Thursday, June 30, 2011

Welcoming Nendoroid Tohko Amano to the family!

Now that I am all caught up on watching my Spring Anime I can catch up on something else that has been piling up. Literally piling up on a table in the dining room. XD

While in Japan I might have gone a little nendoroid crazy. Just slightly. What was a girl to do with no middle man mark up and no shipping? Simple. Buy every single nendoroid ever and then cry when things barely fit in the suitcases. XD


My number one lovely!!!

As to not overwhelm my blog with a million nendoroid posts (or bore people to death) I will slowly introduce my new lovelies with a few posts a week. And since we are actually flying to Otakon I can't really stock up on any more nendoroids for the time being (not to mention the sad state of my wallet). So my goal is to slowly catch up with my nendoroid posts before AWA. Yay for goals!


I shall start with Yohko Amano. When I saw this little nendoroid on the internet I knew I had to have her!! Because I am a greedy pig and I love her little braids. So when I found her for only 2000 yen I did a little happy dance.


All the little accessories that come with Tohko. Wait something is missing......


Err....yeah. So yeah. I lost the little tiny ends of Tohko's braids in Japan. One I know I lost somewhere between the Pokemon Center and Tokyo Tower. The other one I am not sure. But I managed to own Tohko for about 10 days before I lost pieces of her. :( Curse me for being so clumsy. I will try to be more careful in the future with my lovely nendoroids.


But she is still cute yes? The braids just end...abruptly. Very abruptly. :( Maybe one day I can find pieces that sorta go with her look?


Very odd neck piece.


Tohko is a character in the light novel series Book Girl. She may or may not be a character who eats books. Oh and is a demon. Look at this little face?! Does it look like a demon to you?


Tohko has decided to sit down as Mugi's stand was uncomfortable. I have absolutely no idea where her stand is but I know it was on the plane with us. So it is in the house somewhere....being clear and invisible to my silly eyes.


Look at those cute little shoes. XD


This looks a little...interesting. I wonder what it could be.


MOG WHAT IS THAT THING?! Wait....that is my little Tohko ....a demon...X___X I see.......CUTEST DEMON EVER. XD


View from the side. There is a random hole in the back. Let me look through my Tohko pieces to see what goes in there.


Oh. Clearly she is in a can. And all that black stuff is rotten tuna. Mystery solved!!

Owning Tohko makes me want to buy the light novels and see the movie Book Girl. But for now I will be happy with my first nendoroid purchase. She had fun traveling around Japan for me and I thank her for putting up with my abuse and apparently absent mindness. XD Thanks for reading my first of many (many) nendoroid posts. Love ya Tohko.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi episode 12 FINAL EPISODE

:( My other brother (the one who hasn’t disowned me) moved away today. I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later, that one of us kids would move away from home. I guess I am surprised it wasn’t me as I am the oldest. But I feel a bit sad now. I can’t just see him wherever I want now. For the next three years he is stuck in the middle of NoWhere, US. Just sad. Bleh growing up sucks.

Also there is no cake to cheer me up. And I ate all the cookies yesterday. :(


Next time Ritsu will put his phone on vibrate. Or make it louder. I don't think he has decided yet.

But here is something slight to rejoice at. I have totally caught up with Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi. Well until the OVA comes out. It feels good to be caught up on a series but a little :( because now I can’t watch it every week. So just slight rejoicing. Spoilers for Ritsu having a :( day too.


Psht what blood? I am totally fine dude! Pay no attention to that red puddle on the ground....

Episode Summary: After recapping what happened in the last episode Yokozawa grabs Ritsu and throws him against the wall. Yokozawa threatens him a bit and Takano walks up. Instead of asking what the hell is going on Takano is happy to see his cat. Ritsu finally remembers the cat as the tiny kitten Takano rescued in high school (and one of the reasons Ritsu loved him so). Ritsu runs inside before Takano can start talking to him again. Inside he is greeted with a mess as he has not had time to clean since starting this job. Ritsu thinks about how Takano makes him feel weird and on edge all the time and how he can’t live like this anymore. He starts thinking about joining the literary department and wonders why he is still in the shojo manga division. Takano demands to be let in the house as he has papers Ritsu left on the ground after his fall. Before Takano can demand answers about what just happened in the hallway and if Ritsu is really leaving the shojo manga department Ritsu gets an email about one of his artist’s works. He calls said manga artist and they talk. She thanks him for all his hard work and says when she found out he was a newbie she thought he would fail all over the place. But he didn’t and worked hard and she is very touched.


