Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happiness comes is brightly colored packages and in silly inside jokes.

Today is my husband's birthday. He may or may not be old. Since we are high school sweethearts, I will go with not old. XD But regardless, today "the world was blessed on this day 2X years ago" and I am quite glad for this fact.

This entry sadly will not include details about waitresses singing a lame happy birthday song to my husband...even though I tried. XD But please read it anyway knowing there is no cheesy song waiting for you at the end.

It was a simple day really. There were plans to go out to dinner with relatives and what not, but of course this is still part of my life: nothing goes as planned. Someone got sick, someone was too tired from work, and one person we didn't want to include anyway. After all was said and done, it was just me and my husband today.

And really I liked it this way. Not that we aren't ourselves when we are out with other people, but it is nice to know people aren't going to say "TENCHI" anytime I act like Tenchi or when he acts like RV. I love you mom...but stop saying my name as to scold me...but laughing while doing so.

No, my husband and I just get each other. And I would hope so after so long. We can see the same person and think the same comical comment. Perhaps we are just mean people and all mean people think alike but I think it is more than that. And we seem to get each other more when it's just the two of us. Or we appreciate it more when there aren't other people to around to entertain us.

In terms of gift giving and parties and what husband is a pretty laid back guy whereas I enjoy the attention and pretty wrapping paper. So shopping for my husband can be hard and others find it impossible to do so for him. But I am the kind of person who tries to make a big deal about everyone's birthday just in case no one else does.

I actually have never spent so much money on a gift in my life. I justify such a large amount by making it his combined Valentine's Day, Birthday, and Anniversary gift. And I think he was happy with that as he is not use to such spending on him. Of course we all know it is the thought that counts and not the actual price tag. I just feel happy that after years of him spoiling me I could spoil him a bit.

So after he opened his lovely new game system (which I know next to nothing about and I am glad to have a brother who works at a game store) off we went to pick out a new game for his new little system. Because picking out the system was hard enough; I wasn't about to pick a game too. Afterwords we went to a family style resturante to take advantage of a new deal.

Pretty run of the mill stuff, but for some reason tonight I am really happy. Nothing amazingly magnificent happened today and I am sure quite a few people might even call this day boring. Perhaps we have reached the point in our lives where not every date/day has to be amazing and perfect and exciting. Just simply being around one another is enough to make us content and joyful.

Or maybe Little Big Planet is really THAT awesome of a game that makes everyone MOG happy that plays it XD

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Volume 7

It is time for another manga post. And being awesome and up to date...I will blog Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Volume 7. Because that is very current. XD

Or that I don't care really. I am going to post what I like and when I have time to post. Fushigi Yuugi was one of my very first mangas so it has a special place in my heart. Yuu Watase FOREVER!


Although I curse her for making me cry so much!

So now that I have rambled on for a is time for the actual post! Complete with way too many screenies!


:( No more good times...

To start off the must turn to the back of the manga and read the little summary.

"As the war for Genbu begins, the Celestial Warriors leap into
the fray....but the first battle will exact a terrible price!"

So someone is going to die. And unlike the first Fushigi Yuugi, I doubt there is a plan set in place to allow Takiko to gather some special objects and make her wish that way. So I am guessing 7 of the 8 will live (Namame might be a ground up little pebble...but he can still do his job). So...let's turn to the front of the manga to get some magical hint on who it might be who bites the dust.


Cuteness is a sign of impending doom... :(

Soren. ....Just damn it. :( One of my favorite characters. And only 25 percent of my love for him has to do with yaoi...which is saying a lot.


I love yaoi! I can't help it!

So even before I opened up the book I knew I was going to be sad. :( Soren is the little voice of reason for this group, the ADULT if you would. But...he is expendable. He isn't a warrior. Should have known better.


He left us all!

After working up enough courage to open the volume, Takiko is still talking to Hagus about how he is warrior, he should join them, she can save his brother blah blah. Personally I like Hagus. I tend to love most twins (Amiboshi and Suboshi FOREVER) so Hagus was pretty much a must like to begin with.

Photobucket is odd they are like....17 year apart?

But I like how he is still very cynical about this whole warrior thing (well, most of them are...). The original Fushigi Yuugi had a clear cut enemy and these were the bad guys. on the fence. He is fighting to protect his brother, but he is fighting the "good guys". Can't really blame him, but strangling him for being stubborn crosses my mind.


He's getting screwed over too!

Ziyu and Feiyan aren't in this volume very much, but the chick at the end of the volume looks VERY maybe they will appear more in the second one. Again, it is hard to hate those two as basically they have been forced into this way of life. Plus this pairing is fun in my head.


Someone looks familiar...

Takiko gets captured like 3 times in this one volume alone, but she is still a much stronger person than Miaka. She still does the annoying crying out for a guy, missing the guy too much, and depending on the guy way too much...but she is different. Miaka would just sit by or try to help and be in the way. Takiko can actually fight and defend herself. She feels more compelled to aid people. So when she is off being the HELP ME is more tolerated since she can help at times.


This is how a priestess protects her people!

Tomite, Hatsui, Hikitsu, and Inami don't really have much to do in this volume. Hikitsu is always cool with his ability so he is allowed to be mysterious and out of the way. I am still not feeling Inami as a warrior yet. Not because she is a woman...just the way she presents herself. Or the fact that two out two "main" warrior woman have been sluts? Can't we get a "main" one that isn't a slut or a massive whore?


Her power is special too...

Tomite needs to step up more and reaffirm his standing as a main character. Uruki just stomps all over him. More and more Uruki is being seen as a comic relief character. I guess I would have liked it more had there been more of a love triangle and not a MOG I love you and only you moment so early in the manga.


Can you has some serious please?

I think the Genbu series has done a much better job portraying how hard life is for these characters. In the original there bad events and neighboring nation taking over. It is slightly different when your own King doesn't care about you and EVERY single village is being burned and smashed to the ground.


Time to be rescuing your people!

At times there seems to be too many enemies. We got Uruki's dad being all evil with his metal body. We got Uruki's Uncle...destroying a nation just to kill Uruki. We got Seiryƫ still (or starting...) to be asshats by throwing their hands into the mix. We got Hagus fighting to protect his warrior disabling brother. We got random bandits all over the place rapping and stabbing people. It can get a little confusing at times.


But...the hats never fail to amuse me...

I feel as if some of this is just too much for one series. If they focused more on certain enemies perhaps the pace wouldn't be so hectic. But perhaps in the end it will all make sense. Or maybe it was meant to be chaotic to match the times.


The only decent ruler is wanted by like...every single person in the story!

On to the main point of this post: My poor dead Soren.


Do not taunt my tears with your cute chibi images!

You can pretty much tell when a side character starts revealing their past to the main character, they are a goner. So...when Soren talks to Takiko about his father's death and how tough his life was...the end was near.



I love how they showed Soren having doubts about protecting Uruki. I don't like it when someone blindly protects another or mindlessly serves someone. Soren was very young when he was thrust into this mess. And even if his hesitation and doubt lasted all of 2 made me happy to see such a development.


Who WOULDN'T pick that cutie pie!?

To me it represents that Soren CHOOSE this life. He didn't just carry on his father's will or do it out of honor. He had a chance to end it all and he choose not to. Protecting Uruki is what he wanted to do. Even if it meant a life on the run and death.


Even Uruki is surprised...almost too cute for words!

Soren does decide that he will allow himself to be killed rather than lead Uruki into a trap. I am quite sure Hagus smelt bull**** the entire I am not sure why he allowed this act to take place. Perhaps he knows if Uruki is dead the chances of getting his brother back are almost NIL from Takiko's side. And if Uruki does appear...well he gets his brother back anyway. A win win situation for him.


