I say this all and yet I have spent the entire time I have been home from work on the couch. HMM FOLKS! But there is still time. I will train hard to go on vacation yes I will!!!!
But now it is time for more sitting on the couch to blog Kore wa Zombie desu ka episode 8. Maybe walking would be more fun if I could watch anime at the same time. But in any event spoilers for MORE people like Ayumu. Shocking I know.
Who the hell is wearing all those bras?!?!?! Haruna doesn't wear clothes, Sera's boobies are bouncing free, and Yuu has armor holding hers in place X__X.
Episode Summary: Ayumu is walking down the streets looking at women with his special see through glasses. He even gets hit by a truck (again) to protect them. But Sera comes by and drop kicks him. Turns out the glasses are for her to read secret messages. Ayumu declares himself a piece of shit and life moves on. Haruna has a very perverted dream about Ayumu and wakes up STARTLED! So very startled. She wakes him Ayumu up by drop kicking him and the other girls agree it is all Ayumu’s fault. It appears she tries to punish him by making his crap for lunch but it turns out being good and loved by all the classmates. After running around in gym class Yuki tries talking to Kanami and her friend Taeko. They are in Ayumu’s class and she wants their help. They go to the scariest McDonalds on Earth and Yuki reveals that she NEEDS to learn to like Ayumu since she is his wife. The girls don’t seem to question the wife bit and after a bit of weirdness it is decided that Yuki needs to learn to make fabulous lunches for Ayumu. And she needs to not talk like a boy. The next day Yuki presents Ayumu with a beautiful lunch but ruins it with her need to add crazy toppings. Taeko watches this scene and is sad as she brought her own lunch for Ayumu.
While doing laundry Sera gets a secret message and she looks super sad as she glances at Yuu. Part two of Yuki’s plan is to walk home with Ayumu since having sex with him might be too big of a step. Ayumu keeps saying to Yuki that they really aren’t married and she needs to cool it. Yuki is like WE ARE MARRIED AND I AM TRYING!!! But Ayumu decides if they were friends it be okay. Haruna and her jealous self arrive WEARING CLOTHES and tries to act natural. Ayumu wants to take Haruna out as a thank you for the help on the math test. But thanks to Yuki it turns into take everyone on a date. This pisses Haruna off but the girls have fun trying on clothes, spending all of Ayumu’s money, and poking his eyes out. After eating lunch and having fun at the arcade the group goes to the park. Ayumu goes to buy the group drinks but Haruna follows him. She is pissed Ayumu kissed Yuki (okay then) and proceeds to beat the crap out of Ayumu all while demanding he kiss her too. After the beating they rejoin the group and discover Yuu is gone, have been confronted by the evil baddie. THE END!
Ask and you shall receive! Last week a commentator and I were wondering who the girl with the brown braids was and this week we have answers. See folks you just have to ask nicely. Like if I asked CLAMP to give us a better ending to XXXholic I am sure they would do so. It is just that magical.
Um I don’t remember them saying her name but it is Taeko. And apparently her role in this anime is HOME WRECKER! Yeah I said it.
Maybe you would have a shoot if you were a lizard queen or something. But since you aren't NO CHANCE FOR YOU!
It might be weird calling Taeko a home wrecker since this is a harem anime and really Yuki is the one trying to break up the three core girls. But Taeko is a home wrecker. See Yuki came to the girls for help. If Taeko wanted Ayumu for herself she needs to be honest with herself. Yuki doesn’t count as she is dumb and doesn’t realize she is in love. But Taeko is a normal girl so I think it is shady she is helping Yuki out but really wants Ayumu for herself. And one might say well Taeko wasn’t really HELPING but by sitting at that table she was participating and her silence means that she was complying with this relationship.
So no normal girl. DO NOT WANT YOU. You lose, get out of my house.
I love shopping episodes. I don’t know why, I am broke most of the time. Or I do go shopping and regret it soon after. Well maybe that explains why I love shopping episodes so much. But yes I can’t wait to go to Japan and have shopping experiences like I see in the animes. Because I believe that animes are just like real life. Only I will not stab out my husband’s eyeballs. Because I need him to carry the bags.
A note to the girls in this episode. Sexy underwear DOES sound like a good idea in theory. You would think that is what men want. But really it ends up in the floor within 5 seconds. So sexy underwear is good for watching movies but not in real life. Naked seems to be better. And now I am going to end this paragraph as I have entered creepy territory.
Also may I say that is the creepiest McDonalds in the entire world. The entire concept is weird and if I had some masked crazy person tell me SHUSH while I was eating I might crap my pants. I would rather starve than go there. Which is sad since most places in Japan like to say how close the nearest McDonalds is. Like here is your hotel and here is where the McDonalds and KFC are. KFC it is then!!!
Haruna being all jealous of Ayumu’s relationship is amusing to watch. Of course it is her fault Ayumu has a special relationship with Yuki but blaming Ayumu is fun. Also I really want to kiss people after they beat my head into the dirt. Truly that is the thing of dreams.
But I wonder why Haruna is not more jealous of Yuu. She has a better chance of winning Ayumu’s heart AND she lives there. Ayumu is running away from Yuki and Haruna is all jealous. Probably because Haruna is not very observant of deep issues. She is crazy after all.
I do have a question though. The teacher said she was sending Ayumu at item to watch. We assumed they were the glasses. If they were meant for Sera why didn’t the teacher say so? Unless of course the glasses are NOT the special item. Then I want to know what it.
The episode ended with Yuu being kidnapped by the weirdo from the mall. Which is weird since I thought that person was a chick. Ayumu shall feel guilty because when he was having his flirty time with Haruna Yuu was kidnapped. :( Sad times.
But can Yuu come with me to Japan when she is returned? Because I want her to win me all those plushies!