Ritsu always feels like someone's watching him....

Ritsu gets all blushy as the phone call ends. He asks Takano if he thinks he (Ritsu) can be a good manga editor. Takano says he has always believed in him. While he is leaving Takano notices Ritsu is all bleeding from his fall in the last episode. Ritsu doesn’t want to go to Takano’s place as he thinks Yokozawa is there. Takano goes to his place to get the stuff and Ritsu tries to work up enough courage to lock Takano out. He doesn’t and gets fixed up. Takano goes on and on about what a nice guy Yokozawa is while Ritsu is thinking all kinds of other thoughts. Takano gets frustrated that Ritsu is not listening to him and forces him into kisses. And then tries to force Ritsu into sexy times. Ritsu doesn’t say no but lets Takano do what he wants to him. Takano moans he loves Ritsu and Ritsu thinks to himself he doesn’t want Takano but….RING! It is the manga artist again. Takano is all RARW as Ritsu takes the call and sets to work despite not being able to walk straight. Takano then kisses Ritsu goodbye on the cheek and leaves. Ritsu is all x_x as he tries to work. The next day he has a renewed outlook on his life and job. He even promises to take Takano’s job one day. Takano then embarrasses him in front of their boss. Ritsu declares his hatred towards Takano. THE END!!!


So that’s it? There is no more?


I have to suffer through a SECOND season? Kill me now.

There are rumors about a second season already on the internet. I guess people want to explain away the lazy ending. Or lack thereof. Can you really call this an ending where Ritsu still hasn’t accepted Takano, Takano is still not cluing in Ritsu on everything, and there has been no sexy times. WHERE ARE MY SEXY TIMES!

Since it is obvious there has to be some type of second season this really isn’t an ending at all. And I don’t think that an OVA could properly sum up things either. So I guess the creators want us to pretend this is just episode 12 and in a year we will get episode 13. However that doesn’t mean I am satisfied with this ending. Even if it was created to have a season two there should be some resolution between our main couple Ritsu and Takano like the other couples got!


Why is everyone always using force on me?!

Yokozawa kinda sucks still. According to the internets (well I guess the manga) Yokozawa has a better reason for being all upset with Ritsu than what was portrayed in the anime. I mean it is CLEAR Yokozawa has feelings for Yokozawa but the anime never told us if Takano ever had a relationship with Yokozawa. Maybe during Takano’s “wild nights” Yokozawa became another notch. Whatever the case may be Yokozawa was acting like the jealous ex-lover and Takano never gave that impression.

Which means Yokozawa was out of line with his entire yelling at Ritsu. Be a concern friend. But with the constant mines!!! And implying Ritsu is at fault for everything in Yokozawa’s life is a bit much. Mix in both Yokozawa and Takano are both in a superior position at work than Ritsu and he crossed a line, a line that should have put him in jail.

So….we never found out about this engagement? The huge issue that lead Takano to deflower maidens across the lane and to drink the liquor stores dry? Nopers. Guess it was important enough for Yokozawa to be pissed off about but not important to tell the viewers about. Got to stretch this anime out and leave some material for season two. Besides if Ritsu is not in a place to tell Takano how he feels there is no reason to explain that misunderstanding.


Um pay attention to the spazzing person on the floor please.

Takano should have questioned Yokozawa on why the hell he had Ritsu cornered. Instead it was KITTEN TIME. Seriously Takano…you can’t be brain dead too. And the kitten was only there to remind Ritsu of better times and how caring Takano really is. But why was it at Yokozawa’s house…


At least you can see some of the floor?

Ritsu’s house being an absolute disaster area was…expected. Normally I am disgusted with those kinds of rooms but I think I will give Ritsu a little bit of leeway here. We were only in Japan for three weeks and it was amazing how much trash we ended up with. And if Ritsu is working all day and barely sleeping at night I don’t see him having time to separate the trash, do the laundry, or make a decent meal. So….hire a maid or something.


Why are you so mad? She is trying to save you from Takano?!

Also the whole reason why Takano got into the room was okay with me too. Ritsu did splat pretty hard on the sidewalk so it makes sense he might have dropped papers. And really of he came out of that with only a skinned knee he is pretty lucky. So…that makes sense too.


Err....thanks for changing your opinion of me? I am glad I don't suck?

