Saturday, July 31, 2010
K-On!! Season Two Episode 17
K-On!! You weren’t subbed until Friday? What is up with that? Are your subbers off at Otakon or something? Whatever the case may be Amagami SS got blogged first because you were being a hater. Deal with it.
But I should be thankful someone is out there subbing my animes at all. I could be walking 15 miles in the snow to the now DEAD SunCoast to buy my anime 3 years after it came out. So waiting a few days is better than waiting years…I need to be more grateful.
Okay. On with the show. Time for the festival OH WAIT NO. Just kidding.
Episode Summary: The girls are ready and waiting to practice after school. Like renewed hope and all that jazz. But Sawako comes and informs the girls that due to some mold/water leaking problems their club room is under construction. Insert sad faces here. The instruments and Turtle-chan are thrown in the hallway so yay? Sawako goes to ask the brass club if they can use their room but they are like no way man. So the girls go to practice in an empty classroom (with a few girls as an audience) but after one song they are told to hit the road because they are bothering other clubs. So the girls drag all their crap to the gym to practice. Which is a really bad idea anyway because of all the grunting and hitting the ground running and other music. But it becomes extra bad as Mio suddenly likes sports and wants to watch.
The girls get tired of carting around their stuff so decide to call in quits for the day in regards to practice. Instead they decide to go to McDonalds to eat and discuss the new song. Because apparently the song Mugi wrote wasn’t good enough for Ritsu. Mio has written her own song lyrics but they really suck. So it is decided that they will all write their own lyrics and compare them tomorrow. Which is probably good because the next day Sawako informs them there is really no place for them to practice. The girls decide to go to a recording studio to practice because they really need to and the festival is only A MONTH AWAY. But once there Yui talks about how naming her guitar might be dumb and the girls do their hair in the mirror. Mugi makes tea which gets them kicked out of the recording room for a while. So since they have to drink tea they take turns sharing their song lyrics. All of which really suck, even Mugi’s.
By the time they are done with their tea and really bad lyrics their recording time is already over and no practice has taken place. But all is well since Sawako drives up and says the construction work is done on the room and they can use it the next day. Some practice takes place but not much. Yui is struggling to come up with more song lyrics so Ui decides to help her. The rest of the club is impressed with the song lyrics but are like OH so Ui wrote them. The next day Yui calls everyone and freaks them out because Ui got sick staying up all night helping with the song lyrics. Everyone eventually leaves and Yui tries to take care of her sick sister. She then realizes how much Ui does for her and writes a song about her sister. Everyone is super impressed with these lyrics except Mio because she is sad her lyrics are used. THE END!
This episode was not all about Mugi. It makes me sad. :(
Once again this episode was slightly dramatic. The girls were only kicked out the club room for 2 days and they acted like it was forever. They goof off all the time so why go through all the trouble of moving around the equipment and renting a room when they could just chill…like they usually do? Silly girls.
XO Those other clubs were mean though. I mean, the school should have set it up so that people rotate while this mold drippy cleaning thing is going on. I guess we can’t count on high school students to be fair right? And where is Ms. In Charge of the Students when this all happened? Letting me down people, letting me down.
Ritsu. What is wrong with you? My Mugi wrote you a beautiful song and you decide you don’t like the lyrics? Unacceptable. Also last time I counted there were 5 members of the Light Music Club. Why did Ritsu make such a decision without discussing it with everyone else? I don’t know….it just came off as really, really rude to me. And the way Mio mentioned it in passing made me :( too. My Mugi wrote a song and ya’ll
should be grateful. ACT LIKE IT!
I am still wondering what Ritsu’s ace in the hole was. I for sure thought she was going to use Mugi as her personal money bags but…then they just went to the recording studio like it was normal and there was no connection. XO Goober Ritsu.
The girls and their special songs…. were special. I love them all but really most of the songs they sing are silly and make no sense. XD Especially the song titles. I thought Azusa’s song was the best one up until she mentioned the turtle. Then it was like….you are all special. And I love you Mugi but songs are not murder mystery. You are all crazy girls.
Also I was not that impressed with Ui’s song. I know she stayed up all night and got sick for her efforts but it was just meh to me. But since all the songs in this series and in anime shows in general are a bit weird to me maybe I should be a little more forgiving. But compared to the other songs I guess it was okay. But poor sick Ui.
Which leads me to another point. Do Japanese people really worry that much about getting sick? I stay up late all the time and I don’t get colds. But all these anime characters worry constantly about getting sick. It makes me almost worry for them. They claim to be allergic to AC for goodness sake. So staying up all night automatically means they are going to catch a cold and everyone must worry.
Yui really impressed me this episode. Usually she is the goofiest person ever and you worry about her safety. And I am not saying she was MOG amazing today either. That would be too weird. But there were moments where I was like…maybe Yui won’t fall apart after graduation. Like she attempted to make food for sister while she was sick. She was aware of the fact that her sister actually does a lot for her. And instead of tea and cake Yui wanted to practice. She was certainly being sorta responsible today. MMMM sorta responsible.
So that is about it. There wasn’t much in this episode. Just the girls running around trying to practice after months of wasting time. Is this school festival ever going to happen? I hope so! XO Also they should sing Mugi’s song the way it was written. I want to hear my Mugi’s song! But looking at the clips next week I don’t think that is case. At least they have their club room back.
Also I hope this blog post doesn’t suck. I wrote it while I was having a 2 hour long conversation with my mom. Yeah. So…yeah.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Amagami SS episode 5: New arc, better show!!
This week people. This week. Seriously I should be happy that my yearly anime convention is right around the corner but I’m not. I really, really wish I could start this week over. And when you break it down my week hasn’t been that bad when you think about it. No one died, no one was run over by a car, and a customer hasn’t screamed at me. But still…just nuke this week from orbit.
So it is with great surprise that I report that…..Amagami SS was great this week. Like is this crazy talk or something? I know I constantly live in the Twilight Zone but this was a shocker for me. I guess the show sensed that I was not pleased with…well any of the first 4 episodes and they decided to make the 5th one great. I guess it couldn’t have come at a better time.
So spoilers and my genuine surprise lie behind the cut. Sadly not much in the way of snark this week.
Episode Summary: Junichi starts the school year over and recalls the time he was stood up on a Christmas Eve two years ago. But instead of wallowing in self pity Kaoru comes up and shakes Junichi out of self pity land. She invites Junichi back to her place to have some Christmas cake with her mom. Junichi does not spend the next two years acting like a closet freak. Cut to the present and Kaoru is munchin on Junichi’s ear. He freaks out and Kaoru breaks out into a comedy routine, the material being Junichi is the husband who hates her now. Masayoshi is amused. The three make plans to go to an aquarium because they are all losers without a significant other. When Junichi takes the side of Tsukasa when she calls out Kaoru for being out of line Kaoru sends Junichi flying. Once on the floor Junichi has a perfect view of Kaoru’s underwear and Kaoru knocks him unconscious.
Feeling guilty Kaoru waits until Junichi wakes up in the clinic. They tease each other for a bit and talk about the past. Kaoru leaves with the words “I need to meet you somewhere isolated later”. Junichi being a pervert starts to imagine that Kaoru wants to confess him. This plays out in different ways, with Kaoru prancing around nearly naked, Kaoru playing the semi naked wife, ect ect. Junichi has a hard time paying attention in class due to his imagination. He runs into Rihoko later but their conversation is boring. It turns out that Kaoru wasn’t going to confess. No she wanted to ask Junichi’s opinion on a matter because he has a penis. The matter is really dumb though (Kaoru’s friend wants to know what to do when a boy treats her like crap) and Junichi gives her bad advice. But the girl is happy and skips on her way. Kaoru is impressed though which is scary.
