Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fate/Zero episode 13: The Giant and the Crazy

XO I woke up at the crack of dawn because my cat ate through a box to get some food. Like he is a wild animal that has never been fed before. X__X He is such a crazy animal. Guess he wanted to end the new year with a bang. Just let me sleep next time.

I has lots to do before I go to my shorten work day. Stay away from the online games! I got things to blog, stuff to clean, and fun to have. Wait online games are fun…..XD


Oh snap Rider likes to waste time with video games too!

Up now is the last episode (for now) of Fate Zero. XO Time just flew by right? Spoilers for crazy people acting crazy and a lot of talking. A LOT!



Episode Summary: Rider is looking out and the ocean and having a moment….back when he was alive. Waver wakes up and realizes he saw part of Rider’s past. He decides that they are going into town for a change of pace. Caster and Ryuu return back to their lair to find that Rider has trashed the place. Ryuu seriously has a meltdown and cries that his masterpieces have been destroyed. Didn’t they see the beauty in his creations? Caster says this is proof that God doesn’t exist and humanity is evil and blah blah. Ryuu takes a moment to dry his tears and talk about why he believes in God. Basically he thinks God is a puppet master and likes everything human does, whether it be people helping other people or making blood paintings with young children. Caster, who originally was upset no one ever punished him for his horrible crimes, has renewed faith thanks to Ryuu’s crazy words. They decide to make a better work of art and show God how insane…passionate they really are.


So Caster kept on doing bad things because he wasn't punished. I see.

Waver has made it to a library and wants to research Rider’s past. He finds a book and tries to read up on Rider. Rider returns from his shopping where he has bought a video game. Rider finds out that Waver wanted to know about him and says dude just ask me. On the way back home Waver expresses how unhappy he is with this partnership. That he wanted to win on his own, not on Rider’s coattails. Rider expresses how he feels inside, both saying that Waver is a strong person and that he is a weak person. That maybe they are a better match then he thinks. Before there can be a moment Rider and Saber sense something bad is happening in the river nearby. Caster has decided to show Ryuu something amazing. This amazing thing is Caster turning himself into a tentacle monster. Rider and Saber agree to have a brief alliance to take out Caster. Lance also shows up because he is hot. They go in for the kill and…THE END!

I…what? Where is my action? Where are the fights? WHY IS EVERYONE TALKING?!

First off Ryuu and Caster are beyond crazy. I think that is obvious to everyone watching this show. But they take it to a different level in this episode. A level where I fear leaving my house as people like this might really exist. Case in point is Ryuu being upset his wall drawings (AKA dead kids) were destroyed. THOSE people are not human, not the person cutting up kids to use as art tools.


:( Poor Ryuu. Life is so not fair.

But then Ryuu kills the driver of the crazy train, drives to Insanity, and becomes president of WTF. He manages to convince another crazy person that God HAS to exist because crazy things in this world happen. Like people growing up to be serial killers. Or flowers. Flowers or dead people. It is all the same as long as you can find entertainment value in it. Also God likes humans because why else would he give them free will and write the script to their lives at the same time!

I am going to be honest it was hard to follow just what these crazy people were talking about. And I feel like that cop in the last SAW movie, the one who said crazy about 4983439 times. Because that is how I felt after watching this scene. Also why the heck are these two getting so much screen time when one Master/Servant Team have been on the screen for like 5 minutes in the last 13 episodes. Oh because they actually have a good reason to in this War? Then carry on child killer.


I think God would like to have a word with you.

I am not sure what Caster believes but he is deeply moved by Ryuu’s words. Which means they deserve each other. Usually this means YAY yaoi pairing in my world but I typically like both of my pairings to resemble humans. Caster is looking a little too fish like for my taste. So while Caster and Ryuu have rationalized why it is okay to be serial killers and do it for God I am sitting here thinking…where is Saber?


Just lala walking around during a war.

So while Caster and Ryuu promise to rebuild their House of Blood Waver decides that he needs to spend some quality time with Rider. I guess seeing Kayneth and his broken fingers will have to wait until next season. Along with that other Master/Servant Team that has fallen off the face of the planet.


