Monday, April 30, 2012

Accel World episode 4

Today has been a trying day. I wanted to have tons of things blogged and posted but apparently I had a lot of emotions that needed to explode all over the place. So many emotions. A bright ray of sunshine that is going to fry your brain and boil your insides yay!....So as you can see I have not been in the best of moods today. Bleh everything I type I erase. Just sorry for the wait on blog posts. Silly real life.
We knew this line was coming...but at least it made sense in context. Read on to find out!
SO ANYWAY onto anime! What was I blogging again? OH YES! Accel World episode 4! Ah yes. Spoilers for things going horribly wrong and into crazy directions. X__X
Episode Summary: Haruyuki continues to search Chiyuri’s computer while she lays there…and doesn’t notice. Haruyuki eventually shuts it down so he won’t be discovered. Chiyuri decides to give Haruyuki permission to date Kuroyuki if that can help make him a better person. That night Haruyuki has a totally awful nightmare where Chiyuri and Kuroyuki try to have sex with him. SO AWFUL! Haruyuki meets up with Kuroyuki on the way to school. Kuroyuki apologizes for her attack on Chiyuri and Haruyuki apologizes for existing. Kuroyuki thinks it was stupid for her to suggest direct linking with Chiyuri but Haruyuki is like but I did do it? And he goes into great detail on how this direct linking took place. So Haruyuki stomps off very pissed. Haruyuki gets confused but is then randomly attacked by two girls in the newspaper club. They want to know all about his relationship with Kuroyuki. He is like we have on relationship and she is always yelling at him. The girls decide there is no real story here but suggest that Kuroyuki actually likes Haruyuki. This upsets Haruyuki as he takes his moment in the bathroom again. After school Haruyuki tries to walk by Kuroyuki but she smiles and suggest they direct link. She magically only has a short cable now so they will just have to make do. So sad! So Kuroyuki wants to know what Haruyuki found out. He explains how it isn’t Chiyuri and someone is using her. Haruyuki and Kuroyuki then take turns being suspicious of each other and accusing the other of things.
Hi we are here to pry into your life. Any comment?
Haruyuki eventually says that Kuroyuki can use him in any way she sees fits because he is less than nothing and blah blah. Kuroyuki gets upset and slaps him, alarming the crowd. Before Kuroyuki can run away upset a car busts through the intersection and goes to hit Kuroyuki and Haruyuki. They Burst Link before impact and Haruyuki’s bully is the driver. Kuroyuki explains to Haruyuki in many words how level 9’s can do something awesome. They can use 99 percent of their points to actually move their real bodies in the Brain Burst program. She plans to move her body and push Haruyuki out of the way. This will put her in a direct path of the car and will probably die. Haruyuki begs her not do so but she explains she loves Kuroyuki (X___X) and wants him to become level 10 and figure out this entire Brain Burst program. Haruyuki is obviously confused and upset. Kuroyuki uses her 99 points to push Haruyuki out of the way and is hit by the car. She is rushed to the hospital and put in some super hi-tech pod. A nurse takes care of Haruyuki as he wants to remain at the hospital as long as possible. The nurse also tells him that Kuroyuki has been hooked up to the Global Network so they can monitor her. Haruyuki realizes that she is now online and her stalker will come for her. He stays up all night to guard the entrance and challenger the stalker first to protect Kuroyuki who has barely any points left. The stalker eventually comes and Haruyuki is horrified to see it is Takumu. Haruyuki challenges Takumu first and then THE END! X___X 

Oh….I see. I saw last night actually but my brain needed to process this oh. And maybe I was being lazy. Probably moreso the lazy part.

But yes. A major scene has me rethinking a lot about this show and it is only episode 4. X__X There are 24 episodes for this series, not 12. Such a big WTF moment/confession usually happens later in the series. Yes I know some series, even some recent ones like Mirai Nikki, have had big WTF moments early on but this just feels different. Hopefully I can explain this better as the post goes along. But yes this twist has me X__X. It is weird, having such high hopes for a series that has barely started and being disappointed when things are going off the typical anime path.
So much creepiness.
First things first though. This whole direct link/interneting in the air thing…is weird. And maybe scary as this COULD happen one day. It could be the norm. And I can’t even fix the stupid spacing in my blog. XD How the heck will I deal with this? But putting aside how weird and new this is all to me….I think what I find @___@ is how Haruyuki was just clicking away (in the air) and Chiyuri noticed nothing. Like here he is, trying to pretend to have a heart to heart conversation and his hands are flying all over the place. Shouldn’t it be obvious to Chiyuri what the heck is going on? Like hello pay attention to me this was your idea. It looks weird and obvious, is Chiyuri dense? Is this supposed to show us that Chiyuri is sweet, innocent, and oblivious? Because it is working. 

