Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nendoroid Mami Tomoe conquers Downtown Disney!

Greetings! I hope that everyone is enjoying what will be the extra day in the year 2012. I apparently have accomplished very little. XD I just get caught up reading other people's blogs.


Plushies are so much easier to take pictures of at theme parks...I MEAN...I love you Mami. XD And your hat.

But now it is my turn to be entertaining today. I shall blog about our adventures in Downtown Disney. It was recently my husband's birthday and apparently that meant taken Tenchi and Mami to a place they wanted to go. Silly husband. But I think he had fun too. Enjoy our silly pictures.


First stop of the day was the Lego Store. Possibly the only stop of the day for the husband, you know the birthday boy.


The husband (as his name is not the title of these pictures or anything) decided that he NEEDED this. And something else later. It was so heavy it broke the bag handles.


XO Homicide!!


Don't worry I'll just buy you a new one!


Oh hi nice children running into me at the Lego Store. Mami is lovely. Now stop trying to touch her. MINE!


Mami wishes to have a cool vehicle as well. Too bad she doesn't have a license.


Batman thought he had a hard job. Try being a magical girl!


Talking cars? Try crazy mascots who look cute but WANT YOUR SOUL!


This looks familiar. Like a certain one got it for Christmas....


Mami likes cooking too. Tenchi and husband are contemplating buying all of this actually reasonably priced kitchen stuff for ourselves one day. Reasonably priced stuff at Disney? Shocking.


We couldn't reach high enough to get the desired picture...but he looks scary X___X


A place fit for Mami. It is my dream to stay the night there...just one time...after I win the lottery.


Time to have a birthday dinner. Or to become dinner.


A place similar to the Rain Forrest Cafe but with dinosaurs....and other things...


Ah much better. XD


Why aren't you quite scary? Also we got to sit in an awesome seat. In the dinosaur section (some rooms had fishes and bones) and NEXT to the dinosaurs. We are probably in quite a few people's pictures.


Such a lovely snack. MMMM cheese.


Mami spots a bird. Do you see it?


Stitch is not spitting today. Good because Mami's hair is too amazing to get wet.


Almost bought this overpriced ornament. Or maybe it was reasonably priced and I just buy them at 50 percent off after Christmas.


Pictures inside the Christmas store.


Mami would it be a reasonable magical girl wish to own all these ornaments? No....? Back to the lottery then.


Are you a Hidden Mickey?


Mami thinks that some parts of Downtown Disney need a little love. Yes it is not a theme park but regular maintence is still needed. The Christmas spot looks lovely far away but close up X___X. More picture opportunities please!


Raise the flags it is time to spend money!


We have been to Downtown Disney quite a few times but never stopped to eat at Ghirardelli. We would eat the air though. So yummy!


Turns out the prices aren't THAT horrible. There are pricier options if that is what you want but I believe mine was around 6 dollars? Of course I did share with Mami. XD


Apparently I was in every single Pin Trading here you go! My pin loot. I go to the Discount Disney Store and buy cheapo pins. Then I go to the parks and hunt cast members down in search of lovely pins. And to my surprise my husband got really into it. It helps to be married to a fellow collector. But once we learned about Hidden Mickey pins it was game over. So much fun was had. Collect pins folks. Never a dull moment.


What it is time to collect more things? Vinylmation figurines are pretty expensive (well not as expensive as YOU Mami) and you get them (most of them) via blind boxes. But when we stumbled on a bunch of ugly ones 5 for 20 bucks how could I pass it up? I can simply trade them until I get the ones I want. Can we say success? Yay for hunting more things down folks!

And that was our lovely day at Downtown Disney. XD I think Mami had fun despite the fact we almost lost her hat five minutes into the trip. It's almost like we were at Disney....just no floats, parades, or rides! XD Hope you enjoyed watching us become broke! XD

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another episode 8: What deadly curse? Let's go to the beach!

I swear I have gotten things done today folks. Not so apparent judging by my blogging but….yeah. Or maybe I have been wasting time reading other people’s adventures and trips in Japan. XD Now I need to make a new list of things I want to see and do. And start saving money.