You are causing a lot of problems little man..

But back to Soren. He is a pretty fast thinker and is able to reunite Uruki and Takiko while protecting them both. Only he has to die.


But totally outnumbered...

And pretty much his death is one of the worst ones in Yuu Watase history. I mean...I thought watching your twin turn into blob monster of flesh was bad. But no...Soren is stabbed, shot with like 15 arrows, sets himself on fire, and blows up. That is a whole lot of dead.


Could it GET any worse?!

But the entire time he is not resentful at the fact he has to die. He almost seems happy. As long as his master can be protected and with his loved one...he is happy to die. And take out quite of few of their enemies in the process.


Because all that matters is Uruki...

Sadder than Soren's death is Uruki's reaction. Or that fact he experiences the shock TWICE! He is only momentarily consumed by sorrow before the rage took over and he nearly killed himself to get revenge. After recovering and reuniting with the others does he really face the reality of the situation...and Soren is never going to return to his side again.


Not even a chance to say goodbye...

The fact that Uruki thought he was ready for this day...but ended up sobbing so sadly pulled at my heart strings. :( Clearly HE was ready to die, but not go on living without Soren. That he still thinks that Soren should have dropped him off that cliff that day. And I really love how Uruki could cry so openly in front of all his companions and not feel "shame". That is how real men cry.


All that is left of Soren. :(

Anything else that happened in this volume is secondary to Soren's death. I had to reread the volume just to make sure I got everything straight in my head as I was just so focused on Soren. :( Yuu Watase knows how to make people feel so upset when any of her characters die.


Pretty much all I could think about the entire volume.

So there is my incoherent rambly post. Basically I love Yuu Watase, Soren, and Fushigi Yuugi Genbu. Despite it's VERY SLOW RELEASE DATES I love this series and look forward to the next volume coming out in America. XD


Why must I wait so long to see how things progress!!!

If you have NOT read any Fushigi Yuugi, I recommend getting this series first, then the original. Makes you focus more on the characters at hand and not tings you THINK are going to happen.

Again thanks for reading and sorry for my ramblings. I tend to do that with things I love. XD

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Weekly Anime Feb. 16th- 22nd

Greetings all! This week went by very quickly. And in a way that is a very good thing. XD Just wish all the episodes didn't get subbed at the end of the week, leaving me to scramble all weekend. I didn't have time to post Shugo Chara Doki episode 71, got a little bit busy with real life today. Yes, cry tears for me..I suffer so much. XD


But I could have real problems like Sho....

But seriously, I am thankful for the subbers. Since January everything has been coming out pretty quickly and no weeks being skipped. Thanks for all your hard work for us all.

This week's post contains the following episode reviews and summaries:

Shugo Chara Doki Episode 70
Skip Beat Episode Episode 19
KuroShitsuji - Episode 18
Chrome Shelled Regios - Episode 6
Clannad After Story Episode 19
To Aru Majutsu no Index Episode 20
MariaHolic Episode 7
Tales of the Abyss Episode 20

Happy reading and enjoy XD

Shugo Chara! Doki - Episode 70


Tadase saves the day..YAY?

Amu and her Charas are walking the halls and are talking about Valentine’s Day. Amu pretends that she doesn’t want to give Tadase some chocolates (which she does). A couple of boys walk by and talk about how they hate chocolate. That really upsets the friend of the week named Yukina. She is going to enter the chocolate contest and what not, but she is all staring at Mr. I hate chocolate. Meanwhile Yaya is being all this is too much work for Valentine’s Day and Rima agrees. Nagihiko muses that this year he doesn’t have to sweat giving out chocolates and he can just sit back and receive them. The girls almost catch on to the misstep but Tadase covers up so well because he is awesome apparently. Amu gets home from school and her mother and Ami are going to a choco making class. Amu tags along and is surprised to find out that Lulu’s father is the teacher and that Yukina is also in the class. Yukina just wants to practice for the contest while Amu…well she tries really hard. Lulu comes spies on the class and Nana thinks that Yukina is a little lost (of course). Yukina walks home with Amu and tells her that she has a dream to be a pastry chef. She claims that she wants to make chocolates for this boy because he hates chocolates and not because she likes him. But mainly because she likes him. Amu arrives home and her father eats ALL her chocolates except the ones for Tadase. What shall she do now?! Elsewhere Utau’s manager is off handing out chocolates and trying to get Utau some publicity. Utau is a little sad because she can’t find Ikuto to give her chocolates too. Ikuto is off somewhere being cold and sick.


Pretty cute chocolates though!

And then it is Valentine’s Day. Amu goes to her classroom and sees a huge line of girls handing Tadase their chocolates. She decides to give hers later if she does at all. Everyone is surrounding Yukina and wishing her luck on the contest. But the evil choco hating guy is being all pissy so she walks off upset. While walking to the contest Ms. Lulu and her necklace of doom walk up to Yukina. Amu notices that Yukina isn’t getting ready for the contest and her Charas let them know a ? egg is nearby. Since all the other Guardians are just so BUSY with this contest and party only Amu can go and save the day. Yukina is off being Chocolate Dream or something. She is giving people chocolates and making their eyes glaze over. It is truly scary stuff. Amu comes and is transformed. After a few minutes of fighting Amu says something about the feelings that go into making chocolate and how you want that special person to be happy. All is well and Yukina runs off to the join the contest. Of course she wins and there are tiny unicorns dancing in the streets. Chocolate hating dude walks up to Yukina and tells her he never hated chocolate; he was just all shy and embarrassed. They share a laugh and Amu watches on feeling good about herself. Tadase walks up and Amu tries to give him her chocolates…but they blew away when she was fighting Yukina. Tadase is sad because he was looking forward to Amu’s chocolates and everything is all rainbows and kisses. Elsewhere Amu’s box of chocolates fall on Yoru’s head. He declares them from God and gives them to Ikuto. All is right in the world. The end!


All fathers are annoying...

So….while it was another filler, it was an okay filler. It could have been better, especially since the theme of Valentine’s Day is practically WRITTEN for shojo animes. But no….almost no romance at all of course.


A lot of people were sad in the end...

I was expecting some Amu and Tadase this episode. Ikuto is off being sick and alone so he was out of the question. Instead we get a few scenes of Amu arguing with herself whether or not to make/give Tadase some chocolates. She is unable to give him her chocolates because he is surrounded by every single girl in the school. Oh and her chocolates fly away from her pocket. Fans of this pairing got a TINY bit of hope when Tadase says he WISHES he could have had her chocolates and looks forward to them next time.


All that work for nothing...

And…..that is it. Yay Valentine’s Day. Yay romance. It just…..seemed like such a waste and boring. The same old Amu and Tadase with their silly smiles and blushy faces. Nothing is progressing (not that I want it to). If there ever was a time for SOMETHING to happen with these two I would think it would be this day. Because you know that Tadase was really putting Amu first by giving all those other girls attention. Help, my eyes have rolled so far in the back of my head!


See, the sparkles mean romance. DUH!

Even though Ikuto go the chocolates rightfully so in the end….I was still upset about his role in this episode. How many more episodes is he going to walk around and be sick? It is getting very tedious. We get it already, TIME TO MOVE ON! I was hoping that Ikuto would find Amu before she gave Tadase the chocolates…and eat them XD. That is a love triangle I could get behind!


Look Ikuto, you win in the end!

Apparently the friend of the week was supposed to have all the romance…and I think it failed mostly. She was a great little friend of the week and actually HAS a dream which is a plus. But she and frowny boy were not very happy and smiley. Not enough interaction and I am not a fan of the whole OH it was a big misunderstanding thing.


Because that is so romantic....