They walk home together and Kaoru talks about her after school job and their dumb menu items. Junichi jokes that he thought Kaoru was going to confess to him but really that would be stupid right? Kaoru is shocked….then agrees it is dumb after she beats Junichi up. She runs off to work and is all X_X do I really like him what is going on??!?! But she has no time to recover because Junichi ends up coming to her work. She tries to serve him but he is too busy perving on her outfit. She is unable to concentrate and sends someone else to serve Junichi as she freaks out in the break room? Is this love? THE END!
XO See what I mean?! No knee sex, no crazy girl leading Junichi along, and Junichi came off looking like a normal person. How could this have happened?!
Now when it was revealed last week that Kaoru was going to be the next girl I thought that maybe things might turn around. I mean…things couldn’t possibly get any worse right? So naturally I had to be right but I had no idea what a completely different show it would morph into. I mean, is Kaoru really that magical or is Haruka will that insane?
I think the answer lies in the fact that Kaoru has a much better back story than Haruka. Haruka was set up as some idealist upperclassman. Someone who could do no wrong. Someone that Junichi thought he didn’t know. It turns out that they did know each other but that was not the foundation of their relationship. To Junichi Haruka was some awesome girl who was awesome and mysterious and beautiful and he had to be with her. To me a relationship built on this is phony and one-sided. Very hard to relate to.
But a relationship with the girl next door, the best friend, the girl who is one of the guys? That is a story that most people can get behind. It is something that can happen natural over time and something that happens every day. Just picture Haruka as a cheerleader and Kaoru stuck on the bleachers if that works for ya. So yeah, I think it is very logical that I am all WOOHOO Kaoru after this Haruka mess. It is easier to see yourself as either Junichi or Kaoru in this scenario while Haruka is just some idealist dream of nerds across America.
The first that made me happy/that I liked is Junichi wasn’t such a whining emo kid hiding in his closet. He was still dumped on Christmas Eve (wonder if we are ever going to see who that person is…) but this time he is not going to cry for long. Kaoru happens to come by and asks him (indirectly) to spend Christmas Eve with her and her mom. So really it wasn’t a date but Kaoru saved Junichi from two years of doom and gloom. Also it makes it a bit more magical, that Junichi will want to spend Christmas Eve with the girl that saved his miserable Christmas Eve two years earlier.
Kaoru starts to show signs of jealously early on in the episode. Junichi defends Tsukasa and her bossy self ( a bit shocked that Wiki just told me her personality is all a lie X_X) and Kaoru sends him flying. But since Kaoru and Junichi have a special relationship he doesn’t catch on to these angry girl moments. See boys, it is always your fault. XD
I did like the husband/wife scene. Granted Junichi wasn’t having AS much fun but it gave him, Kaoru, and Masayoshi to bond over. With Haruka Masayoshi was out of his league but in this relationship all three are friends and more on the same level. So I enjoy the closeness factor.
But when Kaoru asked to meet Junichi later I did not like the random naked scenes. Of course they weren’t as bad as the knee sex but still. Maybe that is what a normal boy does, imagines his friends naked and wanting him. WHO NEEDS RELATIONSHIPS RIGHT?! But bleh. That could have gone so much sweeter, him thinking about Kaoru being all nervous for him or maybe her beating him until he loved her too. But meh to the nakedness.
Keiko is boring. I think I liked Hibiki better. Her problem is boring. I wouldn’t be giving this guy the time of day if I were her. Really, he doesn’t answer her love confession for one month and then demands a kiss? Scratch that, I would give that guy the time of day so I could blast him off to the moon. So Kaoru and Junichi…you suck for giving such bad advice. Ya’ll should have told him to hit the road.
Junichi was a bit dumb with his HAHA the thought of you confessing to me is so stupid. Kaoru had a nice save beating him with her purse but she was hiding the hurt people. Also I really liked that purse hitting scene. I think I have a violent personality….But yeah, poor Kaoru. I am sorry boys are dumb. They are going to be dumb for the rest of your life so you probably should get used to that. But I feel your pain.
The restaurant scene was a bit much for me. I wanted Kaoru to be a little stronger than that, to brush off these confused feelings and be the tough girl she acts like. But I guess that is a little silly to expect. Girls have many sides of their personality so I guess this is really Kaoru too. However if some dude was pervy on me in my work uniform I probably would be acting weird too. So add in that the perv might be a person she is in love with and I can see her hiding in the break room. Also boys are still dumb.
So….yeah things seem to be on the up and up with this series. Or at least I like this new girl. I can see myself hating the Sae arc and being meh about Rihoko if her arc is all about her MOG SHE WEIGHS 10 POUNDS MORE THAN THE OTHER GIRLS. But for now I like the Kaoru arc. Don’t mess it up with knee sex!!!!
So it is with great surprise that I report that…..Amagami SS was great this week. Like is this crazy talk or something? I know I constantly live in the Twilight Zone but this was a shocker for me. I guess the show sensed that I was not pleased with…well any of the first 4 episodes and they decided to make the 5th one great. I guess it couldn’t have come at a better time.
So spoilers and my genuine surprise lie behind the cut. Sadly not much in the way of snark this week.
Episode Summary: Junichi starts the school year over and recalls the time he was stood up on a Christmas Eve two years ago. But instead of wallowing in self pity Kaoru comes up and shakes Junichi out of self pity land. She invites Junichi back to her place to have some Christmas cake with her mom. Junichi does not spend the next two years acting like a closet freak. Cut to the present and Kaoru is munchin on Junichi’s ear. He freaks out and Kaoru breaks out into a comedy routine, the material being Junichi is the husband who hates her now. Masayoshi is amused. The three make plans to go to an aquarium because they are all losers without a significant other. When Junichi takes the side of Tsukasa when she calls out Kaoru for being out of line Kaoru sends Junichi flying. Once on the floor Junichi has a perfect view of Kaoru’s underwear and Kaoru knocks him unconscious.
Feeling guilty Kaoru waits until Junichi wakes up in the clinic. They tease each other for a bit and talk about the past. Kaoru leaves with the words “I need to meet you somewhere isolated later”. Junichi being a pervert starts to imagine that Kaoru wants to confess him. This plays out in different ways, with Kaoru prancing around nearly naked, Kaoru playing the semi naked wife, ect ect. Junichi has a hard time paying attention in class due to his imagination. He runs into Rihoko later but their conversation is boring. It turns out that Kaoru wasn’t going to confess. No she wanted to ask Junichi’s opinion on a matter because he has a penis. The matter is really dumb though (Kaoru’s friend wants to know what to do when a boy treats her like crap) and Junichi gives her bad advice. But the girl is happy and skips on her way. Kaoru is impressed though which is scary.
They walk home together and Kaoru talks about her after school job and their dumb menu items. Junichi jokes that he thought Kaoru was going to confess to him but really that would be stupid right? Kaoru is shocked….then agrees it is dumb after she beats Junichi up. She runs off to work and is all X_X do I really like him what is going on??!?! But she has no time to recover because Junichi ends up coming to her work. She tries to serve him but he is too busy perving on her outfit. She is unable to concentrate and sends someone else to serve Junichi as she freaks out in the break room? Is this love? THE END!
XO See what I mean?! No knee sex, no crazy girl leading Junichi along, and Junichi came off looking like a normal person. How could this have happened?!