On the upside my car is looking amazing on the inside. Maybe I will take pictures tomorrow. Of at least the ceiling. It is like pin central. If I ever get in a car accident (HOPE NEVER AGAIN!) the car is not going to hurt me. It will be the rain of pins that will be crashing down on my head. XD But it is starting to look cool.


Super Happy Fun Time!

Up now is something I watched over 24 hours ago WEEE! Hopefully I remembered everything correctly and that I didn’t forgot anything important. But we shall move along anyway. Another episode 8. Spoilers for FUN at the beach!


Weeee driving around on dangerous cliffs is fun!!!

Episode Summary: After a misleading start Kouichi is seen question Aunt Reiko about her classmate Matsunaga (Mr. Cigarette Man) and how he was able to stop the curse. As usual she can’t remember anything but will go question him later. Well it turns out Cigarette Man is working at a beach resort so instead of waiting for the body count to increase Izumi, Teshigawara, Yuuya, Kouichi, Aunt Reiko, Sugiura, AND A RANDOM STUDENT all decide to go to the resort and get some answers. Izumi makes a big show of not wanting to ride in the same car as Teshigawara. There is a bit of tension on the highway but they eventually pass the city limits and everyone feels safe. Reiko then drives like a crazy person and Izumi tries flirting with Kouichi. Izumi also explains that she chose to be the class protector because she couldn’t allow such a curse to exist. When they arrive Cigarette Man is nowhere in sight. But everyone is like OH NO let’s go to the beach. Kouichi is like X__X but follows the group anyway.


Perhaps dating should be put on hold....until next year...when you are a survivor of this curse?

Mei is at the beach too as her family’s other home is nearby. While everyone else has fun throwing people into the ocean Mei tells Kouichi about her sad and fake family life. Eventually people break into teams to catch their own food but they catch a whole lot of crap and it all lands on someone in the process. Reiko eventually declares them losers and gets them real food to eat. Cigarette Man shows up but seems confused, as if he has seen Reiko recently when she thinks it has been 15 years. But he tries thinking back to 15 years ago. He remembers a shrine and leaving something behind for other classes. When Cigarette Man starts remembering more a beach ball flies out into the ocean and RANDOM KID goes after it. A few false alarms happen but eventually a boat comes along and runs over RANDOM KID tearing him into pieces and filling the ocean with blood. Everyone looks on in horror as the curse has attacked them outside the city. THE END!


Spin cycle horror movie style!

Well that was slightly boring right? That seems to be the verdict around the internets too. Might be a short post.


You don't even get a name. :( So sad.

So being the amazing sci-fi horror freak I am…and the fact that I have a brain I think it was fairly obvious who was going to die this episode IF someone was going to die. Might as well threw a red shirt at him and called it a day.


Dude he looks like a zombie. X___X

Okay folks. I have been looking on the internets while avoiding spoilers and I can’t find out what this dude’s name is. I am sure I could find it if I really, really tried. But I am afraid that if I go too deep I will be spoiled. I even braved going to Wiki where spoilers are apparently lurking but even their episode summary doesn’t say his name. So….I am going to call him John Doe. I was going to go with Red Shirt Yuki but that is just too silly. John Doe it is.


Episode 8 and we still got most of the Mains? Amazing. Me thinks that will change next episode. XD

So yes folks. When John Doe was in the car with all the other Main characters…..yeah. It was game over for John Doe. Tomohiko (the boy with glasses) is way more of an important character than John Doe. Even Ms. Drama student has had more interaction with Kouichi than…John Doe. While I don’t know what John Doe’s real name is I have seen him in the classroom. You know glaring at Kouichi and what not? Izumi said that some students blame Kouichi for acknowledge Mei so it is not out of the possibilities that John Doe is one of these people. And come on people. He hasn’t been on any meeting regarding how to stop the curse and what not. So why the heck was he even there?! Oh yes to die.


Then BAM a rock slide happens on the other side of the car weeee!!!

But I will say that the way he died was not what I was expecting. I was certain the semitruck was going to take out that other car. Like haha we are about to lose a bunch of Main cast people here. Just SPLAT right before the leaving DeathCityVille. Would have been hilarious. But then everyone breathed a sigh of relief and all was well.

Many people are asking why the heck the curse could get them away from the city. That is a pretty good question, especially since I have been pushing the whole everyone just leave!!! theory. However if the dead person was among them it could make the curse travel with them. Like I am at a Class 3 function thus the curse still applies. Some people think it is because the curse was mentioned. Guess we will have to wait and see.