Because you are a but....boastful....?

I think I actually like that Waver looked up stuff about Rider. Yes this show has taken a lot of liberties in terms of…well everything but mainly history. But I like how Waver wasn’t going on stuff that Rider said as a “hero” (AKA someone with a huge ego) might exaggerate his past. Turns out Rider is pretty straight forward with his downfalls and what not but still. I like how Waver wanted to know about Rider without hurting feelings or simply because he wanted straight forward answers.

I am not sure how I feel about Rider’s real goal in conquering the world. Especially after his anger issues towards Saber a few weeks ago. Yes I still remember how insane you acted. Crazy pants. Him wanting more and more, to be the best like no one ever was sounds a lot more like his personality than seeing the ocean. I think a noble but impossible dream of protecting your people is better than seeing the ocean. But maybe because I have seen the ocean I am a bit biased. That and he YELLED AT SABER!

I was slightly amused that Rider wanted a video game. I guess that shouldn’t surprise me as he wanted that shirt so very bad. Still he comes across as a person who is so noble and full of ideas and what not about ancient ways of being…and he wants a video game. X___X Me thinks he might not be taking this Holy Grail War AS SERIOUSLY as he should be.


Right because Assassin isn't DEAD or anything.

I didn’t find Waver whining or weak in this episode. I found him to be very relateable. He kinda did enter this war under….special circumstances. His Servant has said some things about his character and what not. So I can see why he questions if they make a good pair. Now I don’t think he would have done any better with another Servant (which is hard to say at this point since only one Servant has been taken out and that was on purpose) but I can see why he questions his pairing with Rider as they do seem like opposites.


So much emo.

That and he is a teenager and teenagers tend to be angsty and what not. This is kinda typical behavior. XD

Rider….I think I liked his answers. I think. He wasn’t AS RUDE as he was when talking to Saber. But he didn’t lie or sugar coat things. Like yeah maybe things would have gone differently had they not been partners. Oh no you would be dead with Assassin. But he said all of this in a calm voice and said hey…things will be better if we play video games. Okay maybe he lost me on that one but you know. I think deep down he is okay with working with Waver and maybe they bring out the best in the other?


I'll drive you to the beach Rider! Oh wait no....

But he also acknowledge that he was a fool that just wanted to see the ocean and failed. Maybe he should have apologized to Saber instead of comparing himself to Waver who is trying to prove himself.


So everything he does is insane.

I am not sure what Caster was trying to do in the water. Ryuu seemed excited though. I am also not sure how Rider was able to go around and find people to recruit in his Let’s Beat Castor Party. But they are all ready to fight. Wonder if Archer will show up and help?


The series shall end with me being AWESOME!

And that is about it. We will have to wait until Spring to see the rest of the series. So far there have not been many battles and the characters have been pretty content in talking for 22 minutes at a time. But I think that will change with the next 13 episodes. Are we ready to battle?! XO

Friday, December 30, 2011

Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi Season 2 episode 12


And now it is Takano's turn to be emo!

So far behind!!! X__X Many things to do and not enough time to do them with my crazy broken eye. So please enjoy my fairly late Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi Season 2 episode 12 post. Spoilers for Takano taking a trip down memory lane!


So does that make you a stalker too?

Episode Summary: Takano and Ritsu are riding the train to work. Takano is not feeling 100 percent but Ritsu won’t share his spot so Takano can sit next to him. Takano is banished to the other side of the cabin where he falls asleep. Before he dozes off though he thinks about how cold Ritsu is and how in high school things were totally different. WEEE to high school time. Takano thinks to himself that he knew who Ritsu was before the little kid even confessed to him. Takano comes from a broken family and would hide out in the library after school to avoid going home. He would recheck out some of his favorite books again and noticed that Ritsu checked out…all of them. Now Ritsu is acting uncomfortable and nervous around him, asking if Takano meant it when he said they should go out. Now Takano is so unhappy with his situation at home the thought of Ritsu being this happy and genuine pisses him off and Takano just wants to break the boy. The only comfort Takano seems to have in his life are books and the random cat he found. His parents bicker all the time and neither go to Takano’s school in regards to his future plans.


