Friday, January 30, 2009

Tsubasa Reservior Chronicle Volume 20

After seeing Underworld tonight my group and I hoped over to the mall bookstore. I sarcastically said let's go to the Tsubasa section and cry when number 20 isn't there. To my amazement...THERE IT WAS!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!


A volume almost all about Fai!

No, but I was still happy. Yes I realize I could catch up completely if I just read this series online....but I enjoy my suffering apparently. That and nothing beats curling up with my favorite manga series.

None of these scans are mine. XD Credit is given to original scanners. And there were a number of just a random shoutout to everyone whoever does scanlation.

First off...there is still hope for Sakura. Which makes my little heart glad. I may love the resident yaoi part of this series more..but Sakura is still a sweetheart. In this world of anything is possible Sakura gets to still live. Even if her soul is in "dreams" and there is a massive hole in her tummy.


And there is always hope to change the future.

And...I will just have to say it again. If you can't see their relationship you are blind. And there will be more for me love. Kurogane watched Fai kill Sakura and yet he is able to hold his cool long enough to stop Fai from killing himself. Nothing as dramatic as Kurogane screaming when Fai lost his eye...but still very powerful for such a small scene.


Always looking out for Fai!

Fai is quite upset that he has been lying to his companions all this time. I really do not see it as lies. One because I love Fai and he can almost do no wrong in my eyes. And two...after all is explained he really does have a good reason for every single thing he has done. His lies never really hurt anyone and telling the truth probably would not have stopped what happened. I just want him to stop putting himself down all the time.


He isn't use to things being in his control. :( Please be free Fai.

How can Fai doubt his good heart when he is willing to give up his VISION to save Sakura's body? Moreso go back to the place he is running away from. He is willing to make amends for situations that aren't even his fault! Fai, you are a great person! your lies do not taint your pure soul!!!


Just how much more does he have to give?! :(

And what does Kurogane do? Pops him in the head. Because Kurogane cannot express his LOVE for Fai in a conventional way. He can't just HUG Fai or lightly touch his shoulder. No, Kurogane is a member of the tough love family. And it's okay because it works...and Fai understands the language Kurogane speaks.


A love slap really...


I hope what Kurogane wants to do involves less clothes...

Syaoran (original one that is) really does not have a lot to say in this episode. Basically he says that he knew all along Fai was hiding things and that he knew Fai had brought the first feather with him from his homeworld. It is hard to like this Syaoran because it is not OUR Syaoran. But it is hard knowing he is being treated differently when he really is the real one. :( Sorry original Syaoran.


The look on Fai's face is almost heartbreaking. :(

After all is said and done...everything is a lie. Or a well planned out plot by Yuuko. None of the men involved in the tournament have the ability to see the future. Nor did Sakura see a vision of herself being killed. Now that I think about it....I am lame for not seeing that before. Sakura only goes great lengths for other people NOT HERSELF!!! The only problem I have with this scenerio would Syaoran gain enough power to activate Fai's curse? Or was Fai going to kill Syaoran because he got inbetween him and Sakura? In any event....tis very scary that Yuuko has this entire thing planned out.


:( poor Fai.

Mokona also does not play a big role in this volume. It (she?) is just a sad little puff ball who misses his second favorite person (because Fai IS his favorite). It must be sad always watching this horrible events happening and never being able to help. Also being a pet of Yuuko's...I pity the poor creature.


Almost too cute for words!


On to Seresu!

After arriving in Seresu and surveying the dead landscape and dead people our small group finally meets up with Ashura. Kurogane is looking on all jealous as I look for signs of past abuse.


Eye balling the competition.

...The sadness story of this entire series and it has to involve the two CUTEST characters I have ever seen in my life. Due to my inability to find fanfictions without spoilers, yes I knew Fai had a twin and that Fai is actually Yui. I knew about the real Fai being thrown from the tower and how it was supposedly Fai's fault. I just did not know it was so sad. :(


Cutest doomed kids ever!

And truly it is much sadder than I really thought it was. Sometimes women die in childbirth. That doesn't mean the child or children born at the time are demons or bringers of diaster. Old dude was just going to get rid of some major competition. Later down the line it was shown he was crazy anyway. And this was probably set up by Wong.


Pawns in a very cruel game.

The twins loved each other so much they could not bear to be apart. They rather suffer together than watch the other one die. But after spending so much time in that horrible place the twins changed a little bit. Fai (our Fai) was around all the decaying bodies and constantly questioning why them being alive hurt so many people. Fai (the real one) just wanted Fai to be happy after awhile. Our Fai wanted them to get out together and Fai realized that wasn't going to happen.


....There are no words....the cuteness...

I hate Wong. I am sure he has an EXCELLENT reason for killing hundreds upon hundreds of people...but what he did to these twins is too cruel for words. :( Innocent little creatures who were doomed from the start. He should have just done the dirty work himself instead of sitting back watching all this take place in a perfect display of horror.


I want to kill him so bad... poor Fai. If I saw my beloved twin smushed upon the ground I would probably not be in a healthy frame of mind either. Given he was cast aside in a waste land, left for dead, watched other people rot, and his twin just did a flying splat onto the ground...I can see why he said YES to the magical voice talking to him promising to make it all better.

If Fai hasn't suffered enough...he has lived all this time thinking HE made the decision to "kill" his brother. With all the other burdens he carries...he thought he choose to save himself and not his brother. And even after being told the truth...Ashura still tells Fai he is guilty! WHEN WILL THE SUFFERING STOP?!

So the volume ends with Kurogane PISSED that his Fai had to suffer this kind of life, Fai holding his "dead" twin beyond distraught, Ashura being an asshole, and Syaoran not looking so good. I am guessing this is not going to end well...and we don't even know where Sakura's body is!


Pissed off Kurogane is scary Kurogane.

This is I am not holding my breath for the twin to live. Chances are they will get the feather and he will die. Kurogane is going to have to defeat Ashura due to that stronger than me=has to die rule. And Fai will probably cry that all this effort is being made on his behalf. But I will accept ALL THAT...if Fai can live. :( With Kurogane. Picking on each other for the end of times. Unfortunately...I have to wait until April to find this all out. JUST RELEASE THEM FASTER BEFORE I LOSE MY MIND!! Thanks now.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Weekly Anime Jan. 19th-25th

Greetings readers! This week was a pretty busy week in terms of anime. Every episode came out really early this week it seems. XD Not that I should be complaining or anything. Lots of anime=happy Tenchi.



Next week I have to work on Sunday. Usually on Sundays I spend a lot of the day getting this huge long entry ready with all the pictures and such. I will still try to post next Sunday but it might have to be Monday. But wish me luck with the Super Bowl crowd and that I make good tips. :) Trying to save up to buy my husband a big ticket birthday gift. :)

This post will include the follow episode reviews:

Kuroshitsuji Episode 12
Kuroshitsuji Episode 13
Skip Beat Episode 15
Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 2
Tales of the Abyss Episode 16
Maria†Holic Episode 3
Clannad After Story Episode 15
To Aru Majutsu no Index Episode 16
Shugo Chara Doki Episode 67

Thanks in advance for reading and enjoy. :)

Kuroshitsuji Episode 12

Kuroshitsuji Episode 12


Ceil is always o so pleasant!