Now when it was revealed last week that Kaoru was going to be the next girl I thought that maybe things might turn around. I mean…things couldn’t possibly get any worse right? So naturally I had to be right but I had no idea what a completely different show it would morph into. I mean, is Kaoru really that magical or is Haruka will that insane?
I think the answer lies in the fact that Kaoru has a much better back story than Haruka. Haruka was set up as some idealist upperclassman. Someone who could do no wrong. Someone that Junichi thought he didn’t know. It turns out that they did know each other but that was not the foundation of their relationship. To Junichi Haruka was some awesome girl who was awesome and mysterious and beautiful and he had to be with her. To me a relationship built on this is phony and one-sided. Very hard to relate to.
But a relationship with the girl next door, the best friend, the girl who is one of the guys? That is a story that most people can get behind. It is something that can happen natural over time and something that happens every day. Just picture Haruka as a cheerleader and Kaoru stuck on the bleachers if that works for ya. So yeah, I think it is very logical that I am all WOOHOO Kaoru after this Haruka mess. It is easier to see yourself as either Junichi or Kaoru in this scenario while Haruka is just some idealist dream of nerds across America.
The first that made me happy/that I liked is Junichi wasn’t such a whining emo kid hiding in his closet. He was still dumped on Christmas Eve (wonder if we are ever going to see who that person is…) but this time he is not going to cry for long. Kaoru happens to come by and asks him (indirectly) to spend Christmas Eve with her and her mom. So really it wasn’t a date but Kaoru saved Junichi from two years of doom and gloom. Also it makes it a bit more magical, that Junichi will want to spend Christmas Eve with the girl that saved his miserable Christmas Eve two years earlier.
Kaoru starts to show signs of jealously early on in the episode. Junichi defends Tsukasa and her bossy self ( a bit shocked that Wiki just told me her personality is all a lie X_X) and Kaoru sends him flying. But since Kaoru and Junichi have a special relationship he doesn’t catch on to these angry girl moments. See boys, it is always your fault. XD
I did like the husband/wife scene. Granted Junichi wasn’t having AS much fun but it gave him, Kaoru, and Masayoshi to bond over. With Haruka Masayoshi was out of his league but in this relationship all three are friends and more on the same level. So I enjoy the closeness factor.
But when Kaoru asked to meet Junichi later I did not like the random naked scenes. Of course they weren’t as bad as the knee sex but still. Maybe that is what a normal boy does, imagines his friends naked and wanting him. WHO NEEDS RELATIONSHIPS RIGHT?! But bleh. That could have gone so much sweeter, him thinking about Kaoru being all nervous for him or maybe her beating him until he loved her too. But meh to the nakedness.
Keiko is boring. I think I liked Hibiki better. Her problem is boring. I wouldn’t be giving this guy the time of day if I were her. Really, he doesn’t answer her love confession for one month and then demands a kiss? Scratch that, I would give that guy the time of day so I could blast him off to the moon. So Kaoru and Junichi…you suck for giving such bad advice. Ya’ll should have told him to hit the road.
Junichi was a bit dumb with his HAHA the thought of you confessing to me is so stupid. Kaoru had a nice save beating him with her purse but she was hiding the hurt people. Also I really liked that purse hitting scene. I think I have a violent personality….But yeah, poor Kaoru. I am sorry boys are dumb. They are going to be dumb for the rest of your life so you probably should get used to that. But I feel your pain.
The restaurant scene was a bit much for me. I wanted Kaoru to be a little stronger than that, to brush off these confused feelings and be the tough girl she acts like. But I guess that is a little silly to expect. Girls have many sides of their personality so I guess this is really Kaoru too. However if some dude was pervy on me in my work uniform I probably would be acting weird too. So add in that the perv might be a person she is in love with and I can see her hiding in the break room. Also boys are still dumb.
So….yeah things seem to be on the up and up with this series. Or at least I like this new girl. I can see myself hating the Sae arc and being meh about Rihoko if her arc is all about her MOG SHE WEIGHS 10 POUNDS MORE THAN THE OTHER GIRLS. But for now I like the Kaoru arc. Don’t mess it up with knee sex!!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
July 2010 Movies
Well then K-On!! WELL THEN! I guess you do not want to be subbed today. That's fine. It's not like I barely made any money today at work, had to walk up and down the stairs a million times because I forgot my husband went somewhere after work and I bought like over 100 dollar worth of groceries, and there is NOTHING on TV. That's fine! Don't be my shining light in my hour of need!!!!! I DON'T NEED YOU.
Okay I do. :( So be here for me tomorrow?
But since I cannot have my K-On tonight I will go ahead and post my movie watching post for July. I don't foresee me watching any movies tomorrow so why not do it a day early? Me?! Doing something early? Amazing. But here we go anyway. XD
Also a shout out to those going to Otakon. I hope you all have a great time. If things go as planned I hope to be attending that convention next year. XD But ya'll have fun!
Movies included in this post:
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Alien Verses Predator: Requiem
The Pumpkin Carver
Long Time Dead
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Oh God. This movie. This movie people. Do not watch this movie. Apparently my brother watched it the same night I did and was happy about it. Is he really my brother?
I didn’t watch the entire movie though. Once everyone made it to the medieval castle I decided it was game over. Game over people. I opted to watch something else instead, I think Quarantine for the 58967th time. I am sure there was a reasonable explanation for why there were random knights and why people were living in castles and really acting like it was 1478. Maybe it was explained. But after watching an hour of cyber punks stab and eat people I wasn’t in the mood for more shenanigans.
Plus it was hard to watch this movie and not think Underworld. Sorry.
Too much of this movie was focused on healthy evil people and healthy semi sane people. I was expecting some zombies or virus ridden people. But no…they just die or something. Because I really don’t think the random punk people were affected by the zombie virus or what not. I think they were just crazy. But then again since everyone had a mouth full of cotton I couldn’t understand a word that was being said. Yeah I’m a rude American. But it was so hard to follow what was being said. I have watched other British films and it wasn’t that bad.
In conclusion…I have no idea what this movie was about. Watch Quarantine instead.
Alien Verses Predator: Requiem
I actually tried to watch this movie online for free one day. But I kept getting pissed off that the color was so dark and I couldn’t see anything. I figured I was being punished for trying to watch movies for free and this was the price I paid for being a pirate.
Then I watched it this month on TV and realized it was the movie that sucked itself, not the format I was trying to watch it in. Half the time the scene was too dark for me to tell who was who. It probably doesn’t help that the Predator looked similar to the PredoAlien but still. Way to go dark movie. I saw more during Rob Zombie’s Halloween movies.
So since the movie was so dark I really had a hard time following what was going on. Something about PredoAlien infecting people in brand new ways. How exciting! Was it throwing up into a pregnant lady’s mouth at one point? How lovely. I think there was some slimy PredoAlien headquarters but I really couldn’t see. Also I watched this movie on FX so everything was censored.
Do not torture your pizza delivery drivers! XO But it was a bit surprising that the love interest died. BAM pinned to the wall. That is why you don’t pick on your pizza delivery driver, instant karma.
The Pumpkin Carver
This movie was so so bad it was almost magical at some points. Like most movies sci-fi shows it was full of stupid teenagers and an even stupider kill. Yes stupider. There is really nothing redeeming about this movie or anything that makes it stick out in my mind. Actually I really need to think hard to remember anything about this movie to type about. I need to blog these movies after I watch them or else I won’t remember anything.