But I actually LIKED her idea/reasoning. She wants to make the best kind of chocolate to melt even the hardest heart. That really is a great reason to want to make food/treats. And deep down it isn’t just for a boy. XD That part made me happy too. Her ? change was pretty cute too and I highly enjoyed people eating cell phones and books. Just…not a fan of the “romance” in her story.


Yay for having a dream!

I WAS DENIED AGAIN! It is like these writers want me to hate them. And I do. A lot. Why do they keep Nagihiko just…out there?! Either talk about his major issues or not! Don’t give me one or two seconds and the ALMOST GOT CAUGHT face…then move on. It is pathetic. -_______- And a cop-out. Because you know how Nagihiko is so stupid he would say such incriminating things on accident. Because you know how him living 12 years of his life as a girl meant NOTHING and now he doesn’t know how NOT to get caught. Yeah…I make a lot of sense. JUST LIKE NAGIHIKO!


Nagihiko does not make mistakes like this!!

Despite Amu not really having any real romance going on in her life…she was pretty cute this episode. Her freak outs are awesome and almost always necessary. I like how she didn’t want to character change to make the cookies. I think that is a real step to becoming your true self. And her cookies were super cute.


Cute Amu makes me happy. XD

SOOOOOO maybe I was expecting too much from this episode. Everyone else in the world was off having a romantic day…why should Amu? XD After all…we could just wait for White Day after all!

Skip Beat Episode 19


Skip Beat: Promoting healthy relationships for all!

Kyoko is pretty much freaking out. Sho is taunting her about her acting ability and she thinks she is going to be fired if she can’t pull it together. She has no idea how to pull off a pure hearted angel while killing someone. She pulls out her Ren doll and has it yell at her. She calls Moko for advice but doesn’t get an answer. She calls Ren for advice next…but she can’t tell him WHY she needs to advice and ends up leaving no message at all. She panics and goes to leave another message when Moko calls back. Kyoko is so caught up in Moko caring about her that she fails to notice that Moko is pissed that she called all frantic and was all life and death. After the yelling Kyoko tells Moko the plot of the job and asks how Moko would feel about having her lover killed. Mimori is off watching the “love scene” between her and Sho and basically being a freak. The director is explaining to Sho how he is to complete his scene by closing his eyes and accepting his death. They go to fetch Kyoko but she walks in on her on accord…and doesn’t look so great. Even Sho tries to …confront her and finds out what is wrong. She just walks zombified over to the castle and replays Moko’s answer over and over in her mind. Basically Moko has said that is Kyoko was to kill her lover….she would want to kill Kyoko. Because if she loved that man and knew what would happen to her, it was none of Kyoko’s business if she died or not. It was HER choice. Basically Moko would hate Kyoko. Kyoko is beyond upset thinking about how Moko is going to hate her now. The scene starts….and she starts to cry. But she still thinks that she rather have Moko alive and hate her than be dead. So with tears in her eyes she starts to strangle Sho (much more gently this time). Sho is beyond caught up in her tears and his song starts playing in his head. He thinks back to other times he saw Kyoko cry and he was unable to do anything about it. Sho is pushed off the edge…yet can only stare at Kyoko. Kyoko finishes her scene going crazy mad from her actions.


Curious managers are curious!

Elsewhere Ren is on location…yet takes the time to check his missed messages. His manager is shocked sine Ren never uses his phone at work and more shocked when Ren tries to call back Kyoko. The director is beyond impressed with Kyoko but tells Sho they have to reshoot his scene. That is…when Kyoko stops crying. She is still caught up in Moko hating her and what not. Sho seems to be relieved that Kyoko is crying over something silly…then is scared that he is worried about Kyoko. The director explains to Kyoko that they only have to redo Sho’s falling off the edge part again. She says she doesn’t think Sho can pull off having the same reaction again but Kyoko is a great actress. Kyoko wishes she could be better, as Ren could have pulled off making Sho act that good. But she is happy that she lost herself in her role and that is proof she is getting closer to Ren’s level. Or at least that is what she tells the Ren doll. Sho is disappointed that Mimori comes to visit him and not Kyoko. Mimori starts throwing a fit that Sho is not happy to see her so Sho tries to seduce her. Kyoko walks by and is disgusted with Sho. She asks why everyone who cries gets special treatment but when she cried as a child he was useless. She says that she had to find a special place to cry alone so Sho wouldn’t feel bad. That is how Kyoko met Korn. Kyoko goes into happy Korn land when Sho interrupts her memories. Then the phone rings. It is Ren and he was kinda worried over Kyoko’s weird little message. She tries to tell him…that everything worked out and that she had a great day at work. Ren seems excited to hear about her news…when Sho takes the phone and says that Kyoko is happy about becoming more famous due to his ad. He then hangs up the phone..and Kyoko wants to KILL HIM! She is worried that her trust might have been ruined now and that Ren will be pissed at her. Ren knows it was Sho on the phone and is all emo about it. Da end.


Her happiness is short lived...

The episode I have been waiting for!! At least…since I went crazy and read all available manga scans last week. …Even though I have only waited a short amount of time…I still suffered while waiting! But that is all past me now!


But sometimes the manga is slightly better...

Kyoko is the angel of…death and is gorgeous while doing so! Sure she might have become a demon in the video…but she still is an angel in my mind. Anyone who protects her friends to that extreme is lovely. Especially when it is Kyoko.


A beautiful death!

I could go on and on about how lovely Kyoko is…but everyone loves Kyoko. The real person who should be talking about Kyoko’s wonderfulness is Sho. But Sho is unable to say anything. He is too busy picking his jaw off the floor and wishing he had never been born. AND I LOVE IT!


Too gorgeous!

The look on Sho’s face when she came out was classic. It made me happy…and upset at the same time. Happy that he slowly understands that he lost someone, probably the best someone in his life. Mad the fact it took her wearing a wig and some make-up to realize that. Kyoko is still the same awesome person she was before. He should have realizes Kyoko was awesome before all that…but Sho is pretty stupid. I should be happy he gets it at all.


Yep, that is your music playing in the back ground buddy.

Then again….he still doesn’t get it. He goes as far to say that he doesn’t have feelings for Kyoko but he just OWNS her. X_X I would think that was pretty damn scary if I didn’t find it hilarious. He OWNS her still? After all they have gone through? I do not think so buddy. Someone needs to wake up and smell reality.


Don't pretend to care! We know who you are!

Back to the wonderful person who is Kyoko. Yes her acting is still relying on imagining certain people in certain roles…but it works for now. She is still a new actress so she has to rely on something to get through the scene. And when she does act like that her emotions take control and the scene is better than ever, forcing everyone to follow her acting. Sho not being able to close his eyes is proof of that.


Too much awesomeness.

She gets so caught up in her acting she still cries after the fact. Kyoko cherishes her friendship with Moko so much she truly thinks their friendship is on the line! Now that I think about it I have heard actresses going through some crazy stuff to get ready for a roll…so maybe Kyoko isn’t so weird after all. Besides, she came back pretty fast to stick it to Sho that he SUCKED at his acting part!


This is you sucking Sho!

So….Kyoko does awesome at work and is beyond proud of herself. What is her reward? Sho messing things up with her and Ren. Because Sho is a jackass and can only “win” if he cheats. Kyoko can never catch a break. Now that Sho knows who she is Kyoko will have to deal with two crazy moody guys. But Ren is a way creepier moody guy. He smiles in such an evil way you want to run for the hills. Sho is too obvious with his hatred.


Just kill him!!!!

Next week I will predict (just predict…since I know NOTHING about what is to come XD) that Kyoko will get crap from Ren. :( But maybe she and Moko can deepen their friendship. They will have to since no one else is happy with her XD! But Kyoko will rise above it…because she has no choice in the matter! XD

KuroShitsuji - Episode 18


Hidden hotties alert!