The episode starts off with Elizabeth thinking back to happier times with Ceil. That all changed when his house got burnt down and his parents died FOR SOME REASON. Regardless of her simpleton behavior she really only wishes the best for Ceil. That might be hard to do since she is sorta...a doll now. Ceil is in fact mad at Sebastian for making light of his tragedies and what not. Sebastian ticks off Ceil more by talking about how Ceil runs away from his emotions and problems. Really nice stuff. The puppet man comes in with a bunch of puppet girls. Sebastian realizes that the singing is what controls them so he sings himself and takes them all out (dedicating the song to Ceil, his fair lady). The puppet man says that Ceil has been given a ring and that he must be given to his master. Sebastian isn't having any of this and flies off with Ceil. Ceil is really pissed and slaps Sebastian for disobeying his orders. Sebastian says even though he was ordered to save Elizabeth his contract to protect Ceil is more important. Ceil puts on the ring and says HA now you have to protect me from the crazy man. It turns out none of this conversation was even necessary as Sebastian has already searched the house and Elizabeth was not there. All that is left to search is the tower. Grill and Pluto are standing in front of the tower and both rush to greet Sebastian. After Grell is done being stupid and pervert Sebastian says that there is power around the place and only a demon dog can break the barrier (MOG?!) He transforms and runs right in with the rest following.


Such secretive secrets XD

They explore the tower and happen upon Elizabeth in a work room and Ceil is frighten to see her in such a state. Elizabeth sorta wakes up and just wants to see Ceil smile and does the normal I was just out of it thing and I just woke up. Then the puppet man comes in and takes control of Elizabeth. She is armed with an axe and tries to kill him. Sebastian protects Ceil as Grell cuts her wires. But this was just a distraction as now they are all tied up with the strings. Sebastian asks the puppet man what he is made of and he just looks confused. Sebastian gets free and beats the puppet man revealing he is made of straw. Grell confirms that the puppet man died 5 years ago but there is a new soul in the body. Puppet man gets up and walks to where his master is. There Pluto is licking the master person (realllllllllllllly). The master of the house says that he was merely helping those girls maintain their beauty by remaining dolls and all that crazy villain jazz. Ceil gets mad and throws the ring at the chair he is sitting in. Crazy voice starts singing and Ceil goes to confront him...only to see that it is another doll in the lap of another doll. The smaller doll gets up and runs off. Ceil commands Sebastian to run after the doll but Sebastian says the person in charge is no where around. After all that drama Sebastian asks if Ceil wants revenge for his Aunt now. Grell runs away saying he will pick up his kiss next time. The Scotland Yard person comments that he wishes that Ceil could have a happy birthday and his superior says that that kid will never get it. Back at home everyone is celebrating Ceil's birthday and Ceil (despite looking bored) puts up with all the craziness. In the carriage ride home Elizabeth falls asleep hoping she made Ceil happy. Ceil is trying to focus on the case but he is tired and will try to put the pieces together again when he has more information. The little puppet that ran away has run up to a person....who squishes it and throws it in the river. And of course it turns out to be Angela. The ends.


NO WAY?! He is a doll too?! XD

If anyone needed the last scene to tell them that Angela was involved….then you are a very special individual. I mean, episode 11 you could not tell but this one had major clues. A demon dog can only open the tower….MMMMM. Said demon dog is happy with what is going on….MMMMM. I guess the real shocker is WHY Angela is involved. I mean, last time we saw her she was in dog town so…not sure how she is connected to something far away. Bad guy need to stick to what they do best!


I prefer my bad guys to wait a little while before reappearing.

I really thought Elizabeth was going to die. I am not sure why she looked so pale one second and was fine the next. Sick me thought she was being pumped with embalming fluid or something. And then I thought she was dying in the carriage ride home. :( But I guess Ceil needs a pretend love interest to get the attention of the screaming yaoi in the room. MMMM yaoi.


What's not to love about a girl with a huge weapon?!

I don’t know why Sebastian can’t come out and tell Ceil what is going on. Ceil orders him to do something..then Sebastian leads him on until the truth eventually comes out. I guess….there really wouldn’t be much of a show if things got solved so fast….but I do not want Ceil to be so angry all the time.


He would get slapped less...

So are all the girls really dead? Like those were their bodies and he stuffed them full of straw or clay or whatever? MMM more gross images in my head with him slicing their skin off and putting it on a fake doll. But I guess it is safe to assume those girls are dead whether or not those are their real bodies or not.


Woot for singing!

It is really hard to like Grell. I mean…he murdered Ceil’s mother. I want to laugh at his stupid antics and all…but all I see if a nasty villain that took another person away from Ceil. :( Ceil should be more bent on revenge. I mean yes work with the villain so you can live…then send your demon butler after him to gut him like a fish. VENGENCE plox!


Sebastian attracts all the special people.

I thought the party was a little silly…but I want Ceil be genuinely happy. He just seems like he is putting up with everything with that little smirk. I just want to see a real hidden smile. I want to see him enjoying life and not the suffering of others. But…given his past this will probably not happen.


Happy birthday indeed...

Looking at the previews for next week (or …next hour since episode 13 is already up) it doesn’t look like they are going to focus on this case. BLEH! FOCUS PEOPLE! Stick to one thing at a time….unless this second case ties into the first. Oh and it will be okay if there are chibi Ceil’s saying it is his birthday again! SO CUTE!



Kuroshitsuji Episode 13


Can I has a Chibi?

A royal like person and his attendant arrive in England and the royal person is in enthralled with SNOW. Snow=awesome. Cut to a bunch of nearly naked men hanging upside down with notes bashing England on them. The men are not dead though so it is not a terrible scene. Scotland Yard has showed up and is investigating. The main dude is bashing Ceil while the nice one defends him. Ceil surveys the scene and decides he is going to look on the more “ghetto” side of town where all the immigrate Indians live. A man runs into Ceil and screams that he is injured. A huge crowd of Indians surround ceil and demands they pay the injury man money. Suddenly the royal man and his man appear, asking the crowd if they have seen a woman. Upon seeing their people being…mistreated apparently so he tells his man to attack Sebastian. Sebastian has to protect Ceil and defend against the man. The man is getting upset as his attacks would have disabled a normal person. Ceil gets upset saying that they didn’t even DO anything and the royal gets upset that he made a mistake. He then tells his man to attack the Indians…and he leaves them all in a huge pile. Ceil and Sebastian return to their London home and the stupid trio greet them warmly. They were expecting to hear from Lau….but he just randomly comes over….with the royal and man from earlier. Despite Ceil’s objections the royal and the man make their selves at home since they saved Ceil and they deserve to be compensated for their time. The royal is Prince Soma and the man is his servant Agni. Ceil is awaken up the next morning with Soma carrying him around and saying they must spend the day together. Sebastian quickly says no, Ceil has things to do today. Sebastian turns into teacher Sebastian and makes him play really hard music on his violin while he may or may not have teased him. Their lesson is interrupted by Agni and Soma praying to a goddess statue. After given an explanation on who the statue is…Ceil and Sebastian are scared to go to India.


Time to cancel our trip to India.

Next on today’s lesson is fencing. Ceil decides to be snarky and wants to play with Soma. Soma does not know the rules and throws a hissy fit when he starts to lose. Agni goes into protection mode and accidental hurts Ceil. Sebastian agrees to take over the match and it ends in a tie. Ceil is pretty shocked that Sebastian could not win against this man and thinks it might be Grell. Sebastian says that this man is just human….but something is up. Later Sebastian goes to make dinner and sorta allows Agni to help. Much to Sebastian’s surprise Agni is able to make the stupid trio actually HELPFUL! Agni then explains how he used to use his power for evil and was going to be hung for his crimes. Soma found him and gave him back his life. At dinner Soma reveals to Ceil that he is looking for his maid that was taken by an English man. His maid has basically raised her and he can’t live life without her. Ceil scoffs at the fact he thinks that a maid is that important and basically tells Soma he is an unfeeling asshole who cares about no one. He says that while thinking of his family and it is a sad moment. Apparently Ceil feels bad about what he said earlier and offers to play cards with Soma. Soma is like…Ceil, I am a busy man I have no time to play with you. Ceil ends up playing cards with Lau and discussing whether or not these people are legit or the criminals they are after. Agni sneaks out of the house with Sebastian looking on. DA END.


