Sunday, January 30, 2011

To Aru Majutsu No Index episode 16

Oh hi. This is Tenchi. And apparently I am an evil nasty bitch who hates all. ALL PEOPLE! But now I am not being labeled an evil bitch because of the things I do or say. No no, now people are making things up about me and APPARENTLY I deserve this. And this should move me to trying to be a kinder person.

Really people. Really. I should plaster on a happy face and be kind to people who are telling lies about me and think I deserve to be gossiped about because they don’t do their jobs. This totally should inspire me to be a better person.


Touma can you come lay down the law at my job please?

So in between screaming at nothing and plotting ultimate revenge I watched To Aru Majutsu no Index episode 16. Maybe next time I won’t watch anime when I am that pissed. X__X Spoilers for Touma hitting people.


I do but no one else seems to. Congratulations. You are redeemed.

Episode Summary: Tenchi goes to work and everyone treats her like sh…oh wait this is an episode summary!!! Touma protects Lucia who is busy protecting Angelene. When no one wants to escape via the Church of Paper’s awesome paper sub everyone continues to fight. Touma leads Index and Orsola through the ship as he can touch it and the walls disappear. He leads the ice soldiers away from Index and Orsola. He finds punching them is effective and goes around slugging the walls and ice creatures. Soon Touma runs into Biagio, the crazy old priest who wants to use Agnese as a spell of destruction. Biagio spends a few minutes bashing in Touma’s face with crosses and Jesus attacks. He leaves thinking Touma is dead. Index decides to leave Orsola so she can distract the ice guards. Orsola makes it to Agnese who is genuinely surprised to see her. She tells Agnese that everyone is fighting hard for her and not to give up. Biagio appears and reveals his true plan. He isn’t going to blow up Venice. He has remade the spell to pick the city he wants to blow up: Academy City. Because if he destroys the place where the most scientific discoveries exist surely he will win. Because he is crazy.


Who is this person you speak of?

Orsola and Agnese are not feeling this and voice their concerns and try to fight back. But Biagio uses his spell that pins people to the floor, the one that “killed” Touma. Agnese realizes how the spell works and says so out loud so when Touma busts in he can combat it. Which involves a lot of punching. Thinking Biagio is down for the count Touma goes to see if the girls are okay. In which Biagio gets up and activates the destruction spell via Agnese. Touma orders Orsola to take Agnese to safety. Biagio starts mumbling about how the person who came up with this plan did so too soon. Touma says the day by punching Biagio out. Touma is taken to a hospital in Italy but frog doctor informs him he has to come home now for treatments. No vacation for him. Which is fine as some creepy looking dude is telling the Pope to go “investigate Touma”. Also Orsola goes to live with Kaori AND Agnese so they can all be in love with Touma together. THE END!

I am in a super bad mood today people. It might show through in my post. Or maybe not. Maybe I can be in bad mood and this episode was just meh. I don’t know at this point. I am seeing the world through rage colored glasses.


Oh hi we are on your side. SO STOP TRYING TO KILL US!!!
I am not understanding why the other 247 nuns were still fighting in this episode. Like…why couldn’t someone yell out what Agnese is about to go splat and they are there to help? Maybe the nuns couldn’t hear because they put pens in their ears? I don’t know but you would think they would see Lucia and Angelene and go OH what is going on here? So that was weird.

And Lucia wasn’t even that injured folks. It was all dramatic last week and she was barely grazed. Just bleh people. BLEH. But I guess I am glad she is not dead. Although I do think the other nuns were pretty lame too. Angelene and the church of paper products were really outnumbered yet they were holding their own. So they aren’t that smart or strong. Meh.

I did love the fact that Touma could touch the ship and pieces of it would disappear. XD Maybe next time they won’t make a ship made of just magic? Sounds like that is just asking for trouble even factoring out Touma and his magical hand.


Look at us trying to save the day WOOHOO!!!!

I also like that Touma was off doing his own things and Index and Orsola were attempting to save the day. Probably would have liked it more if the girls were more successful in their attempt to save the day but you know. This is Touma’s show to be awesome in. But Index trying to protect Orsola was nice and Orsola trying to kick ass was surprising. We got some brave nuns here people.


Him and Kesha can have Jesus on their necklace all they want. They is still gross.

Biagio was just gross. I think I was uncomfortable with his choice of weapons. Granted a lot of this show is about crazy Christians and taking apart the bible to make cool spells. Just was not really feeling the whole throwing crosses as weapons and stuff. Not sure why and maybe that is my bad mood talking. But even without the cross thing he was creepy to look at yes? SEE MY CRAZY EYES?!?