I did love the opening sequence though. The boyfriend deserved to die. His girlfriend was truly freaked out with his “joke”. She was screaming her head off and the brother comes in to save the day. But then it is revealed that MOG it was the boyfriend and the brother is the bad guy. I might have stabbed the sister too had I been the brother and was screamed at like that. Bitch I just saved your life, pick a better boyfriend next time.
I don’t really understand how/why the boyfriend then became an evil spirit that went around killing people. Like I need a better explanation on why something magical happens. It just can’t HAPPEN. I need a reason. I need to understand the killer. And why he would kill these innocent kids. But no, we get some grope scenes and random teenage stereotypes splatted all over the ground. Explanations are for losers.
Although I do like that the new love interest was killed. The candle was a nice touch too. Everyone dies WOOHOO!
Dude. I had high hopes for this movie. Finally a monster that is going to tear people limb from limb! And I also got off work early enough that I could catch this masterpiece. While it might not have been Mega Piranha it was slightly entertaining.
Like all Sci-Fi movies there are major loop holes. Like how the “witch” put a curse on all the babies in the village. But I am pretty sure Goblin monster was running around killing lots of people. During our viewing I told my friend that technically everyone used to be someone’s baby but that was just BS. Silly curses, they should have rules right? Right. I thought so.
I totally believe that a teenager would join her friend on her family fun time camping in the woods. Really I would. The idea of being alone in the woods with no technology during my summer vacation sounds awesome. Factor in that there is an “evil” step mom and I am TOTALLY THERE.
Stepmom got on my nerves. I do give her SOME points for trying to protect the stepdaughter in the end but the idea of bringing along your step kid to watch the new baby while on vacation is pretty selfish. Like there is absolutely nothing to do here and you want me to now be bored and watch your baby? Also the whole yelling when they came back late while looking for BABY SUPPLIES made me mad too.
My favorite part of the movie though is the girls running into people from home. Because in the middle of nowhere in a creepy cursed town I totally believe that you could run into your long time crush. I BELIEVE PEOPLE!!!!!!
But I think the Goblin should have been the main focus of the movie. I get the sheriff and his wife were all :( that their baby died but I don’t think the answer is taking someone else’s baby. Not following that logic train. Also I hate babies.
Long Time Dead
Okay usually I hate British films because I can’t understand what the hell they are saying. That sounds really, really bad of me and MOG stupid American but it’s the truth. I actually have to stop what I am doing and really pay attention to what is being sad/happening. Just cotton ball syndrome.
But despite the whole British and I really suck factor I liked this movie. Again it has some cheap thrills and random deaths but it wasn’t so horrible. I think my favorite scene was the death in the bathroom. I try to imagine being the other lady in the bathroom. Here I am trying to take a dump and this other girl is making a scene. Then I have to stop pooping to see what is going and BAM someone is dead. Since I didn’t finish pooping I just crapped all over myself so I am going to smell/look awesome when the cops come. Really, what is wrong with me…..
I am not sure how I feel about the everyone dies angle. I guess it does get a little boring with only the Last Girl or the Meant to be Couple surviving but it seems so bleak when everyone bites the dust. But I guess that is kinda realistic. They are just a bunch of humans fighting against some supernatural thing; chances are they aren’t going to win. So I am like do I want something that leaves me going what is the point or with something I am expecting?
Also everyone who parties dies. Don’t do drugs, don’t have sex, don’t smoke, and don’t go to clubs. Everyone go to the library!!!
Okay I do. :( So be here for me tomorrow?
But since I cannot have my K-On tonight I will go ahead and post my movie watching post for July. I don't foresee me watching any movies tomorrow so why not do it a day early? Me?! Doing something early? Amazing. But here we go anyway. XD
Also a shout out to those going to Otakon. I hope you all have a great time. If things go as planned I hope to be attending that convention next year. XD But ya'll have fun!
Movies included in this post:
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Alien Verses Predator: Requiem
The Pumpkin Carver
Long Time Dead
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Oh God. This movie. This movie people. Do not watch this movie. Apparently my brother watched it the same night I did and was happy about it. Is he really my brother?
I didn’t watch the entire movie though. Once everyone made it to the medieval castle I decided it was game over. Game over people. I opted to watch something else instead, I think Quarantine for the 58967th time. I am sure there was a reasonable explanation for why there were random knights and why people were living in castles and really acting like it was 1478. Maybe it was explained. But after watching an hour of cyber punks stab and eat people I wasn’t in the mood for more shenanigans.
Plus it was hard to watch this movie and not think Underworld. Sorry.
Too much of this movie was focused on healthy evil people and healthy semi sane people. I was expecting some zombies or virus ridden people. But no…they just die or something. Because I really don’t think the random punk people were affected by the zombie virus or what not. I think they were just crazy. But then again since everyone had a mouth full of cotton I couldn’t understand a word that was being said. Yeah I’m a rude American. But it was so hard to follow what was being said. I have watched other British films and it wasn’t that bad.
In conclusion…I have no idea what this movie was about. Watch Quarantine instead.
Alien Verses Predator: Requiem
I actually tried to watch this movie online for free one day. But I kept getting pissed off that the color was so dark and I couldn’t see anything. I figured I was being punished for trying to watch movies for free and this was the price I paid for being a pirate.
Then I watched it this month on TV and realized it was the movie that sucked itself, not the format I was trying to watch it in. Half the time the scene was too dark for me to tell who was who. It probably doesn’t help that the Predator looked similar to the PredoAlien but still. Way to go dark movie. I saw more during Rob Zombie’s Halloween movies.
So since the movie was so dark I really had a hard time following what was going on. Something about PredoAlien infecting people in brand new ways. How exciting! Was it throwing up into a pregnant lady’s mouth at one point? How lovely. I think there was some slimy PredoAlien headquarters but I really couldn’t see. Also I watched this movie on FX so everything was censored.
Do not torture your pizza delivery drivers! XO But it was a bit surprising that the love interest died. BAM pinned to the wall. That is why you don’t pick on your pizza delivery driver, instant karma.
The Pumpkin Carver
This movie was so so bad it was almost magical at some points. Like most movies sci-fi shows it was full of stupid teenagers and an even stupider kill. Yes stupider. There is really nothing redeeming about this movie or anything that makes it stick out in my mind. Actually I really need to think hard to remember anything about this movie to type about. I need to blog these movies after I watch them or else I won’t remember anything.
I did love the opening sequence though. The boyfriend deserved to die. His girlfriend was truly freaked out with his “joke”. She was screaming her head off and the brother comes in to save the day. But then it is revealed that MOG it was the boyfriend and the brother is the bad guy. I might have stabbed the sister too had I been the brother and was screamed at like that. Bitch I just saved your life, pick a better boyfriend next time.
I don’t really understand how/why the boyfriend then became an evil spirit that went around killing people. Like I need a better explanation on why something magical happens. It just can’t HAPPEN. I need a reason. I need to understand the killer. And why he would kill these innocent kids. But no, we get some grope scenes and random teenage stereotypes splatted all over the ground. Explanations are for losers.
Although I do like that the new love interest was killed. The candle was a nice touch too. Everyone dies WOOHOO!
Dude. I had high hopes for this movie. Finally a monster that is going to tear people limb from limb! And I also got off work early enough that I could catch this masterpiece. While it might not have been Mega Piranha it was slightly entertaining.