Ceil lives in fear of Grell.

Well….I was slightly disappointed this has NOTHING to do with Angela, the dolls, or anything that happened in the last 3 episodes. But I am probably going to overlook like that since the episode was pretty amusing.

I was SLIGHTLY disappointed that we did not learn why fattie men are hanging upside down in London. I am just disappointed because it was pretty dang funny. I mean I guess it is supposed to be a serious crime and I should feel sad for these men. But had I been there…I would have been wtfing and laughed my face off. Because I am a mean and evil woman.


Random men might not be so random.

Soma is pretty dang funny. I just hope he doesn’t die or become the bad guy. We already have Grell. Soma is the pretty stereotypical I am from another country and I am going to act against the grain. The rules do not apply to out of the country princes. But his arrogance is cute. He just wants to play with Ceil! He wants attention and he will have it! Besides who wouldn’t want to play with Ceil?


Ceil is so happy to see him too!

No matter how funny Soma is…he really is here for a serious reason. He wants to find his nurse maid that has practically raised him. He might be in love with her or she might just be the help. The point is he values her as another human being even though he is a Prince. That made me see him with more respect. I am sure Ceil was just shocked someone could care about mere servants when he has a hard time loving anyone…so that is why he was so rude to him.


And he is quick to change sides. XD

Poor Sebastian. He has been upstaged by another butler like person. Grell was just a joke so Sebastian’s pride was not hurt then. But Agni is in another state of awesome. He can almost beat Sebastian in a duel…both duels they had in this episode. He was able to convert the stupid trio into useful members of the household…which is beyond amazing to me. They could have just stopped the show right then and I would think Agni was super human. Soma is in good hands with that mysterious man around.


Am I no longer awesome?

So..last week or 1 hour ago I said that Ceil needed to be a kinder person and have more fun. Well….he tried to do that today and he got hosed. Of course this was after he was pretty harsh to Soma…but still he was trying to be kind and make amends. That is a big step for Ceil and he gets left out in the cold. :( Maybe that is why Ceil doesn’t even bother with trying to be nice; he always gets burned in the end.


Always getting screwed over.

When those Indian immigrants tried to shake down Sebastian and Ceil for money…I laughed. Not because it was funny…but just how it happened. Oh you broke my ribs give me money? I thought lame scam artists only lived in America and that they needed a car to involved with this scam. It was just amusing to see it happen on the streets involving a little kid. I wasn’t really caring about the political significance of Indians and the English. XD Just that people have always thought of ways to get money and stick it to the man!


Ceil is NOT amused!

I am trying to think of the funniest moment of this show. It is a toss-up between Soma carrying his little Chibi out of bed and Sebastian being the NAUGHTY school teacher. Or maybe I am the only one who sees the naughty school teacher part. Regardless, Ceil was uncomfortable in both situations and I am sure he can’t wait to get a little taller so he can better take on these people.


And I shall name him Chibi XD.


I'm just looks dirty!

So while this episode did not talk about the dolls or any of Ceil’s past family issues…it was still pretty interesting XD. But mainly because I like to see Ceil suffer and he is always surrounded by utter morons.

Skip Beat Episode 15



The day stars off with everyone being sick and wearing those cute little masks. They are all sickies and Ren's manager has decided to make Kyoko be his manager until he feels better. Ren is not pleased and basically tells Kyoko to hit the road. Kyoko is worried since this is her job and um...she doesn't want to be fired. Kyoko tries to stand her ground and convince him she can do it. Cue Ren and his creepy smile. He tells Kyoko to basically BRING IT ON and Kyoko immediately regrets her decision. Meanwhile the President of LME is sad because he has important news for Kyoko and she is nowhere to be found. He spins around in a chair and has a sniffle attack until he is told she can be reached by cell phone. Kyoko has gotten a hold of a manager book and realizes she is not doing a good job. She vows to step up her game but is never able to. Ren carries his own bag, protects her from crowds, and ends up apologizing for her. Kyoko is off in the corner feeling bad for herself when two girls are gossiping that Kyoko is so lucky to be so close to Ren. Kyoko is too busy being stressed out to have fun. Kyoko tries apologizing to Ren but he says there is no need to apologize twice. Kyoko's stomach starts growling and Ren insists they stop for food. Back at LME the manager like people are talking and the real reason that Kyoko was chosen to be his manager was to make sure he ate properly. Ren won't let anyone else suffer so surly he will eat with that person. They end up going to a family style restaurant where Kyoko gets a hamburger steak thing? Ren has a little flashback of baby Kyoko collecting rocks that look like hamburgers because she is special. They almost enjoy their time at the restaurant but people are gossiping that Ren is there and Kyoko should enjoy her time being young and wear a high school uniform why she can. Kyoko is pissed because Sho is the reason she did not attend high school. She goes to beat them up but Ren ends up leaving (another fail moment).


Super Sayian level 2!

They get back to the car and Ren questions Kyoko about why she did not attend high school. He asks if Sho is the reason and she explains he used her as a stepping stone for his own fame. She is going to get back at him by coming famous. Ren....goes insane and says as a fellow actor he HATES HER DIEINAFIRE! Kyoko is very scared now. Before Kyoko can explain herself the President calls. Actually he has been calling all day, but whatever. He has gotten in contact with a friend and has made it possible that Kyoko can attend some sort of high school and still work at LME. Kyoko is overjoyed and says yes. She is studying hard for her entrance exam and is scaring Ren and the make-up artist. She is having slight flashbacks of her mother yelling and disapproving of anything yes than an A. Later on set Kyoko notices that Ren is acting a little off and she calls him out on being sick. Ren insists that nothing is wrong with him and promises he will say she is right if he has more sick symptoms the next day. Well the next day Ren is all sick and feeling bad for himself. But he does apologize to Kyoko for insisting she was wrong and she is surprised he is being an adult about it. Yet he does not take any measures to make sure he feels better. Instead he takes on a job that has a rain scene. Kyoko wants to murder the girl who keeps messing up the scene. Ren just tells her to do her best and they keep going on. Kyoko starts feeling bad because Ren only seems to be harsh with her. She finally (?) gets that he is mad over her reason for joining the show biz industry and does not know what she can do to improve their relationship. Ren's health finally catches up to him as he collapses on top of Kyoko. She freaks out and has no idea what to do!


Ren only picks on her....:(


Spying: You're doing it wrong.

X_X Really? Kyoko being the manager? Are the people at LME high? Then a picture of the President riding a camel comes by…and yes they must be high.


Cue the music!

Why of all people does REN have to test Kyoko? Or she to be tested on? Or whatever I mean to say? Not that any other star in this crazy series would be any more understanding or nice to Kyoko…but REN? He does something nice and everyone’s suspicions are on high alert, especially Kyoko’s. Good for her not being blind to his evilness.


This will come back to bite her in the butt.

And for the record I think Kyoko did a good job at trying to be a manager. I think it is unfair to throw a 15 year old (16?) into an adult position and telling her to go at it. So while she made several mistakes, she TRIED. She always tries hard at everything she does. And I think she did the right thing about not announcing she was hungry. She has gotten screwed before with mundane things so she tried to keep it in. :( But Ren is too sneaky.


Just say no to Ren.

I thought the SLIGHT cute happy moment…was cute. Kyoko loving her hamburger steak (why must she love the simple things in life and not strive for the things she serves?) and Ren is having happy memories of their past together in hamburger kingdom. For a moment Ren is not an asshat and I thank him for that moment. But of course it is ruined by stupid girls all jealous of Kyoko and my happiness is ruined.


Kyoko is too cute enjoying the simple things in life!