Oh and the whole direct link is creepy. XD I mean maybe typing in the air and pulling up websites anywhere and everywhere would be pretty cool but then everyone can see what you were doing? I guess that is why direct linking is such a big deal. Because it exposes you, like a private diary and what not. So maybe Chiyuri agreeing to do this really signifies how important Haruyuki is to her, how she wants to move past this. Or that she really likes him deep down. And of course this explains why everyone is gossiping about Haruyuki and Kuroyuki.
So I can stop dreaming of you....
In any event, Chiyuri has given her blessing for Haruyuki and Kuroyuki to date. Because as the long time friend her permission is needed. I am not sure if this is all genuine or Chiyuri pretending to be happy for Haruyuki. Maybe if Haruyuki was off the market it would be less of a temptation, she couldn’t fall back on him? Maybe. And Haruyuki manages to apologize for things that aren’t his fault and spy on Chiyuri. An overall successful day of laying on your best friend on her bed YAY!
Cord lengths are very important. SUPER SERIOUS BUSINESS!
You know that tough girl named Kuroyuki? Allowed herself to get punched, went up against all the other Kings, and planned this elaborate scheme to get to level 10 by using Haruyuki? Well apparently she has been kidnapped and been replaced by her twin sister JealousYuki. Like wtf was this? I haven’t seen a bigger character change since the show that was Guilty Crown and Ms Insane Arisa. Granted I am a girl and can relate to sudden mood changes….especially when clueless boys are involved. But Kuroyuki has been hiding out for 2 years waiting for a chance to return to Brain Burst. Maybe she has been watching Haruyuki for some time now but I doubt it has been forever. In any event maybe she should suck it up and listen to Haruyuki give his mission report instead of turning into the green eyed monster. ON HER BED FOLKS! Measure the cord.
See? Helpful meddling.
I also smile when I see anime scenes with “new reporters”. Mainly because the “newspaper” at our high school was special. Thus the quotes. None of this who is dating who crap, who is wearing what, and crazy rumors. More like lets interview a teacher and talk about boring stuff. Not that much truth comes from these crazy anime news reporters. Although they do have magical photographers that seem to be lurking everywhere. So while all of that is special I thought it was nice that one girl was on Haruyuki’s side and tried to give him some good advice.
Oh yes....the dream scene....
Kuroyuki woke up and relieved her crazy twin rather fast. And I was like oh okay maybe she can explain this away, Haruyuki can pretend it didn’t happen, and the series can progress down its we like each other but will say nothing mode. All the fakes smile would hide what they are really feeling inside and it will be cute/painful to watch them misunderstand each other and grow as people.
This was a serious conversation.....and yet I couldn't help smiling at the sign in the background....
Or we could have Haruyuki kick it up a notch and bring all his emo cards to the table. Like BAM I am worse than pond scum and deserve to die. Maybe it wasn’t that dramatic but my lord. I understand Haruyuki has been through a lot. Probably been bullied his whole life. And maybe he sees helping Kuroyuki as the only worthwhile thing he has going for him. Even if it demeans him and he thinks of himself as a dog. Him going on and on about how is nothing and Kuroyuki is everything just made me sad…and set the scene up for WTFness.
The car turned out all have JealousKuroyuki instead.
I am not really going to comment on the stupidity of trying to kill someone because they got you kicked out of school. Just going to chalk that up to teenagers making poor decisions and what the hell I couldn’t even see inside the car. So the method of danger doesn’t really matter. That is actually the okay part with me. Forces Haruyuki into protection mode a lot faster than I thought but that was okay.