Like all Sci-Fi movies there are major loop holes. Like how the “witch” put a curse on all the babies in the village. But I am pretty sure Goblin monster was running around killing lots of people. During our viewing I told my friend that technically everyone used to be someone’s baby but that was just BS. Silly curses, they should have rules right? Right. I thought so.
I totally believe that a teenager would join her friend on her family fun time camping in the woods. Really I would. The idea of being alone in the woods with no technology during my summer vacation sounds awesome. Factor in that there is an “evil” step mom and I am TOTALLY THERE.
Stepmom got on my nerves. I do give her SOME points for trying to protect the stepdaughter in the end but the idea of bringing along your step kid to watch the new baby while on vacation is pretty selfish. Like there is absolutely nothing to do here and you want me to now be bored and watch your baby? Also the whole yelling when they came back late while looking for BABY SUPPLIES made me mad too.
My favorite part of the movie though is the girls running into people from home. Because in the middle of nowhere in a creepy cursed town I totally believe that you could run into your long time crush. I BELIEVE PEOPLE!!!!!!
But I think the Goblin should have been the main focus of the movie. I get the sheriff and his wife were all :( that their baby died but I don’t think the answer is taking someone else’s baby. Not following that logic train. Also I hate babies.
Long Time Dead
Okay usually I hate British films because I can’t understand what the hell they are saying. That sounds really, really bad of me and MOG stupid American but it’s the truth. I actually have to stop what I am doing and really pay attention to what is being sad/happening. Just cotton ball syndrome.
But despite the whole British and I really suck factor I liked this movie. Again it has some cheap thrills and random deaths but it wasn’t so horrible. I think my favorite scene was the death in the bathroom. I try to imagine being the other lady in the bathroom. Here I am trying to take a dump and this other girl is making a scene. Then I have to stop pooping to see what is going and BAM someone is dead. Since I didn’t finish pooping I just crapped all over myself so I am going to smell/look awesome when the cops come. Really, what is wrong with me…..
I am not sure how I feel about the everyone dies angle. I guess it does get a little boring with only the Last Girl or the Meant to be Couple surviving but it seems so bleak when everyone bites the dust. But I guess that is kinda realistic. They are just a bunch of humans fighting against some supernatural thing; chances are they aren’t going to win. So I am like do I want something that leaves me going what is the point or with something I am expecting?
Also everyone who parties dies. Don’t do drugs, don’t have sex, don’t smoke, and don’t go to clubs. Everyone go to the library!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Kuroshitsuji II episode 4
XO I think I need to have more excitement in my life. I do love blogging but it shouldn’t be the best part of my day every day right? I should have something else planned for my days off and not only depend on blogging to occupy my time. XO But to have money to do fun things I would need to work even more…and then I have no free time. X_X
AFO is almost here, I just need to hold a little longer….
But for now I have Kuroshitsuji to entertain me and this week I can happily report I was entertained. XD Come experience the craziness that is Ciel and his demon butler. XD
Summary: Ciel and Sebastian are getting ready to board a train for some reason and the Stupid Trio is there. Finny knocks over a box containing a mummy and a worker is injuried in the process. Apologizes are issued and on the train they go. Ciel is super duper bored but he is going to solve the case of the missing kid because that is what his Queen wants. The kidnapper in on the train so Ciel decides to look around to see who the suspect could be. Ciel goes to the passenger part of the train and everyone is a freak. There is the archaeologist from earlier but since Sebastian is like a million years old he knows the mummy is a fake. There is a crazy dude ranting and raving about the train schedule and how he knows every last line. There is a Japanese couple whom no one likes for fear of cholera. And then there is a minister trying to calm everyone down but he has weird tattoos on his wrists. But never fear Abberline is HERE. He tells everyone he is sorry that they are on edge due to the fact they are transporting a dangerous murderer. That in fact does not calm everyone down. After those fun times Abberline has dinner with Ciel because he really wants to get to know Ciel since he has heard great things from his twin brother. Ciel and Sebastian leave the dining room where we see Claude eating o so slowly.
Ciel thinks about who could be the kidnapper when he spots someone with a wound that was caused by Finny earlier. This certainly means he is the kidnapper and the chase is on. The kidnapper runs and disconnects the last car so he and the kidnapped kid’s dad alone. Sebastian goes after them but the kidnapper reveals that he left explosions on the train that will go off when the train comes to a stop. Ciel has managed to locate the kidnapped kid (in the fact coffin) but in all the chaos the murderer breaks free and kidnaps Ciel. Sebastian makes the train change route because it was coming up on its stop but now the new path is leading to a broken down bridge. Sebastian gets back on the train and finds that there are people suffering from cholera. But the chaos really happens when Sebastian tells the passengers that they can’t stop the train or it will blow up. The murderer pops up, shows off that he has kidnapped Ciel, and runs away.
Suddenly everyone in the cabin that was deemed a suspect earlier turns out to be important in stopping the crises (the minister is a former killer who can talk on the current killer, ranting man knows a safe way to buy them 20 minutes away from the bridge, fake archaeologist knows how to dismantle a bomb, and the Japanese man has a sword). Sebastian smiles and says that’s nice losers but leave this to me because I am awesome. Sebastian throws the killer off the train, rips off the roof that has the bomb on it, and stops the train with his bare hands before it flies off the tracks. REJOICE PEOPLE. Ciel is so impressed. Also it was not cholera but food poisoning or something. As everyone leaves the train confused but happy to be alive Claude comes up to Sebastian and admonishes him for not stopping the train in a more civilized manner. But then Claude gives Sebastian an invitation to a party that is being held at Alois’s house. Ciel is all X_X about this news because that kid can never be happy. THE END!
XO High School of the Dead had a really bad episode for and Kuroshitsuji surprises me with a really awesome episode 4. I am still a little MEH at the fact that Ciel is probably dead and that this is a prequel but what can you do? Maybe by the end of all this the very first episode will turn out to be the really last episode of season 1. But he is probably dead.
Enough of that! Let’s talk about this episode and how there was no Elizabeth or stupid deer messing up my face.
This episode was pretending to be a murder mystery when really it was a comedy show. XD Almost like we were all playing a giant game of Clue and in the end we all got the middle finger. But instead of being upset we all laughed at the joke that was played on us.
First we have a weird supporting cast thrown at us. Some random guy who is a phony archeologist. The priest has some crazy tattoos on his arm. Some freak is screaming about train schedules. Everyone hates the old Japanese couple and their rice balls. And our favorite Scotland Yard man has a dangerous man bounded in the other room. Add in the fact Claude just happened to be on this train and could we have any more drama?
Ciel!!! This trip was going to be loads of fun and yet you are pouting over Alois and his freaky self. I don’t think you should be pouting as you have yet to meet him. Once you are introduced to the Earl of Crazy then you can be all doom and gloom. For now rejoice that you are in a giant game of Clue. At least Sebastian was having fun.
So….is Abberline the real one from the first series or is he this twin that was briefly mentioned? I ask because it sounds like the twin is dead but this Abberline dude is acting way different than from the first season. I know that Abberline has just met Ciel and that could account for his friendliness but it still seems off to me. So I don’t know what to believe as I thought it was implied the twin is dead but Abberline is acting way goofy. Either way his presence seems necessary for fun.
Of course going back and getting the screenie has allowed me to reread the sentence. I am even more confused now. X_X If this dude is not Fred then how does the second Abberline know Ciel? This HAS to be in the past as Ciel did not know the Undertaker and Grell so it is possible this is NOT Fred but then how does Fred know Ciel? DO YOU SEE MY CONFUSION?!