Worshiping the hamburger god!

Ren wasn’t an asshat the ENTIRE episode. He did admit that he was wrong about being sick. His mini freak out was pretty fun to watch and I love his super deformedness when he is sad. So cute I want to squish his face. But don’t tell him I said that. Kyoko would make a great mother/wife. But don’t tell her I said that either.


Okay....way too cute.

I am sure most fans were in love with the last scene. I mean….I guess it could be romantic…if Ren wasn’t passed out from being sick. Or that it probably hurt when Ren fell on her. But we should not think like that. It is all romantic that they are touching them and Kyoko will nurse Ren back together. XD Plus seeing sick Ren get put in his place will be cute.



Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 2



I would like to start off by saying that I am not really sure how to spell all the names. Some subbers spell things differently and one site had TWO different spellings of one person’s name. So….I will just try my best and hopefully you know who I am talking about :P


Names are overrated anyway :)

The episode starts with a flash back from like 2 years ago. Nina appears to be in a different platoon with a long hair man as her leader. They are participating in a capture the flag game with another moving city. Nina kinda does her own thing and she nearly gets the flag. The long hair man saves her from being blown up and their city loses. Nina is pissed off at long hair man because her life is worth it if they can win for the city but he says that she can’t go around wasting her life like that. Cut to the present day and Nina is pissed that Layfon is late to their meeting. The rest of the squad members don’t seem to care if he is late or not but eventually he shows up. He tries to tell Nina that he can’t be in a platoon because he has an after school job but she doesn’t care. Harley gets him a weapon and practice begins. Layfon does a good job defending against Nina but she uses kei and blasts him unconscious. Nina feels bad about injury him and he is going to be recovering until tomorrow. She also tells Harley she thought Layfon was stronger than that….but admits that it takes time to get strong. Layfon is just laying in the bed minding his own business when Felli (or Feri) is leaning down on him almost kissing him. He freaks out when he wakes up and crashes to the floor. Felli then explains that internal kei was used to help speed his recovery. As they leave the hospital together Felli let’s Layfon know she knows he is strong and was holding back in training with Nina. She tells Layfon her brother Karyan (or Karian) set Layfon up so he could force him into that platoon. Felli says that her abilities are beyond strong and her brother also forced her into the military arts to help out the city of Zenri. She says that she knows Layfon does not like being used and will help her out in….not helping out.


Do it or else!

Layfon arrives at his new job and is surprised to see Nina there. She demands to know why he is not in the hospital resting still. After yelling at him she explains she has to work since she basically ran away from home so she could join this city and their military art’s school. Layfon lies and says he is an orphan and is only here because this school paid for his education. They bond over a bento that Meishen made exclusively for Layfon (Meishen is busy being all MOG I HOPE HE LIKED MY FOOD in her room). After they eat Nina says they should finish work early since they have an inter platoon match tomorrow. Layfon freaks out saying they will be way too tired tomorrow…and he is. Nina confronts that long hair man from her past and he basically tells her she is not his equal and pushes her aside. Nina explains to Layfon that this match will determine their position in the inter-colony/city. Their job is to get the flag from the other team. Well…Nina is pretty much screwed as Layfon isn’t using his kei right on purpose, Felli is being slow on purpose, and Sharnid is just sucking…because he is. The people monitoring the battle suggest they end before someone really gets hurt and the whole squad is useless. Karian tells them to keep going, that Layfon has something special to offer their group. Nina does her best but she is outnumbered. Felli “tells” Layfon how serious Nina is about this battle so he really steps up and uses his most powerful Kei. He basically defeats everyone, defends Nina, and gets the flag. Their team wins and Layfon tries to be happy….but both Nina and Felli are mad at him for hiding his power/not continuing to hide his power. They both leave ignore him and leave him feeling like scum as they walk away.

Well..Layfon is quick to make enemies isn’t he? Everyone is fawning all over him in episode 1 and now people are slightly ticked at him. Poor little Layfon.


I wonder how long he will suffer...

So it looks like my theory on the colonies fighting for food/resources may be right. In any event the colonies have to win so they can get SOMETHING and it is major if you lose. Of course…they could be pooling together and fighting the bugs….but it might be too early to judge them. In any event, it is always amusing to see kids fighting in an adult world. Let kids be kids. That and I do not want my fate to depend on some 15 year old kid who thinks they know better. That actually kind of scares me. X_X


Shouldn't you be drawing with gel pens and not fighting a war?

I am a little bit skeptical about the whole there is already a match. I thought this was a new school year. Shouldn’t people have time to train and get to know a new team dynamic? Not let’s throw these new kids out there against a more developed team. Really, Nina’s team seemed screwed from the start. Practice is our friend.


Fan girls disagree of course.

Now…I feel bad for Nina on a number of issues. But mainly because she has a team of people who really do not want to be there. I don’t even know why Sharnid was sucking so bad. Maybe he is just lazy or he was trying to force Layfon to his full potential. Nina would probably be better off with another team…but she is stubborn and wants to be a leader. So she shall suffer.


Whip them into shape!

I think this whole team set up was just to show everyone Layfon’s powers. That or the student council presents wants them all to die. Because……everyone else saw how things were NOT equal. Or I could just be crazy and am only going by size. But yeah…they were all bigger and probably older men. The teams should be a little even with newbies and power wise. Put the strong against the strong. It proves nothing if team 16 crushes team 17. It also does not show platoon 17’s strength if one person does all the work.


Of course....they were right..

Bleh. I can see why Felli is mad at Layfon…but it still sucks that she is. He has been there for a grand total of 2 days and she was forcing him to pick sides without him knowing all the details. He owes her no loyalty so she needs to not be so upset. Sharing a common enemy does not make you comrades.


No more kisses for him.

I think Nina has more of a right to be mad at Layfon, but not by much. She forced him to join….(well he was set up I guess) so what was she expecting from someone forced to be there against their will? He has no real training and she only saw him in action against a piece of cement. He was not fighting a real person at the time so she over estimated his power. Tis not smart placing all your faith in the hands of someone you just met.

The non-fighting scenes were nice (well not the overdone fan girl obsessed face). I guess I mean Nina and Layfon eating lunch/dinner together. They were cute and playful. Nina will torture Layfon, he will torture her and all will be fun. The Felli trying to molest a sleeping Layfon was okay too…but Nina has more interaction with Layfon. Gotta pick up your game Felli.


Romantic little lunches.

The fight scenes weren’t as boring as I thought they were going to be. I just thought the show was going to be about battling the buggies. But it’s fine to focus on more light hearted issues like your school mates busting open your skull. I hope this series is more than 12 episodes long (as it is listed right now) because that is a LOT of characters for 12 little episodes. But I guess we will just have to wait and see. :)

Tales of the Abyss Episode 16


That is what the show does to me weekly.

My brain….has exploded all over the brand new lap top. And I am not sure if warranties cover brain matter. So thanks a lot Tales of Abyss.

So….basically all over the old team (the rival old people) have come together and made the machine that will stop the shaking of the core. They are going to transport that huge machine to the middle of the world, set the machine off, and fly off with Noelle before they are squished. Sounds like an awesome plan….but that gun girl Legretta is outside with solider people. They are not too happy about our heroes’ plans and are prepared to kill said heroes. Noelle’s grandparent use friggin flame blasters to hold them back and allow the gang to escape. Legretta shoots gramps and wife. Sad face. The other old people have laid a smoke sleepy bomb on the city to stop the other soldiers from stealing the equipment. Then the gang is WHOOSHED by Van and his awesome powers of awesomeness. Tear and everyone is like MOG Van is a bad guy still. And then the show loses me for the 57th time. A very brief explanation of what happen is…Van wants to destroy the entire world by letting it sink into the ooze. He will then replicate the entire world using the 7th fonsomething and the only way to do this is to LET the core shake and let the special Lorelei fon thing escape into the world. Jade figures this all out because he is special and says Van’s plan only works is the existence of Lorelei can be proven. Oh and everyone is against the whole everyone is going to die thing. Legretta catches up and the group tries to escape again. These old people put themselves in the line of fire and Van squishes them too (because he could not squish them and chase after our heroes). But Van and Legretta aren’t upset because Sync has made it to the boat and that is what they were really after.