Ritsu getting a call from his…client I guess? was weird. Because basically she said the exact same stuff as before but just added in the fact she is surprised he didn’t fail spectacularly. Now when she praised Ritsu before he realized she was praising all the stuff Takano suggested to do. However when she says it as Ritsu is deciding whether or not to stick around at his job he decides he is an amazing editor and needs to stick around. Okay then. How lovely.


Try saying how you feel before Ritsu is on the ground and half naked.

Takano has not learned anything in the last 2 hours. If kissing Ritsu by force didn’t work before why would it work now? Because there are no stairs for Ritsu to trip over? Takano needs to learn what love really is about. Okay he wants Ritsu. But until Ritsu relearns to love him again perhaps the molesting should be put on hold. It must be hard being so close to a person you love but one must show restraint as to not scare the little deer away.


THIS is what I like. Innocent sweet kisses lead to consensual kisses which leads to a huge pile of clothes on the floor.

However……even though I do not support the whole forcing kisses/practical rape thing Takano is doing every day he sees Ritsu…I did enjoy that innocent kiss. That is how you win people over, with simple and loving gestures. Ritsu’s whole demeanor changed. Perhaps if Takano and been doing that the whole time he would be in a relationship by now! Showing Ritsu how he feels without scaring or pressuring him.


I got words of encouragement so now I can eat, clean, and piss Takano off all before noon.

Ritsu’s change…is special. I mean I am glad he has decided to work hard at a job. Nothing would have been wrong had he changed to the literary department. I still think that is his true passion in life but whatever. I am glad he doesn’t dread work and hate his life. But I am not sure how he can improve anymore on his already hard work and how he will have any time to cook and clean. But it is magical, when you are a positive person you get 5 more hours added onto your day.


No sexy times for Takano.

And that is it. Ritsu threatens to take Takano’s job one day and Takano says something smart assy. No kisses, no I love you glances. Nothing. Ritsu proclaims he hates Takano and Takano smiles as if to say SUUUUUUURE. THE END! No resolution, we are basically back where we started, and no sexy times. Show is over folks.


Maybe season two Ritsu will say those words too?

Had this not been the last episode I wouldn’t be so rarw. And overall I still think this is a good series. Just less force and more sweet gestures for Season Two okay?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi episode 11

I am on the market for a new brother. Apparently when someone asks their sister for a VERY UNREASONABLE favor and the sister says no the proper response is to basically disown said sister. And said sister is pissed. So I am taking applications for a new brother. WTF why am I asking for a brother? I should ask for a Hello Kitty loving sister!

In other news the only thing on TV is the trial of a certain child killer. And it is boring. Why is my state full of jerks?


So many applications already?

In anime news Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi is quickly coming to an end. I have been informed that the manga is better. That is good news for me as I plan on reading the manga once the anime is over. But for now spoilers for Takano having a jealous attack for 22 minutes.


Ritsu loves his job as much as I do. XD

Episode Summary: Ritsu wakes up on the floor as he passed out from work. He only has time to grab snacks from the convenient store before he is late to work. Takano wants Ritsu to sit in on a meeting to get a feel for how crazy the company really is. Soon Ritsu is all X__X as the meeting erupts into a screaming match over how many mangas should go to print. When asked for his opinion Ritsu is screamed at. After the meeting Ritsu wants to kill himself but instead runs into Mr. Sumi. Ritsu used to be Mr. Sumi’s editor and he deeply respects the man. Since Ritsu is having a good day Mr. Sumi brings up to his new editor Hasegawa that Ritsu is the heir to blah blah company and how sad it is that Ritsu is in manga. Takano shows up and Mr. Sumi tells Takano not to keep Ritsu in the manga department as his love is in literature. After wishing the old dude off Takano stomps off. Hasegawa tries to make small talk with Ritsu but when the conversation turns to bashing Takano Ritsu defends him. Hasegawa gives Mr. Sumi newest book to Ritsu and Ritsu spends a few minutes going AW I miss this life. Takano gets pissed and tells Ritsu to get back to work.


Because you are in love with him? Crazy.