Ceil is off in floating land surrounded by his past (via film strip slides). Angela seems to think that Ceil has chosen a certain memory when he is just reaching out but whatever. He sees a memory of the night his parents have died. Angela is standing above his dad…which has half his mom’s head sewn on to his face. Ceil nearly barfs and for good reason. Sebastian and Grell have reached the other side of the blue portalness…which is at Shinigami Head Quarters/library. They walk in and Grell is nearly decapitated by William who is not pleased that Sebastian is there. In any event he wants the angel to leave too and they walk around the library to find them. Ceil wakes up and sees Angela and her scary smile sitting down. He demands to know why she killed his parents. She doesn’t answer the question but says that she has to change Ceil from being dirty to being pure and the only way to do that is to change his past. She touches Ceil and he is taken to a happy meadow with feathers and happy times. His parents greet him warmly and want to embrace him. The trio finally find Ceil and Angela, with Ceil’s past floating out of him. Sebastian goes to save Ceil but William stresses that might not be a wise thing. Angels have the power to change a person’s past and if Sebastian touches Ceil right now he might die.


Ceil wants REVENGE!!!!

In happy feather land Ceil’s parents say that Ceil can be happy with them and that all he has to do is leave his hatred behind and be happy. Ceil starts to talk over to them, but realizes (due to the fact they used Angela’s wordage) that these are not his parents and he will not forget his revenge. He is ripped from his past and is put back together whole. Angela is pissed and Sebastian happily greets his master. The trio then goes to do battle with Angela when the Undertaker walks by pushing some books. Everyone goes x_X but William who explains the Undertaker is the top Shinigami, legendary even. Grell is doubtful but then throws himself at the man. Needless to say Angela takes this time to LEAVE and trap the others in the library. Angela then goes to the cult people who are mourning the loss of their priest. She decides that she is going to purify all of them…which means kill apparently. Undertaker reveals that he has a magical pink bookmark that can stop someone’s story from being written temporarily. He then uses his magic pink pen to write the other men into the WHORE NUN’S life to save the day. Sebastian tells Ms Whore and the others to run or make their own decisions. Grell and Sebastian decide to play with Angela before they kill her. That turns out to be a mistake as Angela uses her screaming angel powers to take down the place. The men run as Angela smirks. KA-BOOM the building falls down. Ceil looks at the destroyed church but he isn’t happy he has accomplished his task. He closes his eyes and tells Sebastian that he is ready for him to take his soul away. When Sebastian doesn’t Ceil realizes that not ALL the killers are dead (AKA the contract is still in affect). Sebastian merely smiles and says that he wants to stay by Ceil’s side just a little bit longer. Ceil goes to visit the Undertaker. It turns out he was at the library to return some books he had borrowed, one of them being Ceil’s parents. The Undertaker asks Ceil if he wants to see it. Ceil declines and leaves with an amused Sebastian, declaring he will do things his own way.


Poor confused little Ceil. :(

I would like to first thank this episode for not having crazy sex scenes and implied child rape. Thank yous very much for that.


And they spare the whore...yay.

Angela is a scary freak. Seriously, sometimes when she made a face she looked…..well freakish. Sometimes when Sebastian does the scary smile face he gets a bit creepy looking but Angela takes the cake. X_X Angels are supposed to be pretty and fluffy. Or hard and mean. Not creepy and x_X.


Like some kind of dog....

I guess the most confusing thing about Angela is what the heck she was trying to do?! Were those past scenes with his parent’s faces sewn together real or just a way to make Ceil lose his mind? Why does Angela have to purify Ceil anyway? Why would she care since she is the one who went and killed his parents. X_X And why aren’t other angels coming down and punishing Angela for affecting a human’s life like that!


Just slightly gross...

I hope we do get all the answers to those questions. Perhaps they lie within Ceil. Maybe Angela is sent to get back Ceil’s soul that technically belongs to Sebastian. But of course….if heaven is involved with his parents’ death it really is his fault his soul is in danger to begin with. I am sure we will get the answers. Or at least that is what I tell myself. There are some episodes left after all…..


Why is Ceil so important...

Poor little Ceil. It is hard to remember sometimes he is only 12 years old. But in the field of feathers….he was just a sad little boy. For a few minutes anyway. He wanted to see his parents and get a hug! Is that too much to ask :( But part of Ceil isn’t a cute little boy. He has been taken over by revenge and anger. I would love for him to be a happy kid and move on from his anger…but not forced into it. Not tricked into it or anything. No one learns if they are forced to give something up.


:( Why must he suffer so!

Sebastian was actually not so bad this episode. Sometimes he is way too sarcastic and hiding his true meanings and blah blah. But when he corrects himself and calls Ceil his young master and not his soul, it made me smile. Maybe he isn’t such a bad guy after all. He didn’t take Ceil’s soul and that makes me happy too. And I don’t care that he couldn’t TAKE his soul. I shall ignore that fact.



Grell scares me. He has lasted a lot longer than I thought he was going to. He needs some justice inflicted on his butt. Now that the Undertake is some awesome Shinigami that apparently is hot. Now those two are going to be all over each other. But I guess that could be a good thing…Sebastian might be safe now. XD


Could it be true love?!

Ceil tries to act all big and bad when he leaves the Undertaker’s place…but we all know he is truly hurt inside. :( He thinks he doesn’t have time to be upset or expresses how he feels. But deep down he is a nice person I KNOW IT! I am still holding out hope for my Ceil and Sebastian hug. But I don’t think I will get it next episode. :( I shall have to wait a little bit longer…

Chrome Shelled Regios - Episode 6


Yay for threatening people with knives!

This episode starts off with platoon 17 kicking platoon 14’s butt. But everything is not happy times apparently as Nina looks pissed. Meanwhile Meishen is being a freak. Apparently it is her job to sort mail or something…since she has her hands all over Layfon’s mail. There is a letter from Lilin and Meishen is acting a freak over this letter. Her two friends frick and frack are upset that she is keeping a secret from them and they manhandle the letter to death. While Meishen is being all stupid Harley is testing Layfon’s awesome fighting abilities. He is being amazing and shiny. Sharnid comes in and gets a new shiny gun so he can be amazing too. He proves how amazing he can be with his awesome ballet moves. Meishen is outside their training building still acting like a freak. Felli comes by and asks why Meishen is a stalker. Meishen responses by apologizing 48925 times and running away, leaving the letter behind. Felli sees that the letter is from a female and hides it in her bra. Because that is where all girls hide their stuff. So Nina finally arrives to training…just to tell them training is over for the day. Which is fine since Felli’s brother wants to talk to Layfon. That includes taking him to their personal house and making him dinner. But Felli fails at dinner and Layfon has to show off his awesome orphan cooking skills. So Karian finally shows up and they eat the yummy dinner and Felli continues to kick Layfon because she is evil. In any event Karian tells Layfon about how their city sends out this little probe to make sure their path will be okay. But all is not well as there is a big old filth bug in their path. Layfon explains what kind of bug it is and how he has fought one of those before…but with two other people and he almost got squished. And totally randomly the Engrish people are still driving and killing those dogs with human heads on their bodies.