But you tried old people... :(

Luke is off feeling bad for himself because he could not protect the old people. Tear tells him to man up…but she is really sad that her brother killed the old people. They take the big boat into the middle of the world which is not….made of anything solid apparently. They set the machine to stop the core from shaking when Sync comes from the shadows. Insert shortest battle in the history of battles. It ends with Luke slicing off Sync’s mask revealing that he and Ion look identical. Ion is like…this is just as I thought you are a replica too. TOO?! Yes, it turns out the real Master Ion was a very sick kid so Mohs and Van replicated a bunch of little clones and this Ion was the best one. Sync says that he is just trash….and throws himself off the ship. X_X Of course no one has time to CARE as Luke falls to his feet because he is all glowly again. Said glowly voice tells Tear that they need to use her energy to get their point across. Insert this show going over my head for the 4357th time. So the energy known as Lorelei has taken over her body to ask our heroes to save “it”. Something is sucking up all the Lorelei and the world will be doomed without her. Tear passes out and everyone zooms away in Noelle’s flying machine. Natalia can’t heal Tear so they take her to a doctor who starts talking about crap that makes no sense. She somehow absorbed the seventh fonons into her body when she kept going down to check the trees and what not. Her body is sucking in the muk and if they lower the ground into the muk….she will die. OH NO!!!!!

Seriously….this show hurts every piece of my brain. The brain that is plastered on the lap top of course, but pain is pain.

Sync has been the giant purple naked elephant in the room for how many episodes?! And this is how they end/start the explanation? I’m a clone, you are a clone, and I want to die? That storyline was a joke apparently. Unless they were counting the entire time we KNEW something was going on. But no….this was just a crappy way to end any storyline and the game must really suck if it was done that fast.



The fact that Jade did the little eye thing lets me know he knew about the Ion thing. Because he knows everything. The fact that Ion never tried to talk to his brother was pretty lame. The fact that Sync was sent down to fight all those people alone was pretty lame. The fact that he was just going to DIE so easily was lame. The fact no one tried to save him was ultra lame.


Jade knows everything!!!

But perhaps the lamest part of this scenario was….5 seconds later no one cares about Sync. Because it is all about Tear and Luke. This story can’t focus on ONE topic long enough to give it a proper conclusion before jumping to another one. Very poor writing skills in every sense of the word.


So much for suicide being a cry for attention.....

Really, I am pretty mad about Sync’s death. Or apparent death. It is never safe to assume anyone is dead in a video game but….there are so many characters they won’t have time to bring him back. They have to focus on the killing of all the other characters and Ion’s impending doom. I just thought that Ion and Sync should have had more time together. Throwing Sync away like that makes him seem like a useless character and all that time devoted to him and the IMPLIED replica moments…and he just throws himself off a boat to die. Why didn’t he think his life was useless before that moment? If I thought my life was useless and I was being used to destroy THE ENTIRE WOLRD…I would have thrown myself off a boat a long time ago. Whatever….it’s done and over with now. I am sure there will be a few lines in the next episode with Ion explaining more of his replica stuff…but then they will move on to Guy hating someone new and threatening everyone.


Shame on you for not trying hard enough!

So what else happened in this episode that pissed me off…(besides everything). Taking out all the old people in less than 5 minutes was pretty special. This show has no mercy. Although…..their deaths were pretty much in vain. It bothers me that people waste their lives like that. Like…throwing your tiny little bodies in front of someone who destroyed an entire island with their power…yeah that was real smart. That was also a very special scene. Van had to stop and kill those old people. Couldn’t the soldiers run after the group and Van take on the old people? Or vice versa? Just very lamers.


I think just kicking them would have been more than enough....

The explanation on what Van was planning really hurt my head. Could be that I really haven’t learned the terms yet and I thought Lorelei was actually a person and not an energy source. But….to do Van’s plan….won’t one person at least have to survive? To clone the entire world? Also, if you destroy the world, you won’t have anything left to clone right? Obviously I am thinking too logically about this scenario and you can replicate anything that has ever existed. If you use a lot of confusing language people tend to just nod their heads and not question your explanation.


Pictures of my brain that are pretty accurate.

Tear…being a descendant of Yulia?! I would have never guessed XD But I am not sure why energy is using her to communicate that they are in danger. I mean obviously Van is sucking up the Lorelei energy to further destroy the world. But why is the muk affecting Tear in such a way? Van is a descendant from Yulia too? Wait…am I trying to make sense of this plot line? Clearly Tear has to be in danger so Luke questions what they are doing and tries to save the world and Tear. So it doesn’t matter what the storyline is; the point it we have to save TEAR!


Quick! Focus on Tear instead!

I don’t understand why Luke keeps on downing himself in every situation. It wasn’t his fault that the old people died. The fact that he has to say I wasn’t strong enough….makes him sound pathetic or fishing for AW it isn’t your fault. Luke just needs some attention since Guy has been hogging it all. It’s just getting a little


Yes Luke, everything will always be your fault!

This episode was special. Which goes with every single episode in this series. Too much information, too many complicated terms, and not enough time focused on “important” events. :( They aren’t telling a story at this point. It just seems like they are trying to get THROUGH this and have a check list of what must be covered. Does not flow well with me. Now excuse me as I cry over the dead little Sync.


Master is a bad guy...please be learning this!

Maria†Holic Episode 3


Can't you feel the love?

Maria gives Kanako a bag to replace the bag Ryuuken’s loyal followers destroyed. Maria of course is doing this to make sure everyone thinks he is awesome and makes Kanako think something is inside the bag (which there is and it is creepy and ugly). After the scary opening theme song from hell Kanako is happy because she is going to attend a prayer class with Ms. Fumi. Kanako is special and thinks that a cross is actually a rosary. Maria explains to her what a rosary actually is and that accessories are not allowed at the school. Maria decides that he will loan his grandmother’s rosary. Kanako is all like um no I can’t, it looks too expensive. Maria MAKES her take it and threatens her/plays the cute girl card. Tis scary. Matsurika points out that Maria’s rosary and Kanako’s cross look alike but no one cares. Kanako gets to class and some kind of marine food has been placed in her desk (done at the hands of Ryuuken’s crazy fan girls). Yozuru and Sachi joined Kanako for lunch (the stuff left in her desk) while Kanako tries to figure out what it MEANS with food meanings/spellings/hidden clues. Ryuuken’s core group of fan girls are really upset that Kanako got Ryuuken’s attentions. They were going to mess with her bag again but the thing in there…..moves and eats things. Instead they grab Maria’s rosary.


Oh look...manga element.