Ciel manages to solve the crime because 12 year olds are way smarter in animes than they are in real life. Earlier the Stupid Trio injuried a worker and said injuried worker showed up as a passenger on the train. Such a small detail but since Ciel turned out to be right who cares that is was something most of us would overlook. It is never explained why the Queen was so worried about this missing kid or why the dude kidnapped the kid to begin with but we are supposed to just roll with it.
I love how everything went to pits so very fast. Sure Sebastian saved the captured kid’s dad in 5 seconds but now he has a real problem on his hands. He runs back to the train to find out that Ciel has been kidnapped (again), there are bombs trapped to the train, the new track he set them on is heading towards a broken down bridge, and there is an outbreak of chorea on the train. Really the only way things could get any worse was if someone started to give birth then and there.
The real magic of the show was when everyone who anything to do with the series came together to save the day. You know that creepy tattooed priest from earlier? Well he was a reformed killer so he can help stop that madman. But he needs a weapon! Well hello angry Japanese man you have a sword!!! But what about the bomb!? XO Have no fear the fake archeologist is here and can apparently dismantle the bomb. But what about is going off the tracks?! Remember that crazy man who memorized all the train schedules? He knows exactly how to buy us some more time and make sure we don’t fly off the tracks.
But what does Sebastian do? He totally kills the typical “let’s all work together to save the day” theme that happens so much in anime. He is like no thanks dudes; I can do this all my own. I mean it is nice and all that you guys think you are helpful but really sit down and let the butler deal with this. It was such a glorious moment. One second you are laughing at the absurdity of everyone being exactly the people you need to stop the crises and then you are rolling on the floor because Sebastian could care less. Glorious I tell you.
Sebastian indeed saves the day. He flings Ciel’s kidnapper off the train (after taking a bridge to the head no less) because he is in a flinging mood. He also doesn’t know how to stop the bomb so he rips the top off the train off and throws the bomb away. And instead of redirecting the train somewhere safer he stops it with his bare hands. Because he is that awesome. Gold star Mr. Butler. Oh and also he cured the cholera outbreak as it was a mild case of mixing foods together that really shouldn’t be mixed.
And what is Sebastian’s thank you for saving the day? Claude comes up to him and chides him for not stopping the train in a more butler like fashion. See when one is trying to stop a train with their bare hands they must be careful to make sure that the tea doesn’t spill and that the cake isn’t ruined. How about you show us how it’s done next time Claude? Oh that’s right…you’re not a main character.
So after that fun train ride it looks like we are going to visit the Earl of Crazy and his nitpicking Butler. It looks like things are going to be slightly more serious next week so that might be yay. Also it looks like we might learn why Ciel is so pissed off at Alois and why Alois is important to Ciel’s revenge. Next week looks interesting so I have slightly renewed faith in this series.
But I still don’t want Ciel to be dead. :(
AFO is almost here, I just need to hold a little longer….
But for now I have Kuroshitsuji to entertain me and this week I can happily report I was entertained. XD Come experience the craziness that is Ciel and his demon butler. XD
Summary: Ciel and Sebastian are getting ready to board a train for some reason and the Stupid Trio is there. Finny knocks over a box containing a mummy and a worker is injuried in the process. Apologizes are issued and on the train they go. Ciel is super duper bored but he is going to solve the case of the missing kid because that is what his Queen wants. The kidnapper in on the train so Ciel decides to look around to see who the suspect could be. Ciel goes to the passenger part of the train and everyone is a freak. There is the archaeologist from earlier but since Sebastian is like a million years old he knows the mummy is a fake. There is a crazy dude ranting and raving about the train schedule and how he knows every last line. There is a Japanese couple whom no one likes for fear of cholera. And then there is a minister trying to calm everyone down but he has weird tattoos on his wrists. But never fear Abberline is HERE. He tells everyone he is sorry that they are on edge due to the fact they are transporting a dangerous murderer. That in fact does not calm everyone down. After those fun times Abberline has dinner with Ciel because he really wants to get to know Ciel since he has heard great things from his twin brother. Ciel and Sebastian leave the dining room where we see Claude eating o so slowly.
Ciel thinks about who could be the kidnapper when he spots someone with a wound that was caused by Finny earlier. This certainly means he is the kidnapper and the chase is on. The kidnapper runs and disconnects the last car so he and the kidnapped kid’s dad alone. Sebastian goes after them but the kidnapper reveals that he left explosions on the train that will go off when the train comes to a stop. Ciel has managed to locate the kidnapped kid (in the fact coffin) but in all the chaos the murderer breaks free and kidnaps Ciel. Sebastian makes the train change route because it was coming up on its stop but now the new path is leading to a broken down bridge. Sebastian gets back on the train and finds that there are people suffering from cholera. But the chaos really happens when Sebastian tells the passengers that they can’t stop the train or it will blow up. The murderer pops up, shows off that he has kidnapped Ciel, and runs away.
Suddenly everyone in the cabin that was deemed a suspect earlier turns out to be important in stopping the crises (the minister is a former killer who can talk on the current killer, ranting man knows a safe way to buy them 20 minutes away from the bridge, fake archaeologist knows how to dismantle a bomb, and the Japanese man has a sword). Sebastian smiles and says that’s nice losers but leave this to me because I am awesome. Sebastian throws the killer off the train, rips off the roof that has the bomb on it, and stops the train with his bare hands before it flies off the tracks. REJOICE PEOPLE. Ciel is so impressed. Also it was not cholera but food poisoning or something. As everyone leaves the train confused but happy to be alive Claude comes up to Sebastian and admonishes him for not stopping the train in a more civilized manner. But then Claude gives Sebastian an invitation to a party that is being held at Alois’s house. Ciel is all X_X about this news because that kid can never be happy. THE END!
XO High School of the Dead had a really bad episode for and Kuroshitsuji surprises me with a really awesome episode 4. I am still a little MEH at the fact that Ciel is probably dead and that this is a prequel but what can you do? Maybe by the end of all this the very first episode will turn out to be the really last episode of season 1. But he is probably dead.
Enough of that! Let’s talk about this episode and how there was no Elizabeth or stupid deer messing up my face.
This episode was pretending to be a murder mystery when really it was a comedy show. XD Almost like we were all playing a giant game of Clue and in the end we all got the middle finger. But instead of being upset we all laughed at the joke that was played on us.
First we have a weird supporting cast thrown at us. Some random guy who is a phony archeologist. The priest has some crazy tattoos on his arm. Some freak is screaming about train schedules. Everyone hates the old Japanese couple and their rice balls. And our favorite Scotland Yard man has a dangerous man bounded in the other room. Add in the fact Claude just happened to be on this train and could we have any more drama?
Ciel!!! This trip was going to be loads of fun and yet you are pouting over Alois and his freaky self. I don’t think you should be pouting as you have yet to meet him. Once you are introduced to the Earl of Crazy then you can be all doom and gloom. For now rejoice that you are in a giant game of Clue. At least Sebastian was having fun.
So….is Abberline the real one from the first series or is he this twin that was briefly mentioned? I ask because it sounds like the twin is dead but this Abberline dude is acting way different than from the first season. I know that Abberline has just met Ciel and that could account for his friendliness but it still seems off to me. So I don’t know what to believe as I thought it was implied the twin is dead but Abberline is acting way goofy. Either way his presence seems necessary for fun.
Of course going back and getting the screenie has allowed me to reread the sentence. I am even more confused now. X_X If this dude is not Fred then how does the second Abberline know Ciel? This HAS to be in the past as Ciel did not know the Undertaker and Grell so it is possible this is NOT Fred but then how does Fred know Ciel? DO YOU SEE MY CONFUSION?!