So Felli decides to not give Layfon the letter and instead is all upset that her brother wants to use Layfon to protect the city. However other people want to use Layfon so they better back up. Naruki (? Let’s go with that one) has decided she wants to hit Layfon up for a favor too. That and she wants to know if Layfon received his letter (because Meishen still acting a fool). Apparently Naruki is working for the police department and they need someone (Layfon) to be a temporary dispatch officer. And…if Naruki doesn’t she probably won’t become a police officer or whatever. He says he will think it over. Meishen is still being a freak tard even after Felli says she has delivered the letter. Nina is still off being mad when Layfon does well at a training exercise. She is so jealous she decides to cancel their second session. Felli tries to deliver the letter but it falls to the ground. Nina finds it and maybe will stop being so weird. But probably not as Layfon skips work to go help Naruki out at work. Apparently someone is trying to steal information from the city. Or something. I am not sure. It has something to do with buses and whatever. Naruki starts to go on and on how she shouldn’t have asked Layfon for help…when a bomb goes off and there are some bad guys. Layfon jumps down like the awesome person he is and kicks their butt making the entire project look too easy. These losers are going to be put on roaming buses and what not. The chief police thanks them for a job well done and how they are going to sell their (the baddies) possessions to make money for the city. Naruki is highly against this reasoning and declares her boss greedy. Layfon tries to get her to see it in a new light…so naturally they start talking about receiving something..The little fairy that runs the entire city flies out to see Nina. She too is interested in the letter but Nina won’t let her rip it open. Nina finally delivers the letter to Layfon and the episode ends with rainbows and a sense of impending doom because of the huge bug that is growing closer. Oh and Harley made Layfon a cool awesome weapon. The end.

This episode was a whole lot of randomness. Not an awesome episode…but merely okay.


But...this was pretty funny!

The Engrish this week was….well…random. Sometimes there is a scene change and they slide in the Engrish stuff but not this week. Just BAM hi Engirsh people. And nothing is happening. It is the longest car ride in history however. I wish they would get to the point already. Or show longer segments that make more sense. I rather see that part of the series every other episode and have more content…than this stuff. And creepy girl is still creepy.


Clearly if you speak English you are a vampire!

Nina is starting to piss me off. Or I am feeling sorry for her. Either way things need to change or I might pull my hair out. She pressures Layfon into joining her platoon…then she is pissed off that he is hid his awesome skill. Now she is pissed off he is getting them wins in the platoon battles. Clearly Layfon is rude. Or she is jealous. I am leaning more towards the jealous side.


Me thinks there are other things she should be pissed off about...

I can see WHY she is jealous. She wants to be the awesome person that leads her team to victory. But this newbie come along and effortlessly manhandles all their enemies. So where does that lead Nina? I am sure she is feeling rather useless right now and wants to feel like she contributes to the team. But she can’t even teach Layfon…he is just too awesome. But her attitude needs to improve or their pairing will not work! XD


Upset that the person she forced into her squad is better than XD

I hate Meishen. I really do. I hope she goes the Shirley route and dies. Because she does not deserve to live like useless Relena. I am tired of these useless women who can’t communicate to save their lives. I mean… I guess I can see her being shy around the guy she likes…but Felli? Another female? WTF is that all about? She even LOOKS stupid. Look at her lame eyes…Gosh, there is nothing redeeming about her is there…Yep, it is time to die!


Stop being jealous for no reason!

Naruki is a little freak too. But not as much as Meishen. I can at least handle Naruki. But what she did to Layfon was really crummy. Basically saying she will never reach her dream unless Layfon helps her boss out? Such emotional blackmail since Layfon can’t say no to ANYONE! She didn’t need his help though…she just wanted him to do it all. Or that is how it ended up…


No one can be a freak like her though....

Yeah, Naruki’s little problem was very tiny and minor. And I am not sure what the real problem was? Someone stealing information and going to take someone out? Their punishment is to go into roaming cars? But let’s not forget the real crime: her boss wanting to sell/use the information for their own benefit. I am all for taking what criminals own and using it to better the community they destroyed. Naruki fails at life.


This is me, not crying at your pain.

Felli is also a crazy little child. Someone should tell home girl she needs to stop kicking people. Especially since this boy believes woman and men are equal AKA he is going to kick you back. Or he should. I am not really sure why she such an attitude with Layfon…but kicking is what we did in 3rd grade silly Felli. She is just really upset that Layfon is forced t to fight. Sometimes people have to fight to protect others. Or else we all die.


Such a violent little kid.

All these people in the city scare me. Very much so. As no one but Layfon knows what the hell the filth bugs are all about. I understand that they might keep this information away from normal citizens…but the soldiers you are trying to train should know HOW to fight the bugs. Or what the hell they look like. These people are living in a post apocalyptic world..don’t people know the history of their planet or what those huge things coming at them ARE?! I am just saying…I would want to know.


No....we just have electrical faeries eating letters...

So overall…just okay. They need to focus more on things that make sense and not crazy love stricken girls. Because certain love stricken girls are losers. And two other girls need to get over themselves and just accept Layfon for who he is. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.

Clannad After Story Episode 19


Clannad: the anime that supports leaving 5 year olds home alone!

Tomoya and Ushio arrive home at the bakery and greet Sanae warmly. Tomoya starts to joke that he has to take Sanae out on a real date since she bailed on this one. Akio comes in and pretends (or really is) jealous that he is left out of this family time. Akio takes Ushio to play (or have her mind corrupted) while Tomoya goes into Nagisa’s room. It is exactly the same since she has left and Tomoya can’t help but snuggle a dango plushie. Sanae offers to give it to him but he starts talking about how he appreciates all that Sanae and Akio have done for him, but he is going to raise Ushio now. He is grateful for all they have done and he will live the rest of his life to pay them back and raise Ushio to become a wonderful woman like Nagisa. They spend the night at the bakery but Tomoya is woken up by Sanae and Akio talking outside. Akio said that these past 5 years Sanae has not cried at all and in a way Ushio has saved them. But now it is Sanae’s turn to feel and experience all the sadness she has been putting aside. She then cries on Akio’s shoulders with Tomoya watching. Tomoya and Ushio leave in the morning with Tomoya promising they will be around often. Off they go to his house. Now begins their happy life together. Tomoya drops off his daughter at school and the director lady talks to Tomoya. Some gossiping mothers are talking about Tomoya and rather than him flipping out he calmly explains his situation and hopes things will get better. At work Tomoya informs Yusuke of his situation and Yusuke says the company will help him out in any way possible. Tomoya seems like he already has something planned.

Tomoya picks up Ushio at school, who is THRILLED to see her father. The director lady explains she was just subbing and that Tomoya needs to meet Ushio’s real teacher next week. Tomoya drops off Ushio at home while he goes back to work (WTF?!) Ushio takes the time to explore the house and be cute. Tomoya returns home with Ushio’s belongings, including the dango plushies and a picture of Nagisa. Tomoya and Ushio set out to buy groceries for dinner that night when they run into Koko. She is having a picnic with her sister who has been released from the hospital. INSERT FUUKO YAY! Now Fuko and Tomoya do not remember each other so it is a little bit sad. But all is forgotten when Fuko acts like a psychopath and wants to steal Ushio. Koko says Fuko is immature for her age as she has the mind of a 1st year high school student. The night ends much more peacefully as Ushio snuggles her dango plushie.
The next day Tomoya explains that instead of work he and Ushio are going on a little trip. They go over to see Tomoya’s father. The house is still a mess and so is his father. But he does the same vacant smile as Tomoya introduces Ushio. Tomoya explains his situation and that he finally realizes that his father has sacrificed a lot for his sake and he appreciates all he had done. But now it is time for his father to go home to his own mother and rest. His father does not seem very…emotional about this all, but allows Tomoya to clean him and pack up all his stuff. Tomoya promises to look after the house and pay the outstanding debt. Tomoya’s father gets worried when Tomoya starts crying. Tomoya just wants his father to be happy, thinking of all the positive things he did for him as a boy. As his father walks away Tomoya wonders if his father was ever happy. Ushio watches a light orb enters Tomoya’s body. Tomoya is unaware of the situation and simply pulls them out of the sun and watches his father walk off in the distant.

