Really people. Really. I should plaster on a happy face and be kind to people who are telling lies about me and think I deserve to be gossiped about because they don’t do their jobs. This totally should inspire me to be a better person.
So in between screaming at nothing and plotting ultimate revenge I watched To Aru Majutsu no Index episode 16. Maybe next time I won’t watch anime when I am that pissed. X__X Spoilers for Touma hitting people.
Episode Summary: Tenchi goes to work and everyone treats her like sh…oh wait this is an episode summary!!! Touma protects Lucia who is busy protecting Angelene. When no one wants to escape via the Church of Paper’s awesome paper sub everyone continues to fight. Touma leads Index and Orsola through the ship as he can touch it and the walls disappear. He leads the ice soldiers away from Index and Orsola. He finds punching them is effective and goes around slugging the walls and ice creatures. Soon Touma runs into Biagio, the crazy old priest who wants to use Agnese as a spell of destruction. Biagio spends a few minutes bashing in Touma’s face with crosses and Jesus attacks. He leaves thinking Touma is dead. Index decides to leave Orsola so she can distract the ice guards. Orsola makes it to Agnese who is genuinely surprised to see her. She tells Agnese that everyone is fighting hard for her and not to give up. Biagio appears and reveals his true plan. He isn’t going to blow up Venice. He has remade the spell to pick the city he wants to blow up: Academy City. Because if he destroys the place where the most scientific discoveries exist surely he will win. Because he is crazy.
Orsola and Agnese are not feeling this and voice their concerns and try to fight back. But Biagio uses his spell that pins people to the floor, the one that “killed” Touma. Agnese realizes how the spell works and says so out loud so when Touma busts in he can combat it. Which involves a lot of punching. Thinking Biagio is down for the count Touma goes to see if the girls are okay. In which Biagio gets up and activates the destruction spell via Agnese. Touma orders Orsola to take Agnese to safety. Biagio starts mumbling about how the person who came up with this plan did so too soon. Touma says the day by punching Biagio out. Touma is taken to a hospital in Italy but frog doctor informs him he has to come home now for treatments. No vacation for him. Which is fine as some creepy looking dude is telling the Pope to go “investigate Touma”. Also Orsola goes to live with Kaori AND Agnese so they can all be in love with Touma together. THE END!
I am in a super bad mood today people. It might show through in my post. Or maybe not. Maybe I can be in bad mood and this episode was just meh. I don’t know at this point. I am seeing the world through rage colored glasses.
I am not understanding why the other 247 nuns were still fighting in this episode. Like…why couldn’t someone yell out what Agnese is about to go splat and they are there to help? Maybe the nuns couldn’t hear because they put pens in their ears? I don’t know but you would think they would see Lucia and Angelene and go OH what is going on here? So that was weird.
And Lucia wasn’t even that injured folks. It was all dramatic last week and she was barely grazed. Just bleh people. BLEH. But I guess I am glad she is not dead. Although I do think the other nuns were pretty lame too. Angelene and the church of paper products were really outnumbered yet they were holding their own. So they aren’t that smart or strong. Meh.
I did love the fact that Touma could touch the ship and pieces of it would disappear. XD Maybe next time they won’t make a ship made of just magic? Sounds like that is just asking for trouble even factoring out Touma and his magical hand.
I also like that Touma was off doing his own things and Index and Orsola were attempting to save the day. Probably would have liked it more if the girls were more successful in their attempt to save the day but you know. This is Touma’s show to be awesome in. But Index trying to protect Orsola was nice and Orsola trying to kick ass was surprising. We got some brave nuns here people.
Biagio was just gross. I think I was uncomfortable with his choice of weapons. Granted a lot of this show is about crazy Christians and taking apart the bible to make cool spells. Just was not really feeling the whole throwing crosses as weapons and stuff. Not sure why and maybe that is my bad mood talking. But even without the cross thing he was creepy to look at yes? SEE MY CRAZY EYES?!?
I also like that the spell wasn’t going to destroy Venice. Because that would be dumb. Hard to be a Catholic and want to blow up where the Pope lives right? So I do think it is cool that they were changing the spell around to attack an enemy city. Because that is what really cool spells should do people!
Touma punching people in the face to end the fight is…you know. Just what it is. More like nothing to see here folks. But I guess it was semi interesting that Touma was punching people out with his other fist instead? I don’t know. Touma needs to have more epic speeches though.
Having a self-destruct magic back-up is smart. - - people. But yes that is what all master plans should have. A way to blow up if the weapon/spell falls into the “wrong” hands. Maybe it was a little dramatic for Biagio to go down with the ship so to speak if you are going to have a spell that deadly you need to have the guts to die pulling it off.
I thought the ending was too rushed. Just oh the ship blows up, the church of paper returns home, and Orsola goes to live with Kaori. Like….oh okay. Just wham, bam thank you ma’am? No. What did Kaori have to do with anything? Why can’t Touma seek treatment at another hospital? What happened to all the other nuns? Like this is a sloopy ending and it doesn’t make me feel very satisfied.
Maybe the dude is a chick. I can't tell. But if she is a girl she will probably be in love with Touma at the end of the day.
The very end with the crazy person and I guess the Pope didn’t make much sense. Or maybe it does. If I was the Pope I would be like dude why is he always messing with my people? Well maybe you need better people or something. But the other dude was looking weird.
Not that it matters too much as Misaka and Accelerator are going to be the main part of the next arc yes? Misaka is really greedy XD Didn’t she already use her oh you lost and now I get one wish thing? GREEDY! XD But it looks like fun if only because Touma is wearing a spiffy jacket.