Ciel manages to solve the crime because 12 year olds are way smarter in animes than they are in real life. Earlier the Stupid Trio injuried a worker and said injuried worker showed up as a passenger on the train. Such a small detail but since Ciel turned out to be right who cares that is was something most of us would overlook. It is never explained why the Queen was so worried about this missing kid or why the dude kidnapped the kid to begin with but we are supposed to just roll with it.
I love how everything went to pits so very fast. Sure Sebastian saved the captured kid’s dad in 5 seconds but now he has a real problem on his hands. He runs back to the train to find out that Ciel has been kidnapped (again), there are bombs trapped to the train, the new track he set them on is heading towards a broken down bridge, and there is an outbreak of chorea on the train. Really the only way things could get any worse was if someone started to give birth then and there.
The real magic of the show was when everyone who anything to do with the series came together to save the day. You know that creepy tattooed priest from earlier? Well he was a reformed killer so he can help stop that madman. But he needs a weapon! Well hello angry Japanese man you have a sword!!! But what about the bomb!? XO Have no fear the fake archeologist is here and can apparently dismantle the bomb. But what about is going off the tracks?! Remember that crazy man who memorized all the train schedules? He knows exactly how to buy us some more time and make sure we don’t fly off the tracks.
But what does Sebastian do? He totally kills the typical “let’s all work together to save the day” theme that happens so much in anime. He is like no thanks dudes; I can do this all my own. I mean it is nice and all that you guys think you are helpful but really sit down and let the butler deal with this. It was such a glorious moment. One second you are laughing at the absurdity of everyone being exactly the people you need to stop the crises and then you are rolling on the floor because Sebastian could care less. Glorious I tell you.
Sebastian indeed saves the day. He flings Ciel’s kidnapper off the train (after taking a bridge to the head no less) because he is in a flinging mood. He also doesn’t know how to stop the bomb so he rips the top off the train off and throws the bomb away. And instead of redirecting the train somewhere safer he stops it with his bare hands. Because he is that awesome. Gold star Mr. Butler. Oh and also he cured the cholera outbreak as it was a mild case of mixing foods together that really shouldn’t be mixed.
And what is Sebastian’s thank you for saving the day? Claude comes up to him and chides him for not stopping the train in a more butler like fashion. See when one is trying to stop a train with their bare hands they must be careful to make sure that the tea doesn’t spill and that the cake isn’t ruined. How about you show us how it’s done next time Claude? Oh that’s right…you’re not a main character.
So after that fun train ride it looks like we are going to visit the Earl of Crazy and his nitpicking Butler. It looks like things are going to be slightly more serious next week so that might be yay. Also it looks like we might learn why Ciel is so pissed off at Alois and why Alois is important to Ciel’s revenge. Next week looks interesting so I have slightly renewed faith in this series.
But I still don’t want Ciel to be dead. :(
Monday, July 26, 2010
High School of the Dead Episode 4
Today was pretty dang boring. My husband had off from work but he spent most of the day sleeping. :( I was hoping we could do something seeing how we haven’t spent much time together lately but no. So I spent the day cleaning and being boring around the house. Then I watched this episode and I was still bored. Day off from work was pretty fail today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better or I don’t know how I will get through my work week.
If you are allergic to blue smoke taking up half the screen this episode is not for you. Also sorry fanboys the fanservice was severely kept at a minimum this week. :( Let’s all cry together shall we?
Episode Summary: HALF OF THE EPISODE WAS A RECAP!!!!!!! Seriously people. But for the stuff that WASN’T A RECAP here we go. There is a massive traffic jam with people trying to leave the city. The police are trying to calm everyone down and keep them in their cars. The two random girls in the survivor bus start to cry when a zombie is killed but Shido and his creepy ass comforts them. The main characters are like EW we hate him and also talk about the possibility of them being rescued. Elsewhere on a motorcycle Rei and Takashi are fighting because that is what you do when the world has ended and zombies are trying to eat your soul. He basically says that the helicopters and planes aren’t going to stop and help him and Rei is pissed at his honesty. There is a sad, quiet ride through an empty and burning city. Rei and Takashi stop to get a gun and handcuffs off a dead cop and Takashi is surprised at Rei’s ability to not burst into tears over dead bodies.
They stop because the motorcycle needs gas and they get in another fight. Takashi is all like I am not Hisashi and Rei is pissed that Takashi has no money on him. Then Takashi is like durp I can go into the shop and steals some money since it is the end of the world. Takashi enjoys smashing up the register but when he comes out Rei has been captured by some random creepy. Random creep is not having the best day ever as he just got done smashing in his entire family member’s heads. He has decided that he needs to find a woman to start over in this horrible world. Then he decides to grope Rei for a while but the censors don’t let us see that. We can see bouncing boobs and panty shots but when hands touch the boobies it is all blue lights. The punk forces Takashi to fill up the motorcycle. Takashi tries to reason with the dude but in the end he presses the gun against punk and fires. He is pretty wounded and Rei and Takashi leave him to be eaten by zombies. Takashi is really upset that this is day one and he has already killed a human but since Rei is snuggled upon him it is not the worst thing ever. Then Rei waves to a plane that flies over head that is taping them. The end.
WTF! Why in episode 4 was there a recap?! WHY!!!! Recaps are for long series, 24/26 episodes and even then they are annoying. This show is like 12/13 episodes long. And half of episode 4 is going to be a recap? No. NO! And then some more NO!
So putting that aside I guess this is going to be a really quick post since HALF OF THE EPISODE ALREADY HAPPENED. Just seriously…..
We only had a brief view of what is going on with our bus people. Shido is a gross pervert and those girls are pretty dumb for allowing his comfort. But none of these people are going to survive so it is pointless to comment on how these girls need to buck and not cry when police officers are shooting zombies outside. I just wish that the other adult (Ms. Nurse) was smarter than a gold fish so someone could question his authority.
However I did like that that there seem to be a lot of survivors (so far) as seen with the tons of cars leaving the city. And dude the cops were actually SMART. In most sci-fi/zombie movies cops are really, really dumb and usually cause a lot of people to die before they are nommed themselves. But these cops were all like STAY IN YO CARS! Controlling the panic XO How awesome is that.
The rest of the episode was focused on Rei and Takashi’s up and down relationship. These two really need to learn that there is no time for fighting in this new world. I mean, I am not even talking about how this tragedy should have taught them to value human life and not take moments for granted. I am actually talking about there is no time for fighting because there is actually NO TIME FOR FIGHTING. You need to work together so you can stay alive. If you are bickering and picking on each other over small issues zombies can sneak up on you in no time. So put aside yo problems for now.
Takashi. You really need to learn to take things when you can get them. You were in a convenient store. You were surrounded by useful products, the most important being food and water. Yes you are on a motorcycle but it didn’t dawn on you to take SOMETHING to eat? I know bashing in some zombie heads would make me hungry. But you just have fun killing that cash register there. Leave all the food behind.
Oh look, a survivor who has lost their mind. See these people are more dangerous than the zombies. They are aware of how awful their actions are yet they do them anyway. They see how crazy and horrible this world and they decide to make the world even worse by threatening people with weapons and trying to kill them. Because survivors rarely can work all together for the greater good. No when the end of the world comes around the selfishness in people is increased 10 fold and now you have to dodge zombies and crazy survivors. Yay.