What is not okay is Kuroyuki going I love you Haruyuki and I am so glad we met and BLAH BLAH! Like wtf is this?! Oh yes EPISODE 4! I….where did this come from? Again I don’t think Kuroyuki has been following Haruyuki for THAT long. But she is in love with him because he played one online game great. And is willing to die for him so he can achieve level 9 status without her and discover what Brain Burster really is.
Just push him out of the way and explain nothing!
Does ANY of that make sense? It took Kuroyuki years to get that far in the program. She spent the last two of them living in fear. Haruyuki lost his first battle and lucked out in the 2nd. He has MUCH to learn. And yet he is going to just go OH okay battling all the level 9’s now. Going to do this for a girl I have known for minutes.
:( Less talking would have made this more powerful. Have Haruyuki fight to bring you back and then say these things.
And really this was Kuroyuki’s plan all along? To make Haruyuki level 9/10? I doubt it because Haruyuki would have to beat Kuroyuki. So all that crap was…well crap. The entire situation would have been better had she said nothing. Or explained how she as a level 9 could do something that could save him and cost her 99 percent of her points. Tell Haruyuki she was sorry that she involved him in her problem and BAM the car hits her.
TOO SOON! Where are my misunderstandings and long drawn series of jealous feelings?!
See how much better this goes? Haruyuki feels guilty, especially after all the STUPID STUPID STUPID stuff and resolves to help Kuroyuki. He will continue with the Brain Burster program if she doesn’t make it or will help her with a more determined spirit if she does. No love confession was needed yet it would be obvious that each does love the other and now it is so sad they couldn’t express their feelings before. See?! See how much better this is?! No instead we get a love confession 5 seconds after they meet, way too soon in my mind. TOO SOON!
Where the heck were her parents?!
But Kuroyuki isn’t dead. We haven’t totally been trolled yet. I would comment on how cute Haruyuki looked wearing the blanket but given the situation maybe that would be too much. But I did like how cool the hospital technology looked. Well obviously it needs to be cool to match up with walking floating computers but still.
Haruyuki has a lot going for him, hopefully he gains more self-esteem as the series progresses.
Haruyuki seems like a fast learner and a bright person. So while he could have been crying over Kuroyuki being in the hospital he put on his game face and was ready to protect her. Of course even if Kuroyuki lives she can’t Accelerate again right? Everyone has 100 points and now she only has one right? But I guess that is better than being dead. Maybe Haruyuki can win her some points due to magical rule changes.
XO What an evil little smile!
And in a magical turn of events Takumu turns out to be Kuroyuki’s stalker. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Now it makes sense, that someone who direct links with Chiyuri would probably be the stalker. But I guess I thought he was way too happy go lucky. Boy him and his evil smirk had me fooled. I wonder if he will be reformed later. Like sorry Haruyuki I was just trying to protect people I looooooove! 

In any event…maybe this will get posted this week! XD Such a lazy Tenchi. But yes….Kuroyuki’s confession really threw me off and I am not sure why. X__X I guess I am worried it will ruin the rest of the series somehow? I don’t know, I guess I never got around to explaining this well. XD

Friday, April 27, 2012

The True Face of Evil!

Hello there my lovely readers. I guess I picked a good day to ask my husband to do a million scans on my computer because I am dead tired. No anime posting for me apparently. Maybe watching. Okay maybe blogging. Not posting though. Way too tired to make sure every single word is spelled right. Because you all know how my posts are mistake free. XD No no instead I will sit in bed and eat ice cream and feel bad for myself. And post something horrible for you all to see. Something that I saw the other day and caused me to freak out. And since it scared me and scars me for life maybe I will do the same for you? Because misery loves company? XD Or you can laugh with/at me.  

I think everyone has something they are afraid of that really doesn't make sense. Like everyone should be afraid of earthquakes, drowning, and needles. Those are just generally unpleasant things. But I am talking about something that makes no sense. Something people might mock you for. Something that you know in your head isn't scary but you can't move passed it. It
LOOK AT THIS! I mean obviously I didn't take this photo because I was halfway down the block crying on the phone that a poisonous alien caterpillar was trying to kill me but LOOK!
BEHOLD! The most vile creature of them all! Truly the face of evil yes?! I is it?! It goes to sleep for a few days and then turns into something amazing that can fly in the sky? NO! Not acceptable. You can't be chillin, walking down the sidewalk and all of a sudden BAM this things crawls up to you. And they crawl fast. So fast. Probably to kill you or something in your sleep.