I add so much to the plot...with my not remember and everything.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Aunt Reiko is the dead one. Or maybe she is the red herring. All facts are pointing towards her. Not sure how I am feeling about that. I wish there was more speculation on other characters so it could be a true mystery. But Reiko is really laying it on with the “I don’t remembers”. I think we can stop asking her questions now. It is obvious she knows nothing. Even Mr. Cigarette Man knows more than her and he knew one thing! So let’s stop asking her questions yes?

I am going to ignore the super fun slice of life beach scenes. Because even if everyone felt free as a bird to be away from the curse it does not change the fact that several of their classmates, family members, and their teacher had died. Mainly in horrible ways. So watermelon it up people. It’s not like you have seen and heard horrible things the past few weeks.


What an interesting hat!

But I guess Mei was cute. And so was Izumi when things landed on her head.

Oh yeah Mei was there. Because Mei couldn’t go on the journey to find Cigarette Man because she had to spend time with her family. Good thing her family’s house is next door to the beach resort Cigarette Man works out. Can’t have Kouichi bonding with other people you know. Although I did like the Team Nonexistent name……


Aunt Reiko can't even remember what she had for breakfast let alone things that happened last week or yesterday.

So most of the stuff in this episode was about having a fun day at the beach and Aunt Reiko not remembering important things. Then it happens. Cigarette Man finds them and starts talking about the curse. He left something behind to help future generations. People start getting headaches from trying to remember things. The wind blows. The 200 yen beach ball flies into the ocean about a million miles away. John Doe decides to swim after it.


Curse you censors!!!

I suppose we can guess how that ends.


Maybe next time put it in a more obvious place.

Yay for fun at the beach. Next week it looks like Kouichi is going to have a super fun dream with all the dead people coming to haunt me. I wonder if we will get any new deaths or will that dream count as our horror portion of the episode?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mirai Nikki episode 20

XD Our day trip yesterday was pretty fun. I need a better sleep schedule though. As does my cat. Perhaps I should join the rest of the world and sleep when it is dark outside. Amazing concept I know.

But we had a great deal of fun yesterday. We helped to stimulate the economy while having a blast. Pictures to come soon. Apparently I things to catch up on, like chores and work. Oh and blogging.


The real person running the show!

Up now is the wonderful adventure into Mirai Nikki episode 20 land. Spoilers for a surprise proposal and pregnancy! If the pregnant one dies…I will be crushed.


Um....this is a new approach. Making everyone equals and then ruling over them.

Episode Summary: Yuki pushes Yuno out of the way before a bullet is put in her brain. Akise is like no she is a fake Yuno. Yuki points out that after going on a mass killing spree, kidnapping him, and threatening to kill Momma and Dad a little thing like “stolen identity” isn’t going to separate him from Yuno. Or he simply says Yuno is Yuno. Everyone apparently escapes though. Akise is definitely having remorse about not being able to convince Yuki of this important fact. Minene and her naked self are taking a shower and thinking about what Nishijima is going to do. He is in a meeting that is talking about how the mayor needs to be protected at all costs now. In the end Nishijima decides to give Minene the information she needs to find the mayor. 11th has taken 8th to a local college where the 3rd biggest supercomputer in Japan is. He will use 8th’s server to give everyone in the city a Future Diary, his goal all along. To make super humans or something. 8th still has some kids left so 11th is able to use that against her. 8th strips down to her underwear and it is hard to remember what happened after that as I passed out. I am going to assume 11th got the server though. Minene tries to blow up 11th, 8th, and the computer but 11th catches her grenade and throws it back at her.


I'm supposed to be the hero!!!