Later Hasegawa comes by with more books and an invite to drinks later. Takano is like no stop messing with my people and go away. Hasegawa leaves but still tells Ritsu he wants to hang out with him. Oh and puts the idea in Ritsu’s head that he can just transfer to the literature department. Takano makes sure that doesn’t happen and makes Ritsu work late. Ritsu is pissed to get out of work so late but still finds time to return a book. Takano ends up there too and it is magical. Takano tells Ritsu not to hang out with other departments (Hasegawa) and Ritsu calls him out for being jealous. When Takano doesn’t deny the jealous thing Ritsu runs away all jealous. Only he nearly kills himself on some leaves and Takano has to catch him. There Takano almost admits to loving Ritsu for longer than Ritsu thinks. But he decides forcing kisses on Ritsu is better instead. Ritsu slaps him and runs off. He gets back home and TADA Yokozawa is there. Yokozawa yells at Ritsu for leading Ritsu on and Ritsu grows a spine and is like NO I AM NOT! Then Yokozawa explains in college Takano found out that Ritsu was engaged to someone else during the time they (Ritsu and Takano) were going out and that totally ruined Takano’s life. Ritsu goes X___X! The end!

It is nice to know that Ritsu is to blame for everything in Takano’s life. But let’s start at the beginning of the episode shall we?


So much anger!!!

X___X That meeting. I have never seen such professional people at work before. Makes my job look easy. Okay that is a lie but still. Was Takano trying to scare the crap out of Ritsu? Because I think it worked. Granted I am sure things get heated in those types of meetings but the name calling and profanities is something I doubt. Printing mangas is serious business.


You look like a kind man but dang you is cruel son.

Not sure if I like Mr. Sumi. I am thinking no. Clearly Ritsu did not want to talk about his current job, why he left his old job, or the fact his old job is really his father’s business. Granted that is probably the only thing Mr. Sumi knew about Ritsu but still. You is old dude. Please be sensing when someone becomes uncomfortable.


How about we don't get me fired before I get another job?

And as much as we want Ritsu to be saved from his molester Takano how about we don’t cost him his job? Mr. Sumi saying that to Takano was 19 kinds of out of line. Don’t keep him too long indeed. Because Ritsu doesn’t need to eat or anything. And we all know past work connections are very important in Japan so messing with Ritsu’s current job could be suicidal (you know, if Takano wasn’t in love with Ritsu).


You is about to be eaten by a dragon demon.

I think I liked Hasegawa. I say liked because we probably won’t see him again. He was present during Mr. Sumi’s speech but when Ritsu asked him not to press the issue he stopped. I am sure Hasegawa was impressed with his background but made sure Ritsu wasn’t all uncomfortable. In fact he was pretty honest about how he viewed Takano. If Ritsu really meant what he thinks about Takano he would have admitted those things too but since he is in LOVE with Takano he defended him and Hasegawa took it in stride.


Steal him away!!! XD

I am not sure if Hasegawa was interested in Ritsu romantically. Maybe over time he would have fallen in love with him. At the very most when he invited Ritsu for drinks he might have thought he was cute and at the very least he thought they had something in common (literature) and had interest in putting him in the same department. He even took Takano being a jealous freak in stride and let things go so Ritsu would not get in trouble. Poor Hasegawa, too late to the game to get involved in the romances.


Me thinks you work in a scary place.

Takano was all over the episode today being all jealous face. Again I don’t think Mr. Sumi should have said what he said to Takano. But I do think that Ritsu should have never been forced into that department and that might make Takano feel bad. He is keeping Ritsu around to be close to him but he knows Ritsu’s dream in in literature. Actually I think Takano’s dream is in literature too but I am sure leaving his other job didn’t help get his dream job now. In any event Takano will feel bad and let Ritsu go (not that he won’t be coming back) because he just loves Ritsu so much he can’t be a dream crusher.

I do think Takano was out of line for telling Hasegawa to hit the road. They work in the same building and they should have a good relationship with other departments. Granted Takano is the boss and if Ritsu was slacking off Hasegawa should wait until after work. But to go and say never talk to Ritsu again reeks of jealously and he wasn’t good at hiding it.

Also punishing Ritsu because someone else might have been hitting on him is cruel and unusual punishment. How much more does that boy have to work?


Enjoy the moment while you can. It won't last long.

Ritsu having a moment at the library was nice. He is usually spazzing all over the place or is generally an unhappy person but for a moment I saw him being happy. Like he was 15 again and being happy over books and reading. Yay for happy Ritsu.


Get him Ritsu!

When Takano came to ruin his happiness Ritsu was ready. Again not sure if someone would really talk to their boss like this but since said boss is also molesting Ritsu we will just go with it. But Ritsu had really good ammo today. Oh so you are jealous?! Just….he didn’t like the answer and had to run away. Poor unfortunate Ritsu.