Well that was a super good guess there X__X

I also like that the spell wasn’t going to destroy Venice. Because that would be dumb. Hard to be a Catholic and want to blow up where the Pope lives right? So I do think it is cool that they were changing the spell around to attack an enemy city. Because that is what really cool spells should do people!


Punching? I am SHOCKED people. Shocked.

Touma punching people in the face to end the fight is…you know. Just what it is. More like nothing to see here folks. But I guess it was semi interesting that Touma was punching people out with his other fist instead? I don’t know. Touma needs to have more epic speeches though.


Okay he isn't looking smart right now. But this was a good idea.

Having a self-destruct magic back-up is smart. - - people. But yes that is what all master plans should have. A way to blow up if the weapon/spell falls into the “wrong” hands. Maybe it was a little dramatic for Biagio to go down with the ship so to speak if you are going to have a spell that deadly you need to have the guts to die pulling it off.


Touma's life is amazing.

I thought the ending was too rushed. Just oh the ship blows up, the church of paper returns home, and Orsola goes to live with Kaori. Like….oh okay. Just wham, bam thank you ma’am? No. What did Kaori have to do with anything? Why can’t Touma seek treatment at another hospital? What happened to all the other nuns? Like this is a sloopy ending and it doesn’t make me feel very satisfied.


Maybe the dude is a chick. I can't tell. But if she is a girl she will probably be in love with Touma at the end of the day.

The very end with the crazy person and I guess the Pope didn’t make much sense. Or maybe it does. If I was the Pope I would be like dude why is he always messing with my people? Well maybe you need better people or something. But the other dude was looking weird.


This date looks amazing.

Not that it matters too much as Misaka and Accelerator are going to be the main part of the next arc yes? Misaka is really greedy XD Didn’t she already use her oh you lost and now I get one wish thing? GREEDY! XD But it looks like fun if only because Touma is wearing a spiffy jacket.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Starry Sky "Episodes" 5 and 6: Bored out of my skull

Um…I am trying to think of something funny to say to open up this post. But all I can think about is this new rude co-worker of mine. I thought we were cool but he did something so rude to me tonight my mind is full of revenge. Like I TRY to help someone out and I get yelled at? Oh no. No no Tenchi don’t play that. Prepare to suffer my wrath.

And by wrath I mean the silent treatment, not helping him find any addresses, and not helping him with the dishes. Because really that is all I can do. But I shall do so spectacularly.


Are we ready to sparkle?

Oh and it is time for Starry Sky “episodes” 5 and 6. I am sure people are really waiting for this. Spoilers for being super bored.


Maybe if I focus less on what is being said and only look at the cute boys this show will suck less?

Episode Summary-Nursery school Kanata is listening to Tsukiko read a book about how the stars became to be. Suzuya is there too. Some kids want Tsukiko to go outside and play but she decides to stay inside. Suzuya is touched they will stay inside for him since he has a weak body. He cries. Elementary school Kanata has to stay home from a field trip because he has a weak body. He wonders how long his life will be. But Suzuya and Tsukiko bring him a pinecone and rock and all is right in the world. Junior High Kanata is getting in a fight with another Hot Dude from this school. After losing Hot Dude offers to teach Kanata how to fight. Kanata then gets in fights all the time. Even though he has a weak body he likes to fight to feel alive. Obviously Tsukiko and Suzuya worry for Kanata. Kanata doesn’t seem to be content with his life despite Suzuya making them lunch XO On the first day of high school Tsukiko gets lost because she is dumb. Hot Dude finds her and Kanata and Suzuya promise to watch over her at school. But Tsukiko starts acting all sad and moopy. The boys don’t know what the heck is wrong with her but think she is overworking herself. Kanata catches Tsukiko crying after school and silently sits with her on a bench. He also covers for her when she shows up to school with red eyes. Then Yoh is transferred to their school and the two boys get along splendidly. Kanata accepts that their threesomes is now a foursome and buys more lube. Kanata thinks to himself about how short his life might be but dedicates what time he has to making his friends happy. THE END!!!

So like… this show really a show and not some nightmare I have dreamed up in my head? Because honestly I thought I could dream up more interesting crap than this. Maybe I am losing my touch.


This anime should be retitled Boys with Issues.

Again people I question this being marketed as a harem full of hot guys trying to win the girl. Because I am not seeing much girl winning going on. I see some guy flirting and I SEE a girl. But I don’t see how the girl is the main issue. Especially in this episode. And with less yaoi in this episode I was yawning up a storm.