After last episode I wasn’t expecting too much from this one. You can’t have two highly emotional episodes back to back. If there were…it would be hard to appreciate the sad/emotional moments because they would all run together.


I like how he is still sad...but can still find joy in things.

I knew Tomoya was going to be a great father. I knew it because he was always so helpful to the girls in school. He knows how to be patient and understanding. He thinks that he has been big and bad all his life but that is a lie. He has always been a gentle person in my mind.



But really…I am impressed with his naturally great fathering skills. It might have been more realistic if Tomoya had a few stumbles on the way. I mean…he is allowed to make a few mistakes. All of a sudden having a 5 year old is a big adjustment. So buying the wrong kind of ice cream or having to deal with little privacy issues. XD But I guess they are trying to make up for lost time. Tomoya has to lay it on thick to make it up to his daughter. So I will accept that this a little bit unrealistic.


Paying respects to the mommma.

But…it’s so cute! Ushio is such a forgiving kid and is happily go lucky. I love it so much I almost die from cuteness. Ushio snuggling the dango plushie…*must contain inner squealing*. Tomoya trying to impress his daughter with his improved baseball skills and her being in AWE over the awesomeness of her daddy.


Such a cute scene!

My favorite scene though…was when Tomoya came to pick her up from school. There are almost now words to describe how that tugged at my heart strings. It was a very simple, every day scene..but I think it meant so much more. Ushio was excited that her father was picking her up for the very first time. She wanted to be like other little girls and hug her daddy. She gets to be normal and it makes her happy. I was happy for her, for both of them. :) They were missing out on a simple joy in life..and now they got it.


Too cute for words!

Sanae was….on the edge with me. Meaning I could feel sorry for her or roll my eyes. Yes, I do feel bad for her. Her daughter did die. Tomoya only knew Nagisa for maybe max. three years. Sanae gave birth to Nagisa and raised her all her life. She lost way more than Tomoya. She should have cried more and been more upset. However…she did have time to cry. Ushio was a baby. A baby is not going to remember that you cried yourself to sleep for an entire year. I felt that she used Ushio as an excuse not to deal with her own sadness. She could have taken the time to mourn properly. :( I just felt bad for Tomoya. I am sure he feels guilty enough as it is. But it was all there to show Tomoya that he isn’t the only one who has suffered.


Yeppers...on the fence.

I actually wish that Akio would have shown more of a serious side. I hate that Tomoya is the only guy crying in this series and showing how he really feels. :( Akio is just the FUN grandpa who has a good time and people laugh at him. He needed to show some tough love with Tomoya and cry with his wife.


Akio still gets burned!

The part of the show I didn’t really like was the stuff with Tomoya’s dad. I knew I was going to be rolling my eyes and yelling at the screen so it wasn’t THAT much of a shock. I just am not buying all this forgiveness stuff. I mean…I am glad that Tomoya can move ON from his hatred directed at his dad. But his dad is getting off very easy in this all.


Why is he the only one crying?!

What made me the maddest was Tomoya’s dad showing no emotions at all. If my son was ready to forgive me for all the crap I did to him I would show SOMETHING! Not saying AH over and over again. This man is like 45 years old. He shouldn’t have his 25 year old son clearing up his debts when HE has a child to raise. He also should have to rely on his 6x something mother to take care of him. Yes he had to raise a kid alone. Get your life together PLEASE! I would have been more grateful…but whatever.


Feel something now!

But the ending was really good. I love how Ushio can see what is going on. I like how the orbs are gathering into Tomoya and the real story is coming together. But if I was a little kid I would be like WTF WAS THAT DADDY! None of this staring off into mog land and not explaining what she just saw. XD But it was still cute.

Photobucket are glowy...

Fuko is BACK! EVERYONE REJOICE!!!!! But…her return was very subdued. Extremely subdued. Almost like oh, we have forgotten to bring Fuko back, quick shove her into these 3 minutes. :( I thought she deserved more of a return than that. And I really thought that Fuko was going to remember Tomoya. :( Sadness.


Everyone is home REJOICE!

But Fuko IS back! We need to be happy about that. And she is still a little spaz. She trying to steal Ushio was X_X and XD at the same time. Because I like making faces in my posts. I hope we see MORE of her and things are better explained, like her sisters says she felt her presence the day she got married and blah blah. I really want someone to remember ghost Fuko and I hope that happens soon. But…we are running out of time. :( So I will just be happy with her return I guess.


Time to steal children!!!

Next week Tomoya is going to meet up with some old friends. It hurts that they were not there for him these past 5 years…but maybe they tried and were just shut out. I shouldn’t really judge them until I find out what he did. But I bet they could have tried harder! BAD FRIENDS!!!!

To Aru Majutsu no Index Episode 20


They all start off really cute..

While Accelerator is running through the city his mind is full of thoughts of his past. He thinks about how he used to have a normal name…a long time ago. But he became hunted by different organizations and he gained a new name. Very cute kid fighting a lot of people…became jaded. He gets back to the diner but no sign of Misaka. The waitress says that a man in a white suit came and took her away. Accelerator gets all pissed that Ao has taken Misaka. Kikyou (research lady) is called and informed of this information. Accelerator isn’t very worried about Ao taking Misaka as the city is in lock down mode and he thinks that all humans are naive up to a point. Ao is in a car somewhere watching Misaka struggle to live. He is worried his plan will fail and all that jazz. But he has bigger problems when Accelerator reaches the car and destroys it. Accelerator doesn’t take the time to “take care” of Ao, just knocks him out with the car door. He reaches Misaka’s side to find her hooked up to a machine and electrodes on her brain. He informs Kikyou of this development and she hopes in her car to make it to the area faster. Suddenly Misaka starts talking extremely fast and her brain output increases like 10 fold. Kikyou realizes that they do not have until midnight, that the virus is taking affect…now. Kikyou tells Accelerator to take care of Last Order AKA kill Misaka. Accelerator gets all upset, that he has all this power and he can’t even save one person. Suddenly he thinks more about his power and how he can affect blood flow and blah blah. He then informs Kikyou that he is going to change Misaka’s programming…or her personality file. He is going to use his powers to basically erase all of last week’s files, when the virus was planted. Kikyou protests so Accelerator throws the phone against the fence. Accelerator starts using his powers to find and delete the negative files. He then realizes that Misaka will not remember him after this…then yells at himself for being all mushy. Suddenly Ao is up and aiming a gun at Accelerator’s head. Accelerator can’t use his powers to stop the bullet and save Misaka….so he curses himself when he gets shot in the head. He goes flying back and



Ao is like WTF I am still alive? After a few moments Ao goes to touch Misaka….and he goes flying himself. Ao is like crap, he stopped the bullet before it hit his brain. Accelerator goes on and on about how he and Ao are bad guys….but despite how evil he may be…Misaka does not deserve to die. Then he falls to the ground with a slushy noise. Apparently the bullet did hit him….Ao goes to shoot him again but there is a bullet in his stomach instead. Kikyou has finally arrived on the scene and has heard some of what is going on. She carefully puts Misaka in the car/incubator. She then goes back to Ao. She goes on and on about how she wants to be a gentle person and not so naive. She wanted to be a teacher who is loved by her students. But apparently that is not in the cards and she is ready to die with Ao….because they have guns pointing at each other. She muses that Accelerator will probably be okay, as the frog doctor can save everyone. Then two shots go off. Then….Kikyou wakes up in the hospital with frog man. She should have died…but Accelerator used his power to keep her alive. Misaka is okay…but Accelerator not so much. The bullet did damage part of his brain and it will affect his verbal and calculating skills. Kikyou begs for him to save his life. Frog man thinks he will be able to recover one day….especially since that 10k minds will surely help him with the skills he is lacking now. He leaves the room with Kikyou, alive but jobless.