Caterpillars. Tenchi's kryptonite. Store that in your mind so if we are put together in the Hunger Games you have ammo against me. Or maybe the zombie apocalypse. has happened and I have the last of the food supply. Throw a few these my way and I will be abandoning ship. Just so scary!

Kore wa Zombie desu ka? Of the dead episode 4

My computer is messed up folks. I feel stupid sometimes, not being able to do basic things like change a tire or do basic level computer stuff. Just rarw. And every time I try to show my husband that the computer is messed up it magically fixes itself for 5 seconds to make me look like a crazy pants. -___- As much as I love my own laptop I wish my husband used it more so he could see how things are and would have reason to fix it faster. Because I needs it to do very important things!
You cast a spell on me spell on me.
Like blogging animes! Duh people. Very important stuff indeed. Up now is the crazy show Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the dead. The super dead. Spoilers for Tenchi having issues with Maid Cafes.
Why are tiny pieces of plastic so expensive?
Episode Summary: Ayumu is trying to put the memories of being a famous cross dressing magical girl behind him. His one true love is putting together scale model figurine things. He has a very determined look on his face as this show slowly becomes a product plug. His new figure is complete and Sera walks in to tell him he is a disgusting slug. Obviously. He tries to brush her off but Haruna comes in…and breaks his toy. It was a sad moment too as Haruna almost bonded with Ayumu about his scale model collection. Sadden Ayumu goes to school and tells Orito his pathetic story. Orito has decided that he is not in love with Ayumu and has to save Ayumu from the perverted cosplaying person he is. So he takes Ayumu to a Cosplaying Maid Café! Surely this is a good idea. Everything looks normal and creepy when they walk in but then Orito asks for the special VIP special. Turns out that it is the girls acting like bitches to all the men VIPness. Dominatrix in the making I believe. And the head Dom is Sara! That’s right this is a vampire ninja cosplaying maid café. Ayumu tries running away but Orito wants to stay and be abused. Sera and Yuki show up to “abuse” Ayumu in their own special way. All of this is probably making Ayumu like men even more but Orito thinks this is helping.
Tenchi prefers vending machines thanks.
After experiencing that much fun Orito decides they will take the “Let’s make the bitch behavior POOF and make them cute” test. Or at least I think that is what the name is, might be too long. There will be 5 different maids they must beat or they have to pay a buttload of money. They lose and Sara gets Ayumu’s butt. Amazing. So each girl ends up being someone Ayumu knows, including Haruna and Eucliwood who apparently work here on the weekends. Orito gets taken out early in the competition but due to living with the crazies Ayumu is able to pass most of the tests. The last competition is between Kanami and Ayumu which ends in a surprise upset as Orito comes back alive. The boys win and American-kun, who was hosting the battle and being a pervert, announces he is from the Underworld too. Okay then just slide that in. The girls feel bad for torturing Ayumu so they buy him the ugliest scale model ever to make it up to him. THE END!
Poor Ayumu. How he suffers so at the hands of the freeloaders in his house. :( You would think that since it is his house the girls would be nicer to him. But that would be silly right? What kind of show would that be, respecting boundaries and what not? So once again poor Ayumu.
While the husband isn't at this level....we have a dinning room full of Legos. XD
While my husband is not into model figurines he is majorly into Legos. Like Lego fiend. I once offered to help him make a set on Christmas. I got the saddest….oh okay face ever. XD Don’t come between a man and his toys, even if you are just trying to help and have fun. Also it is best not to bother a man when he is in the middle of constructing/building. Just let the men play with toys. Then they will make you dinner, kill spiders, and hold shopping bags.
My one true joy in life!
Ayumu does not have a lovely Tenchi in his life. :( No instead he has SUPER crazy people living in home. Like as I type this I am nice and cuddly in my bed. My husband is watching his show, I am watching mine. XD We don’t have to spend every single minute together. Sometimes after work we want to do our own hobbies, to have peace and quiet. XD Of course the husband is a quiet person anyway and this might be a bad example. But yes Ayumu should be able to unwind from his insane life and put together figurines/mechas/robots without people calling him a piece of shit cockroach.