Okay this scene was actually cute.

Kanata was sick for the first part of the episode. Like stuck in bed complaining that he has a weak body. Now I really didn’t think much of it as anime characters often suffer from weak bodies. I didn’t think OH CRAP things are serious. But according to Wiki Kanata really does have a terminal illness and doesn’t suffer from the cry babies. That would be nice to know IN THE SHOW. Like for real people this is like drinking water down soda. Can I get the real back story? Oh wait we can’t cover that much information in only 22 minutes.


God was chillin with all the animals and humans until the humans decided that God sucked and eated the animals. Perfect children's book!!!

I have absolutely no idea why that stupid story was important. I do understand that Suzuya and Tsukiko are reading books because Kanata can’t go outside. But that book was boring and sad and stupid. I was hoping the guys would have more of a reason to attend Stars and Sky School but obviously not folks. Obviously not. You read a book about stars when you are 5 and that is a solid reason to attend a private school.


We shouldn't be fighting at all!!!

I was almost feeling Kanata when he said he got in fights to feel alive. That made sense to me. Boys often get into stupid fights just to feel the rush. And if Kanata is feeling like crap all the time that rush might be all he has. But then Wiki tells me he gets in fights to protect Tsukiko. Oh. Okay. Because people are lining up to beat her up. I see it.


This is the most romantic Kanata and Tsukiko moment in the entire episode. Enjoy.

So the first part of the episode was devoted to Kanata crying because he is a sick child and that his shooting star is going to go out soon. And the only reason Kanata has held on this long is because of his friends. Not because of Tsukiko but because of his TWO friends. Where is the romance people?


Behold the worryworts.

Well not in the second part of the episode. No it is Tsukiko crying all over the damn place and Suzuya and Kanata worrying over her. We never learn why Tsukiko is crying. I think she has a case of the cry babies or something. I mean…it is probably not easy being the only girl in school. But we saw no evidence of her being bullied or anything. And since the student council looked like FUN last time I doubt it is stress.


Very concerned people. Very.

Whatever the case is Kanata was shown looking concern for her. But it never crossed into the I LOVE HER realm. Also the friends are important to me realm it stayed. I think Suzuya and Kanata spent more time wondering about Tsukiko than actually trying to help her.


I can clearly see the three guys in this picture. Not the girl. HMM PEOPLE!!!

The only damn thing I found interesting in this episode was it actually overlapped with Yoh’s. So does that mean every single story is happening at the same time? That is this is not an Amagami arc of the week type deal? Because….then things are only going to get worse. We are going to get NO resolution at all. And really what is the point if no one snags the love interest? None at all people. None at all.

Also there is way too much talking going on. How about I see how you are feeling and the closeness of your group instead of you telling me about it. Talk about week.

Next week…um I wasn’t paying attention. Also he looked like Kanata so I got confused.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica episode 4

So like today…my coworker….he said that almost all anime is geared towards women/girls and he is finding in increasingly hard to find animes for guys/men.

And he was serious people. Dead serious. Because I live in the Twilight Zone. Let me cry tears for the poor men!!!! POOR MEN! Not enough boobies and panty shots and moe characters. THE POOR MENZ!!!!


Oh crap spoilers for the episode? This was the entire thing...

Putting that aside are we ready internet? It is time for Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica episode 4. After last week everyone was left going X__X. Will this week be the same? Spoilers for uncaring adorable creatures.


This episode is going to be uplifting.

Episode Summary: Sayaka runs to the hospital to go see Kamijo. It is unclear if this is directly right after Mami dies but let’s assume so. She is unable to see him as he is in physical therapy. She thinks about wishing him better but declares that a selfish wish. Madoka is eating breakfast with her family but is thinking about Mami losing her head. Her family is concerned about why she is crying but she covers up by saying she is thankful for being alive. Madoka tries to talk to Sayaka about dead Mami but she rather pretend everything is fine with Hitomi. Later on the roof the girls do talk. Madoka is clearly more upset about Mami dying that Sayaka. They talk about how the world feels different and how scary it all is. Madoka confesses that she is sorry but she can’t be a magical girl. Kyubey poofs up and is like oh someone else will come and be a magical girl. If neither of you girls want to be one than farewell. Off he goes and Madoka cries some more. Madoka goes to Mami’s apartment to drop off the hand book to magical girls and cries even more.


Yay more happy faces!!!!