Maybe Ritsu will be sneakier next time?

Despite this Takano helps Ritsu out when the boy can’t order a sammich from Subway and they bond big time over books and authors. But after a particularly bad day with his parents Takano cannot handle Ritsu being nice to him. Takano snaps and basically says he hates Ritsu and tells him to leave him alone. Ritsu runs off all hurt while Takano thinks about how he sucks and maybe it is better this way. But when Takano goes to leave school and finds that it is raining….Ritsu has returned with an umbrella. Takano asks why Ritsu came back after he said all those things. Ritsu sorta puts the blame on his stalker ways and says that Takano seems stressed out lately. Ritsu offers to listen to Takano if he needs help. Takano is touched by how Ritsu keeps on giving without expecting anything in return. He even tries to hold Ritsu’s hand but Ritsu runs off all embarrassed. Takano catches Ritsu being all cute during school and realizes….MOG I love that kid?! Takano is able to turn down a girl gently and admits he has someone he cares about. That is when he asks Ritsu to come over to his house. Back in the present Takano misses the caring and sweet Ritsu. But when Takano pretends to be sick Ritsu rushes to his side. Despite the fact that Ritsu is a little different Takano is happy to be with him. THE END!

So….where is my lovely sweet almost sex scenes with flowers and sparkles? Yeah I didn’t see any of that. What I did see was Takano acting like a jerk and Ritsu acting like a pushover. Maybe Yokozawa should have been with Takano after all….


Did I say nice? I meant that I hate Takano!

However…it was nice seeing all of this from Takano’s point of view. Not that it was a LOVELY point of view but I guess that makes it more real. Or something. Is real the new word for HORRIBLE yet relatable? We saw Ritsu and his sparkle relationship in the first episode so I guess it is only fitting that we see Takano’s perspective on the events.

Also it was nice to see it wasn’t just a OH HI let’s have sex because you like me relationship. Which is what I thought happened. That poor Ritsu was so swept up in Takano giving him attention he allowed the sexy times to take place before any “dating” went on. So that was a nice surprise, that they actually did other things before getting all hot and heavy.


There are barely any scenes with the family so...have some Ritsu freaking out over hand holding.

I feel as if we learned nothing from Takano’s rough family life. I guess we can just imagine what all the tension was about as no real reason was given for the parents acting like that. Did the “father” just find out Takano wasn’t his real son? Or was it just them growing apart? Or had they always acted like this? No doubt the atmosphere was horrible and would make anyone have relationship issues later in life but no concrete reason was given to WHY the fighting was taking place.


TOO ADORABLE!!!! And sad for words.

I think the cat played a very important part in this episode and it makes me sad that Yokozawa took him (her?) away from Takano. But maybe that was the point. Takano only had this cat to care about and obviously the cat cared about him. Waiting for him to come home from school and being there for him in an empty house. Maybe Yokozawa thought taking away the cat would be a wakeup call for Takano. Too bad the cat stayed with the one who could really take care of him. :( Maybe the episode should have ended with Yokozawa giving the cat to Ritsu and loving him more.


Just a little stalking going on....

Now….I do think that Ritsu was being kinda stalkerish. And Japan seems to be the kind of place where you keep your feelings to yourself. And Takano is the kind of guy who is so far removed from companionship I am surprised he rescued the cat. So I can see how at first Takano would be freaked out by Ritsu. Like MOG too bright he happiness blinds me!


What an unhealthy way to go through life YAY!!!

But Takano being so cruel to Ritsu….just no. Him thinking about wanting to break Ritsu’s spirit is so sad. Ritsu was genuinely missing part of his brain and sparkling all over the place and all Takano wanted to do was make him miserable like him. And of course I thought the homophobic stuff was pretty harsh. He wanted to break Ritsu’s spirit right, not be a bigot? If you don’t want to be with a guy then don’t. Simple as that.