Don't touch my lovelies!
X__X Am I rambling too much? Probably. But then Haruna came in and I felt so bad for Ayumu. Because I know that feeling. You have lots of things that LOOK like toys but you know they aren’t. You take good care of them and basically just look at them. Display them. Never play with them. Then BAM someone comes over and handles them improperly. Or in Ayumu’s case…breaks them. Into tiny little pieces. All that Ayumu has in this world are those expensive pieces of plastic and they break them. :( So sad indeed.
Orito has recovered. Or in in a different level of crazy right now. Not quite sure which.
I am not sure what is going on with Orito. I thought last episode he was confessing to Ayumu. Did anyone else think that? It can’t be my yaoi colored glasses right? They were pushing something weird with Orito. I know it. But in any event Orito got better and since being a crossdressing or gay is SO HORRIBLE Orito must fix him. Le sigh indeed.
That would be my reaction too. Run far far away.
And the best way to fix Ayumu of crossdressing is to take him to Maid Café. HMMMM. HMMM indeed. I don’t know if the best way to cure Ayumu is to pay girls to talk to you and pretend you are interested in you. Or in this case threaten to kill you. Just today I started to make a list of pictures that I want to take next time I am in Japan. A list of typical anime slice of life moments. I also had another list. A list of pictures that I wouldn’t be taking. And for some reason I forgot to add Maid Café to the list. HMMM!
Can't handle....the awkwardness....
What does this have to do with anything? I don’t know. On one hand if girls can get boys to pay 1000 percent mark up on some ramen noodles and flat sodas more power to them. But on the other hand…aren’t Maid Café’s another way to demean women? To make them even more submissive? Or make it harder for REAL GIRLS to get guys, if they are going to these fake cafes where the smiles mean nothing? Apparently I have a lot of feelings on this matter. Also I felt bad and was irritated at the same time when I saw the maids handing out flyers, all ignored and stuff.
I hate it when sales people ask me if I need help. This is just way too much employee/customer interaction for me.
I am not saying everyone who works there hates their jobs nor do people who go to such cafes are losers who can’t get dates in real life. Because those would be stereotypes. I am just saying I would feel uncomfortable having a weird….ketchup drawing smile contest with a girl that I am paying a lot of money to smile at me while she was thinking about all the amazing socks she was going to buy with her pay check. And I know these places aren’t totally to blame with real relationships…but I can see how people with a messed up sense o reality could become further messed up. Btw this all counts to Host and Hostess Clubs too. Probably more so because they suck way more money out of sad and lonely people.
Being poisoned by a hottie is fun weee!
Case in point Orito! WOOHOO! My friend needs to be saved so I am drag him to a place with frilly dresses and cosplays in an effort to make him forget about frill dresses and cosplays. I am just saying…if Ayumu really had a problem I would start him off with something small. Like maybe a group date so Ayumu won’t feel so much pressure. While these girls are paid to pretend to like you (or hate you) all that attention might push people over the edge. Like never want to leave the house again because girls are too perfect. Or because you thought these girls were real and now there is a restraining order on you.
I forget what missions they do that need funding....
Now putting aside that Maid Cafes are special to begin with…this one is run by Sara. Why? Because this show is insane. It has to be run by Sara because that is obviously how vampire ninjas make their money. DUH. Did you think it was with selling illegals arm on the street? Being killers for hire? PSHT! PSHT ya’ll! Order something and get out you disgusting bugs! Oh and all the girls from the entire series minus the normal girl are present. Because folks. Because.
His butt WILL be yours.
The gimmick of yelling and treating Ayumu and Orito like crap got old after a while. I wish that they would have yelled at some other guests. But I do like that Ayumu decided this entire thing was crazy and feared for his life. These were the correct emotions.