As she leaves the apartment she runs into Homura. She follows her home and Homura tells her even more fun stuff, about all the other girls who have died and that this world is harsh. Madoka says she isn’t going to be a magical girl but she will never forget Mami or Homura. Homura didn’t get the memo that was supposed to bring the girls together and leaves. Sayaka goes to visit Kamijo again but this time it is not go well. He lashes out over the fact Sayaka brings him CDs when he will never play his instrument again. Sayaka tells him not give up and believe in miracles. While walking home Madoka runs into Hitomi who is acting strange. Turns out she and other people in town are under the influence of a witch and try to commit mass suicide. Madoka manages to stop the magical suicide ceremony but has to take refuge in a closet. Or something. Then the crazy witch comes and everything becomes an acid trip. Madoka starts feeling guilty for not being a magical girl and letting Mami down .But all is well as newly transformed Sayaka arrives and kills the witch. Madoka is all X_X and Homura is X__X. Kyubey is more like :3 because a new girl has arrived to kick Sayaka’s ass and take over the town. THE END!



For real people.

Okay then.

That really didn’t go the way I was expecting. I see.


Although I don't think Sayaka is super thrilled with her decision..

Well except for Sayaka deciding to wish that boy well. That I think everyone and their mom saw coming. My mom saw it coming and she has never seen anime…ever. So yes that happened and I was expecting that so the entire episode wasn’t all….oh.


I feel you Kamijo. You are allowed to have a tantrum. You has my permission.

I did want to say that Kamijo was acting like an asshole in the hospital right before Sayaka made her wish. But then I thought about it and yeah I think he is right. Or at least I would be acting like him too. Like I am in a terrible accident and I will never play my beloved instrument again and you think bringing me CDs of music is going to help? No. No it’s not going to help. Actually that might be the definition of not helping.

But is Sayaka a total dumbass? Probably not. I am not sure how close she and home boy are. Maybe all she knows about him is he plays classic music. Which would make her a groupie stalker. So maybe she is trying to bring him joy in the only way she knows. Or you know…just because you can’t do the thing anymore doesn’t mean you can’t like it right? Although I am sure still being in the hospital unable to do that thing is a bit too soon…



For whatever the reason Sayaka pissed Kamijo off. Because there is no chance ever he will play…the violin right? Because doctors are always right and he should just give up hope now. So Sayaka decides to be “selfish” and become a magical girl for him. Never going to understand why anime characters insist they are selfish all the time when really they are doing things for other people. So what if she wants thanks? I WOULD TOO! Actually I would want him to thank me and then ask me out and marry me and make babies with me. That is what I would expect someone who is the recipient of my magical death inducing wish okay. And if that makes me selfish SO BE IT!


But don't worry Kyubey. You cared even less. YOU WIN!

So besides all that….nothing really went the way I thought it was going to. Especially Sayaka’s reaction to Mami’s death. Like damn girl everyone on the internet is blogging and sobbing about dead Mami and the next day at school you are joking with Hitomi. YOU IS COLD!

Maybe she was putting on a strong front. Maybe she sees the bigger picture. Or maybe the writers really want us to side with Madoka and her sensitive tears. Whatever the reason I am upset that Sayaka was more concerned about Kamijo and his non violin playing self than someone who got their HEAD BITTEN OFF. Like for real people.


Poor Madoka. I wouldn't want to take a job that might get my head bitten off either.

So moving on the OH train. Madoka does not become a magical girl. Episode 4 people and the “main girl” isn’t a magical girl yet. Most of the internet was guessing that Madoka’s wish was going to be to bring Mami back from GETTING HER HEAD BITTEN OFF. A lot of us speculated that would be a bad idea in the long run but assumed that is what was going to happen.


I don't want to die either!!!

However….maybe I like Madoka not making her wish to save Mami. I don’t know people, I am on the fence with this one. On one hand I am like oh so your friend just got her head bitten off and your first reaction isn’t to wish her back. I SEE. But then…maybe Madoka realizes that if Mami, an awesome magical girl with super powers can die what can she do? What good is wishing her friend back to life if she dies in the process too? Of course there is always the possibility that Mami will be pissed off that Madoka would do such a thing but that is small in the grand scheme so you know. You know.

So while I think any good magical girl candidate should have found the love in her heart to make that wish it seems as if Madoka found the brain in her head and realized that shit got real. I wasn’t expecting that so…maybe I like the realism of the entire issue. Just put next to Sayaka wishing for fingers to work again it seems kinda off.


I am sure that makes Madoka feel better. Tons better.