Are you sure you don't want to hit him with one or something?

Ritsu being able to forgive him instantly…that was a bit much. I mean….maybe after a while Ritsu could have realized Takano was speaking from an extreme place of hurt and late forgiven him. But to run back and give him an umbrella 5 minutes later. There is love and then there is….well something that makes me sad. Poor Ritsu. No wonder he grew up to be so bitter.


Ordering food is very hard folks!

This is not to say Takano was a complete asshole. These feelings were new to him and he grew up in a broken family. But there were tiny pieces of hope throughout the episode. Like eating at the restaurant with a confused Ritsu/Mugi. Talking about their favorite author. Laughing at Ritsu having a spaz attack. It was nice to see Takano having fun. Just wish he had taken out his aggressions on the people who were hurting him not the person trying to make his life better.


Ritsu is not so sparkly anymore though...

Of course we all know how the story ends which makes Takano realizing he is IN LOVE even more bitter sweet. Such a small misunderstanding makes them lose out on ten years with each other. X__X Maybe that will make me rethink arguments I get in with people. I wouldn’t want them to cause 10 years worth of problems.


Ritsu just needs to give in already since he said the magical words!!!

Takano and Ritsu on the train….well I wish Ritsu would be a little more friendly with Takano. I can see how he wants to be discrete in public but sitting next to Takano would make him happy. Looks like Ritsu is still protesting too much. But he shows how much he really cares when Takano pretends to be sick. So they don’t have the sparkle relationship of high school nor did Takano get his way in breaking Ritsu…totally. Instead they are slightly jaded adults willing to open up their hearts. Just not their bedrooms because of the censors.


Being an adult is fun. Sparkle on.

Overall this was a pretty interesting series to watch. I fear for manga artists everywhere now. X__X One couple had too much focus while another barely got any screen time at all. And Ritsu needed to stop living in denial a little faster. But overall…..yeah working for a manga company is scary. THE END!

Mirai Nikki episode 12

I need to start off with an apology. Last time I blogged this show I thought for some reason it was episode 12. X__X Maybe because I was excited about what was going to happen in episode 13 due to whisperings on the internet? The whisperings being that Yuno is going to be crazy. Because she is not crazy YET.

So yeah I apologize for being so utterly wrong for 7 days. :*( Sorry if that caused any confusion.

Photobucket in danger? I AM SHOCKED FOLKS!

But let’s get to blogging folks! Spoilers for the real episode 12 of Mirai Nikki. That being bombs and dramatic words and such.


To floor 3 of the hospital? For a mental evaluation?

Episode Summary: Episode Summary: That random cop dude is talking to Keigo about how there are explosive everywhere but they are surrounding the building. Minene tells Yuno and Yuki her plans on getting them out alive. Yuki is going to patrol the halls, Yuno is going to guard the hostages (wife and sick son), and Minene will talk to Keigo and negotiate their way out. Yuki is like WTF but Minene gives him a grenade and tells him to go at it. Yuki tries to cheer Yuno up by saying if they get out of here alive he wants to take her somewhere. Minene calls Keigo but Keigo is like NO DEAL. He has given up trying to save his kid and will instead become a god to wish him and his wife back to life. Minene is not pleased about this turn o events. Yuno tries to warn Yuki to run but he is taken down by 6 armed SWAT people because overkill is fun. Random cop dude is like Keigo this is a BAD plan. Keigo tells random cop to go home and goes into the hospital. Before he can reach Yuki Yuno appears out of nowhere and kills ALL the SWAT people. Keigo takes Yuki hostage and there is a Mexican standoff in the hall. Then Yuno decides she will kill Keigo and herself to save Yuki. Yuki is like UM NO but Yuno gets a hold of the grenade and pulls the pin.


Yuno....why aren't you trying to be badass?