Thanks for saving let go please?

Usually I get rarw when something happens and people end up catching other people. But this time it seemed slightly natural. Japan has stairs everywhere and some are not easy to navigate. Add in the leaves and Ritsu running and I can see him slipping and Takano being amazing enough to catch him.


Use your words next time! I am sure it will end better. Or at least you won't get slapped.

Takano almost came out and admitted how he felt, that he was actually stalking Ritsu first. But instead of talking he decided forcing Ritsu into a kiss would convince Ritsu more. Which was the wrong choice to make as Takano was rewarded with a slap in the face.

Yokozawa is getting on my nerves. If he had a relationship with Takano previously obviously they are not having one now. I understand he is a jealous crazy person but anyone with eyes can see Ritsu is not leading anyone on. He is screaming and throwing a fit every time Takano comes near him. If you want Takano go get him and stop saying it is Ritsu’s fault.


Wtf am I getting blamed for now?

I am sure this fiancĂ© thing will be explained in the next (last) episode but for now it is all blah. They already had a misunderstanding over Takano laughing and Ritsu feeling abandoned as Takano changed schools/names. But now Ritsu is at fault for being engaged (at 15 so OBVIOUSLY it was not a love thing) and learning about this like 5 years later caused Takano to almost drop out of school and sex up all the women of the world? Everything is Ritsu’s fault. Clearly Takano is not an adult who can take responsibility for his own actions and must continuously blame a boy whom he had a brief relationship with. Crazy.

Only one more episode left. X__X How much more will get blamed on Ritsu? In Takano’s mind hopefully enough so Ritsu feels bad and falls back in love out of guilt. Yay for manipulation!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi episode 10

I would like to know why I have the worst luck with neighbors ever. Why can little old ladies who make no noise at all live next door to me? Why do I get people who leave 10 bags of TRASH outside their front door for weeks with some of those bags containing diapers? Why do I have neighbors who let their kids go wild on my staircase and slam the doors of all hours of the night? And why do I have the neighbors that are using all the parking spaces to put STORE IT units? I am just wondering.

Obviously I don’t have any cake today.


When is the last time I had rice?!

So I tried to blog all of Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi first when I came back from Japan but now I am three episodes behind. X__X I guess that could be positive as I don’t have to wait at all to see the ending? Yay me. Spoilers for Yoshino still not getting it.


Poor confused Yoshino.

Episode Summary: Due to the fact that Yoshino sucks at deadlines he and his team must pull at all nighter. The girls leave and Yoshino looks like crap. Yanase cops a feel by seeing how SKINNY Yoshino has gotten. Then it leads to a tickle fight that will only stop if Yoshino will pose naked for Yanase. Hatori walks in on the tickle fest and marches out angry. Yoshino assumes Hatori is angry about him missing the deadline. Yoshino goes over to apologize but gets pissed when Hatori won’t open the door. When he is finally let in Yoshino apologizes about the deadline and Hatori gets upset as that was NOT the issue. Hatori says he doesn’t want Yanase touching Yoshino. Yoshino doesn’t understand why Hatori is so mad and before Hatori can molest the truth into him Yoshino falls asleep. Yoshino wakes up at Hatori’s the next morning and things seem to be okay. Only when he mentions he and Yanase are going to a spa on a certain day does Hatori flip out and leaves the room. Yoshino stomps out confused but then is sad when Hatori doesn’t come after him. Yoshino goes to the hot springs but can only think about Hatori. Yanase surprises Yoshino with a birthday cake. TADA it is Yoshino’s birthday. Yoshino realizes that Hatori wanted to spend the day with him as it is their first birthday as a couple.


Well chase after me dude!!!

Yoshino gets sad when he thinks about how Hatori also did something for his birthday but Yoshino never did anything for him. Yoshino tries to lighten the mood for Yanase by eating the cake and Yanase gets drunk. Yanase decides he wants to draw Yoshino naked despite Yoshino never promising that. Yoshino compromises by taking off his top. Yanase then starts mumbling that he loves Yoshino and Yoshino freaks out and pretends to misunderstand. Hatori then calls to break up the tense and make up excuses but really he just wants to wish Yoshino happy birthday. Yoshino feels bad and leaves, promising to make it up to Yanase. Yoshino arrives at Hatori’s home and accidentally confesses. He tries to cover it up but Hatori is touched. He gives Yoshino a super boring present but says his real present is himself (Hatori). After some more sweet lines Hatori makes Yoshino promise not to be all naked and alone with Yanase anymore (duh). Then everything goes dark WOOHOO! The next day Yoshino thinks they should use lines from Hatori’s seduction last night in his new manga. Only everyone thinks the line is too cheesy and Yanase is like HAHAHA Hatori. Yoshino tries to pretend he hates the line too and Hatori comes in to witness it all. Yoshino senses his doom. THE END!