Author is amused!

XD Another episode without Index….but that is okay. I am a silly child who just assumed the series should be about Index. But the episode was great without her and Touma. Is that a terribly bad thing to say?


Any cute kid will do!

Am I surprised that Accelerator did the right thing? Of course not. He was the misunderstood bad guy…who wasn’t really the bad guy in the end. And after seeing all the stuff he went through as a child of COURSE people are going to feel sorry for him. :( He was raised to think about kill or be killed. Tis not his fault!

But…I didn’t see him getting shot due to this mess. There is trying to help someone out…and there is putting yourself in danger. But….after being in that situation of course I knew he was going to be shot. Men tend to be stupid, especially when girls are involved.


He is pretty shocked himself....

He was especially heroic after being shot and still having the energy/strength to try to trash talk Ao. He says some self righteous things about how they are both criminals and they do not deserve second chances. Then he passes out. So….him and Touma have a lot in common: they both try to talk a big game but in the end they are just dang lucky they aren’t dead.


Everyone wants to be like Touma!

Kikyou was just..okay in this episode. I am never fond of people talking about how they are not good people when they are. Just fishing for compliments in my mind. Given the fact she has tried to save the world and saved Accelerator…she seems like a gentle person to me. But she had to do the self righteous thing and sacrifice her life. Or at least she thought she was…


I'm bad, you're bad...let's both die!

I am glad Dr. Frog got a little bit of explanation. Well…not really. XD I didn’t think he was that important of a character to deserve that much attention. But now that he has I am glad we got it. XD He does seem to work miracles (AKA Touma and his hand on the floor!!!). He seems to know a lot about what is going on in this crazy town…and just tries to put people back together after things go inevitable wrong. Good man in my mind.


He creates miracles!

Despite this being a slightly violent show……no one is really dying and staying dead. XD Accelerator will be fine. Or at least live. And he gains a new pal in Misaka. Everything is turning out happy so far and I wonder how long that will last.

But had Accelerator died I would have been sad. Anyone who dies protecting someone else gets a little bit of redemption in the end. XD Not that no one else would have known about his great sacrifice or anything. But going out a good guy makes me feel sorry for most douche bags.


Everyone lives in the end!

Now that that arc is over, maybe it is time for Index? Even though it is talking about some new magician in town…? We can get back some Stiyl and Touma can bound with his old friend. It shall be grand!

MariaHolic Episode 7


Maybe Maria isn't the bad guy after all.......

The entire gang is staring down Kanako and the underwear crime. But before the plot could actually be interesting it is revealed that the dog is running around with the bra on its head. But Kanako decides to be a freak anyway and take the bra resulting in some ugly picture stills and Kanako showing everyone is a pervert. Later after this stupid moment everyone is eating lunch that Nanami has prepared for everyone else. Kanako decides that she needs to be a freak and makes it all sexual in her head when Sachi gets food all over herself and Nanami cleans her off. Inamori is not pleased with this sign of affection and that Sachi is spending so much time with Nanami. Maria notices that Inamori sucks at practice and wants to know what is wrong. Inamori tries to blame it on her new glove but she then claims that it is her confused heart that is causing all the problems. Maria questions the filthy thing aka Kanako on what could be wrong. Not because Maria cares about Inamori, but he is concerned about her archery team to suck, it will hurt his reputation, some random BS thing. Kanako fails at explaining the situation and rather talk about underwear and how sexy friendships are and she wishes for sleepovers too. But Maria puts two and two together and tells Kanako to fix the situation. Without explaining the situation of course.

Inamori invites Sachi to practice after school (of course watching someone else practice archery is so interesting) but Sachi insists that she and Nanami have to do something after school. Nanami says that the THING can wait if she wants to spend time with Inamori…but Sachi is like NO I rather spend time with Nanami and runs out of the room. Kanako offers to spend time with Inamori but she declines too. Fun times for all. Maria goes WTF when Inamori decides to sorta spills her guts about what is bothering her. Maria rather shoots himself in the foot but he listens anyway. First Inamori goes on and on about how perfect Maria is and how lovely and loved she is and how she is okay with Kanako having other friendships. Maria says she (he) is far from perfect and that she (he) draws his bow to concentrate and gather her thoughts and what not. Inamori is all yeah, I gotta try to be awesome and not be so jealous that my best friend is friends with someone else (forgetting that Inamori is friends with Nanami too…). In any event none of this matters as Sachi comes in and is like SURPRISE I decided to come see you anyway…with Nanami in tow. Inamori is all fake smiles as Sachi and Nanami are all whispering and having a great time. Inamori messes up so bad at her practice and runs out of the room crying. She can’t be strong like Maria and just push these feelings aside. Inamori is so ashamed of her actions she decides to pretend to be sick the next day. Her roommate informs Sachi, Nanami, and Kanako of her sickness.


....The art is so wonderful.....(not)

Inamori is in her room feeling sorry for herself when her roommate returns with everyone in tow and a happy birthday party bash. MOG SHOCKER! All these secrets and meetings were to hide the fact they were planning something awesome for her. Who would have known!! Inamori is feeling bad LIKE SHE SHOULD HAVE when Nanami explains that she made all the food and Sachi and she picked out a gift. It is a new glove for archery. Everyone is happy and dancing and it is all cupcakes and rainbows. But not for Kanako who is ultra depressed that she does not have a gift nor did she know about the surprise party NOR did she know it was Inamori’s birthday. Everyone says that it is okay that she didn’t know, that she is new and all. She feels like a bad friend and feels even worse when Maria and her maid come in. Maria comes in with happy birthday wishes and presents. Kanako feels even worse that Maria knew and she didn’t. Maria snides that if Kanako was a good friend she would have known about her friend’s birthday. Maria then decides that since Kanako doesn’t have a gift…she can do that THING she practices late at night. You know…that thing! Everyone cheers her on…Kanako is embarrassed and either has nothing to show or does something really stupid at night. But she gets up anyway to do whatever it is to do. Then the show says to be continued, because it is cool like that. Da end.


Dance Kanako DANCE!

Wow! X_X Did I really type that much about an episode where nothing really happened? Or not MUCH I should say. I need to learn how to contain myself better! XD

Kanako is so annoying. If she were a boy people would be lining the streets claiming what a stupid pervert she is. But because she is a girl this all must be sexy. I hope no one else is buying this crap. Nor is Kanako really a lesbian. There is more to same sex relationships that imagining them in underwear and molesting them.


She really isn't likable.....

Kanako needs to learn how to be a loving human being, not a sexed crazy idiot.
I am trying to think of something redeeming about Kanako..but I can’t. I understand that she is new in school and it may not be ALL her fault she did not know her new friend’s birthday. But if she put half the energy on learning new things about her friends that she puts into molesting them in her mind, she would know everything.


Maria...please stab her!

The entire premise of this episode was stupid. I can see friends having jealous feelings of another person…but it wasn’t done in a very interesting way. It just came off in a very life and death matter. Which it wasn’t. It made no sense at all since Inamori is friends with Nanami TOO. They both became her friend in the exact same episode! SO WHAT IS THE BIG FRIGGIN DEAL!


Such drama over NOTHING!

But Maria being the voice of reason for this episode was pretty scary. More than scary actually…And I laugh as he really doesn’t care about the person, just how it will reflect on him. Because he is such an awesome villain that way, knowing everyone’s birthdays and such. But I have to admit…he does look pretty cool when he is practicing his archery.