The entire competition to make the angry girls sweet…was again special. Guess not too many normal girls are lining up to be a part of the special menu. Now I say that and I like how each girl lost and how Ayumu was pretty natural in making some of the girls lost. I am not sure how Eucliwood lost but meh. The real surprise was Kanami. I felt that her angry front was the most natural of the girls without being evil angry. And the way Orito got to her was obvious. XD So….I am not sure what the point of the game was but I suppose it was entertaining. Yay for winning! Oh and American-kun is from the Underworld too. Everyone that Ayumu looks at isn’t human. Except for Kanami and her boring friend. But maybe they will get killed and turned into zombies too. Anything is possible.
Photobucket random and interesting.
Except for Ayumu getting a happy ending, it whatever way I meant that. That was a seriously ugly figurine the girls got him. Oh and are we getting a plot anytime soon? No…okay then! Onwards to Eucliwood killing herself after the credits!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera episode 3

I am pretty sure my brother was either texting about me today or made me his status on Facebook. But you know what….that was an alien caterpillar. It crawled out of nowhere and I saw it was gunning for me. What kind of creature on earth is neon green? What kind of creature is a wormy little monster one day and suddenly can fly? Yeah I didn’t think so. Evil demon spawns from hell! So mock me little brother. I scream in the sight of evil.
This would be Tamaki....helping.
In other exciting news nothing gets subbed on Wednesday besides Hiiro no Kakera. So apparently I can either post something else on Wednesday or have fun snarking this show. And I pick…snarking! At least for now. Maybe. I don’t know. Spoilers for no one liking the main character! XD
Just run away from this sinking ship kid!
Episode Summary: After Tamaki nearly kills herself on the stairs and is rescued she assumes her rescuer is a guardian. He smiles and says of course I am Shinji. So Tamaki takes him up to the roof to introduce him to the other guys but SURPRISE they all know him. There is a bit of bromanicing going on as Shinji is welcomed back into the group. Takumu, Yuuichi, and Mahiro decide it is bash the Princess time. Tamaki is not pleased with that and does her best to keep Shinji on her side. After everyone eats her lunch Tamaki asks why Shinji wasn’t here in the village. He explains that his powers weren’t appearing so he left the village to go train in a desolate place….somewhere with lots of trees…and mountains…Shinji is late for his first walk Tamaki home date because all the girls think he is cute. Oh okay. So on their way home Takumu talks about how it would have been if Shinji hadn’t come back and how Mahiro hates living here. Real fun stuff. They get to the house and Suguru sends Shinji and Tamaki to see grandma. Shinji does a dramatic glance at Mitsuru as he is hushed into the room. Grandmother puts Shinji in danger so he can demonstrate his word power. Amazing. Grandmother welcomes back Shinji and everyone is happy. Well not Mitsuru as she states she wishes Shinji hadn’t come back to be a guardian. So basically everyone loves being part of this major plot to protect the village from ghost gods.
You mean all the guardians won't be in love with me?
Tamaki questions why everyone is against Shinji being a guardian and Suguru is like oh everyone wishes they weren’t a guardian and were rooting for Shinji to escape. At lunch the next day Tamaki and her headaches ask the others what is up with Mitsuru and Shinji. Despite Takumu saying yesterday that the guardians aren’t good friends everyone has a back story or opinion on that maybe situation. Then Shinji arrives and everyone talks about how ugly Tamaki is. After school Takumu takes his duty to walk Tamaki home safely but Tamaki gets more headaches. They decide a seal is in danger so they go off running. Suguru arrives to help with the running process, all the while the boys telling Tamaki to stay behind. She sorta hides as they confront some men approaching the seal on the massive tree. Soon all the guardians and baddies arrive and have a staring match instead of a duel. Well the baddies also take the time to say their names to the audience. Tamaki gets upset and screams at everyone to STOP IT! So the baddies just leave! Takumu starts to scream at Tamaki for being stupid but slowly pretends he didn’t say that as everyone else is happy Tamaki wants to help them out. THE END!
Photobucket sure act like it?
YAWN! I think I did too good of a job cleaning my house yesterday because there isn’t much for me to do now. You know instead of blogging this amazing episode I am trying to put a few dishes in the dish washer, find something to wash, and general puts around the house. That is how excited I am about this series and this episode.
I love taking screenies of Takumu and his positivity.
So why blog it? Because I care. I care about snarking animes that deserve it. And potatoes. I care about potatoes a great deal. So you shall receive this lovely post.