So I think every single person caught up in this love triangle is sad and needs a hug. For different reasons of course but still sad.


And then Hatori explodes...

Yoshino is sad because as Hatori pointed out…he does write romance. One should probably have a good grasp of romance before attempting to write and capture an audience with romance mangas. It is sorta like 13 year olds singing about broken hearts and all. But I guess since Yoshino has been a manga artist for a while now he must have done something write. Maybe he was reading good mangas to get an idea of what people like, not what people actually experience.


I know cake makes everything better but I am not sure in this case...

But Yoshino does not have a good grasp of what romance really is or how to use common sense. So it is very sad for him and the people who love him. XD But at least he tried by going home to Hatori so Hatori could spend some of his birthday with him.


Might need to fire him to save your relationship with Hatori.

But now Yoshino needs to grow a spine and fire all those losers. Probably not the best idea to pull from real life experiences as people might LAUGH at your romance but he was being sincere about it and felt touched. Also I might have BSed my way out of the situation with Hatori but since everyone just laughed maybe he wasn’t thinking right (or ever). Time to fire their butts, don’t they know he is the boss?


Flirting with disaster.

While I have less sympathy for Yanase I still feel slightly bad for Yanase. He is putting himself through most of the pain though. He has been in love with Yanase for a while and thought placing himself in the inner circle would mean he would score Yoshino eventually. But he lost as he didn’t announce his feelings first and is now a third wheel on the bicycle of fail. Now he has to watch Yoshino spaz all over Hatori and blush all over the place.


Why don't you get it?!?!

It sucks to be in a situation where you love someone and they don’t love you back. Yanase might not have “won” had he announced his feelings but now there will always be that what if in his mind. However I don’t support being a home wrecker. If those two are together now don’t ask the clueless Yoshino to strip down so you can draw him naked. On the fence about the newest spa trip. It was sneaky to take advantage of Yoshino’s forgetfulness but Hatori should have put a stop to those private trips already.


XO Punishing him with a lame gift....Nice. XD

Hatori finally acting jealous and admitting it was a sigh of relief. Not that Yoshino should make him feel jealous but since he is clueless it is going to happen so Hatori needs to state how it makes him feel. Now that Hatori has shown he does have human emotions and cares about their relationship Yoshino can be careful to protect said feelings.


Hatori can smile? It blinds me!!!

However instead of saying cryptic things Hatori needs to flat out spell it out for Yoshino. I don’t know how people can forget their birthday so often in animes but they do. To me Hatori was more upset about the birthday aspect of the day rather than the fact Yoshino was off with another man. XD Just spell out how you feel and what Yoshino is doing wrong so you guys can have a better relationship.


This is all I get?! LAME!

Also where was my sexy time scene? :( Birthday sex should be the best right? Robbed people, robbed.


I think I would be pissed too...

Poor Hatori. Just…..sad for him. I really didn’t think that line was so cheesy. But in Japan expressing how you feel romantically about someone is the most cheesy thing ever, even if it is simply I love. So Hatori was obviously obscene by expressing the fact he wanted to give Yoshino either sexy times or his heart for his birthday. And then everyone laughed at him indirectly. :( And then his boyfriend lied and said the line was weird too. :( I am telling Hatori to open up and now he may never speak again.

Other points of interest are that I am tired of men in animes acting like cake and sweets are gross. You are not more of a man because you don’t like sweets. Stop lying and enjoy the magic that is empty calories.


Why do you torture me?!?!

Oh and how does Hatori still have a job if Yoshino is always late with his work? Just wondering. Maybe he actually lies about when things are actually do like my husband does about time. XD

Wish we could have spent more of this series with the main couple who aren’t even a couple yet. X__X Maybe we should have 14 more episodes instead of just 2. But now it is time for work so that will have to wait until later.


Asking someone to get naked is a reasonable request duh.