Kanako returns to the classroom when all this underhandedness (I can’t believe that is spelled right) and the main girl throws Maria’s rosary out the window. Sachi told Kanako earlier how much the rosary cost so Kanako hauls butt to get the rosary back. Turns out the girl did not throw the rosary at all and insert evil laughing here. Kanako spends a lot of time looking for the rosary and is generally losing her mind. The entire episode the head dorm master lady and her dog are patrolling around campus and they keep finding some kind of food. The dog is busy burying all this crap in a hole. Then there is some talking that I didn’t get to understand because the subbing was that special but I ASSUME that Kanako was freaking out she lost he rosary some more. She tries to tell herself that Maria lied about the rosary and it really isn’t that important. Nanami has gotten word of this crazy stuff and has obtained the rosary and gives it back to Kanako. She is all happy and it is magical and wonderful. They return to the classroom and Kanako is still trying to figure out the connection with the food. The girls are not very sorry for how they treated Kanako and basically vow to do it again because she is not deserving of Ryuuken. Nanami tells the girls it will not be a problem since Kanako is now her girlfriend. Insert many shocked faces, especially Kanako. She is walking around all happy and skippy when Ryuuken turns up and demands to know why Kanako is soaking wet (it was pouring when she was looking for the rosary). Ryuuken says that she cannot bear for Kanako to suffer and vows to protect her no matter what. Maria was walking down the hallway when Ryuuken declares this and is none too happy. However…the dog has been taken over by the seaweed monster and all is in danger. Yeah, seriously.


Well....Kanako got her wish....

Watching 20 minutes of that show (because I can’t bear to watch the opening or ending theme song) felt like a waste of time and it hurt my head so much. I am not sure if all the blame lies on the actual show because the subbing hurt my face too. Either way no one should come home from a 9 hour shift of ANYWHERE and expect to have a great time watching this episode.

Not that I really blame the subbers. Or maybe I do and not that much. I get what I pay for with a free subbing or at least I should expect to get what I pay for. I forget subbers are doing this for free and for our enjoyment. That it is too easy to find fault with….you know, entire paragraphs not subbed and randomly letters and poor timing. It didn’t make viewing the episode easy and gave me a headache.

But…it might be truly hard to sub this anime no matter WHO did it. The characters were talking too fast and there were random words all over the background. Hard to fault a subber just trying to keep up with the show. Makes me wonder how a fluent Japanese person can keep up with this show. I felt like pausing the show to catch everything…but realized it wasn’t worth it and just kept on going.


Let me find a clue please.

On to the actual show. The show that took place in between all the paused scenes and random words. Because despite all the lame visuals and numerous attempts to be lazy….I think there is an actual show going on.


Yes, I suffered greatly.

Maria is a crazy little freak. I mean…truly something is wrong with his personality. He wasn’t even around that much in this episode…but his presences is known. Almost everything Kanako did in the episode was out of fear of what Maria might do to her. Maria’s reasons for acting nice are completely crazy and self serving. Kanako lives in fear of this monster…and yet she is attracted to him anyway.


If he was dressed like a would not look so scary.

I guess the crazy thing is that Maria acts like a crazy psychopath but I am sure his reasons for being so will be explained in the end. Not sure I will like the reason though. It better not be some revenge plot or test to hurt someone. Actually….I am sure any reason will be out of left field and seem crazy. I just want it to be for a good reason. At the end of the series I will judge whether or not the reason is good or not. Because I am all knowing and awesome.


What could the deep dark secret Maria is hiding...

Seriously…what was with all the marine products? Am I missing out on some massive inside joke? Or was everyone supposed to think that Kanako was special for thinking there was a reason it all made sense. So much of Kanako’s thoughts/actions focused on pinpointing the clues and it all just seems so useless.


Too tired to care about the details.

The art this week really stepped up the laziness. Again, I am not sure how much work goes into all those art styles; I am just saying it LOOKS beyond lazy. Most of the time the artists don’t even have to worry about facial movements matching the words they are saying. A lot of Kanako’s dialogue was in her head and she was Super Deformed with a silly mouth. It was just a slightly different picture for 20 seconds as she talked. So many stills and word scenes…we are hardly getting any real character screen time.


One of the more lazier elements.

I guess there really isn’t much to say about this episode….again. Maria gave Kanako his grandmother’s rosary and Ryuuken’s fan girls threw it out the window. The craziness was just…too crazy and at time hard to follow. They really need to focus on the content more and not making everything so flashy and different. Unless they’re goal is to have their entire audience die from a seizure.

Clannad After Story Episode 15


Hope...they don't have it.

For some reason Sanae wants Nagisa’s autograph because apparently having a baby makes her important and worthy of an autograph. Akio is still being special about this pregnancy. On the bus ride later Akio mentions how life is going to get harder now and Tomoya takes it to heart and realizes that financially supporting three people might be tough. Tomoya’s co-workers give him a hard time about not even being a man yet and he is going to have a baby. Yoshino decides he is going to open up a can of awesome speech and it is special. Tomoya has to focus on running the house and work as Nagisa is too sick to do either. After she hits the 10 week mark she starts feeling a little bit better and wants to discuss having a home birth with Tomoya. He doesn’t seem beyond thrilled with the idea but Nagisa seems set on having the bay in THEIR home. They tell the parents and Akio is still being special ed about this whole pregnancy. Sanae helps find a midwife who knows of Nagisa’s condition. Nagisa knows her mother and Tomoya are talking about her health. She says no matter what she wants to have the baby. There is a more uplifting moment as the baby can now hear so…they sing the dango song to him/her. Tomoya starts having very uneasy feelings and he is not reassured when he comes home one day to find Nagisa had collapsed. Her mother made it over in time but the midwife and Sanae are still worried. Nagisa tries to pretend everything is okay…but everyone knows it’s not.


It's never going to be okay. :(

Akio takes Tomoya on a walk to his special area. Well, it was a special area but they are now building a hospital in the area. Akio continues the story he started with Tomoya so long ago. How Nagisa used to be sick and they had to leave her home to work. One day Nagisa collapsed outside and the doctors gave her little hope. Distressed Akio takes Nagisa and runs to this area and begs for a miracle. He seems to get one as she opens her eyes and he considers this place special now. Nagisa and Tomoya go for a walk near the water when the baby starts to move. They decide it is time to think of a name and they decide on Ushio. Tomoya gets a little sad and says that they will not make it to the beach this year. He gets massively sad and makes Nagisa promise that they will go to the beach next year with Ushio. She takes a long pause and promises. They both sit there holding each other and the mood is very somber.


:( Too sad for words.

Well…this episode was pretty x_X in my mind. I am not sure if it is fair to say it was my least favorite episode or it’s a good episode that covers important events. In any event…I was still going @_@ at the end of it. And yes my eyes really can do @_@.


Tomoya tries to lighten the mood.....

When Tomoya had that realization on the bus that he had to support three people now…I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle him and bash some sense into him man mind. But I am sure Nagisa has to share some of the blame too. Most people are massive idiots when they have a baby. People usually are overwhelmed with the prospects of MOG A LIVING THING WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF FOREVER. But when two teenagers/fresh out of high school kids decide that since they have been married for 5 minutes decide to has/keep a baby…it makes me batty.


*sigh* Youth....

Okay, so maybe not 5 minutes. But with the time skips…it does not seem like much time. Let’s be generous and say 6 months because I am awesome like that. 6 months is not a very long time to be JUST together. Sure they have “been together” since last season but ALONE TIME. They have always been surrounded by friends and family. They haven’t gotten use to live together with just the two of them. Adding a third human being will only complicate things. Some good, but some bad. But typically people who have children right away have problems once the kids leave the nest: they do not know HOW to be alone together. And yes…I know this is an anime. :P I am special.

Photobucket they are slightly romantic...

But the point still stands. They are too young to have a child. Love cannot raise a child. Children need clothes, food, space, and other stuff I am sure. The place Tomoya and Nagisa are living is so small their living room looks like their bedroom. The bathroom is pitiful. The kitchen is laughable. Where is this baby going to sleep without keeping everyone up?! X_X It boggles the mind. Sure people can be happy with simple things in life. But you can minimize the amount of SUCK in your life. Just because you are married does not mean you need a baby right away Ms. Nagisa.


Stop making it hard to be mad at you!!!