I thought maybe Homura was going to show some humanity in this episode but clearly she is that jaded people. Too many dead magical girls to count? Madoka is standing there crying and Homura is going on and on about how the dead girls go forgotten and blah blah. Like okay there crazy Madoka has already decided not to be a magical girl so why you have to keep laying it on so thick? She gets it! Now stop being a bad ass for one second and be sad that someone is experiencing this sadness for the first time.


Drinking the Kool-Aid.

I do like that Madoka’s other friend was affected by a witch this week. I mean I am glad she lived because I don’t want Madoka comatose in her corner talking about the precious but Madoka got to see firsthand what happens when a magical girl doesn’t step up. At least for 5 seconds since Sayaka decided saying some musical boy’s fingers was the best wish ever.


No you need to fail a little bit before you can be badass.

I think Sayaka being so magical right off the bat was a bit too much. It probably took Mami a long time to get that amazing. I rather see Sayaka look nervous or mess up or struggle a bit. Not to show off in front of Madoka like the job isn’t dangerous or something. Given how horrible the last fight was I didn’t want Sayaka to blaze through the fight.


WTF is this face?! X__X

Although I did like the glare Homura gave her afterwards. Of course that makes me wonder why Homura was more concerned about stopping Madoka rather than Sayaka…


Because it has been super fun. Remember the time Homura tried to kill me? Remember when Mami got her head bitten off? Good times good times.

Kyubey. He is evil. I feel it. Maybe your mouth can’t move little animal creature thing but your eyeballs work right? How about you shed some tears because yo girl just got her head bitten off? Or have you lost so many girls that Mami is just a drop in the bucket? Still….not impressed with Kyubey. Maybe I will be wrong but he could have PRETENDED to care if only to get Sayaka and Madoka to be all magical girls. He was like oh yeah she died, you aren’t being magical girls, SEE YA. Like….please try harder to fool the girls into being magical super heroes please.


This will end well, I sense it.

And with the arrival of a new magical girl he is looking more suspicious. Home girl is threatening to kick Sayaka’s ass and he is like lalala? How about trying to unite the girls? Oh wait that would have to mean you care about them and you aren’t evil. Right. But yes new magical girl. Thank you for making in really obvious that this is not our typical magical girl show. NO TEAM WORK FOR US!!! Gonna kick some ass and get the “good” land right?

So this episode wasn’t what I was expecting. I am interested to see what the rest of the internet has to say about episode 4. Probably not as much as episode 3 but with the new girl in town maybe people will be excited. Who knows. This show keeps us on our toes.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nendoroid Miyuki's Pizza Girl Day

Behold people!!! I have way too much time on my hand!!!!

But you know you love it. XD

But yes I am trying to create a little fun at work. And what better way to have fun than dragging a cute little Nendoroid around and watching my co-worker's amused faces at me taking pictures? XD Miyuki from Lucky Star might look shy and somewhat in the background but at my house she is always trying to be the one picked for adventures!!! So she got her wish today and she helped out at the pizza place. Enjoy all the pictures that will slow down your computer.


Wait the bag should be flat?


Much better Miyuki. Pizzas should be flat. They should not be carried like briefcases. We aren't silly customers.


Next Miyuki needs to help fold these WONDERFUL BOXES! Boxes that cause paper cuts and take forever to fold and by the end of the week all 100 are gone and you have to start again. Have fun!!!


Miyuki!!!! Those are the clean trays. Come help Tenchi clean the 48783276 ones in the back!


Miyuki has decided she will help roll dough. That or she wanted to find out how much she weighs. She weighs practically nothing at all X_X.


Dear co-worker. Nendoroids do not belong in cheese grinders. Thank you.


Oh snap time for a delivery. Quick get the drink carrier.


Time to hit the road. Typically one does not sit on pizzas but since Miyuki is only like 5 ounces I will let it slide.


Miyuki is riding in style. One day my entire car ceiling will be covered in anime pins. For now the 50ish I have will just have to do.


Tenchi doesn't need to see out the window. Plushies for everyone!!!


Oh snap the phone is ringing. Make sure you greet the customer politely. Picture cut because I pretend people are going to hunt me down at my pizzeria if a tiny bit of something is showing.


Okay so you took an order for a pizza. Now we have to make it. And by make it I mean don't sit in the blue tray!!


That is a much better job than I would have done stretching a pizza. It isn't easy folks.


Since Miyuki worked so hard today I decided I would reward her with a pizza.


Or an alien brain. I either made a pizza or an alien brain.


Miyuki is going to take her lunch break now. Thanks for stopping by. Or also no customers yelled at Miyuki today so I don't think she got the full pizzeria experience. XD