their stupid antics. Horrible kids indeed. However the King was pretty likable. He let his daughter be who she truly was instead of being overbearing like…someone who got turned into a bear. But maybe next time the King can make a rope of their shirts, not their pants, and not destroy the entire palace fighting with people.
Don't mind my hair. XD
I think the very best part of this movie might have been Merida’s hair. But I think everyone who saw the previews could guess that. I love the movie Tangled but the hair was just…there. All the same length and dragged along. Merida’s hair really moved with her and was basically alive. It looked like real hair, not uniformed and perfect. But home girl probably needs a hair brush in any event.

If someone is put off by this movie because of the accents then let me tell you…it will be fine. There was one moment in the movie where I couldn’t understand what was being said but other than that it was fine. Well except for the one character who was not understandable on purpose. XD Which is ironic I suppose.

A lot of people are saying they didn’t like the witch in the movie…I thought she was hilarious. Again most witches in Disney movies are evil while fairies with magical powers are good. In this movie the witch was either a neutral character or a good person who didn’t mean any harm. It is obvious with her carving shop she is only capable of making bear potions so maybe Merida should have picked up on that tiny detail. XD And the witch did leave Merida the solution to fixing the potion so how can she be bad? The witch can stay Pixar!
Its amazing how with family you can be right and wrong at the same time!
One thing I really liked about this movie is that Merida wasn’t 100 percent in the right and Elinor wasn’t 100 percent in the wrong. Just like how normal mother/daughter relationships are. Merida deserves to have her freedom in marriage but maybe running your horse crazy through the street is uncalled for. And when someone spends YEARS making a family heirloom don’t destroy it. Elinor should have recognized who her daughter really was but given the time frame Elinor was really preparing her daughter for the best possible life. Boo on throwing the bow in the fire but cheers for the mother letting Merida decide her own future.
Most of the men....were special looking though.
Since this was a Pixar movie and not a Disney film there was no major singing scenes. And the cute sidekick was the mother who slowly was losing her mind inside of the bear. And the brothers I suppose. Oh and the horse. Which was huge. X___X Okay maybe there were a lot of cute animal sidekicks. It helped take away from the random naked butt scenes that took place throughout the movie.
Behold the scenery!!!!
What else to say in this super random review…It has been all over the place hasn’t it? Overall I think this is a great family movie but I don’t have kids so maybe I know nothing. I do know that some people said the fighting scenes scared their kids. I guess I could see that happening but overall everything seemed kid friendly to me, especially the part where everyone comes together at the end and hugs it out like a real family. The animation is gorgeous, there are twists on classic Disney concepts, and we finally get a Ginger Princess.
What about the poor boys who have to watch a movie about a girl?!?!?!
So for those who are poo pooing on this movie….BOO HOO! Pixar finally made a movie with a female protagonist after a million films with more of a male slant. Whatever shall we do? Oh take the whole family because the movie reaches all audiences despite it having a Princess at the helm? XD The brothers could have been less annoying and the archery could have been more prominently featured but overall this was a very solid movie. So if you haven’t seen it yet go out now!! Or whenever the rain stops. XD