Minene tried escaping from the building only to run into random cop. He takes her into custody as the grenade goes off. Minene was like oh that was just a flash bomb it will be fine. Well then the real bomb goes off sending Yuki, Yuno, and Keigo flying. Keigo manages to get a hold of Yuno and Yuki is the one with a gun. But his phone shows him accidentally killing Yuno in the process. Yuno begs Yuki to kill her and Keigo, as she has reached so much happiness already and wants Yuki to be safe. Yuki screams that is not good enough, that he wants to be with her because he loves her and they can make it out of here together. For some reason Yuki saying that makes his aim better and he only hits Keigo. Keigo tries to take out Yuno anyway but Minene and random cop show up. Minene told random cop about all the crazy and how Yuki and Yuno are innocent (WTF?!) and that Keigo is no longer a cop. Keigo then breaks his phone, asks Minene to take care of his son, and tells Yuki to win the game. Then he poofs away. ALL IS WELL THOUGH! Yuki and Yuno are set free from random cop and all is blamed on Keigo WEEEE! So Yuki decides that he is going to take Yuno to see his dad and the stars! Only Akise is trying to warn Yuki about spending time with on the run Yuno. Which is probably a good idea since Yuno’s bag as a pile of bones in it. THE END!


I am a little disappointed. Mainly because it seems that Minene was the main badass this episode and she had a humorous scene! Then we had Yuno flip floppin all over the place. And then there was Yuki. Yeah…Yuki.


XO Well someone is putting all their crazy eggs in the crazy basket.

But the biggest badass moment of the show came when Keigo was like PSHT who cares if my family is hostage. Let them die. I will become God and fix everything anyway YAY!!! That might be smart thinking but DAMN. That is banking on a lot of different scenarios. I mean he could still be killed by one of the remaining Diary Users if Yuno and Yuki were out of the way. That and I am not sure how I could function if my family/husband was killed even if I could maybe bring them back.


Burn victim Keigo reporting for duty.

Okay so putting that aside Keigo looked pretty stupid. Maybe he was acting badass but I couldn’t take him seriously with that getup on. I am surprised that during the intermission between episode 11 and 12 they didn’t tap his arms to his head or something. So stupid.


Just remember that Deus hates Yuki more.

I love how Minene came up with this mega plan and nothing happened the way she wanted it to. Which is a good thing I guess. If things were predictable it would be a boring show yes? But Minene was like okay Yuki here is you a grenade and you are going to guard us while I make nice with Keigo. Her crazy faces when she realized that everything was going down the toilet was priceless.


Well good thing YOU are in charge seeing how you are so...understanding of crazy people.

However a bunch of people need to be fired…again. Minene was sneaking outside the hospital and NO ONE saw her? Were they all getting shot by Yuno inside? Apparently. This gave Minene a reason to be captured by random cop dude…and explain to him in a few minutes what the Diaries were all about and have him fire Keigo. Because he has that kind of authority…..

Speaking of Yuno….her shooting skills have were AMAZING this episode. She was right in front of Keigo last week and managed to only shoot him in the ear. This episode she shot like 6 SWAT team like people all in the one vulnerable spot on their necks. Just bam bam bam. Maybe if she had done that LAST EPISODE things would have turned out differently?


It is hard to have a happy ending when you are in 392832 pieces.

I was slightly disappointed that the bomb wasn’t real. I guess if it was that would mean Yuki would seriously be in trouble right? Well mainly because Yuno would be dead but also because I am sure having pieces of random metal in your back might cause a delay in your own escape.


Yuki falling in love with Yuno means he has serious mental problems...

While Yuki has been reacting like a normal teenage boy thus far in this series (acting SCARED and uncertain) he took a dose of courage or something. Yuno for some reason was content to die TWICE and Yuki was like crazy you can’t be with me if you are dead! Yuno was fine dying for Yuki but Yuki pointed out that HE would not be fine with that. That if they both tried really hard maybe they could overlook that rule of one person surviving and they could be happy. Yuki convinced Yuno that instead of being okay with 2nd place it was time to reach for the stars.


And then Minene killed them all YAY!!!