RUN! Maria is making sense!

Nanami is a freak too. But she has always been a freak. She wasn’t acting very….smooth in this entire secret keeping thing but I didn’t expect her to be. She is socially awkward and that is entertaining to watch. Yet I am not sure about her being all friendly right off the bat with Sachi. I would think people would gradually work up to being friends. Not YAY sleepovers right now!


The shoes are freaks too......

It was all too dramatic for me. Sachi telling Inamori she can’t spend time with her…was pretty mean and over the top. Inamori has her HEART broken because her best friend spent a few hours with another person. Inamori running out of the room all crying face. Seriously, I know girls do stupid things and have their feelings hurt all the time…but we are NOT like that all the time. Or never.


Oh, it was all a mistake OF COURSE!

So…yeah. The entire episode was Inamori being upset that her bestest best friend was being taken away. But of course people are just planning a party. Inamori feels stupid in the end. Kanako feels even more stupid for not about the party at all. Maria makes Kanako feel even MOOOOORE stupid about some stupid dance. Why am I still watching this series? That makes me the stupidest of all. :(

Tales of the Abyss Episode 20


Tales of the Abyss: Where all the innocent people DIE!

All of our heroes are sitting around on the steps talking about what they should do next. They decide that Asch is up to something…so they should follow him. Arietta appears out of nowhere and tells Anise she is an assface for killing Master Ion. When Anise does not show any remorse Arietta challenges her to a duel..which she accepts. She runs off and everyone is X_X if Arietta is still alive then the other generals MIGHT be alive too (in case that was still in question). They go back up to the absorption area to search for clues. Luke finds Largo….I mean, a random necklace on the ground that talked about Natalia’s birth. Completely random. They all enter the Absorption thing area with Asch doing some magic thingy. He seems pissed off and takes it out on Luke. Apparently everything is Luke’s fault because he did not get the jewel of Lorelei. Because you know how Lorelei is trapped in Van’s body, Asch got the sword of Lorelei, and Van is still alive. This is all said as a matter of fact like we should have figured it out. Awesome. But in the end it is Luke’s fault for not receiving the jewel. Luke feels bad for himself for being a replica and it is his entire fault. For some reason they go to this island that isn’t on the map anymore because that makes a lot of sense. When they get there Guy is like OH I know where we are at. Because when Hod went ka-boom, it flooded another island called Feres. Anise goes MOG Arietta was born on Feres but she managed to escape in a boat. She was raised by the momma Liger who found her in the boat. She lived like that until Van found her in the woods and brought her to whatever that place is called. Oracle order of whatever. The real Master Ion helped Arietta regain her humanity and that is why she liked him so much.


Such slick clue finding abilities!

So blah blah they are exploring the area and find a replica machine. They decide that this must have been the machine they used to create the old people and Fringe last week. Jade ka-booms the area and Mohs comes running all pissed off. Dist is with him and they are talking about how Mohs wants the power of the Fon Master. I have no idea HOW Dist does it but he gives Mohs all the power he wants….and he turns into this huge purple monster of doom. He then pulls the replicated Hod from the ocean and makes it his flying castle in the sky. Everyone can hear and see him as he tells the world how wrong they are for turning their backs on the score and he will make sure they never forget it. Even while he starts saying this speech he starts making no sense. Dist comments that he is already breaking down since he did not have the pure heart to be a Fon Master. SO this huge purple monster is in the sky being all evil and stuff…so it must be time for Arietta and Anise’s duel. Anise says that they don’t have to join her, that she has to go alone. Everyone lays it on thick saying that Master Ion was their friend and Anise is their friend so they have to go. They get to the battle ground and Largo is there too. Yeah, none of the Generals are dead. He claims to be there just to judge the fight. Everyone battles the mini monsters while Anise and Arietta duel. Arietta has little flashbacks of Ion teaching her how to read and write and it is super sweet. Then she remembers how Anise came and took her place. Anise has memories of her Ion too and things get all serious in battle. It ends with Anise killing Arietta, but not before Arietta is reunited with HER Ion and she goes to heaven with him. Anise starts feeling sorry for herself and everyone feels bad since Arietta died in vain. Largo said the reason Arietta lived so long is because she didn’t know her Ion was dead and she fought for ideals. But next time Largo sees them he will beat their asses. Good. The end!


And we are NOW just learning about this island?!

Seriously….people pay good money for this game and finish it? Do people get pissed off at the game too? Or are they leaving out a LOT of details that would make this hot mess make more sense? Probably not…but I was trying to make it seem better.


Yes, that too.

Let me see if I got this all straight in my head. Anise has been working for the bad guy since day one. Arietta is mad that Anise took her job and Luke killed her momma for no reason. Anise almost gets our heroes killed countless times because she is working for the bad guy. Anise chooses to put the entire world in danger to save her debt ridden parents. Ion dies as a result of Anise’s actions. Arietta wants revenge for the innocent life Anise causes. Anise is told by her traveling mates that they support her in her decision to fight Arietta. Arietta dies and Anise cries.


So...all the bad guys are good guys?

WHAT PART OF ANY OF THAT WAS FAIR?! Please tell me, I really want to know! I want to know how Arietta was considered a bad guy this entire time and Anise gets to live. I mean there is still time for her to die….but it just seems unfair for Arietta to die. She really is a victim in all of this and she wanted revenge against the assfaces that killed the only two people who ever cared about her. What kind of crime is that?!


At least she is happy in the end...

Arietta was also a cute little person. :( Why are all the cute people dying?! The innocent ones at that. The end was nice, that she gets to be with HER Ion…but she was never really a bad guy and I am sad that she was portrayed as one.


Doomed from the start...

And Anise CRIES?! Why, because she knows she is an assface and deserved to die? Was this her way of atoning for her sin? If that is what she was trying to do…she fails! She was supposed to let Arietta kill her. What big, bad thing did Arietta do to Anise to harbor all this hatred? Arietta did not know the truth and was trying her best to avenge her friend. Anise was..being stupid and didn’t ask for help when she had the chance. So Anise…you get no tears…because you are stupid.


Everyone hates you, please die.

Oh…and next time…you know, perhaps you can have your little duel WHEN THE WORLD IS NOT IN DANGER. Hello, did you miss the huge purple Mohs monster threatening everyone? Yeah, he means business. So maybe you could put aside your small problems for now while you take out the thing TRYING TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE WORLD! They really need to get their priorities straight…


The world can wait. She needs REVENGE!

The only one on top of their game in this entire show is Asch. And he is busy being mad at Luke for things that are not in his control. Maybe if Asch told people what was going on and what he wanted them to do…things would go a lot smoother for his little face. But I love all the random facts he seems to have in his brain. They are a lot of fun.


I am angry that no one knows why I am angry!

SOOOOO none of the Generals are dead. Except Sync of course, someone who doesn’t deserve to die. All the good guys are going to stay dead and the Generals are running around planning to destroy the world. Why are our heroes not surprised. Did our heroes really think that a few snowflakes are going to kill those psychopaths? Nopers…and you fail at being heroes.


Have you seen my necklace?

How does Mohs get to become the Fon Master anyway? And why does Dist have the power to give to Mohs? I thought it was something Ion(s) had and it only belonged to him. But….I did appreciate the fact that they made it more game like, having some enemy turn into a bigger and badder monster in the end. But what does it have to do with Dist again?


Quick, three combo spell time!

So all the BAD GUYS get to come back from being dead, but not Ion. Awesome. That is so much fun. Fringe can just be a silly little brainless replica while Van runs around with something in him, the 7th fon or whatever. Oh and the muk is returning. Oh and don’t forget about the necklace. Random enough for you? WELCOME TO TALES OF THE ABYSS!