So……why was the boob grabbing scene blurred? Like I don’t want to see crap like that but why was it so horrible that we got some blue fuzzy scene going on? The opening song alone is pretty graphic. We got people all sprawled on the bed nearly showing everything and people pressed into fences with their tiny bras barely keeping the boobies in place. But some dude is touching the boobies and we can’t see them because….? I mean, I am pretty sure we are watching a show where people are being clubbed with baseball bats and shot with nail guns. It might be pretty horrific that this girl is being molested but I don’t see why it was censored.
I feel bad that Takashi had to kill that dude but his nerves are on high alert. Yeah he could have shot him somewhere else and still saved Rei but he has been up probably for about 24 hours at this point and zombies are roaming the streets. Now is not the time for making sense and trying to talk the bad guys down. You either let me friend go or I am going to blow you away. Sucks that you had to kill your entire family but I am not going down on that sinking ship with you.
The episode ends with Rei waving at a plane. Because when I am traveling in a destroyed city being chased by zombies I often smile for the camera. Not much happened in this episode and I am slightly disappointed. Slow moving plot INDEED! Hopefully next week we get a little more action and get to know the characters better. So I would classify this week as a typical fail episode. Every series needs one and hopefully this will be the only one. BRAAAAINS.
If you are allergic to blue smoke taking up half the screen this episode is not for you. Also sorry fanboys the fanservice was severely kept at a minimum this week. :( Let’s all cry together shall we?
Episode Summary: HALF OF THE EPISODE WAS A RECAP!!!!!!! Seriously people. But for the stuff that WASN’T A RECAP here we go. There is a massive traffic jam with people trying to leave the city. The police are trying to calm everyone down and keep them in their cars. The two random girls in the survivor bus start to cry when a zombie is killed but Shido and his creepy ass comforts them. The main characters are like EW we hate him and also talk about the possibility of them being rescued. Elsewhere on a motorcycle Rei and Takashi are fighting because that is what you do when the world has ended and zombies are trying to eat your soul. He basically says that the helicopters and planes aren’t going to stop and help him and Rei is pissed at his honesty. There is a sad, quiet ride through an empty and burning city. Rei and Takashi stop to get a gun and handcuffs off a dead cop and Takashi is surprised at Rei’s ability to not burst into tears over dead bodies.
They stop because the motorcycle needs gas and they get in another fight. Takashi is all like I am not Hisashi and Rei is pissed that Takashi has no money on him. Then Takashi is like durp I can go into the shop and steals some money since it is the end of the world. Takashi enjoys smashing up the register but when he comes out Rei has been captured by some random creepy. Random creep is not having the best day ever as he just got done smashing in his entire family member’s heads. He has decided that he needs to find a woman to start over in this horrible world. Then he decides to grope Rei for a while but the censors don’t let us see that. We can see bouncing boobs and panty shots but when hands touch the boobies it is all blue lights. The punk forces Takashi to fill up the motorcycle. Takashi tries to reason with the dude but in the end he presses the gun against punk and fires. He is pretty wounded and Rei and Takashi leave him to be eaten by zombies. Takashi is really upset that this is day one and he has already killed a human but since Rei is snuggled upon him it is not the worst thing ever. Then Rei waves to a plane that flies over head that is taping them. The end.
WTF! Why in episode 4 was there a recap?! WHY!!!! Recaps are for long series, 24/26 episodes and even then they are annoying. This show is like 12/13 episodes long. And half of episode 4 is going to be a recap? No. NO! And then some more NO!
So putting that aside I guess this is going to be a really quick post since HALF OF THE EPISODE ALREADY HAPPENED. Just seriously…..
We only had a brief view of what is going on with our bus people. Shido is a gross pervert and those girls are pretty dumb for allowing his comfort. But none of these people are going to survive so it is pointless to comment on how these girls need to buck and not cry when police officers are shooting zombies outside. I just wish that the other adult (Ms. Nurse) was smarter than a gold fish so someone could question his authority.
However I did like that that there seem to be a lot of survivors (so far) as seen with the tons of cars leaving the city. And dude the cops were actually SMART. In most sci-fi/zombie movies cops are really, really dumb and usually cause a lot of people to die before they are nommed themselves. But these cops were all like STAY IN YO CARS! Controlling the panic XO How awesome is that.
The rest of the episode was focused on Rei and Takashi’s up and down relationship. These two really need to learn that there is no time for fighting in this new world. I mean, I am not even talking about how this tragedy should have taught them to value human life and not take moments for granted. I am actually talking about there is no time for fighting because there is actually NO TIME FOR FIGHTING. You need to work together so you can stay alive. If you are bickering and picking on each other over small issues zombies can sneak up on you in no time. So put aside yo problems for now.
Takashi. You really need to learn to take things when you can get them. You were in a convenient store. You were surrounded by useful products, the most important being food and water. Yes you are on a motorcycle but it didn’t dawn on you to take SOMETHING to eat? I know bashing in some zombie heads would make me hungry. But you just have fun killing that cash register there. Leave all the food behind.
Oh look, a survivor who has lost their mind. See these people are more dangerous than the zombies. They are aware of how awful their actions are yet they do them anyway. They see how crazy and horrible this world and they decide to make the world even worse by threatening people with weapons and trying to kill them. Because survivors rarely can work all together for the greater good. No when the end of the world comes around the selfishness in people is increased 10 fold and now you have to dodge zombies and crazy survivors. Yay.
So……why was the boob grabbing scene blurred? Like I don’t want to see crap like that but why was it so horrible that we got some blue fuzzy scene going on? The opening song alone is pretty graphic. We got people all sprawled on the bed nearly showing everything and people pressed into fences with their tiny bras barely keeping the boobies in place. But some dude is touching the boobies and we can’t see them because….? I mean, I am pretty sure we are watching a show where people are being clubbed with baseball bats and shot with nail guns. It might be pretty horrific that this girl is being molested but I don’t see why it was censored.
I feel bad that Takashi had to kill that dude but his nerves are on high alert. Yeah he could have shot him somewhere else and still saved Rei but he has been up probably for about 24 hours at this point and zombies are roaming the streets. Now is not the time for making sense and trying to talk the bad guys down. You either let me friend go or I am going to blow you away. Sucks that you had to kill your entire family but I am not going down on that sinking ship with you.
The episode ends with Rei waving at a plane. Because when I am traveling in a destroyed city being chased by zombies I often smile for the camera. Not much happened in this episode and I am slightly disappointed. Slow moving plot INDEED! Hopefully next week we get a little more action and get to know the characters better. So I would classify this week as a typical fail episode. Every series needs one and hopefully this will be the only one. BRAAAAINS.
I’m not sure what made me watch this movie. Maybe I was looking over past horror movie lists or something? No clue. Maybe Quarantine wasn’t on that night.
The first part of the movie was really, really good. I was actually expecting the documentary part to be the boring section of the movie. So I was pleasantly surprised when TADA it was more interesting than the slashing part. I like how the killer explained how much work goes into being a psychopath. Not that any of this actually applies to most horror movies but it was nice to see them make an effort to explain how it COULD be all possible and not super natural.
But the last part of the movie was meh. Oh look the virgin had sex and died. The reporter lady is the real last girl standing. Everyone was killed off in 20 minutes. :( There was no real scare since we were told how Mr. Killer was going to do everything. Also since there is doubts on whether or not Mr. Killer did have a crappy childhood it almost seemed pointless.
So while the premise and beginning were good the movie fell apart in the end. B- for effort.