Man I am really laying hard into this episode and I don’t want to. I want to be caught up in the MOG Nagisa is going to have a baby and it is going to be so cute (well…maybe not with the impending doom heading her way). But the point is most people are happy when they have babies. Sadly I tend to focus on silly things when people tell me such news. Being practical is just so silly. And well…I am sounding like my mother…so let’s not focus on the STUPID thing these two kids did by getting pregnant with no money…and focus on the now.



X_X Why would Nagisa want to give birth in her living room? Or any room that is not a hospital. I know some insane people like to do the home birth or some weird hot tub birth…but these people tend to be people who have had kids before and know the drill. That and they are not falling down sick every single year. It just seems Nagisa causes people to worry all the time and seems to think saying sorry makes it all better. She should really make an effort to…stop making people worried. Nagisa being pregnant is difficult enough without her trying to spice things up with not being at a hospital when (if) things go south.


I am glad Tomoya at least thought about it.

I love how both Akio and Yoshino both tell Tomoya he is not really an adult yet. Yoshino was a little nicer about the situation….but Tomoya is not sleeping with his daughter. Akio needs a reality check and soon. It must be hard to watch his daughter go from innocent kid to dating a “delinquent” to marrying said delinquent and bearing his baby in under two years…might be hard to handle. Of course this is no point in wondering if Akio is going to overstep his grandfather status….but you know.


He sparkles!

I really loved how Akio finished his story from like….18 months ago. It almost seemed random until he got to the story. And I had nearly forgotten about his story x_X. But now I see why it is important. I am not sure if Akio’s miracle is connected to the happiness orbs or if this was a different kind of miracle. But it is probably going to set the stage for things to come. And I also like how Akio runs around saying he hates Tomoya but he tells him something extremely personal like that. Akio fails at following through on his hatred.


It must kill him to like Tomoya.

It surprised me that Tomoya did not tell any of his co-workers about the baby. It is hoping too much for Tomoya to actually tell their friends (well, Nagisa could tell them too I guess)…but he sees his co-workers every day? Don’t proud parents tell at least their co-workers? I can understand waiting until a “safe” amount of time has passed…but I would still be hurt for not knowing. Then I remembered Tomoya has a penis and sometimes men are stupid.


Or he has other things on his mind...

Sometimes Nagisa and Tomoya do not act very close. I know they are not the snuggly/making out type couple. But sometimes the language they use with each other seems so formal and distant. Sometimes they still act like they are on the first date still. :( I just want them to be more married in my mind bleh.

I think my favorite scene of all was the beach scene. One could argue that was the sadness scene of all with the impending doom and such. Even Tomoya is starting to think that all is not going to end well. It was almost like when you are talking to a terminal cancer patient and you are making plans for the next year. Both of you know that next year will probably not come but not having hope at all would be even more devastating. Nagisa was acting sad too, but I am not sure if she was just tired or was trying to make Tomoya feel better. The sadness was beautiful in my mind. Does that make me a bad person for enjoying such a sad scene? Sure there was some hope in there…but Tomoya trying to convince himself and Nagisa that things were going to be okay was sweet and sad at the same time.


His eyes show his true emotions...


Her lie is not very believable.

I heard Kotomi talking in the previews for next week YAY! But…next week does not look good for Nagisa. I am not sure if the event will happen next week…but I think it is pretty safe to say the fun times are nearly over. :( It will be hard to watch the upcoming change in Tomoya but hopefully it will work out in the end. Happy ending plox!

To Aru Majutsu no Index Episode 16


Fanservice for the viewers!

Needless to say Touma is a little shocked that Motoharu (much easier to spell than his other name) is a member of the church of necessary evil. Motoharu says that he
is a mage and that he is a spy for the church. Kaori is like this is nice and all but let’s get back to the matter at hand. She thinks the person who cast Angel’s Fall is somewhere near Touma. Misha (the cosplaying freak from last week) agrees that Touma should be watched closely. Fun times ensue with Kaori looking like Stiyl and she has to entertain Touma’s family. Touma and Motoharu talk upstairs about how Motoharu really isn’t a mage now that he can use psychic powers and if he uses magic again he will die. Oh awesome. Motoharu also talks about Kaori being the strongest person born in her family/line/something and that her powers were out of this world. She is something like a priestess/almost angel status with awesome luck. The point being Motoharu wants Touma to stop saying the word unfortunate in front of Kaori. Kaori is stressed from her day with Touma’s family and orders him to guard the men’s bath so she can bath alone. Touma’s father comes by and wants to go in the bath. Touma is unable to stop him and they see Kaori naked and a fit ensues (of course Touma’s dad only sees a man). Motoharu teases Kaori about thinking about Touma or something. After Touma and his dad recover from their near beating they talk for a little bit about this and that. Touma is sad that he is looking at a man who is not his father. They see Misha off in the clearing and Touma’s dad pushes him to go talk to her. He offers her some gum and she takes it from him in a weird way. She eventually talks about the Angel’s Fall and the great suffering that would happen to the entire world. Touma is very shocked about all this information…but is more shocked when his dad and mom try to have sex. He quickly breaks that up by spending the night in the same room as them.


Gum is serious business.

Boy Index is worried about Touma and his lack of showing up to the room last night. Then he is splatted in the hallways as people exit rooms. Momma has forgotten to lock the doors at home so she is driving there and back. Misha volunteers to go with her and all seems well as Touma’s dad jokes Misha is trying to be a good daughter-in-law person. Then Touma realizes that Misha went out of her way not to touch Touma’s right hand…the right hand that could stop any magic spell…AKA the Angel’s Fall. Touma relays this information to Kaori and Motoharu. They are also shocked on how she had so much information on Angel’s Fall since it has NEVER been completed. Touma gets worried that she is up to no good with his mother and Touma and Motoharu rush to the house (after getting directions to the new house). They get there and look around. Suddenly Motoharu warns Touma not to touch anything. At the same time Touma looks at the family pictures…and Touma’s dad looks exactly the same as he does now. AKA…he must have done the spell. Misha and Touma’s mom arrive home. Motoharu is accosted by the momma so Touma takes after the fleeing Misha. He gets a ride from a Aisa look alike (WOOT) and he makes it back to the resort. He catches Kaori on what is going on but he says he is going to handle his dad. The episode ends with a face off on the beach.


Secret meeting to discuss awesome spell.

I am very thankful there was no need for eye bleach this week. Thank you writers for sparing my senses this week. :)



Touma took the news about his friend being a member of the church better than I thought. Of course…it might have been a bigger deal had he actually remembered his friend and wasn’t going on 3 weeks (or other short amount of time) of knowing him. If he had remembered him and this was a friend from years ago with a deep dark secret it probably would have upset him more. But Touma has already stated if someone is a freak he must know him. So..maybe his reaction would have been the same :P Who knows.


Just a small little thing like death...

Kaori being Stiyl under the spell…was hilarious and I should have seen that coming. :) Blogger is much amused by the writer’s antics. The fact that it bothered her so much and she was forced to bathe in the men’s stall was amusing. Of course it might have just been an excuse to see her huge boobies…but it was great. When all is said and done I hope that Stiyl teases her about this incident. I keep forgetting he really isn’t there….


Can't you see how amused she is?

Did I think it was going to be Touma’s dad? Why yes, yes I did. Of course it could turn out that it really is Misha after all but I assumed that his father was somehow going to be involved with this matter. Now I am trying to think back and remember if Touma’s dad touched his right hand or not. X_X Wait, if he is the one controlling the spell he can actually see Index and not his wife…*pokes eyes out with a stick*. He seemed too easy going to not be in on this insanity and Touma has to get his powers from somewhere right?


Surprise ending is not very surprising.