So Yuki shots Keigo and Yuno is still all amazed that Yuki actually likes her. Minene comes and disappoints me. Instead of shooting EVERYONE she simply tells Keigo now his Investigation Diary is useless so he has to commit suicide. Which is what she wanted from the start. But she was actually in a position to kill ALL OF THEM. Meh. Maybe having a cop handcuffed to her stopped her from reaching all the awesome.

I love how Keigo was like take care of my kid Minene….but wants Yuki to win. Um shouldn’t you be asking the ALIVE person that? Or the person you want to be alive? Just saying.


Well then....I guess life is okay. Because the person Yuki hurt didn't die. I see.

But a lot of things don’t make sense with this series. Like how Yuno killed at least 6 cops and Yuki shot one and NOTHING happened to them. Well Akise was telling Yuki that Yuno was on the run but from what? Yuki had just said 5 seconds ago that they were cleared of all charges thanks to the new guy in charge so why was she running? Because the cops realized SHE KILLED 6 OF THEM?! Really that made me mad. The school blows up life moves on. Mao gets stabbed but hey we aren’t going to see them again. And now Yuki and Yuno can shoot all the cops they want but magically get away with it. I SEE.


Don't leave home without mom and dad!!!

Oh and did I mention that Yuno is crazy? When I go on trips I don’t pack skeletons. I just don’t. Especially on a plane because I am not paying for extra baggage! What happened to that big hole in the backyard? Is that where most of the body parts went but Yuno needs the heads for something else? Crazy.

So my new theories of the week are as follows. Daddy didn’t pick up the phone because he is a Diary user. Or dead. Or maybe MAYBE when Yuki’s parents got divorced he married Yuno’s mom and abused the family and Yuno killed him and is returning the skull to its HOME. That’s why Yuno needs to be with Yuki, her amazing not really stepbrother…so she can kill him HAHAHA!!!

Probably not. But dad could be dead. Or a Diary User. I just want to see what crazy thing Yuno might do next week. WANTS TO SEE!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi Season 2 episode 11

Tenchi….blogging? What is this?!

No seriously the past three days I have been kidnapped. I have been held hostage at the mall, antique stores, and every store in between. I have three dollars in my wallet. X__X I am so broke I can’t even buy a vowel. On the bright side I am completely done Christmas shopping for some people for 2012. Yes folks I shop in advance.


XO Sorry I have kept to my own deadlines!

As a result no anime has gotten blogged since Christmas Eve. I am slightly behind X__X. Time to catch up? Haha no I will just keep being behind until probably next Tuesday. Unless I am kidnapped again for shopping. Anyway here is Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi Season 2episode 11!


Err.....that was pretty straightforward....

Episode Summary: The first few minutes were really just scenes from the last episode, with Yokozawa and Ritsu fighting and Takano overhearing the fight. After a business meeting Takano pulls Yokozawa aside so they can talk. Takano wants to know what Yokozawa said to Ritsu. When he gets no answer Takano acknowledges that Yokozawa might have feelings for him due to a brief sexual relationship a long time ago but Takano honestly loves Ritsu. Yokozawa nearly breaks down and says that all these years he has waited for Takano, that when Takano was going through that rough time he was the only person that Takano did not delete from his life. Takano says that he doesn’t feel the same way and despite the fact Ritsu might have hurt him in the past he still loves him. Yokozawa has decided to stop waiting for Takano but needs time to heal. Yokozawa returns to his office and proceeds to bite everyone’s heads off in frustration. When Takano returns upstairs he hears that Ritsu has left to return a library book.


Just a little bit emo....