MOG we missed you so much! Oh and there is Tamaki....
Maybe I fell asleep or blinked or something. Because I thought the other 4 guardians were acting liking they didn’t know WHO the 5th guardian was. Of course now I can see how they meant there were only 4 guardians because the 5th one was weak and out of town. I guess that would make more sense as they were confident there was only 4 when this type of position is passed down in families so it should be obvious who every single guardian will be.
Shinji is a bit boring terms of design.
That being said Shinji might be the only nice guardian. Well I guess Suguru isn’t that bad but he doesn’t go to school with others so it is easy to forget about him. But Shinji also might be in a position to be nicer simple because he is the youngest and in Japanese society he sorta has to be more respectful.
Train where?! Where is a better place to train your magical powers?!
I am up in the air how I feel about this kid. This town…I am sorry VILLAGE seems pretty out there. So where did home slice go to practice his powers? In an even SMALLER village with worse cellphone reception? I don’t really understand that. Practicing is important but shouldn’t Shinji be close, to help make the seals STRONG or whatever everyone is going on about? And how long was he gone for? Everyone knew him and had walk down memory lane times about past girlfriends and what not? They were acting like he was gone forever (or at least the people treating him like a transfer student) yet I have a feeling he wasn’t gone that long.
Can't someone else guard Ms. Potato Head?
Also the relationship between Shinji and Mitsuru….It seems super forced on the audience. And only there to make Tamaki feel separate from the group, something she is not a part of and something the others really don’t want to talk about. Again when did Shinji leave town if there were DATES going on? Just seems odd that Mitsuru is on Team Grandmother but would be so vocal about someone not fulfilling their duties. Like hello someone has to do it. Then again everyone didn’t want Shinji to be a guardian as they all hate the job so maybe I can’t be too harsh on Mitsuru. Just not feeling all this romance drama yet. But hey it is better than Tamaki and Takumu right? XD
I wish I could be the lovely guardians.
Takumu was pretty much a jerk this episode. Mahiro and Yuuichi weren’t impressing me much either. Maybe I should say they were all acting like resentful teenage boys? Calling Tamaki ugly, hating where they live, and generally hating life. I mean I think I would be pissed if I was forced to protect a girl I don’t even know but I don’t think I would take it out on Tamaki. She is being forced into a role too. So stop with all these snide comments about her looks, how she is slow, how she talks too much, and how she always puts herself in danger. Yes we all KNOW she is boring and potato like (well potatoes are more delicious…) but it’s not cute or romantic. Boys picking on girls they like is 2nd grade behavior.
Pretty much. But maybe you could give her some slack?
Because really folks I am all aboard the Tamaki is boring train. I just think everyone is being harsh on her. They complain about having to be guardians and that it is unfair to be born into this role. Well guess what Tamaki was born into it too AND just found out. You all have had years to be all doom and gloom. And you have more information than she does. So while her actions might put her in danger…it is your job to protect her. And maybe if you weren’t doing so much complaining she would feel compelled to tag along and help out.
We were just here to introduce ourselves and show off our fancy outfits.
But seriously folks. WTF was that battle scene? Sorry I mean the battle scene that wasn’t. I won’t talk about the lame barriers that can’t keep out anyone or how instead of trying to destroy the tree/whatever everyone felt the need to introduce themselves. No no I am going to stare in disbelief that EVERYONE stopped what they were doing when Tamaki told them to leave. Did I miss the part where the “baddies” are under her spell? Why would their master tell them not to fight? If they are supposed to mess with the seals they should expect that the guardians are going to try and stop them. So….battles are necessary.
Oh....guess we will stop now.
I mean….maybe while everyone was having a staring contest just ONE baddie could have gone to another seal area and done some damage. JUST SAYING! Maybe this was just a recon mission or something, to test out the guardians but that would only work if one actually saw their powers. But you know..this is episode 3. We don’t even know that the seals that keep no one out actually do or what being a guardian really means (my guess…DEATH). But since Grandma is still alive I doubt we will be summoning Suzaku and dying. So yay Tamaki.
Yeah Takumu! Gosh we ALL missed Shinji! ALL OF US! Especially me!
In conclusion……I reward myself with ice cream for post all of this. YAY!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Japan Trip 2011 Revisted! Tokyo Disneyland Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall

Hello there my lovely readers! The Google zipper today is frightening me for some reason. Almost like it is a spider of something. And you know how I love spiders. XD
Top of the Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall. So much detail for just the roof of a building.
After blogging a million episode posts I thought I would break up the summaries and walk down memory lane...well continue to walk down Tokyo Disneyland lane. So many pictures folks! I must share them all. Hope you are hungry XD

I think in my first Tokyo Disneyland post I stated this was a new restaurant. Clearly I was full of crap. XD This restaurant has been around for quite a while. I guess it is just super popular. Maybe I thought that because there was a line getting into the restaurant? Either way I was wrong. But the place looked brand new!

The entire front of the restaurant is so well themed. Almost the like the Alice in Wonderland world got dropped into Disney, White Rabbit and all. Again no one was outside taking pictures so I got the shoots I wanted. XD I would hate to see what the place would look like on a 10 capacity day, like during Golden Week. Horrors I am sure.

Despite how silly the hats look the cast members were happy and helpful. The wait in line was probably because cast members were staggering customers in, so that once you got your tray there would be a seat for you. This restaurant had so many cast members in it. The only other restaurant I have seen so many extra was at the Harry Potter restaurant. People might complain about high ticket prices but it is to pay people like this to make sure your dinning experience is close to perfect. XD I guess you can tell I impressed.
The wait was about 20 minutes I believe? But I think I am counting actual time in line and paying. So really nothing to complain about. And really I wanted time to take pictures. It is easier to justify taking pictures when you are in line instead of "wasting" time when you could be on another ride.
Not my hand. XD But these statues lined the "hallway" towards the counters. People were actually taking pictures here. XD I have seen some pretty fun ones on the internet so I will have to try them out next time.
This is Japan, home of the plastic food. Did you know that plastic food isn't cheap? Crazy. Maybe next time I will buy a tiny ice cream plastic food just to say I have one. But this is standing in the fork in the road. Two lines to help make the nom getting process faster. Both lines had a chance to see what was offered so people could make their decisions in line faster. Because you can't go into this restaurant and NOT get a dessert. I ended up getting the chocolate cake and my husband got the strawberry heart thing. I almost wanted to get the UnBirthday cake but the husband didn't want that and I don't think I could have eaten that alone. Next time one of us will get the dessert in the souvenir cup because...I like souvenirs.
Fast close-up of the plate. It was click and go because now we are actually in line! Quick pictures to keep the line moving. Someone laughed at me though. XD Disney is about taking pictures people!
A very blurry picture of the line. XD This restaurant is called a Buffeteria. That word makes me laugh. You enter the line and pick different already plated options and you pay at the end. Each plate is priced individually so you can eat a tiny dessert or a huge meal. I can vouch for the dessert being worth the wait in line if that is all you want.
Trying to get all the details for you all, my lovely readers....and of course me for memories. Imagine how many pictures I could have taken had there been no one in line. XD A bit of wait occurs when someone is waiting for a certain plate and it is still being made. These plates are not sitting there for minutes being cold. Nope nope, they are being made right on the stop. If my memory serves me right they had no more than 5 plates out at once, just in case something isn't popular. Oh and the reason for the wait is some guests would wait behind the person waiting for their food, not just walk around them. I followed suit as everyone else was doing the same. XD
At some of the restaurants there were special menu items available for the Easter Wonderland. Being that I am not an adventurous eating I stuck with things that i recognize. XD There is a huge oven that is cooking the rotisserie chicken for all to see. It fills the room with such a delicious smell how could I resist?
Since we were eating on a "budget" while in Japan I consider this one of our most expensive meals. However if we were eating like normal people it would probably rank a little above average price wise. The only thing I would do different for next time is not get a soda as I believe it was 300 yen and you got no refills in this tiny cup. I do love Qoo though. :( Maybe if it came in a souvenir cup....
You should wait for a cast member to seat you and not run around the restaurant to take pictures. Do that AFTER your meal.
It felt a little weird going around taking pictures above people's head as they were eating. I know that feeling as we got to sit next to a popular dinosaur at T-Rex Cafe. Hopefully people understand. Everything is just so gorgeous in there you have to take pictures.
Maybe if we had more time in the park or went to it all the time we would have really sat back and took everything in. I did see a few lolitas sitting down and having a fancy meal. It really is a good setting for lolita pictures. XD People with annual passes must do that a lot (or at least that is what I would do). Come on in, ride a few rides, and have a long lunch. These are my dreams if I won the lottery folks. We would live part of the year in Tokyo and have little lunch/dinner dates here. XD That is how much I liked this Tokyo Disneyland restaurant.
After walking up super early to make it to the park at opening time and spending a great deal of time watching parades and riding Fantasyland rides this restaurant was a much needed sit down and chill break. Wonderful food, good atmosphere, and plenty of picture taking opportunities. I tried to eat everything on my plate but I left feeling stuffed and there were a few bites left over. So if you ever find yourself in Tokyo Disneyland I highly recommend this restaurant, if only for the desserts and maybe to split a meal. XD Time to get back out in the park and take more pictures now!