I do wonder why Motoharu told Touma not to touch anything in the house. If Touma’s dad is responsible for what is going on Touma should touch everything he can to find a way to break the spell. That is probably just a small little issue that isn’t going to mean much in the end…but it still bothers me.



Once again there is hardly any Index in this episode. X_X Doesn’t this show have her name in it? I just feel she is forgotten most of the time. :( The series is about Touma and how many bad things happen to him on a daily bases. And I am counting man Index..since that is really Index :P


Or maybe it was good we didn't see much of Index....

I am really glad they keep bringing up Touma’s memory loss. I thought it would get old after a while but I like seeing how it affects him every second of his life. :( Makes me feel sorry for him. I can laugh at other parts of his suffering but not this.


Touma excited to see his mother for the first time.

So this episode was pretty good. Got kinda lost with Motoharu’s explanation of himself and Kaori;s situation but that tends to happen. A lot of talk and a confused Tenchi. But as long as I get the gist of the information I am fine. This show always makes me sad at the end, knowing I have to wait another week for the next episode. :O As it should be!!!

Shugo Chara Doki Episode 67


Nana shall sing you a random song about food now.

Amu is off dreaming about Ikuto sleeping next to her and being all cute when she wakes up. The dream ends and Amu is sad because she knows she treated Ikuto like crap. Her Charas know something is up and are sad Amu is not herself. The Guardians pick up again on Amu acting down and confront her on what her problem is. Amu comes up with a lame story that a stray kitty showed up at her house…and then it left. Because that makes sense. Tadase decides just to smile and move on with the meeting. Elsewhere Ikuto is hiding out from EASTER’s men. Amu watches a TV program about aliens and UFO’s but doesn’t seem to care. Lulu was watching the same program too but only because her mother was on the program talking about how she believes in alien. Nana acts excited about the program but Lulu decides to leave and go out in the city. Nana teases Lulu about not knowing about her true dream but agrees to help gather a large number of people to find a lost kid. Nana’s master plan is to draw a crop circle in the field. Yaya informs the gang that there has been a UFO crop circle and they must investigate after school. But since it was made by tiny Nana….the crop circle is small. Tadase tries to impress Amu with his extensive knowledge of aliens….and Amu buys it. Lulu is disappointed that none of the kids gathered are lost and stomps away. Nana tries to get out of Lulu what HER true dream is, not her dream for her mother. But they are interrupted by the friend of the day chanting for aliens. Her name is Nayuta and her main goal in life is to see a UFO again. When Lulu does not call her a freak for believing in UFOs….Nayuta takes that as a sign that Lulu loves UFOs and it is time to bond with a fellow freak. Lulu muses on the way home how interesting Nayuta is but is clearly hurt when Nana suggests they use her as the next lost person. Somewhere in the city Ikuto sorta collapses on a roof top. Yoru begs him to go back to Amu’s house but Ikuto rather sleep on the roof.


Ikuto really cares about Yoru though...and it is really cute.

Amu wakes up the next day energized and determined that she will not be worried about Ikuto anymore. Tadase informs all the Guardians that the crop circle was fake MOG for real? Yeah and then there was conversation about how the Charas looking like aliens. Nayuta is sad that the crop circle is fake and is pouting in the fields. Lulu is sad that her mother is so tired from her TV show…which really means that Lulu should push her to be only in movies (because that really would be less work…). She is walking around and they happen upon Nayuta again. Despite buying a new UFO book and having extensive knowledge of cow killing and anal probing, she is having doubts about the existence of UFOs. Nana begs Lulu to use her and Lulu finally relents. Amu is walking around when her Charas feel the presence of a ?egg. They run and find Nayuta chanting with a bunch of people. Because if you chant UFO’s will come. Amu says that UFO’s can only appear if you believe in your heart and since these people do not believe…well it fails. Nayuta gets mad and transforms into UFO girl. She then flies around and creates crop circles and forces people to believe in UFO’s. Lulu is watching but she really isn’t into the whole Embryo thing this week. Amu does her little speech and eventually heals Nayuta and saves all the people from brainwashing. Nayuta wakes up…and thinks she has been abducted by aliens. Lulu doesn’t find the Embryo today…but she is okay with that. Da end.


Cows are in danger of being gutted...but it is done so in a cute way so it must be okay.

Major massive problems in this episode. Blogger is not pleased. -_____-


NO! No hellos for you!

One of the major issues I have with this episode is Ikuto’s plot. It really is getting diluted with just showing a few scenes each week. Is it really hard to dedicate a few episodes to a specific person or event? Instead we get an episode with some Lulu issues, Ikuto being all sad still, and the friend of the week. Cover the Ikuto issue or not. Showing him wandering around the city every single week acting pathetic is not a good plot. It is just lazy and does a disservice to the viewers.


This scene was pretty dang cute though.

The same can be said about Nagihiko. I mean, how many more weeks are we going to ignore the issue of him not having a Shugo Chara and that he can’t transform? Not to mention him not telling Amu who he really is. All he is now is another member of the Guardians. He has no real lines or purpose. Of course…once the Nagihiko issue is discussed he will probably have to go back to his studies abroad. So the writers are putting off the inevitable so we can enjoy Nagihiko a little longer? Nope. I am not enjoying the return of Nagihiko if this is how they are going to treat him.


Nope. No pictures of Nagihiko. Just Tadase talking about aliens.

The friend of the week…was the weakest friend of the weak to date. I mean, I really did like her transformation (had some Kirby flashbacks cause the UFO Kirby is the best Kirby EVER!!!) but other than that…just no. Are the writers running out of ideas and career options? Now we have someone whose dream is just to SEE something? I mean…there is nothing that person can do to actually reach their dreams: you either see a UFO or you don’t. No hard work can bring about this dream. And there really is no would be self at all right? It would just be you…after seeing a UFO.



And the attacks were pretty lame. There is never any real danger in this show and this week’s attack was laughable. At least…she attacked Amu I guess. But running around creating crop circles is not a real nightmare of a situation. Nor do I think forcing people to chant is going to help reach your dreams. Bleh. The entire concept was special and lame. These people need to man up: believing in something that most people do not believe is going to hard and they should expect some disbelievers.


Chant! The aliens will come if you chant for REAL!

The reason this entire lame friend of the day was to make Lulu not look like such a bitch. But she still is and they fail at life. Well…maybe bitch is a harsh word for a 12 year old. But….I just have a hard time believing that Lulu could care for someone so much after knowing them for 20 minutes? Or Amu for that matter. They needed Lulu to show her vulnerable side and her regretting her decision to join EASTER. The only good thing about this lame attempt is that Lulu might be gone soon WOOHOO.


Not buying it for half a second.

Amu…not a fan of her this episode either. I mean, she was really cruel to Ikuto last episode and now she has resolved not to worry about him. The first day she was a little remorseful of her actions but she quickly got over it. :( I wish she would come up with a better lie to tell her friends. It also is weird she can’t confide in ANYONE! I mean, not Tadase of course…but what about telling Rima or Nagihiko? Oh sorry, she would only tell Nadeshiko that kind of information. More bleh. I just wished she actually acted like these people were her friends and not people she is forced to hang out with.


MMMM people who want anal probing are 17 kinds of special.

The show is way too out there and I find that odd since they are aiming towards a younger audience. You would think you would keep their attention by focusing on one issue at a time. But no, let’s just have every single issue out there and we will slowly explain the situation with a few scenes throughout the month. Instead they think showing transformations and silly dreams will keep its viewers. It won’t.


Are you stil chanting!?

And next week…they really aren’t going to touch on the issues. Saaya? Seriously….Saaya…out of all the things they could do…like focus on Ikuto’s plot…or you know Nagihiko? But is Saaya and her apparently transforming like Amu? Bleh. My heart…just rejoices at this episode.