Takano sets out after him and eventually ends up under an awning with Ritsu as it pours down rain. He tells Ritsu that he told Yokozawa they will not be getting back together as he is in love with Ritsu. Ritsu is like X___X and Takano keeps on talking, about how Ritsu having a fiancĂ©e was one of the factors that messed him up back then as well as the divorce and finding out his dad was not his real dad. He also talks about how he didn’t recognize Ritsu right away as Ritsu always blushed during sex. Ritsu gets embarrassed and says well OF COURSE he was only watching Takano from far away at first. Then it is revealed that Takano looked for Ritsu but since Ritsu used a fake name when checking out books he was unable to locate him. This leads to X___X feelings. But Takano takes a deep breath and says he loves Ritsu now and isn’t stuck in the past. Ritsu says he loves him too but the rain drowns out his words and Ritsu won’t repeat it. But Takano takes his hand and leads him back home. Then it turns into sexy time that Ritsu RESPONDS to. This makes Takano happy and we see nothing. :( At work the next day Yokozawa still hates Ritsu but thinks Ritsu is a good worker and as long as he loves Takano things will be okay. Takano flirts with Ritsu in the office…yet tell him some bad news about a storyboard. Ritsu has a spaz attack and all ends well. THE END!

People…..actually said all the words in their minds…and there were no misunderstandings? Pick me off the ground I am SHOCKED. Shocked folks.

Well when Ritsu did confess his feelings the rain did drown out his voice…but later during sexy times when he grabbed Takano that probably spoke louder than words. But other than that NO DRAMA with misunderstandings. I am amazed folks.


I wonder why there was misunderstandings in the first place.....

First Takano is like look Yokozawa tell me what you said to Ritsu. Oh and I know you might still have feelings for me that one time I slept with you and basically made you the most important person in my life. But no that isn’t going to happen again. Ever. Look at Takano being so direct. Could he have been nicer? Probably but he was talking to another boy and they like things that are straight to the point anyway yes?


So much anger. X__X

Yokozawa….well it was nice that he finally explained how he was feeling. Even if it made me feel embarrassed for him. Sticking around someone for nearly 10 years in hopes that one day he would love me back….someone needs more self-esteem. I feel very sorry for him in that regards but not how crazy he was with his Ritsu hating. It makes more sense once we see Takano delete EVERYONE else from his old life and keep Yokozawa around. I can see how he could have been lead on for some time because of that….but 10 years is a long time to wait. A LONG TIME.

In the end I think there should have been more tears and angry feelings. Yokozawa probably needs more than a few days to get over this ACTUALLY being over even if in his heart he knew the truth the entire time. And Takano does have to forgive Yokozawa for what he has done to Ritsu. It is nice that they showed them being mature and all adult like but it didn’t feel as real to me as it could have been.


What was that? The rain drowned out your love confession?

While I thought it was a bit magical for the boys to be stranded under the awning together they were eventually going to talk it out so I guess it doesn’t matter the location. But dude it was just one BAM after another. Did I mention the part when Takano mentioned before his dad was not his real dad? I thought they just got divorced but haha I guess that would be a good reason to leave your wife. Takano kept saying it was a bunch of things that made him “get upset” but he only mentioned the divorce and Ritsu so….


But you ARE a stalker.

I think the most hilarious thing revealed in this episode was Takano trying to find Ritsu only he failed because Ritsu “lied” about his real name. But Ritsu never lied about his name to Takano’s face and Takano never thought to ASK him his name before there was naked penis time. So Takano was having sex with someone and he didn’t know their real name. To me this is hilarious.


I guess missing out on 10 years of awesome sex could make a person upset...

Okay maybe the boys didn’t find it hilarious. In fact had Ritsu used his real name Takano might have been able to find them and NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED! 10 years of misunderstood feelings and not amazing sex (since you know…they were always thinking about the other). Just….I can see why Ritsu would want to hide his name (as he was correct that Takano noticed) but one would THINK that the silly topic of NAMES would come up since last names are used FIRST in Japan.

It was nice thought that Takano explained why he laughed when Ritsu asked if he loved him. Well back in high school. Because Takano’s reason makes sense. Like I just got done having sex with you and you are asking if I love you? But since I don’t live in Japan and am not a boy maybe it is harder to express and understand other people’s feelings. So I understand why Ritsu asked and why Takano thought it was silly.


MOG please kill me now.

The whole embarrassment scene after the fact was the best part of the episode. Takano is ticked at all this wasted time and Ritsu wanted the sidewalk to eat him. Embarrassed Ritsu was fun to watch.