Minene escapes but at every turn men are able to find her no matter what. Minene thinks this is due to 11th’s Diary. Nishijima shows up before Minene can get caught. He throws everyone off Minene’s trail….and then proposes marriage. After Minene remembers she is like hell no. Nishijima wants to have sex with Minene because she is hot and he wants her to have his baby. Minene is not impressed but if Nishijima can help blow up the computer she will do anything. Minene tries her best to make it back to the computer but she is caught again. She starts having flashbacks of when she was a small girl living in a war zone when Nishijima comes out of nowhere, rescues Minene, and is able to blow up the computer without being stopped. Nishijima tries to collect Minene’s hand in marriage but gets a call from…well all over the place. It turns out that there are three parts to this super computer and some people were issued Apprentice Diaries. This leads to numerous people committing crimes and being weird. MurMur watches this all and declares checkmate against Dues. Murmur comments that Minene can’t win now unless she figures out how 11th’s Diary works. Dues decides to take a nap but really he is going to talk to himself about how MurMur has been controlling the whole game and he needs to change things.


Well this isn't going great is it?

Minene thinks that she is going to meet up with Akise but instead it is Kousaka, Hinata, and Mao. Maybe they add up to one Akise. All of them have Diaries, with varying levels of stupidity. Minene wants everyone to break up into two groups and help blow up the two remaining computer parts. Kousaka decides not to help because Minene killed half of his classmates. Minene decides to leave everyone since she is on a death mission anyway. She even releases her pet chipmunks. But then she discovers her girl chipmunk is pregnant and it is all cute. Nishijima comes back and says he will not leave her…because they are going to get married. Also all the useless people come back to help too. Minene goes to ask Dues for help but he stabs her with something…and that is about it. They go to a mall where the computer is kept it too separate towers. Okay I lied Deus did tell Minene what 11th’s Diary is. It turns out that 11th is the one who came up with the entire game and concept of Future Diaries. Thus he made his ability the ability to see everyone else’s Diaries. Everyone then starts typing in false information to throw him off. This works for a while until 11th starts using his right hand man’s Apprentice Diary to find the right information. This leads to all the stupid kids being kidnapped, Minene’s arm being blown off, and Nishijima being shot in the chest. Minene drags him to safety but Nishijima tells Minene to leave him behind. Minene won’t and when another guard runs down the stairs Nishijima uses his body as a bullet shield. He obviously dies and Minene waits to die as well. Yuki comes down the stairs and kills that guard. Yuki tells Yuno it is game on now. Yuno happily goes around with her machine gun shooting anything that moves. Minene seems rather pissed that Yuki was using her as bait but she follows him anyway. Yuno brings Yuki some civilian hostages as they might prove to be 11th’s weakness. THE END!

Misleading cliffhangers are misleading.


Yuno just happens to be a crazy person though...

Obviously I am referring to Yuki pulling away from Yuno in the last episode. Suddenly in this episode Yuki was pulling Yuno TO him as 11th was trying to gun her down. Oh I see. I SEE. My eyes have deceived me. That clearly was a pull not a push. I SEE.


This is my little crazy!

But in the end the result was the same. I am happy to report that when Yuki got his new clothes he got a brain. Or some balls. Hopefully a brain. While I think Yuki should have asked Yuno LATER what was up him supporting her in that moment was correct. If only because he needed to live. But since Yuno has been protecting Yuki (in sometimes questionable ways) all this time Yuki staying with Yuno was the obvious choice. Sometimes Yuki has problems with the obvious choice though.


Me thinks we are not going to get an explanation on Big Head either.

As it was pointed out last episode though…everyone was stupid in not trying to take out the other Diary Users. It became apparent later in this episode why 11th kept 8th alive but everyone else. As one of my commentators points out last week…throw a grenade Minene. Kill them all! 11th only had one bullet to aim at Yuno? These crazy people.


Maybe the scenes where Minene acts cute would make more sense....

Everyone via the internet who has read the manga said this episode went by fast and because of that some stuff got cut. I am thinking that some of that stuff would be Nishijima’s interactions with Minene and Minene’s back story. Now that Nishijima is dead I am thinking that maybe his past won’t be explained. Just a feeling. We might still have time for a bit of Minene’s back story but at this point I am not expecting much.


I am sure this lovely little....romance would make more sense in the manga too.

Not that it will end bad. I know that in mangas there is much more time to talk out boring but necessary plot points. While I am sure there is some filler stuff the anime has added that could have been taken out to put in more information…I can’t really if that is a weakness or not. I haven’t read the manga so I can’t say what should and should not be taken out. Just as an anime only watcher I think things went a little faced and felt forced.


Is this atop the tower of fail too?


No cake for me please.

Was Nishijima crazy though? Minene tried to kill him right at the beginning of this game. I am going to assume (as I have not read the manga) that is when they first met. So…what exactly did Nishijima like about Minene? Was he serious that he only wanted to marry Minene because of her body? Because….that might be the only thing positive that Nishijima knows about Minene. Maybe he does know her past and why she goes around blowing up buildings. And maybe he knows what her wish is, that no matter how many people she kills once she is god everything will be okay. Because otherwise all he knows is she is a slightly less crazy person that Yuno with a huge rack.


Cheater face!!!!

I think that Deus is a giant cheater. MurMur obviously is a sneaky little demon thing but we all know that yes? She has been running the show from the start. And everyone has been boo hoo Deus. He might have picked Yuki to be the winner but he basically made Yuki the biggest target! How is that favoritism?! But now folks…now…he is a cheater. And has been the entire time.


And you did this....why?


Call me crazy but this seems....a little unfair.

Why would Deus approach 11th first? And go with his ideas that obviously favor HIM for a game that will decide the rest of the universe/future of Earth? I thought that Yuki was the only one that Deus was in contact with but OBVIOUSLY was not the case. Deus acted like it was Yuki’s idea for a game but 11th was the one with the rules and a plan to win all ready to submit to Deus. Is there a reason behind this blatant favoritism? If Dues is worried about MurMur’s plan working why wouldn’t he give others a heads up before now? This is all becoming insane. But maybe Deus really, really, REALLY doesn’t want Yuno to win that badly….


Never ask questions. Questions are the enemy.

I am not even going to pretend to know what that stabbing Minene was all about. Maybe it was to give her armor to protect her from bullets. Because yes folks I will question the use of human meat shields. Whatever Dues did he didn’t do it to her arm….XD


Thanks for sending them Akise.

I might be a little slow but how were Minene and Yuki’s crew able to confuse 11th? By writing new updates that would override the old ones? I guess I really don’t know these type of phones work. I am still X__x that Yuki was writing a Diary on his phone to begin with. I can text pretty fast but where the heck would I store such blog entries. Maybe I should be more confused with the fact that Yuki’s people are willing to help Minene. Akise asked them to do so but for what reason? How does helping Minene help Yuki? Maybe Akise couldn’t find Yuki so he was doing the best he could to take out 11th without knowing what Yuki was doing. Can’t help but notice Akise sent Minene so useless people. XD


Thanks for the rescue...

Now….Akise wasn’t there helping because he was doing something else. But it turns out that Yuki and Yuno were watching/following Minene the entire time. So what was Akise doing? Trying to find out who Yuno really was? That was not mentioned at during this episode. I am hoping that episode 21 will start off where 19 left off, with Yuki and Yuno running away and Yuno telling Yuki ANYTHING to calm his natural fears. I don’t know if she would tell him the truth or not but I do think she needs to tell him something, that we need to see what Yuki and Yuno were doing during that time frame.


Nishijima picked the wrong side...

Did Yuki allow Nishijima to die? It is questionable on whether Yuki or Minene has the mentality that they are going to wish back all the people who died in this process but still. If Yuki and Yuno were in the building the entire time were they just waiting for the smartest cop to die before stepping in? Nishijima’s allegiance is obviously in Minene’s corner which means he would be a super threat in the future. Now logically that means that Yuki should have allowed Minene to die (especially with such a serious injury) but maybe he is keeping her around for fire power. Well I mean Yuno is keeping her around but you know what I mean.


Of course...she has to go up against Yuno. Who has both arms and eyes and has killed everyone who looked at her side ways....

I do think that Minene will go after Yuki and Yuno with full force. Minene was protesting too much in regards to Nishijima but deep down she probably liked him. Or found him tolerable. And being tolerable in Minene’s world means you are awesome. And Minene doesn’t seem the kind of person to be forgiven over something like this. She might also think that Yuki should have come to the rescue sooner. Minene doesn’t need an arm to get her revenge although she might run out of body parts to take out Yuki and Yuno.


Hopefully they live!

So in conclusion Nishijima is dead, Yuno’s….”past” has yet to be explained, and 11th is a giant cheater. Oh and did I mention the most amazing thing of all. Pregnant chipmunks! WEEE for everyone!


Oh snap now everyone is a badass.