That's right you better love me!!!!

Then of course it was sexy time. Which was the RIGHT time to have sex. Not when Ritsu was confused how he felt and Takano wasn’t explaining the whole story. Ritsu admitted his feelings and Takano didn’t force him. That is the kind of hot sexy boy on boy times I want to see. Well if we were allowed to see them.


You mean sleeping with the boss gets me no perks?!

And then….it was back to business as usual. Yokozawa has some anger in his heart but seems to acknowledge Ritsu is good at his job and isn’t trying to hurt Takano. Ritsu seems to be trying hard at his work. And then Takano is still picking on Ritsu and making his life miserable. Only now they are flirting at work. XD


Awwww young love....fighting and working together all the time. XD

Next week (or you know…it is already up..) it looks like we are mainly getting flashback scenes from high school. Does that mean we will see some real sex…or under the cover action since that is the last time we saw something rated PG-13?!

Monday, December 26, 2011

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Err....just a day late XD

Hello there my wonderful readers. It is I the late one. Because it is almost the 27th and I am posting a Christmas post weeeee!

I meant to post something mid afternoon but silly me Christmas lasted almost all day. X__X We were still opening presents AFTER lunch (2pm) and then we watched Christmas specials. Plus I woke up feeling like a pirate aka one of my eyes would not open and blogging did not happen. I apologize. :( I hope everyone had a great day with family, got some nice gifts, and generally kept out of trouble. XD


Parade o Trees in my house!

Here are a few or 28 pictures to show you what Christmas was like at casa de Tenchi. Enjoy!!!


I moved the main tree, The Hello Kitty tree, into the living room this year. Not sure how well that worked because of the coffee table but we were closer to the TV so yes?


The Hello Kitty tree is looking kinda full.....So I need a bigger tree yes?! XD Love my penguin one the best.


Disney Christmas section. I think the Disney ornaments will get upgraded to a bigger tree next year.


Got this ornament while I was in Tokyo. 200 yen at a consignment shop. XD


My penguin tree. The cats seem to eat this tree the least.


Precious Moments tree. Only tree with a real topper. XD


Some of my Christmas Precious Moments. I has more to add to the collection now. XD


My dough tree. A lot of these ornaments are of two little animals as a couple. XD Me and my husband.


Snowman tree. Although some of the snowmen get put on different trees.


My newest tree! My momma picked all these random items when she went to Mexico so we made a tree out of them!


The tree in the guest room is a little sad so here is the last tree. My random hallmark ornament tree. Do I have enough trees?


Kiki is very happy it is Christmas. Bring on the noms!


The husband's sorta gift from the momma. WEEE! We is going to a new theme park next year.


Kira was being more interesting in other pictures but she was moving so fast trying to eat wrapping paper the pictures came out blurry.


XO We were still opening presents when it was parade time! Disney World and Disney Land weee!!!


I tried to be fast with the camera but the floats were on screen as long as the Macy Day parade ones.


Hit it and candy will fly out!


Kermit looks a little squished.


Nice see more variety with Disney princesses.


Wait come back I need a better picture!


Favorite Disney Princess ever. Although I think I like the movies Tangled and Mulan better.


WOOHOO!! I love Stitch! I hope my new MommaFriend and her baby got lots of nice Stitches for Christmas.


Can never have enough Stitch. XD


I like how both parks had different costumes and floats. Wonder if they switch with each other to keep things new.


Bringing some Christmas cheer and honey.


Tata for now!!!


So we were playing a game where people would have to guess what people would answer about themselves. This question was mine and it was "Truth be told I spend too much money on...." This is my mother trying to guess NENDOROIDS but getting confused with Harajuku Lovers. APPARENTLY she thinks nendoroids have huge eyes and are ugly. My husband declared this the ugliest thing ever and lasted for 5 minutes.

Most of the other pictures are my brother taking interesting pictures of us opening our presents. X__X Hope everyone had a great day!! Or maybe everyone is sleeping already because they got up early to go shopping today. XD